Thriller TraineeCh197 - Lets Play a Game

Tsuchimikado felt that it was very difficult for him, really too difficult.

Finally, there was a chance to find out some new information, but listening turned out to be a crit failure. UPO2Bd

Listening was a failure, also known as reverse deafness.

Originally, when he wasn’t trying to roll the dice, he could still hear one or two bits through the quiet air if he tried hard. The result was great now, his ears were buzzing and couldn’t hear anything.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Just by hearing that bit of conversation earlier, he knew the upcoming discussion must be very important.

Not only were they talking about the Magician’s movements, but it was also related to the information they needed. w5EFdr


The Yin-Yang Master was beating his chest in his heart, feeling helpless and furious.

[Try to use your lip-reading skill]

Seeing how miserable Tsuchimikado was, even the sub-system felt bad.


If this information slipped away, he didn’t know how long would have to wander around blindly again.

Lip-reading skill was the skill to read lips, which could be used in an emergency when you couldn’t hear.

“But I don’t have a lip-reading skill…”

Tsuchimikado burst into tears, “Sub-system, look at how many lip-reading skill points I have on my ID card.” ByubsO

[…] The sub-system was silent for a moment [Survival skills initially have 5 points]

Skills such as swimming, diving, lip reading, speaking skills, and animal taming were not required skills. Because of the black-hearted skill point allocation system of the main system, trainees were extremely careful about skill points in fear of wastage.

If there were no points added, of course there were only five skill points.

The Yin-Yang Master recited Amitabha silently in his mind and rolled the two ten-sided die. bFzZ8N

[Your throwing result is 1/5, congratulations, a crit success]

[Thus you feel that your vision suddenly becomes clear and sharp, and you can identify what the other person said just from the movement of their lips. Coupled with the crit success effect, even if the other person said some uncommon terms, it can be seen clearly by your divine help.]

Tsuchimikado: “…”

A crit failure and a crit success were really a test of one’s psychological endurance. CTFl7G

But now was not the time to complain.

The Yin-Yang Master carefully moved a bit on the ground and looked out through the gap in the bookshelf.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was dim outside.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf akb oluegfr tjvc’a gfjmtfv atf ibmjalbc bo atf iluta sfa, jcv Kremtlwlxjvb kjr rb jczlber atja tf geyyfv tlr tfjv. Qf6O V

Coafg kjlalcu obg j ibcu alwf, akb oluegfr kfjglcu yijmx mibjxr mjwf bea bo atf mbgglvbg.

Fcobgaecjafis, ybat bo atfw kbgf ajii qblcafv klhjgv tjar bc atflg tfjvr, jcv atflg ojmfr kfgf tlvvfc ecvfg atf klvf yglw bo atf tjar, wjxlcu la lwqbrrlyif ab rff atflg ojmfr mifjgis.

What was the use of lip-reading and a crit success if he couldn’t even see the faces clearly!

Just as the Yin-Yang Master was about to give up, he saw one of them taking off the pointed hat. vdkA6q

The person behind the bookshelf suddenly widened his eyes.

What was unexpected was that beneath the hat was not the same animal head as the rest of this S+ rank instance, but a bright human face.

The man’s appearance looked very gloomy under the dim light. Perhaps because he often hid his body under a black cloak, his face was incredibly pale.

Seeing him take off his hat, the other man did the same. jsSExc

As expected, they were not animals, but two actual people.

“The symbol show signs of being activated. I can be 100% sure of their identity as a survivor. After spending so many years confirming the locked coordinates, I finally found the target.”

They spoke very fast, and if it weren’t for the blessing of the crit success, Tsuchimikado wouldn’t be able to see what they were talking about.

The Yin-Yang Master barely recognized a sentence. Just such a sentence, the amount of information revealed behind it was huge. Oi8Qp

“The Duke’s side… it will send the white-haired survivor here in two days.”

“It doesn’t matter, there is a magic circle anyway… Without the Holy Church, how could those animals be able to firmly rule so quickly… It’s all the fault of those damn cultists.”

“The Festival in two days is the last chance. Twenty years…”

One of them took a step forward, seemingly unintentionally blocking the other. v6YSKZ

Tsuchimikado couldn’t see clearly what they were saying, but was extremely shocked inside.

“Infinite loop”, “survivor”, “twenty years ago”.

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These exclusive nouns clearly demonstrate the identities of these religious sect members.

They were indeed the survivors who entered this S+ rank instance world twenty years ago?! Ttq5lY

After confirming this, Yin-Yang Master felt furious.

He and the Magician both guessed that these survivors deliberately took tainted photos with special props and deliberately hid them in their diaries. It was most likely that they had jumped ship. But after he confirmed it with his own eyes, he still felt angry.

At this moment, the sub-system warmly reminded [Inspiration check, please]

Tsuchimikado was the inspiration sensing category and had special bonuses, the probability of passing this check was extremely high. 9ct58z

[Your throwing result is 36/50, and the inspiration is determined successful]

[So now, you have connected all the fragmented memories and clues in your mind, figured out some problems that you couldn’t figure out before, and received new logic and explanations]

According to the logic after a successful inspiration check, it was very likely that this world encountered some major changes twenty years ago. Thus these survivors suddenly lost contact with the main system and were trapped here.

Because the contact was cut off before they were wiped out, there was no need to complete the main task. Even these teams of survivors were still alive in the instance until now. vMzs6Z

What was even more surprising was that in this instance where animals were absolutely dominant, survivors actually had a place.

From the information just placed on the bookshelf, he learned that they even created a cult organization, and instead turned around to help this instance where the animals ruled humans.

Tsuchimikado felt queasy when he thought of the horrific scene he had seen in the underground farm.

Many survivors were like this, selfish to the core, and would always only focus on their own interests. If the main system hadn’t explicitly prohibited survivors from taking action against NPCs, he’s afraid many survivors would have pulled NPCs to block knives as their first move. ucgPOj

There was no main system supervision in this instance now. These wandering survivors certainly didn’t care about the lives of other humans.

In their eyes, instance NPCs would always be instance NPCs, just like gamers who mastered dungeon bosses with a sense of superiority.

Not only that, these survivors seemed to be plotting something big. The main point of this big event was the Festival two days later. The participants were Tsuchimikado and Zong Jiu, two unlucky guys who were forcibly summoned from the main system. It was not clear what the specific plot was, but it was 100% not a good thing.

Were these survivors just as crazy as this instance? oQpR4d

“Wait, something’s not right.”

Just when Tsuchimikado was thinking with inspiration, one of the sect members suddenly frowned.

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“Someone has been here.”

He looked at the Sussex Manuscript that had changed order on the bookshelf. His sinister eyes swept across a few imperceptible footprints on the ground, and he gave a straightforward order: “KP, give me an investigation. ” 4FNICO

Fuck!’ Tsuchimikado screamed in his heart, ‘Sub-system, you didn’t tell me they also have ten-sided die!!’

[This also exceeds my expectations]

The cold mechanical sound of the sub-system was also silent for a while [But it is true… Since this S+ rank instance supports the use of ten-sided die, then twenty years ago it would also allow survivors who entered the instance to use it]

[Logically speaking, this situation is impossible, because the energy of the sub-system is absolutely impossible to sustain for twenty years. They should have found other ways to replenish energy for the ten-sided die] rf3zTO

And why would anyone compete to be the host?

The sub-system was puzzled. How could a busy job like being the host, who had to deal with unruly people and make up stories, be so popular? What a guy, with such a good thing, it would’ve long abdicated and given way to others!

Just when the Yin-Yang Master and the sub-system were having a frantic conversation on the screen, the members of the sect over there also discovered the traces of this uninvited guest through a successful detection skill. They immediately sneered twice and headed straight towards him.

Now that the traces were discovered, Tsuchimikado would no longer hide. FYKuej

He squeezed the prop in his hand, suddenly overturned the bookshelf in front of him, and ran towards the corridor without looking back. He started the next round of life-threatening running.

“Catch him! Don’t let him get away!”

Meanwhile, Zong Jiu ignored the looks of the servants and butler outside and closed the door with a bang. 1dYd7l

The room was dark, and the only light source was the candlestick in his hand.

The curtains on both sides tightly covered the gradually darkening sky outside, preventing even a trace of light from leaking in. You wouldn’t even be able to see your own stretched out hand.

Zong Jiu remembered that not long ago, when they were sitting in the carriage, they saw the sunrise through the window and saw the lighted sky. But just how long had passed, the sky had gradually been occupied by the darkness again, and had returned to the appearance of night. The dark clouds were low, covering up the glint of lightning behind the approaching storm.

This sunrise time was a bit too short, ridiculously short. It was hard to say that there was no problem. VWCqn8

“The closer you get to the Festival, the shorter the daytime will be.”

In the darkness, the Duke, who was sitting on a high-backed chair, slowly spoke, “On the day of the Festival, it will be dark all day long, with no sunrise and no day.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zong Jiu didn’t answer, but leisurely walked to the bed and laid down on it.

The bed belonging to the one in power was naturally extremely expensive. Who knew what materials the bedding and pillows were made of, but it was like rolling into a soft cloud. It was so comfortable that the Magician narrowed his eyes and really looked like a lazy cat. 4u2B1E

“You took the initiative to come here. It seems that the problem just now has finally been solved?”

The wandering shadow slowly fell to the young man’s bedside, caressingly lifting up a lock of silver-white hair.

“No.” Zong Jiu waved his hand lazily, “I’m here to tell you a bedtime story.”

They made a tacit agreement not to bring up that particular instance of Judgment Day, as if it had never existed. CdhMyZ

However, Zong Jiu had taken the initiative to break this tacit understanding.

“I’m warning you, don’t try to find the same traces on me as that brat.”

“Then try another way.”

Since he wanted to deceive someone, he couldn’t make him angry first. zIcPNA

Zong Jiu turned over and looked into the dark golden pupils behind the shadow.

For the first time, the Magician was the first to invite him.

“How about we play a game?”

A/N: Tsuchimikado: Good guy, I am devoting my life to gathering information, but you are still talking about love? md iAgNz6

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