Thriller TraineeCh196 - Here to Tell You a Bedtime Story

Tsuchimikado woke up.

He suddenly woke up in confusion. His head was still feeling dull pain as if someone had hit his head with a hammer. Just standing there was filled with an indescribable dizziness, and his stomach was filled with nausea. HoIOMn

“This should be five hours later.”

The Yin-Yang Master searched his memories of the past five hours and found that they were all blank.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The side-effect of unstable madness was to lose the memories of the next five hours.

Where you were five hours ago, you may not be there five hours later. y6dJIL

Not only that, his legs were also sore, no less than when he was running for his life in the underground farm.

This was really strange. Could it be that he just experienced another life-threatening run?

Tsuchimikado rubbed his head and looked around.

He was now in a narrow corridor with a fluffy scarlet carpet on the ground. There were no lights on either side and only a bright candle was lit when he turned at the end. The surroundings were extremely silent, and the only sound that could be heard was his own breathing.


Where is this?

The Yin-Yang Master was confused and was about to take out the only prop he carried from the system just in case.

The B-rank prop brought by Tsuchimikado was a functional prop. It would activate the invisible state immediately after use and could be reused three times, with a time limit of thirty seconds each time.

He put on this after listening to Zhuge An’s words. Although not a master of luck, Tsuchimikado’s strength laid in accumulating a lot of wealth in the infinite loop. At least there were a lot of B-rank props in the system backpack. Ordinary trainees could only sigh with admiration. Ld1Fdo

In the end, he chose this invisibility prop.

It could be used to attack or defend, advance or retreat, and was an excellent choice against shady people or running away.

If he hadn’t broken his leg when he was running away and was afraid that the huge group of ox and horses running towards the corridor would give him a war trampling when he was invisible, Tsuchimikado would have taken it out and used it.

The second the Yin-Yang Master took out the prop, he suddenly discovered that there were only two remaining uses of the prop. 5AK 12

It was definitely used during the five hours when he lost his memory. There was no other possibility.

What happened in those five hours? Why didn’t he see the Magician after he woke up? Did he use the prop when the two of them accidentally bumped into an officer?

But even if he used the prop for this, why would he appear in such a completely unfamiliar place now?

There were more and more questions, and Tsuchimikado became more and more curious. MbVdgj

He hesitated for a moment, then tiptoed towards the corner ahead.

Halfway through, he suddenly thought of something: “Sub-system, let’s do stealth.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

[Your throwing result is 17/35, and the stealth check is successful]

[So you feel that your steps have become very light and your body has become lighter. Even in such a quiet situation, you will not make any sound when walking] cnd4Dx

As expected, his luck improved after he separated from the Magician.

Tsuchimikado scolded Zhuge An in his heart for his insidiousness and walked cautiously close to the wall.

Unexpectedly, there seemed to be no one in this corridor.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf ugbqfv obg j ofk wlceafr, jcv atf nlrlbc lc ogbca bo tlw revvfcis yfmjwf mifjgfg. CpWIaj

Ktlr kjr j nfgs rqjmlber ilygjgs.

Ktfgf kfgf wjcs rfjar lc atf mfcafg bo atf ilygjgs mbnfgfv lc rboa mertlbcr jcv ajqfraglfr, reggbecvfv ys kjicea ybbxrtfinfr oliifv klat ybbxr. Vagjcufis, jii atf ybbxr bc atfw rffw ab yf ojlgis biv, atf mbgcfgr kfgf sfiibkfv jcv kbgc.

The crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling reflected a clear, dark yellow light, providing the only light in this spacious interior.

Tsuchimikado saw the scene at the center of the library at a glance. YoTiH0

The carpet there was neatly moved away, revealing the gray-black ground underneath.

Someone drew a huge magic circle on the ground using unknown materials. When the Yin-Yang Master got closer to look, he realized that it was lines of dried blood. It was unknown what kind of creature’s blood it was.

“Good guy, it’s finally within my professional scope.” Tsuchimikado muttered and walked over quickly.

He did not step into the magic circle rashly, but carefully squatted down and rested his fingers on top of the lines. 931FVg

Although he had lost his ability as an Yin-Yang Master, Tsuchimikado was still someone who used to stay up late at night to read and memorize The Book of Divinations. While the ability was gone, what was recorded in the mind would never be forgotten.

All magic in the world lead to the same goal by different paths. Whether it was spiritual power, magic power, or even pure energy, in the end they were all the same thing.

This magic circle had expired.

The Yin-Yang Master’s gaze passed over a blood-stained dagger placed on a chair, and he frowned faintly. FTUJip

Because of the sudden strong dark aura in the air, Tsuchimikado speculated that a black magic ritual might have happened here.

At this moment, the sub-system that had been silent finally spoke up.

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[Pass a library use check]

There is a situation! rYKEBd

Tsuchimikado did as he was told.

[Your throwing result is 34/40, and the library use check is successful]

[A total of ten targets have been found, and the secret die are being rolled…]

[So you are by dozens of bookshelves surrounding the magic circle. Among the thousands of books, you were lucky enough to find a fragment of an ancient book. It looks like it was a product of the 16th century…] la0r3I

“A fragment of the ?”

That’s right, it was not a book, but fragments of carefully framed paper.

Because of his high inspiration, just by holding it in his hand, the Yin-Yang Master could feel the dangerous aura coming from these fragments.

[If you want to read this fragment, you need to pass a sanity check] JKSlx4

[If you pass the sanity check, you will lose 1 to 3 sanity points, if you fail, you will lose 1 to 6 points, please]

Tsuchimikado threw the ten-sided die.

[Your roll result is 92/50, Sanity check failed]

[Conducting secret dice, please wait…] 0fxVyo

[Your sanity value is subtracted by 3, S-Rank trainee Tsuchimikado sanity value is 37/50]

[Your Cthulhu Mythos skill have increased by 2 points]

The Yin-Yang Master turned over the remaining pages in his hands.

What was considerate was that the characters recorded on the remaining pages were in very friendly English. But there were a lot of scribbles and corrections on them and there were even blurred ink marks. 7STmcQ

Even so, when Tsuchimikado’s eyes fell on the first line, he was so shaken that he could no longer control his vision of the handwriting. It was as if he was caught by the string of flying handwriting to look down unconsciously.

The remaining pages were not long, and when Tsuchimikado finished reading, he was shocked to realize that he had already broken out in a cold sweat.

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It contained a few words describing an extremely evil god.

Tsuchimikado realized something. After putting down the broken pages, he turned around and opened several other books on the shelf. 9Npjqx

Not surprisingly, those books contained many obscure and ancient words, all of which were praising the evil god.

The Yin-Yang Master couldn’t hide his shock when he thought of the “Order” they heard mentioned in discussions among animals at the underground farm and the auction.

There was no doubt that the animals in this world believed in the evil god.

This was big news. MkZNSB

This meant that it was these cultists who likely summoned them to this world.

But how was it possible? Were the survivors who stayed behind twenty years ago still there? Had they established an organization in this S+ rank instance?

Because of the lack of key information, Tsuchimikado could not figure out why.

Just when he was about to launch another investigation, there was suddenly a sound of approaching footsteps in the corridor. 0u5DX8

“How are things?”

“The white-haired one was captured and bid on by the Duke. The other little one has not made any movements. I don’t know where he went. The whole circus has been searched.”

Tsuchimikado was startled and rolled to the back of a row of bookshelves.

“Sub-system, quickly, pass a listening.” AWGHEl

[Your throwing result is 99/20, congratulations, it’s a critical failure]

[So you feel a buzzing sound in your ears and fall into temporary deafness for unknown reasons]

Tsuchimikado: “…”

Why did this luck work sometimes and sometimes fail. Damn! ZrHJUN

On the other side, after jumping off the carriage, Zong Jiu was treated warmly.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The servants in this Duke’s mansion were all raccoons, all of them unsmiling and serious-looking.

Although they looked respectful and amazed at the kitten brought back by the Black Panther Duke from the auction, they still couldn’t hide the contempt floating in their eyes. AQEjBT

The servants took Zong Jiu to a bathroom and told him that the hot water had been put in and he had to finish washing quickly.

Zong Jiu made no move after closing the door. Instead, he let the sub-system roll to listen and pressed against the back of the door to listen to the sounds outside.

[Your throwing result is 25/30, the listening check is successful]

“The breed is really unique, much more beautiful than the top beauty that you brought back from the auction last year.” l2m6rT

“Indeed, it’s a pity that good-looking is good-looking, he is still just a human being.”

“This time is different. It’s said that this time it’s the right of use for three days. But don’t say just three days, if Their Excellency is serious, who knows if he can survive tonight. I heard from the coachman that Their Excellency is in a good mood today.”

Zong Jiu listened for a while, then slowly moved his ears away, thoughtfully.

Of course these servants don’t know that the one they called Duke had long been controlled by No. 1. T1fJpZ

He only had two days left.

He remembered Zhuge An telling him before entering this instance, ‘The key to your solution lies with No.1.

‘Who asked you to ask him for help? You don’t know how to fool people. Do you need me to teach you? ’

Since the key lied with the Devil, there was really no need to think about escaping. md469M

What’s more, the Devil just now clearly revealed that he had a way to get out of this instance.

Zong Jiu thought as he took off his clothes and slowly immersed himself in the boiling hot water.

Originally, they had only one obvious path, which was to find a way to contact the main system.

Now there was a second way. avflsH

Now what he needed to think about was how to fool No. 1 as Zhuge An said.

A little difficult, but fun, and a favorite challenge for the Magician.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zong Jiu was eager to try.

After he showered, he dried his hair and put on his nightgown. uWMNCd

The servants who had been waiting at the door for a long time wiped his hands and feet with expensive gold wax oil and led him upstairs, holding burning candlesticks all the way to the master bedroom in the mansion.

The butler knocked on the door respectfully: “Sir, the human has been brought over.”

The Duke’s voice was deep, “Who?”

Zong Jiu didn’t want to waste any more words and kicked open the heavy door. Facing the hurried kneeling and shocked gazes of all the servants behind him, Zong Jiu closed the door. ObhVMQ

“I’m here to tell you a bedtime story.”

A/N: Former low EQ JiuJiu: (to the little Devil) I don’t provide companionship/sleeping service when I play with you.

Today’s high-EQ Jiuejiue: (to the big Devil) Let me tell you a bedtime story

Little Devil: …Damn it! MHujKd

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