The Fallen MermanCh277 - Mountain Lion and Invisible Stalker (All side stories completed)

Translator: Onlyfornovels

Editor: DragonFae WNYohI

During the operation to besiege the research institute, Invisible Stalker, while confronting Eternal Undead, used the imitation abilities “Man in the Mirror” and “Mirror Domain Enhancement.” Although it inflicted wounds on Eternal Undead, Invisible Stalker also suffered severe backlash, critically injuring him.

Soon after, the PBB forces entered Greenfly City, taking full control of the IOA agents and the alliance police station’s hard-fought perimeter. They exterminated the Eternal Undead summons, protecting the citizens.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Invisible Stalker was transferred to the temporary rescue vehicle, where doctors from the IOA Medical Association worked hard to save him. However, his injuries were too severe. Even with his extremely strong self-healing ability as an experimental subject, he would still die if he lost too much blood before the wounds healed.

But there were also many injured civilians, and the blood supply in the temporary blood bank was running low. 2w38Xc

The doctors shouted anxiously, “Family members of nearby patients, please come and donate blood if you have no medical history. He’s an experimental subject, and any blood type can be assimilated.”

But as soon as people heard he was an experimental subject, they hesitated and backed away. Just being near an experimental subject made them feel afraid, let alone donating blood to save him. In fact, they actually hoped he would die immediately.

Standing up from beside him, Yu Xiaochong said, “Why are you backing away? He got injured protecting you!”

Yu Xiaochong’s consciousness was hazy, with Huck’s death looming before his eyes. The still-warm body was wrapped in a shroud at the doorstep. His spirit teetered on the brink of collapse, his screams hoarse and desperate.


He angrily rolled up his sleeves and said to the doctor, “Just take mine.”

The doctor glanced at his nearly pale face, as if seeing through his eyes, he could even see through the heart torn in half.

“You’re too weak,” the doctor replied. He turned around and asked the same question again, but no one spoke up. Just as the doctor was about to resort to drawing his own blood and that of his colleagues, an alpha walked in, radiating coldness.

Clad in military uniform, people were too busy sizing up the stars on the collar of his uniform. 2 dkRH

Xia Jingtian stooped to pick up Invisible Stalker, then briskly walked away without looking back. His voice seemed to steady everyone’s hearts, reassuring them. “The blood supply from the PBB Thunder Support Team is sufficient, and the rescue aircraft is nearby. Medical support will arrive momentarily.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf vbmabgr kfgf fzagfwfis ugjafoei, jcv Te Wljbmtbcu olcjiis gfijzfv tlr afcrf cfgnfr, rlaalcu vbkc bc atf ugbecv, afjgr ragfjwlcu vbkc tlr ojmf.

Pcnlrlyif Vajixfg kfjxis tfiv bcab Wlj Alcualjc’r cfmx, yibbv rajlcr ogbw tlr ybvs rblilcu atf ogbca bo tlr wlilajgs eclobgw. Lf megifv eq tlr ajli lc uelia, obgwlcu j rtjqf gfrfwyilcu j aklrafv mjcvs.

Xia Jingtian placed him onto PBB’s rescue aircraft, and military doctors immediately began emergency treatment. xt1SiY

“Major, I held back Eternal Undead for 10 minutes and 37 seconds, 37 seconds more than your order…,” Invisible Stalker looked at Xia Jingtian with earnest eyes, as if waiting for him to fulfil a promise.

Xia Jingtian sat down lightly on a nearby seat and sighed softly, “Alright, I’ll put the picture frame away, just stay quiet and let them treat you.”

When he explained to Invisible Stalker about delaying Eternal Undead while waiting for rescue, this young man unusually boldly set a condition. He said that if he succeeded, the Major had to put away the photo of Yan Yi on the table at home.

Xia Jingtian agreed, but couldn’t help but worry that the naive Invisible Stalker would risk his life to fulfil this promise, so he came to him at the first opportunity. WsHCfQ

Invisible Stalker closed his eyes in ease; he was already exhausted and could not even speak anymore.

Xia Jingtian commanded the city’s military to quell the riots, and it was two days later when he saw Invisible Stalker again.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The weak teenager lay on the bed in the IOA Medical Association, with a half-bitten apple placed at the head of the bed. After all, being an experimental subject, his self-healing ability was much stronger than that of humans. Despite sustaining such severe injuries, his spirits had eased in just two days.

He heard movement outside the door and quickly closed his eyes, his tail nervously curling up at the edge of the bed. 3lmx 1

Xia Jingtian gently pushed the door open and walked in, sitting on the bedside chair and casually peeling an apple.

“Are you awake? Just sit up for a while. Why are you closing your eyes? Haven’t you had enough sleep?”

Invisible Stalker trembled slightly, then awkwardly sat up, taking the apple Xia Jingtian handed over. His bright eyes dropped guiltily. “I’m sorry, I asked for too much earlier. You can just ignore what I said.”

Xia Jingtian smiled, “You mean the picture of Yan Yi. I did love him, but it’s been almost twenty years since then. Everyone has a first love.” E0RVMQ

“Then why… haven’t you gotten married yet? Humans your age are already married.”

Xia Jingtian propped his chin up and said, “Are humans supposed to collectively commit suicide at the age of seventy?”

“I-I didn’t mean that,” Invisible Stalker’s ears turned red, and even the tip of his tail became pink.

Suddenly gathering courage, he turned to face Xia Jingtian directly, closing his eyes tightly and saying loudly, “Could you… consider me?” WOjuNT

“I know, Major, do you like older people? I can be one!” Invisible Stalker was so nervous that he was almost blushing, his chameleon tail turning completely pink. His pheromones began to spread, and his face and body quickly changed. Suddenly, he transformed into the appearance of Yan Yi, then into Cangxiao Er, then into Rimbaud, then into Instructor Dai Ning, and finally into Dr. Zhong…

“Stop it, stop it,” Xia Jingtian pressed his head down, “Silly, Dr. Zhong is my sister-in-law.”

“!! Sorry!!”

Invisible Stalker panicked and quickly returned to his original form, crawling off the bed and kneeling in front of Xia Jingtian, bowing incessantly. 3yPlmw

Xia Jingtian raised an eyebrow, unable to hold back, and chuckled.

Invisible Stalker stared blankly at him, momentarily distracted by this smile.

“Wait until you grow up a bit and understand what love is before you talk about it.”

“I understand. I’m already in maturity. I know everything: integrals, functions, fluid mechanics, electromagnetics, quantum mechanics, world modern and ancient history, any language of any country…” Invisible Stalker pondered innocently, “But what is love?” NESTZy

Xia Jingtian pierced a piece of apple with the tip of his knife and ate it. “You’ll understand what it is several years later. Before that, just play with the kids and stay on Greenfly Island for a while.”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Time flew by, and a few years passed in the blink of an eye. Life became peaceful. Invisible Stalker often stayed with the trainees or other experimental subjects on Greenfly Island, occasionally returning to the PBB military base. Surprisingly, his once reclusive self had made quite a few friends.

Some people passed through his life, some stayed, and some were unforgettable. sDRrqt

Yu Xiaochong eventually gave up his position as an IOA investigator and chose to return to Greenfly Island as an instructor for experimental subjects and trainees. He couldn’t fight fearlessly like before, he said.

IOA built a marine and land school in Greenfly City, offering courses in marine and terrestrial natural connections and mermaid language. Teachers were composed of both humans and mermaids. Mermaids could send their children to learn about human civilization (mostly culinary techniques), while humans were working on researching communication with mermaids. It’s said that Rimbaud tied his father from the seabed to become a teacher and brought several mermaids as teaching assistants, one of whom often harassed Firefly and occasionally fought with the captain of the PBB Mad Shark Squadron.

A new batch of trainees arrived on Greenfly Island, among whom was a lively character named Xia Naichuan, recognized by instructors as a mischievous troublemaker, but this seemed to bring even more vitality to Greenfly Island.

Invisible Stalker sat by the beach, watching Xia Naichuan leading the students to frolic in the sea. Suddenly, his phone rang, expecting it to be the Major, but it turned out to be Bai Chunian. n0tNA1

Bai Chunian and Rimbaud had just arrived at the Greenfly Harbour, shouting into the phone, “Invisible Stalker? How come only you are answering the phone? Where did everyone else go?”

Invisible Stalker honestly replied, “Today is a rest day, everyone is playing in the sea.”

Bai Chunian exclaimed, “Oh, that’s a delay. Today is ferry day, remember to have the kids notify their parents to send over supplies, we’ll be setting sail soon.”

Invisible Stalker responded, “Got it. They’re all fishing in the sea, Xia Naichuan said he caught a small white devil fish, planning to grill it for dinner.” N7JS 9

“Oh, save me a portion…” Bai Chunian was clipping his nails with his phone in hand when suddenly he froze, exchanged a confused look with Rimbaud, then roared into the receiver, “What?! How dare he! Put it down!!!”

[Staff Corner]

And that’s officially the end of this novel!! I’m geateful to all the readers for sticking with us to the end/giving this novel a try. Hope you enjoyed the main story and extras as much as we have!!

Please support the author by buying the raws on Changpei! KUW9 k

Or buy the physical books (if you can) of the novel!! Here’s the Taobao links I compiled of volumes 1 to 4.

We also did a little Q&A within the team. Feel free to read and share your own answers in the comments below!!!

Thank you <3


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  1. What is love? Baby, don’t hurt me, d on’t hurt me, no more~ (≧∇≦)/ After reading the whole thing, I now know why so many people ‘bounce’ from this novel and he can’t get into it. It’s quite chaotic run and the number of events popping up on every corner is quite overwhelming (⌒▽⌒ゞ Plus there are a whole lot of characters here that often appear briefly. I n writing there is this concept of too many characters and it is treated as a mistake, because they can confuse people and, above all, people do not get attached to them, etc. ┐(´ー`)┌ And I must say that I personally can’t stand most of the characters :/ I’m quite stubborn, so I continued until the end because some of the ‘threads’ interested me, especially at the beginning (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑) I really admire Your wonderful work and amazing comments! ♡(ŐωŐ人) Thank You very much for everything! Take care~ (。’▽’。)♡
  2. Thx, i’m glad to have side stories about the different characters, but I wanted more for some of them ^^ Thx for your hard work, this novel was so rich and entertraining, I really enjoyed reading it ❤️❤️❤️❤️