The Fallen MermanCh276 - Old Wolf and Little Wolves: The Family Has Two Huskies

Translator: Loachpearl

Translation Checker: 7qqy yGdXm9

Editor: yuki_shuichi

Xiao He, you’ll raise these two little guys for now; wait for the upper level to notify before resolving.”

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“Squad leader! Me, a big man, bringing two kids—what kind of thing is this!”

“You’ll be spending this half year nursing your wounds anyway, unable to execute missions. If you’re eating white rice in the squad, shouldn’t you do some work within your current abilities? It just so happens that you’re a North American gray wolf alpha, so having two wolf pups accompanying you is particularly fitting. You can practice how to take care of kids, preventing you from being unfamiliar in the future after marrying and starting a family. It’s settled, then. The team leader is still looking for me about stuff, I’m leaving first.” WIO7Ri

“Squad leader! Squad leader! Come back!” He Suowei got emotional and tugged his abdominal wound, bloodstains faintly seeped out from beneath his bandages. It was so painful that he sucked in a mouthful of cold air. When he raised his head, the dormitory door was already closed. On the floor stood two little boys, who looked exactly the same. Judging by size, they were at most a year and a half old. Their bodies were only clad in diapers, hand in hand, quietly sucking their thumbs, and big, glistening eyes measuring He Suowei.

The PBB intercepted this pair of experimental subjects in the middle of an arrest operation when they assisted the police in exposing and resolving a smuggling case. The two little guys were discovered in the smuggler’s transient warehouse. These two babies jointly murdered the warehouse guard, then tore apart and devoured the corpse. They also smashed and consumed the NU nutrient agent and AC enhancer agent from the same shipment of goods.

During the arrest operation, He Suowei was hit by one of the smuggler’s shotguns. Although he had his J1 ability, Total Lunar Eclipse’s protection, he still sustained significant injuries. Despite being injured, he still endured the pain to bring the two infants out, pinned beneath his armpits. Afterwards, he was informed by the police officers that these were infant experimental subjects and he retroactively felt afraid for a long time.

But now, these two little guys both wore gland suppressors, completely forfeiting their aggressive nature.


He Suowei had no other choice but to drape on unlined garments and get off the bed. He bared his upper body, his abdomen, and waist wrapped with bandages, and seriously said, with hands clasped behind his back, “You two, stand straight.”

The little wolf pups stared blankly, then obediently stood straight.

“Good, at ease.” Satisfied, He Suowei said, “You two, who’s the older one and who’s the younger one?”

One of the kids handed him the resume (experimental subject record) in his hand, cleverly retracted his hand, and stood well. They were like two little puppies. KJ0k8i

“Let me see, Experimental Subject 907: Hellhound Garm. Combine to form Cerberus. They must remain together and never separate. As soon as they are separated, they will become melancholic and die…. Hey, what do kids know about melancholy?” He Suowei held his chin as he glanced at the two of them. “That’s fine, let’s first come up with a name. The older one is He Wenxiao, the younger one is He Wensa….no good, sa sounds like sha. Then the younger brother will be called He Wenyi. That’s also not good, if they follow my surname He, then wouldn’t that mean becoming my sons? How will I find a partner in the future? Then it’s decided, you guys will have the surname He.

It wasn’t good to expose the experimental subjects’ identity externally, so He Suowei had them say they were from the He family, his distant cousins.

The little wolf pups dazedly agreed, because this was a wolf’s personality; obeying and revering the pack’s leader. He Suowei saved them, and his blood contained the scent of the wolf race, so they followed He Suowei as the leader while in this dormitory.

They suddenly discover the gauze wrapped around He Suowei’s abdomen was seeping blood and hurriedly surround him to lick his wound. He Suowei frowned and easily picked them up and put them on the bed, educating them that their lifestyle must resemble people and not stray dogs. LE6OIj

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Hence, He Suowei began a baby-raising life. As a result of swallowing the AC enhancer agent, they have already entered the maturity stage. They weren’t like human babies that cry for no discernible reason; for the most part, they could be considered not troubling.

Dfrlvfr obgufaalcu ktlmt bcf kjr kjrtfv jcv ktlmt bcf kjrc’a veglcu yjatalwf, rbwfalwfr jr rbbc jr Lf Vebkfl’r wlcv kbeiv kjcvfg boo, tf kbeiv obgufa atf bgvfg, ulnlcu Lf Qfczljb akb yjatr jcv offvlcu Lf Qfcsl akb ybkir bo obbv.

Qtfc riffqlcu tjiokjs atgbeut atf cluta, atf nlulijca ilaaif kbinfr kbeiv ajxf aegcr yflcu bc cluta kjamt. Ktf batfg kbeiv mgjw lcab atf mgbbx bo Lf Vebkfl’r jgw jcv megi eq ab riffq, rkjqqlcu rtloar ktfc la gfjmtfv atf ijaafg tjio bo atf cluta, yea ktja vjcufg mbeiv atfgf yf lc atf UDD yjrf vbgwlabgs? Dbatfgfv ecali gfraifrr, Lf Vebkfl jcuglis gfyexfv atfw, rjslcu atja atfs’gf cba jiibkfv ab wbnf klivis.

He Wenyi slept happily in the crook of He Suowei’s arm, snickering wickedly at He Wenxiao, who was left to the side. He Wenxiao cried aggrievedly, and He Suowei ended up being awoken by the noise, sitting on the bed wearily coaxing the kid. FwLT7N

Experimental subjects’ growth speed was faster than He Suowei imagined. Half a year later, they’d already reached human middle schoolers’ appearances. They took over all household responsibilities; fighting over the opportunity to mop the floor and do laundry, cooking, and washing dishes. They were surprisingly innocent. Happy all afternoon, just from one sentence of praise from He Suowei. If one’s head was patted, they would even show off to the other for an entire week.

They were not allowed to go out, so He Suowei got some textbooks, teaching them foreign languages and chemistry. Due to the combat microchip within their bodies, human students’ schoolwork was too easy for them, and they learned very fast.

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He Suowei’s injuries were also completely recovered. When it was close to the agreed-upon separation date, this unbending guy, who most abhorred irresoluteness, shut himself in his room, a cigarette held in his mouth. He made calls, utilizing all the connections he had, wanting to keep these two little kids by his side.

But this was a big thing, and no one dared to help him with it, so he could only bite the bullet and went to find the Major. YOu35F

He Suowei seriously saluted Xia Jingtian and requested, “Those two are really obedient, I can be their guardian and guarantor, let them stay with me here.”

Xia Jingtian who also just returned, hadn’t yet had the time to remove his coat when he was caught by He Suowei crouching at the door. He sat down, removed his military cap and leather gloves, and unhurriedly said, “If it’s like that, once they harm someone, you will be executed by firing squad. You are a soldier I personally cultivated; don’t you treasure these prospects?”

He Suowei asked uneasily, “Where will they be sent to?”

Xia Jingtian looked at him with an obscure meaning. 68XG1J

He Suowei’s back felt cold, and his face was full of disbelief. “Will they be put down? You said before, PBB only differentiates between the enemy and ally, no discrimination between species.”

“Yes, I said that before.” Xia Jingtian laced his hands together and supported his chin. “You decide what to do. Do you want to tear off your epaulets and then go crashing through the door, from now on, leaving the Storm Forces? That’s very brave, and like you, too.”

“No.” He Suowei didn’t lose himself, his eyes lowered, pausing after every word as he spoke. “If the death penalty is necessary, I will carry it out. My marksmanship is more accurate than those beer-bellied police forces; no need for reloading the gun.”

The room sank into silence for several seconds. Xia Jingtian laughed out loud, poured a cup of hot tea and pushed it to him, “Rest assured, it’s only sending them to military school. Every month there are two days of vacation.” Zpd6KA

He Suowei stared blankly for a bit, and only then did his expression warm up. He bowed towards Xia Jingtian, then turned and left the room.

Xia Jingtian let out a long sigh after the door closed. He was so nervous just now that his palms were sweaty. He was afraid that this person would let his emotions make decisions after slamming the door and leaving. He Suowei was a soldier he’d picked carefully out of the thousands in the new troops. Xia Jingtian had great expectations for him, but reality proved he hadn’t erred in judgment.

He Suowei sent the two good big kids to school with a heart filled with joy, but an unexpected thing happened—PBB’s main commander, Gu Wei’s nephew, Gu Wulü, who also began school in the same year and just happened to be in the same period as the two little wolf pups.

This resulted in He Suowei sending away two little wolves at the beginning of the month, and bringing back two huskies at month’s end—the day of the military school’s monthly break, two teenage alphas broke down the door and entered like wild men, pouncing on He Suowei and slithering and wildly licking all over him. zP2WIX


Fast-forwarding to after surrounding and destroying the institute, the PBB Storm Forces were still stationed at Greenfly City and not yet withdrawn.

He Wenyi laid upon the dormitory bed, a plaster cast leg hanging off the bed and moving around leisurely, sighing towards the ceiling. “Xiao Die’s date fell through again, it’s really too bad—” He tilted the corners of his lips up, a face full of smugness. “The little omegas of the IOA really have no taste.”

“Exactly, that fox beauty even rolls her eyes whenever she sees Xiao Die now.” He Wenxiao was doing push-ups, single-handedly pressing against the ground, and the other hand was folded behind his waist. Sweat dripped down and soaked the newspapers spread beneath him. duWL0n

“I truly envy Bai Chunian.”

“Envy what?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He Wenyi propped himself up from the bed. “He is full mimicry, fluffy and fuzzy, and good at acting cute. He got Rimbaud so entranced that he fell head over heels. But us, no mimicry, and we want a collar but have no reason to ask for it. Truly useless.”

“I see you acting sick, which is also quite a skill.” He Wenxiao bent his lips downwards. “You’ll have plenty to suffer if Xiao Die finds out.” AJCOha

The sound of footsteps came from outside, and He Wenyi quickly laid down. “Quick, quick, Xiao Die is back. Remember to round out my lies, my allowance this month’s all yours.”

Sure enough, He Suowei pushed the door and entered with a cigarette in his mouth and was holding a big bag of snacks and a big bag of fruit.

He Wenxiao eagerly went forth to attentively welcome him, receiving the things. “Ge, returned? Smells good; did you buy fried chicken legs?”

He Wenyi weakly climbed upright from the bed, the leg with the cast faltering and not daring to touch the floor, his puppy eyes looking up pitifully. “Ge…” miNqcT

He Suowei took out the still steaming fried chicken legs, passing over the drooling He Wenxiao and delivering it to the hand of the pitiful He Wenyi. He turned his head back to educate Wenxiao, “I bought it for the sick, what are you getting happy for? You two are already in the maturity stage, eat less of this type of thing. Right now the Medical Association hasn’t mass-produced the synthesis boosters yet. What if you guys deteriorate from eating too much? You’re not injured; just eat some fruits.”

Heihei, thank you ge.” He Wenyi accepted the fried chicken legs, smugly shaking his head.

He Wenxiao inwardly clenched his teeth, made a hn sound, and went and sat to the side, peeling an orange.

Ge…I also want to eat oranges.” He Wenyi pitifully shifted his position, then weakly fell back to the original place, He Wenxiao watched his little brother perform exaggeratedly, laughing muffledly. Nti Fr

But he didn’t think he’d hear He Suowei turn his head and say to him, “Wenxiao, peel an orange for your little brother.” 

He Wenxiao widened his eyes. “For what reason?”

“For what reason? How did I educate you guys? You are blood-related brothers, you’re family, and family must aid and assist each other. Wenyi is injured; it’s not convenient for him, so shouldn’t you wholeheartedly take care of him…”

“Okay, okay, okay.” He Wenxiao stuffed the already peeled orange in his hand into Wenyi’s mouth, smiling outwardly but clenching his teeth inwardly. “You eat well; this orange is filled with brotherly love.” Rx0iyC

This little brat rudely flaunted his superiority, biting the orange blissfully as he said, “Wenxiao, go help me wash my tank top and underwear; I tossed them by the sink.”

He Wenxiao endured his rage. “Your fucking leg is lame, not your hand.”

“Go, don’t argue.” He Suowei crouched to carefully examine He Wenyi’s leg and rubbed his thigh for him. “Doesn’t seem to be getting any better, why is it like this? It’s fine, be good, and don’t mess around. When I’m not here, have your ge take care of you.”

He Wenyi showed his obedience by nodding. Fd9GKs

At this moment, He Suowei received a call; it was from the IOA front door security, saying he had his package. He Suowei settled Wenyi well, commanded Wenxiao to take care of his brother, and then went downstairs.

After he stepped out of the dorm, He Wenxiao clutched He Wenyi by the neck, and the two people started to wrestle with each other.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He Wenxiao, “I also have to wash your underwear for you? I see you’re like a pair of underwear—”

He Suowei returned holding the package, opening the door to a floor in complete chaos. The two little wolves were entangled with each other and fighting, kicking and biting each other. There was a kada sound; He Wenyi’s cast struck the table edge, fell to the floor, and split into two. However, the fighting was in full swing, and He Wenyi absolutely didn’t notice. TZw42l

When the two of them discovered that He Suowei stood just behind them, it was already too late.

He Suowei crouched down and grabbed He Wenyi’s leg to scrutinize—the leg wasn’t in the slightest injured. The injury that came from being bitten by one of the Research Institute’s experimental subjects had long since healed to its former state.

Ge, ge, listen to me explain, I didn’t mean it like that.” He Wenyi sat on the ground and scooted backward with a smile, begging for help from He Wenxiao, “Wenxiao, I was wrong, help me out, ah—”

“Damn brat, you dare deceive Laozi. You don’t fucking need to eat dinner. Do a handstand and write a self-reflection for me!” He Suowei plucked He Wenyi up and entered the inner room, closed the door, took his belt, and gave him a thorough beating. The room was filled with anguished howling. He Wenyi was beaten until he scrambled wildly all over the ground. a9PtE8

“You deserved it. This is what you get for daring to trick Xiao Die.” He Wenxiao smilingly sat before the desk again and peeled another orange. He saw He Suowei’s newly brought back package, was a little curious, and surreptitiously opened it.

In the paper package was a very exquisite box; inside it were two black leather chokers, engraved with an X and a Y, respectively, as decoration. There were also blank birthday cards gifted by the seller.

He Wenxiao looked around in astonishment, put the box back as it was originally arranged, back into the package, and used tape to seal it.

He decided not to tell Wenyi this information, depriving him of his excited anticipation over the next few days as punishment. dguaIL

[Staff Corner]

Loach: I would’ve rather gotten to see them getting collared by He Suowei than this…]

Translator's Note

Basically being raised in good conditions. Similar to “eating soft rice” to signify a kept man

Translator's Note

Sa sounds like sha (fool/stupid)

Translator's Note

Different He, this is 贺 (fourth tone), meaning congratulate. It’s not He Suowei’s 何(second tone), meaning what/how/why/which. As for their given names 文潇, 文意, the two share the same middle character. Xiao is in the first tone, and it means different things depending on what it describes: (of water) deep and clear, (of wind and rain) howling and pounding, (of light rain) pattering. So so beautiful wow good job He Suowei. Yi is in the fourth tone, meaning idea/intention/desire, wish. The sa he chose first is the third tone 洒 meaning spill (liquid) or scatter which does sound weird without even factoring in how it sounds like sha.

Translator's Note

The polite/respectful “you”

Translator's Note

It’s literally 小爹, meaning little dad. I can’t make it sound any better because it sounds weird in Chinese too. Although worth noting they use a more uncommon form of address for dad, instead of 爸. It’s an older form, on par with 娘 for mother

Translator's Note

Laugh onomatopoeia. I don’t want to just change it to hehe, because it’s similar but not the same and I don’t like anglicizing.

Translator's Note

Original idiom is “getting onto the face by stepping on the nose.”

Translator's Note

Uh….. All my good feelings for this man instantly vanished. Also Wenyi is doing that because it hurts so much he’s trying anything to escape it but is out of energy to do anything except crawl. Cool cool.

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