The Cub I've Raised is the Crown Prince of the EmpireCh3 - Can it still be played like this?

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Yu Xingqiao stammered all of a sudden.

This cub-rearing game had indeed exceeded his expectations. He really didn’t realise that he had played for half an hour, completely unaware of the passage of time.
Yu Xingqiao’s conscience could not let him say that this game was not good. Adk2O9

“It’s …… alright.” He eventually had to say.

“And did you play for ten minutes?” The nurse lady mentioned their bet.

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Yu Xingqiao opened his mouth and wanted to say no. After all, he still preferred eating candy over the game.
But through the goggle’s glass, looking at the nurse lady’s gentle light brown eyes, he found himself in no position to lie to her.

The youth looked away and said with a grimace, “Well, I lost. I played for more than ten minutes.” J0wr5u

He couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated at the thought of the milk candy that had almost reached his mouth just flying away.

Curly eyelashes dropped slightly. But then, he saw a protective suit covered palm reach out to him, opened wide.
A small transparent glass jar laid quietly on that palm, and in the bottle was a special creamy white candy.

Yu Xingqiao blinked and looked at the nurse lady with hesitance.
The nurse lady smiled back faintly, her eyes full of compassion.

“Thank you for liking the game I recommended. As thanks, there’ll be two candies for the first and last week of this month oh.”


This teenager’s body was really too fragile. If the indicators were just a little bit off, it could easily cause complications, so this was the best result she can get after discussing with the doctor.

Yu Xingqiao’s dull eyes lit up little by little, not unlike the brightest stars in the night sky.

However, just as fast, he felt a little stumped again.

“Is it really ok?”He asked nervously. NYmgUV

Seeing how cautious the youth was of mere candies, the nurse felt her eyes sting a little.

“Of course, you have to trust me. I’ve already discussed this with the doctor and he agreed on it.”

With a smile, she earnestly and gently said, “So enjoy this gift, I hope you like it.”

Hearing her say this, Yu Xingqiao finally felt a heavy weight lift off his chest.
He was most worried about causing trouble for others, especially since he quite liked this nurse lady and didn’t want her to get fired. tc bD0

“En, I like it a lot!”

The teenager took the candies she handed him and was as happy as if he had been given the world.

Seeing him so happy, the nursing lady smiled even more gently, “As long as you like it.”

Yu Xingqiao squeezed the glass jar in his hand, looked at her and grinned, making a decision. 5RpkOF

The nurse lady perceptively asked, “Are you up to something bad?”

Yu Xingqiao collected the smile on his face and shook his head with an innocent look. “Nothing, ah.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But he’d already hidden the glass bottle containing the candies behind his back.
The nurse lady looked at him suspiciously, but couldn’t figure anything out so she gave up. The two chatted for a while and unknowingly half an hour had passed.

“Well, I’m heading out for a bit, you can continue playing.” asgVSe

The nursing lady patted Yu Xingqiao’s head, took out the phone and handed it to him, then left with his leftover nutrition solution.

Watching the partition door open and close, Yu Xingqiao withdrew his vision. He took out the glass jar hidden behind him and shook it gently in front of his eyes.


The candies bounced in the glass jar with a crisp ringing sound. SsLNxk

The teenager grinned and carefully put the glass jar into his pocket. He wanted to save it for tomorrow.

He then opened his phone lock screen.

The game interface had automatically exited and he was in no hurry to get into the game. Instead, he opened WeChat and sent a message to his brother Yu Ting.

Starry Bridge: [Ge, I want to give my nurse lady a pay rise! Deduct it from my card!] Jsg9k5

After typing, he waited for a while but didn’t see a reply. He thought that his brother should still be working. Yu Xingqiao exited Wechat and then tapped on “Miracle Cub”.

After logging in to his account, he suddenly felt a sense of impatience as he watched the game page load.

The game screen slowly emerged.

Then, Yu Xingqiao was dumbfounded. zo7LEd

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pc atf vjgx mjnfgc, atf iluta kjr vlw. Ktf vlrqijs kjr rb vfajlifv atja tf mbeiv fnfc rff atf olcf ugjnfi bc atf ugbecv, yea…..

Qtfgf kjr tlr mey?

Lf rfjgmtfv atf rmgffc obg j ibcu alwf jcv ralii mbeivc’a olcv ktfgf tlr mey kjr!

Lf aegcfv atf rmgffc jgbecv 360 vfugffr, ibbxfv eq jcv vbkc, yea obecv cb agjmf bo jcs ilnlcu atlcu fzmfqa obg atf obbaqglcar ifoa ys atf qegrefgr. QfysL9

Why? Could it be that the pursuers had come back to capture little Jun Lu?

But when he exited, shouldn’t the game be paused? This was a single-player game, right! Even if it was online, it shouldn’t have any impact on his game progress.

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Then, Yu Xingqiao quickly discovered that the avatar belonging to little Jun Lu in the upper left corner of his screen had also disappeared!

It was pitch black. Nothing was there. tSfpwd

“What’s going on? Was he really taken away?”

Yu Xingqiao was confused. This was completely different from the raising cub game he had imagined.

Looking at the drops of blood still on the ground, he was inevitably distraught. Little Jun Lu was still seriously injured! And even vomited blood!

Even though he had only started playing a short while ago, Yu Xingqiao felt like an old father and began to worry about his own child. vyFmHL

Probably sensing his bewilderment, the system box popped up at the right time.

[You have been away for 31 minutes, welcome back.]

[Game time is synchronized with reality. What happened during your absence will be recorded through the [Cub Log], please be aware.]

Then, an icon at the bottom right corner of the game jumped, as if to catch Yu Xingqiao’s attention. AD4lau

Yu Xingqiao frowned.

He remembered that there were indeed types of games where it would run on its own while the player was away.

For example, a casual game called Cat's Courtyard. The game was set in a small courtyard where the player can place cat food and toys, and when they come online after some time, they can see the various cats that were attracted to it.

Perhaps, this is a puzzle-oriented cub raising game? There were pursuers and missing people elements. qOlI0X

Now he was going to save the cub based on the clues in the system log!

[ Pa Ta——]

As Yu Xingqiao was thinking, a text box popped up at the bottom of the game interface.

[Sha Sha Sha——] Sw6bKV

[There are footsteps ringing in your ears. Something is approaching.]

Yu Xingqiao couldn’t help but stiffen, subconsciously looking around.

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The large room had been sterilised with not many things laid out. It looked a little empty—— there was only him. What the system said was not real.

Yu Xingqiao let out a sigh of relief and looked down at his phone again. iNXM6c

Only to see that in the middle of the screen, a wolf-like yet not quite wolf-like creature had appeared. It had the appearance of a wolf, but the top of its head grew a long pointed horn, shining silver in the moonlight and looking very sharp.

It must have entered from the cavern entrance. Its nose was close to the ground, sniffing around as if it was looking for something.

Yu Xingqiao looked at the creature curiously and tapped to check its information.

[Non-environmental information. Detection requires payment of gold coins or diamonds. The creature requires 10 gold coins and 0 diamonds, would you like to pay?] LETqdc

Gold coins? Diamonds?

Yu Xingqiao looked at the upper right corner of the screen. The system initially sent him 500 gold coins, and he had already used it to buy the Invisibility Halo. Later he completed two missions and gained a total of 200 gold coins, but the system did not gift any diamonds, so his balance for diamonds was still zero.

“How do I get diamonds?” Yu Xingqiao instinctively asked aloud.

The system box surfaced in the center of the screen. GjnuCd

[Gold coins can be obtained by completing tasks and exchanging diamonds, while diamonds come from player recharge.]

[Warm reminder: 1 RMB = 10 diamonds, 1 diamond = 10 gold coins.]

Yu Xingqiao blinked his eyes and realized in hindsight that the system seemed to be quite intelligent. Every time he had a question, it would appear in time to give an answer.

It’s quite convenient. 6QAqfF

Yu Xingqiao thought and returned his focus to the game.

Detection? I’ve always thought this word was a bit odd. Yu Xingqiao thought carefully and paid 10 gold coins.

[Payment successful. The following is the information detected:]

Race: Wind Wolf SB4dju

Growth: Adolescent

Rarity: A

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ultimate Skill: Violent storm sweep

Skill Description: AOE attack, can generate dozens of wind blades instantly to surround the enemy. mjFRlN

Status: Healthy, Hungry

Yu Xingqiao scanned the information and continued to look at the game screen.

The wind wolf stood in front of little Jun Lu’s drop of blood, paused for a moment, then began to greedily lick off the drop of blood. Yu Xingqiao could even see it eating some sand as well.

Looks like its really starving. hkcdoK

Suddenly, the wind wolf looked up at the shadow in the corner.
There was no light and it was completely pitch black.

Its eyes carried a hint of vigilance.

Yu Xingqiao watched with interest to see what it was going to do. Perhaps this wind wolf could provide him with clues to find his cub.

The wind wolf cautiously approached the shadowy area, then stretched out its forelimbs and clawed at the shadow. NPJcbS

Unexpectedly, from the shadows, Yu Xingqiao saw something round come rolling out……

A black ball!

The black ball was probably only half the size of the wind wolf’s head. It was smooth like jelly with a little elasticity.


Yu Xingqiao stared at the ball. Wait a minute, could this be little Jun Lu?!
He looked at the avatar in the upper left corner.

It was all black and did resemble this little black ball, or to be accurate, this little black egg.


How did little Jun Lu become like this? Wasn’t his original form a white light ball? MEo6lA

Wait a minute. Yu Xingqiao had a moment of revelation. He suddenly remembered, before little Jun Lu became human, it seemed that it…….

Became black?

Chrysanthemum Garden.

So this black ball was indeed his little Jun Lu!

No wonder he couldn’t find him no matter how hard tried. It turned out that he was too dark and completely blended in with the shadows …… Yu Xingqiao felt like crying and laughing at the same time. CMcTU3

Tick Tack——”

The wind wolf stared at the small black ball, saliva dripping to the ground.

Damn, this wolf wasn’t going to try to eat his family’s cub, right?

Yu Xingqiao was shocked, he hurriedly reached out and poked the little black ball to see if there was an option button. And then he saw …… zdf2ng

The little black ball followed the direction of his poke and rolled back into the shadows.

Huh? It can still be played like this?


Since the moment the wind wolf appeared at the entrance of the cavern, probing and observing, Jun Lu had spotted it.

The invisibility spell that the system had put on him had expired, and he was now like a newborn toddler, exposed in the wild without any protection.

So, he could only watch as the wind wolf that found him jumped down into the cavern.

He watched as it came over, clawing him out of the shadows, and then opened its mouth to reveal its sharp teeth. PahwJu

He could see the wind wolf’s saliva dripping down its tongue and the corners of its mouth. He could smell the sickening scent of hunger. And yet, he couldn’t do anything. He was too badly injured and had just forced himself into human form, exhausting all of his energy. He couldn’t move at all.

In fact, in the past year, he had encountered too many incidents like this. Jun Lu was numb to it as a result.

The Light Race always had a natural allure for all beasts, and even plants with brutal temperaments would sometimes choose to strike at the young of the Light Race.

Jun Lu had lost most of his power and was forced to fall back from adulthood to the infant stage, not to mention that he was seriously injured. 0YyOmU

In addition to his pursuers, he had to find ways to avoid these hunters in the wild.

That’s right. As the honourable Crown Prince of the Illustris Empire, renowned for being blessed with the most powerful talent, he had just entered the growing stage to become the empire’s strongest person, but now he was reduced to being a prey of these lowly races!

And tonight, he finally had nowhere to hide.
Jun Lu looked at the wind wolf, without any thought of escape. Am9nu8

Even though he knew that next, this witless beast would pierce his skin with its teeth, lick his flesh and blood with its tongue, and swallow him into its stomach before transforming him into energy for its advancement.

It doesn’t matter.

Jun Lu told himself this.

Because he will not die. m7Ot5A

He had awakened the most unique skill of the Light Race, and now he had absorbed the darkness. As long as there was still even the tiniest bit of flesh and blood left, he would be able to be reborn.
So he would keep his eyes wide open and remember this wind wolf in the depths of his consciousness, and once he regains his power, he would make it- he would make the Wind Wolf clan——

Blood debt must be paid in blood!

The thick blackness on the little black ball was like a cosmic black hole, much deeper than the night.

He waited. dJ5UY4

However, the imagined pain was delayed, but ……

He felt a finger poking at his belly. Uncontrollably, he rolled backwards, hitting pieces of debris along the way until he finally ended back in the shadows.

Jun Lu: “???”

The wind wolf’s turquoise eyes also showed a trace of confusion. WKIpr9

It cautiously took two steps and found no danger, so it continued to approach the shadows once more, trying to pull the little black ball out again.

But this time it wasn’t so easy.

It raised its forelimbs to capture him, but the little black ball slipped under its paws, rolled into the moonlight, and then stopped.

The moonlight was bright and quiet, and the little black ball under the moon was also quiet and silent. pvzQTi

The wind wolf, however, became cautious.
It hesitated for a moment, pretended not to look at the little black ball, lifted its step as if it was passing by, and only looked at the ball through the periphery of its vision.

The little black ball didn’t move one bit.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Only when it finally reached a distance of one step away from the little black ball did it launch a fierce attack and pounced.
Yu Xingqiao watched the wind wolf’s performance and only felt a burst of joy. When it pounced over, he poked the little black ball with his finger again.

Thus, Jun Lu once again rolled into the shadows. LqC7HN

For the next while, he watched as the stupid wolf pounced over again and again in anger while his body uncontrollably rolls away from its paws at every attempt.

He was like a real ball, being manipulated by invisible hands, rolling around in the cavern.

This f$cking ……

The author has something to say. xOZ5 b

Yu Xingqiao: Roll over, cub!

Jun Lu: ……

Edited and proofread by Noitratoxin and Lilium

Special thanks to Ran for the Ko-Fi! :blobblush: My first ever Ko-fi!!! :blobcheer: hf 92n

Raw word count: 4026
English word count: 2672

Translator's Note

This translates to ‘index’ but more referring to health indicators/measurements – like blood sugar level, blood pressure etc.

Translator's Note

A multi-purpose messaging, social media and mobile payment app developed by Tencent.

Translator's Note

Pretty sure it’s Neko Atsume.

Translator's Note

Sound of the wolf’s claws touching the floor when it’s walking

Translator's Note

The actual name of the empire is Bright Glorious Empire aka cheesy. So we took the liberty to change it to make it grander.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Proofreader’s note, AKA the one who refused to give in to the Gloight Empire: Illustris is a Latin word meaning “bright, brilliant” or “distinguished, prominent”. It’s the root word for “illustrious”.

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  1. The translator’s avatar will perfectly describe both my condition and what is happening in the novel

    Thank you very much for the new chapter

  2. Poor Jun Lu

    That mental image of the wolf reminds me of when you tease a cat with a laser pointer haha

  3. LMAOOOO I CAN’T, Jun Lu being in a life threatening environment in all seriousness and Yu Xingqiao treating it like a game (though, it is to him) and rolling him like a ball XD

  4. Okay, the game went on. But YXQ, when do you intent to heal your poor cub? Dunno if all that rolling around makes it worse or not lol

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  5. With the way he’s playing it, it honestly sounds like a fun game. Thanks for translating! And thanks author for writing!