Two Great Systems Carrying Your Asses to GloryCh3 - Good Kiddo

Translator: Forestt
Translation Checker: Teo

No. 1 Combat Counterattack System vs. No. 1 Money Counterattack System. hRPztT

At the sound of the great Ying Sheng’s voice, the little newbie Wu You suddenly realised that there was still another Mr. System right next to him. After a brief moment of confusion, he instinctively chose the more approachable Mr Jin to ask a question.

“Mr. Jin, did my future self hire two people to help me at the same time?” Was my future so bleak that I need more than one system to save me???

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Jin Shan looked at Wu You’s particularly worried expression, and his lips twitched slightly.

[No.] kMDKTq

[Not really.]

[Your future self only hired me. This Mr. System probably found you due to an error in the mission receiving or positioning system. He’s an accident. Just ignore him.]

Wu You didn’t even have the time to breathe a sigh of relief before he heard Ying Sheng sneer out: [Do you think having such delusions could help you complete the mission? Or do you think ignoring me means that I will simply stand aside and watch you steal my host and mission without interfering? I received the same wish from him. The price of the exchange that he promised me is still withheld. Do you want to see it?]

Jin Shan: [……] No. I don’t want to see it at all. Because I probably have a mission list exactly like yours.


The atmosphere became stagnant once again.

Jin Shan and Ying Sheng confronted each other for a long time, and just when Wu You started to feel a growing headache, and was just about to faint.

Jin Shan let out a tsk, before reaching out to grab an extremely exquisite carton of milk from thin air.

Jin Shan tossed the carton of milk to the surprised Wu You, “drink some milk first, then rest on the bed for a while. Think about where you can find the most plastic bottles, while the other Mr. System and I are going to discuss what’s happening next. Once things have been settled, we’ll go out to do the task.” SycXmV

Wu You looked at the particularly exquisite and beautiful carton of milk in his hand. It was as if he had already tasted its richness and sweetness. At this point, he already had great trust in Jin Shan. After all, Mr. Jin could easily pluck a carton of milk out of thin air, and was probably able to do even greater things, and could probably easily kill him. However, he didn’t cause him any harm, and even cared for his health and gave him milk to drink in advance. So Mr. Jin must definitely be a great person!

As for the other cool looking Mr. System who didn’t seem that easy to approach and seemed a little fierce. Well, he probably found the wrong person, right? No matter what, he wouldn’t have picked such a person to help him. He had faith in his future self!

The young Wu You gave a well-behaved smile towards Jin Shan, before sitting on the bed with a carton of milk in hand. He began to ponder seriously about where he could go to pick up plastic bottles.

Ying Sheng stood next to him with his arms crossed and watched Jin Shan’s behaviour from the beginning to the end. He felt that this system was cunning and devious. E1xzVG

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Fcvfg atf uelrf bo mbcmfgc, tf tjv ecklaalcuis wjvf atf ilaaif ygja jmmfqa tlr ajrx bo mbiifmalcu ybaaifr, jcv atf ilaaif ygja kjr rb mbbqfgjalnf atja tf atbeuta tf kjr j ubbv qfgrbc.


Alc Vtjc ibbxfv eq jcv ibmxfv fsfr klat Tlcu Vtfcu.

Ktflg rqlglaeji ybvlfr njclrtfv yfobgf Qe Tbe’r fsfr lc atf obiibklcu wbwfca, ifjnlcu yftlcv j raecclcu qjlg bo bgyr — bcf yijmx jcv bcf ubivfc. Qe Tbe rabbv atfgf, wbeat jujqf, rajglcu lc jkf ja atf bgyr. Lw, tf atbeuta atf ubivfc bcf kjr vfolclafis Zg. Alc. Lf gfjiis vlv ralii qgfofg atf mbibeg ubiv. Hiac8d

The two balls of light landed on the table and touched the edge of the other ball of light in a disdainful manner.

The moment the two balls of light touched, their respective system spiritual spaces connected. There was an intertwined line of gold and black where the two spirit spaces touched. On either side of the line were Jin Shan, who was sitting on a golden and luxurious sofa, and Ying Sheng, who was sitting on a black crystal throne.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

They faced each other like kings.

Jin Shan: [No small talk. Are you sure you have received a strong prayer from Wu You’s future self’s soul? He was willing to change his life at the cost of his own soul?] FOV15H

Ying Sheng: [Of course. The wish that he was praying for was very strong, and what he prayed for was for the strongest help. The main system would naturally assign such a prayer to the most powerful system enforcer.]

The implication was that he was the most powerful system enforcer recognised by the main system.

Jin Shan gave a snort, but soon frowned slightly as if he thought of something. He didn’t say anything, but the complicated expression on his face was enough to make Ying Sheng realise what was going on.

Ying Sheng unconsciously sat up straighter, and his long, strong fingers tapped on the armrest of his throne. inb5vu

[So far, I have completed 37,643 spiritual missions. Furthermore, there have only been eight cases of failures. I have collected over nine thousand eight hundred and fifty soul energy. I only require one hundred and fifty soul energy before I will be able to break free from the main system, go to the highest level planet to reshape my body with my spiritual body and soul energy and start a new life.]

Jin Shan’s already unpleasant expression worsened after hearing Ying Sheng’s words.

He leaned back on his luxurious sofa and chuckled, but his next words were chilling.

[I’ve done two more missions than you and only failed six times. I have fifty more soul energy than you. I only need a hundred more before I can retire. And, the payment for my deal with Wu You is a third of his soul after his death.] LpnjQ1

Ying Sheng narrowed his eyes, and his deep pupils revealed a very dangerous glint at this moment. [His deal with me is also a third.]

After saying that, Ying Sheng raised his eyes and looked at the man across from him, who seemed to be sinking into the sofa as if he had no bones. Although he was smiling, his previously gentle and pretty peach blossom eyes were now icy cold.

Jin Shan suddenly spread his hands out and shrugged: [Ah, if we take into account the cost of both of our deals, then Wu You won’t even have the chance to reincarnate after he dies. We can only take half of the soul energy of a wish-maker. That means, if this isn’t an unforgivable mistake caused by the main system because it had been destroyed by a virus, it means that “someone” had hatched a plot against us.]

[Who knows, we might even suffer quite a heavy loss after this mission is over.] ik9u6W

Just as they were both about to complete the final task by the main system, a task that no one had been able to complete since the Soul Collection System was created. The fact that they suddenly ended up choosing the same host, was something to think about.

[Ah well.] Jin Shan laughed as he shook his head. His overly fair fingers tapped in the air, and soon, a gorgeous little dining table filled with all kinds of food and drinks appeared beside him. Jin Shan picked up a glass of coconut milk and took a sip, and licked off the white juice from his lips. [I can finally see why the system has existed for so long without a single enforcer being able to complete the final mission and start their new life.]

Ying Sheng looked at his fingers and continued his sentence: [Because they all encountered the same situation we’re facing now.]

Both of them thought about how they started a fight at the drop of a hat the moment they saw each other. hSPVC6

Jin Shan had immediately exchanged for a high-energy disintegration cannon. If Ying Sheng hadn’t been so strong himself, he would have ended up as a dead disintegrated system. And if the both of them had an absolute desire for dominance, they wouldn’t have stopped to think when they found out that the other party was as strong as they were. They would have fought to the death, even if that meant killing their host and accepting punishment.

[But this still doesn’t make sense.] Jin Shan frowned: [Are all the system enforcers who encounter another one so brainless? There should be a few calm ones.]

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Ying Sheng thought about it: [Perhaps, even before we encountered each other, “he” had already calculated the probability of our death. Or maybe, when we have to issue missions or complete them in the future, we would end up in conflict, and cannot continue to peacefully coexist.]

Jin Shan nodded: [This is the furthest we can speculate?] OB64N1

[Since it’s like this, let’s shake hands and make peace for the new life we are about to have. If we encounter problems after this, we can have some peaceful negotiations. After all, we might have a common enemy, and the enemy of an enemy is a friend, don’t you think? No. 1 Combat Counterattack System, Mr. Ying Sheng.]

Ying Sheng raised his eyebrows, folded his long legs and placed his hands on his lap. He nodded.


[Mr. Jin Shan , as the No. 1 Money Counterattack System in the rankings, I have heard a lot about you.] 0EGHpS


When Wu You opened his eyes from slumber, the first thing he saw was Mr. Jin who was sitting on the left side of his bed reading a book. He couldn’t help but feel a surge of joy, so it was Mr. Jin who stayed in the end? Wu You sat up abruptly, and wanted to say something in happiness, but heard a deep magnetic male voice coming from his right side.

[Getting up suddenly after waking up can put pressure on your blood vessels and heart. Although you don’t have high blood pressure or heart disease. your body isn’t particularly strong. You should be lying in bed for about half a minute before getting up, then sit on the edge of the bed for another half a minute before doing anything else.]

Startled, Wu You turned his head to see a tall and cool-looking handsome man standing there with his arms crossed. k4oK9q

“Er, that, I understand. I won’t get up like that next time.” Under Ying Sheng’s ‘fierce’ look that said ‘I’ll beat you up if you don’t listen’, Wu You replied directly from the bottom of his heart.

[However, you no longer have to worry about your health in the future. As long as you accept and complete my tasks every day. I can make you unbeatable in your class within a year, victorious in your town within three years, and a companion in the international martial art competition within five years. You’ll be on the path to success in life.]


Ying Sheng spared no effort in promoting his task. He felt that the offer he gave should be a path that any passionate young man would not refuse. However, instead of showing an ecstatic expression, this supposedly hot-blooded brat turned his head with an expression that showed his torn feelings and looked at the other system. Dm4n Q


Jin Shan received Wu You’s distress signal, and sneered in his heart towards that stupid system who only cared about becoming stronger through fighting. In such peaceful times, why would Wu You bother learning martial arts when he had no violent inclinations? It’s better to make money than learn to fight! There is nothing in this world that money can’t solve!

Jin Shan gave Wu You a smile: [Just now, through our conversation, we just found out that our simultaneous appearance was a mistake by the system. I’m sorry for the trouble we have caused you, but a system can’t leave without completing their mission once they are bound. So, for now, he’ll have to stay by your side. He won’t do anything to harm you, so you just need to ignore him, focus on my task, and work on changing your life.]

[Anyway, you should have rested by now, right? Have you thought about where you’re going to pick up bottles? Although the weather is cold, we have to work hard from now on for a brighter future!] QblDMp

Jin Shan’s explanation made Wu You breathe a sigh of relief. He nodded seriously, but afterwards, subconsciously glanced at Ying Sheng, who was standing next to him.

Fortunately, this cool and tough uncle didn’t get angry at his silent refusal to work out. The teenager Wu You’s mood relaxed a little more. He thought about it and finally said to Ying Sheng, “Er, that, Strong Uncle, I’ve already drunk the milk Mr. Jin gave me. So I have to pick up the bottles first.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“When I come back from picking up the bottle tonight, I, I’ll do the workout task you issued, okay?”

The great Ying Sheng looked at the weak little chicken in front of him and gave a grunt through his nose. He narrowed his eyes: [That’s all for now. And, don’t call me Uncle, call me Mr. Ying.] ekK36Q

Wu Yu froze: “Mr. Yin? Yin for Silver?

Ying Sheng sent an icy glare over.

Jin Shan smiled and pulled Wu You away: [It’s Ying, from shū-yíng, which means lose-win. Let’s go, if you can pick up more bottles today, we can get something nice for lunch. Also, I will be your companion for a long time in the future. We’ll seem like strangers if you call me Mr, so just call me Jin-dage from now on.]

Wu You was obviously into the whole gentle Jin-dage thing. He had been in the cold for too long, so he turned his head and looked at Jin Shan particularly seriously, as if he wanted to determine something, and asked, “Jin-dage?” CvdMT0

“Will you, will you really stay with me for a long time?”

Jin Shan smiled, and it was a very gentle and determined smile. [Yes, of course.]

I will accompany you through the toughest of long nights and lead you to become the best version of yourself. Though, this requires you to pay the price of your soul.

The author has something to say: GY6ew9

Jin Shan: I win this round!

Ying Sheng: Heh. I’m in no hurry, you’ll know how to beg for me when you’re getting beaten!

Little newbie Wu You who is picking up bottles during the day and doing squats at night: ???


Translator's Note

银 (Yin) means Silver. Jin Shan’s name means is Gold Mountain

Translator's Note

dage = big brother. You don’t have to be related to the person to call them Dage, as it can be considered a regular honorific.

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    • If I’ve understood correctly, in order to have a system help your past self so that you won’t end up like you are now, you have to pay some of your soul. The amount of soul cannot exceed half or else you won’t be able to reincarnate which is why the systems were promised a third. However the main system in charge played a trick on them and contacted both systems with the price of a third, meaning the overall price is two thirds, more than half of the soul, which would lead to the host not being able to reincarnate. This situation should force the systems to fight, since this is their last mission and they just need to complete this to leave, and as seen earlier, their fighting hurts the host. This is a dead end situation since they can’t peacefully coexist when they both need to complete the mission, and fighting could end up killing the host which would lead to no payment. So to sum it up, all of this started because of the soul exchange which wouldn’t be enough for the both of them. The main system is pitting everyone because it wants to keep the systems working for it, forget about 996, this is 24/7/365😭😭
  1. …well there are no free lunches in the world, so basically this is satan but in a modern way with a working company…? Like, the whole selling your soul to complete a wish thing sounds like the devil doing so I totally get it that the main system is pitting them xD (I kinda hope they take turn each taking 1/3 of the host’s soul instead of both taking 1/3 so that the host can reincarnate, it’s kinda sad to walk around as a fragmented soul unable to be reborn after you fulfill one wish that only last for one life)