Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!Ch214.3 - Life-Saving Capsule

translator: xiin
editors: apricot & juurensha

The first day of the talent show. iSjMW2

Fragments of information were embedded in all sorts of support posts.


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<Nicholas can do it! Fellow sisters, let’s work hard and send him up to the c-position [raise hands][raise hands]>

<Silver Armor––becoming popular again after 100 talent show battles!> BhJD8f

<I suddenly discovered that little brother Wang Ping is pretty good? His singing is very touching!>


<Building a thread for the treasure twins Yu Mo & Yu Chu>




Wu Jin suddenly felt a chill at his back!


Caesar had one main way to confirm that Yu Chu hadn’t been ‘replaced’, which was that it took at least 3 minutes for a mask to be removed and put on a new face. QNmZwz

However, everyone had ignored the fact that there could be two identical skins in the game.


Yu Mo and Yu Chu were twins.

Yu Mo killed and replaced Yu Chu. There was no need to change faces, so it had taken far less than 3 minutes! ZLQOk0


His wrist watch vibrated slightly. Another person had been eliminated somewhere.

At this time, the ceiling mechanisms creaked and shifted!

There was a chilling, malicious wind. wUFXgI

Wu Jin, who’d still been looking at his wrist watch, suddenly became alert. Karen jumped down from the ceiling and charged fiercely at her prey!


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wu Jin dodged quickly, his arm slicing out horizontally. At this time, Karen wasn’t afraid of the mirror at all. After ‘absorbing’ trainees, her legs had been regrown, and the shadow of the evil red dancing shoes could already be seen!

Wu Jin accurately located his position and no longer tried to evade. He pounced fiercely at Karen! wuH89x


He had no way to retreat.

In the locked room, out of him or Karen, only one could survive. Karen’s strength was now somewhere between A and A+.

As it happened, that was the same as him. OJFqzx

The female ghost’s sharp fingernails whistled through the air as she attacked Wu Jin. The youth quickly dodged downwards, his left shoulder smashing forcefully against the bed post with a loud clang. Wu Jin sucked in a breath of cold air, but in the next second, his left hand accurately struck the ghost’s neck. He shifted his position out of trained habit and hurled Karen towards the sharp corner of the bed!


Karen landed painfully and gave a silent howl!

Under the force of Wu Jin’s powerful grip on her neck, the female ghost’s eyes almost burst out of their sockets! This smash of Wu Jin’s didn’t only harm the ghost; it had also made his arm numb. In the next second, he pressed down with his knee without showing any pity, holding down the ghost at a narrow angle on the cramped bed. IvVK96


Unexpectedly, the female ghost’s joints rotated strangely, her elbow smashing suddenly into Wu Jin’s cheek!

“!!” Wu Jin retreated abruptly, physiological tears flowing from his eyes, out of control. The tip of the female ghost’s fist had landed accurately on the bridge of his nose, giving her the opportunity to break free.


Karen, who’d been caught, escaped again, only to suddenly fall into Wu Jin’s line of sight!!

Wu Jin moved faster than she did. The youth accurately grasped her wrist, his short blade moving as quick as lightning and stabbing directly into the female ghost’s left rib. Bright red blood gushed out continuously from the AI’s body!

The female ghost’s eyes contracted abruptly, her sharp nails slicing at Wu Jin at the same time. Wu Jin was only able to block his face, but a wound of about 20cm was suddenly cut into his left arm.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Qe Alc remxfv lc j ygfjat bo mbiv jlg, fnfc jr jvgfcjilcf lcrajcais reqqgfrrfv atf qjlc.

Lf lucbgfv atf kbecv jcv qblcafv atf xclof ja atf ofwjif utbra jujlc. Dbat bo atfw ujnf eq bc vfofcrf ja atf rjwf alwf!

Chrysanthemum Garden.


Lbkfnfg, Bjgfc kjr eialwjafis ralii jc CP. CPr tjv abb wjcs jvnjcajufr bnfg atf qijsfgr; atfs vlvc’a offi qjlc, jcv ibrlcu yibbv kbeivc’a tjgw atfw–– ibHoFL

Unexpectedly, Wu Jin suddenly leaned in, pressing the tip of the blade through Karen’s palm. Taking advantage of the time when the female ghost attempted to escape, he slammed his elbow up, pressing the ghost’s back against the wall.


The King of Hearts’ dormitory was similar to his and the big boss’s dormitory. He clearly remembered the big boss’s demonstration in the room that day.

––Hold down her back, her arms were longer than yours, but she can’t touch you like this. s nBc3


Karen bowed her head in pain and twisted her limbs, yet she remained suppressed by Wu Jin!

The fighting in the bedroom finally calmed down.


Wu Jin took the time to look at the wound on his arm.

It wasn’t deep, wasn’t disabling, and wasn’t in the way.


It was just that he couldn’t get outside as there was nobody who could unlock the door for him. LaAPz6


Wu Jin turned his head slightly and leaned against Karen, who was still pressed up against the wall.

He was very close to the female ghost.

The youth, who now had the absolute upper hand, took a look at the side of the female ghost’s face, taking in the eyes that were filled with concentration and a bloodthirsty light from the fight. Her eyes were burning with cruelty. KBx5WI


The camera nearby flew closer immediately.

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The Crosson Show’s live stream room. Eq2W7m

Ying Xiangxiang, who’d been explaining the situation for a long time, suddenly perked up, her eyes growing bright as she spoke up with, “Little Witch is very alpha-like! He first defeated the opponent completely, then made his opponent surrender physically and mentally…”

Blood Pigeon: “???”

Blood Pigeon: “Oh, so, Contestant Wu has finally found the last clue from the program group…”


At this time, Wu Jin seemed to be embracing the female ghost from behind, appearing gentle and affectionate.

It was just that his eyes were actually focused on the subtle color differences in the outline of the female ghost’s face.


There was a color difference in the skin between the female ghost’s face and neck. VOdmvu

The texture of the AI’s skin was also slightly different.


It was like… someone had placed a mask on the AI.


Wu Jin reached out abruptly.

The female ghost seemed to become aware of something, her eyes suddenly showing panic that Wu Jin ignored as his fingers felt along the gap in the skin color difference, tearing it off with determination––


There was a ripping sound. E7IkhQ

––A facial disguise fell off at the same time!


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wu Jin’s pupils contracted.

It was unexpected, but also expected. yHiJXM


Karen’s face was now bare. The ghost’s features were now nothing but dark and terrible holes, and only two strange pupils remained, looking at Wu Jin in horror.

Wu Jin was also looking at her.

  Vf WZk

“When he saw the ferocious ghost, it had spread a human skin on the couch and drawn on it with a colored pen. It then threw aside the pen and raised the skin, like shaking out a garment, and put it on its body.”

 ––Pu Songling’s <Painted Skin>.


The theme for the seventh elimination match was ‘Painted Skin’. FyEkKY

The female ghosts included Karen, the Queen, and the Nightingale, but they were also the female ghost from ‘Painted Skin’.

Players weren’t the only ones who could have their disguises taken away. NPCs could, as well.


Wu Jin sucked in a breath of cold air. lB95 U


The mask in his hand was soft and delicate.

A small line of text appeared on his wrist watch.




Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The female lead in the dance drama <Red Dancing Shoes>. Number of absorbed trainees: 6.


––“You are Karen’s second owner.”

––“Your legs have been cut off due to the Queen’s curse. Vanity was your original sin, but who was born without it? You turned to heaven for repentance, but will the end of the story be what you think it is? You are the crying and dancing girl, a confessional hymn in the church, and a nightingale’s sorrow. You float, low in the sky.”


––“If you want to use ‘Karen’s identity, please point your competition wrist watch at the mask chip.” Dk2V5j


Wu Jin’s hands tightened on the mask.

The original Karen whose face had been torn off was weak. It was as though she’d lost her vitality along with her identity.


There was a sudden sound of footsteps from outside the bedroom door.

Wu Jin paused.


He couldn’t confirm who was coming through the corridor now. XlZyEI

The bedroom key could only be in Yu Mo or the King of Hearts’ hands.

And, once either of them were the ones to enter the door, he, who had just experienced a fierce battle, wouldn’t be a match for the King of Hearts. But right now, the bedroom was a locked, closed room. There was no escape except through the door!


Unless… tq2Ymd

Wu Jin suddenly looked up at the ceiling!

Then, he lifted his arm, aiming the wrist watch at the mask chip as quickly as he could. The skin disguise belonging to ‘Leica’ automatically peeled off his face, while the delicate and pale ‘face’ belonging to the female ghost Karen that had been fed by several trainees pasted itself onto his face!

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There was a booming sound. YM mh9

Wu Jin was squeezed into a corner by a massive force!

As he replaced Karen, a silver life-saving capsule suddenly popped up and wrapped around the NPC!


Wu Jin’s eyes were wide and amazed. IZmePL

Then, he instantly realized what it meant.

If a player replaces the female ghost, then the female ghost would replace the player and ‘die’.

It was a good thing for him to have Karen pop into a life-saving capsule. Anyone who came in would think that it was ‘Wu Jin’s body after being eliminated’.


There was a rustling sound from outside the door.

Someone shook the handle to the dormitory door.


Inside, Wu Jin and “Karen’s” identity was now fully integrated. 32OJtc


––“You are now a dancing and crying girl, a confessional hymn in a church, and a nightingale’s sorrow. You float, low in the sky.”


Wu Jin looked up and reached for the ceiling. jKOiyf

A huge gap suddenly opened up in the ceiling layer!

Two ropes dropped down from the compartment above, stretching towards Wu Jin. Wu Jin didn’t hesitate to wrap them around his arms, and then he was pulled up by the ropes!

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As Wu Jin was pulled up into the partition, the gap in the ceiling quickly closed behind him. C2k1Tc


At this time, the door to the empty dormitory room clattered and unlocked.

Wei Shi’s face was expressionless as he opened the door. The air pressure around him was heavy, and his entire body was cold and chilly.

Caesar, who was following behind him, was cursing loudly, “I, their grandfather, am going to kill Yu Chu and K. It’s too bad we let them run away and only grabbed the key––” VjhcON


The two of them suddenly stopped.


The bedroom, which was locked from the outside, was empty. n7MGmu

There was blood all over the ground, and the corner near the narrow bed had blood splashed over half the wall.

The furnishings in the room were in a mess due to the scuffle.


The knife that belonged to Wu Jin had originally been stuck between the ghost’s ribs. Now, it had fallen into a pool of blood. JTNaKH


The owner of the dagger was nowhere to be seen.

Instead, there was a silver life-saving capsule.


Wu Jin’s… life-saving capsule.

xiin: do any of you guys remember how scary Wei Shi was when he was first introduced to the novel~ ^_^

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

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  1. yooooooooooo, this is too crazy for me!!!!!! even ghosts can be exchanged identities with?????

    thank u so much for the chapter!!

  2. Umm, I just remember wei shi, wu jin and rabbit brother from earlier chapters hehe 👉👈

    • I already have a thought that the ghost’s identity can be taken too by player or another AI, and I’m not surprised that you just have to rip it off. NOW I CAN SAY THAT I HAVE AT LEAST +1 BRAIN

  3. Thank you for the chapter!!~ ahhhhhhhhh omg Wu Jin you have to explain things on Wei Shi quickly! Or else he might go on a rampage and kill anyone on his sights!!!! 😱😱😱

  4. Omg yes… good old days, Wei ”even-monkeys-can-hold-guns-better-than-you” Shi O.O

    Thanks for the chapter~

  5. WJ is a trap again XD I love it!!! 🥰

    I hope he goes down. You know WS would recognize him no matter what face he wears.

  6. watch as wei shi goes feral and kills everyone because wu jin’s gone… actually i find that really great, go ahead and do your thing boss

  7. Whoa, unless Wu Jin gets a chance to talk to Wei Shi, I get the feeling this might turn into a blood bath. Also was not expecting this development. Kinda love the idea of Wu Jin haunting everyone. I get the feeling his acting skills will make an appearance again.

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • Yes. Like during their first audition and the round with geoterman technology where Wu Jin is close to having heatstroke. Insta death for everyone where no one knows what killed them; even the cameras 🤣🤣🤣.

  8. Yu Chu and K wait for your deaths who told you to provoke Wei Shi anyway you guys especially K was having such big ambition of defeating Wei Shi and looked down on Wu Jin right ✅ there you go Wei Shi has come to you himself.