SparksCh37 - A Sticky Situation

Editor: SleepyCat<3

Huang Yuliang returned only after dinner. As soon as he entered the room, he heard Li Yan’s loud shout. 2dryjK

“Get out! You, get out first!”

Huang Yuliang peeked into the room and saw Li Yan standing by the bed, holding a vest in front of his lower body.

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“What’s going on?”

“What nonsense! Why are you pretending to be stupid?” 5ZmXej

“Is it really necessary to choose a time when I’m not around to apply the medicine? It’s not like I haven’t seen it before.”

“Can you go find Jiang Sheng for a while?” Li Yan’s face turned as red as a monkey’s buttocks. “Come on, man, I beg you!”

Huang Yuliang could barely contain a sly smile as he walked step by step towards Li Yan.

“If you come any closer, I’ll kick you!”


“Kick away. If you’re not afraid of exposing yourself, just kick.”

Li Yan was almost forced into the corner of the wall. “You pervert!”

Huang Yuliang approached Li Yan. Since Li Yan had applied the ointment on his palms as well, he didn’t dare squeeze his vest too tightly lest the ointment stained the garment. Huang Yuliang grabbed his vest, revealing the black and sticky ointment covering the area between Li Yan’s legs, which was not a pleasant sight.

“Okay, I won’t mess with you anymore. Lie down,” Huang Yuliang said after checking the vest for any ointment. Seeing no ointment stains, he neatly folded them and set them aside. Seeing the other person still standing in the corner, covering himself, Huang Yuliang couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m serious here. Lie down.” xpg6AV

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“What are you up to?”

“Tbe vlvc’a rqgfjv la fnfcis. Tbe cffv ab rqgfjv la fnfcis ab jyrbgy atf wfvlmlcji qgbqfgalfr. Gbc’a sbe tjnf atlr yjrlm xcbkifvuf?”

Efiemajcais, Ol Tjc kjixfv ab atf yfvrlvf jcv ijs vbkc. “Ktlr raeoo lr abb atlmx, ilxf tbcfs. Pa ralmxr ab ws tjcv.”

“Zs wbw vlvc’a ub lcab vfajlir klat sbe, jcv sbe cfnfg ybatfgfv ab oluegf la bea.” Lejcu Teiljcu ugjyyfv bcf bo Ol Tjc’r tjcvr jcv erfv tlr olcufg ab vgjk mlgmifr lc tlr qjiw, j ofk alwfr mibmxklrf jcv j ofk alwfr mbecafgmibmxklrf. Coafg j rtbga ktlif, atf nlrmber blcawfca agjcrobgwfv ogbw yijmx ab vjgx ygbkc lc mbibg. EdOhyd

The gentle circles drawn by Huang Yuliang sent a tickle across Li Yan’s palm, and the warmth of the ointment seeped into his skin. The combined sensations directly penetrated into his heart. “Change… change hands…”

“You lazy thing, do it yourself.” Huang Yuliang moved to the end of the bed. “Your soles might tickle a bit. Bear with it.”

Li Yan actually felt a bit embarrassed. “You… I’ll do it myself then.”

“Hurry up then. It’s about to solidify. By letting it air-dry, you’re basically wasting the medicine.” Huang Yuliang grabbed Li Yan’s foot and scraped off the already solidified ointment. When he touched the sole, Li Yan instinctively recoiled, but Huang Yuliang held him firmly and continued. Wfu5JE

“No! It’s too ticklish! Are you doing this to me on purpose?” While struggling to set himself free, Li Yan also swiftly covered his lower body, but Huang Yuliang still noticed the movement.

“You got hard?” Huang Yuliang moved Li Yan’s hands away, and as expected , he found a slight reaction below. “You need to abstain. You’re not allowed to masturbate. You’re lucky that you can still get hard. You haven’t been rendered impotent by the Prisoner Maidens.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Li Yan stared at Huang Yuliang, detecting a hint of subtlety in his tone. “Are you… jealous?”

Huang Yuliang wasn’t shy about it. He gripped a handful of Li Yan’s leg hair. “And what if I am?” 3qhFXP

Li Yan was actually wracked with guilt. He and Jiang Sheng had gone to that village with high hopes, only to return empty-handed. To top that, Huang Yuliang had to risk himself to save them.

“Well, I’ll tell you something to make you happy.” Looking at Huang Yuliang’s profile, Li Yan blushed involuntarily. “But you mustn’t laugh.”

“I’ll try my best.”

“To be honest… I can’t remember the details afterward, but I do have an impression of the first day.” Li Yan’s voice dropped an octave. “That girl… was not as skilled as you… don’t you dare laugh!” quNUD7

“Didn’t you say you wanted to make me happy? Of course I would laugh when I am happy.” Huang Yuliang leaned closer to Li Yan. “Then… does this mean that you were thinking of me when you were having sex with that girl?”

“A tiny bit.”

“Alright, that’s… somewhat satisfying.” Huang Yuliang gestured towards Li Yan’s legs. “If you let me handle this for you, I’d be even happier.”

“No! If you do it, I might directly ejaculate.” BpoWk

“Then, I won’t be happy again…”

Li Yan wiped the ointment on Huang Yuliang’s face with his hand. “Why are you such a shameless rascal?”

“I don’t care… I just want to play…” Huang Yuliang buried his head in Li Yan’s shoulder, smearing the ointment on his body. “I don’t care…”

“I’ll kick you!” Li Yan raised his hand, then stopped midway, careful not to transfer the ointment to Huang Yuliang’s clothes. “Get up… Why are you so clingy?!” 6ZLfUT

“I don’t care…”

“You…” Li Yan was so frustrated that he lost his temper and blushed. “Wait until I get better…”

“Three weeks then…”

“Once I’m better, you can do it as many times as you like…” Li Yan blurted out. 59GlLZ

Hearing this, Huang Yuliang almost froze. He’d never expected Li Yan to say such words. It seemed shamelessness was indeed contagious. Huang Yuliang dared not lift his face lest Li Yan saw his expression at the moment. He tried to conceal his amusement by biting his lips. “Fine, I’ll be waiting for you.”

For the past few days, Huang Yuliang had been researching cloud-pattern brocades, looking into relevant information and legends. As a famous traditional art, there was a lot of information about cloud-pattern brocade, but there was not much information about the Lin family’s Seventeen Grand Brocades, which was also something that Huang Yuliang was puzzled about. The only thing that was mentioned in the scattered words and phrases was the exquisite beauty of the Seventeen Grand Brocades, and that this technique was Lin family’s secret weaving technique that was never passed on to outsiders. Some people had tried to steal or deconstruct the technology, but to no avail.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

With nothing to occupy his days, Li Yan resorted to physical exertion to release his pent-up energy. He practiced a set of martial arts moves on his balcony before heading back inside for a refreshing shower.

Huang Yuliang noticed a red string on Li Yan’s left wrist and asked, “What does the red string mean?” IehZAr

“It doesn’t mean anything. I encountered a strange person at the Jiming Temple. He seemed a bit superstitious, noticed I touched a stone statue, claimed it had evil energy, and then rubbed temple soil on this string, saying it could ward off evil. So, I put it on.”

“What did he look like?”

“His appearance…” Li Yan tried hard to recall. “His hair was slightly long, not too much. He was about my height, and then…” The more Li Yan tried, the more he struggled to remember the person’s features. “I forgot what he looks like.”

“You never mentioned this before.” Huang Yuliang closed his computer, feeling there was something fishy about the person Li Yan described. OZtbe6

“Yeah.” Li Yan scratched his head. “I forgot.”

“You didn’t deliberately keep it from me?”

“No, not at all…” Li Yan felt increasingly puzzled. He genuinely didn’t have any deliberate intention to hide it. The matter seemed like a small stone he kicked aside on the roadside—instead of saying he forgot about it, it was more like he’d just ignored it, perceiving it as an extraordinarily ordinary thing in his subconscious. Yet, consciously recalling it brought the memory back.

“You weren’t cursed, were you?” WQf0vr

“I don’t think so.” Li Yan strangely felt certain about this. “I don’t know why, but I feel like he probably meant no harm. Maybe it’s because we met in the temple. I just have a gut feeling.” Li Yan patted his chest. “I feel exceptionally healthy now. I’ve been drinking herbal medicine every day, and even my urine smells like it!”

Huang Yuliang observed Li Yan’s bare torso, slick with sweat. His muscles were taut, and a flush colored his face. It really didn’t look like there was anything wrong with him. “I’ll ask my mom to come check the string in a couple of days. For now, go take a shower.”

“Have you made any progress on the cloud-pattern brocade case?”

“I’m heading to the Lin family’s company this afternoon, posing as a commercial agent.” Huang Yuliang looked up. “Wanna come with me?” M8oRGw

“Sure. What role am I playing?”

“Uh… My bodyguard?”

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