A Sword of FrostCh82 - Forming An Alliance


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Translator's Note

Lol he’s referring to the language the agreement is written in

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  1. I feel bad for the guards, because its only going to get better (or worse) from here 🤣

    Thank you for the chapter ❤️

  2. I love Chinese BL novel more than Japanese ones because there isn’t less helpless and overly humble bottoms. I like them confident about themselves or becoming confident throughout the story. But there is story like “nurturing the hero” where I had read so many chapters but mc still has no clue about his beauty, talent and skills and, please, explain me how a guy who had spent 10 years training the swords can have no muscle!! The explanation? Japanese’s manga BS about super strong woman who are skinny sf or the BS about archers with skinny arms just because elves aren’t skinny but their body constitution isn’t as strong as a tree.



    Give me some steam 😭

      • I’m sorry, i tend to ramble a lot when I feel like it is a waste of talent and skills. Especially in writing as I am currently trying to write my own story.

        And this is actually nothing. You haven’t seen what I just wrote on novelupdate about “Violant of the silver” and “nurturing the hero to avoid death” 😂

          • My ADHA made me write 3 at the same time and procrastinate them 3 too. The first story isn’t about an immortal “young man” who is trying his best to help an orphan he saved long ago to win a kind of civil war (idk how it is called 😭) in an underground city/country of flying humans with bat wings, which is ruled by 3 tyrant (ambition violence and lust). Basically they are rebels who are struggling until the guy save another orphan, a “teen” girl who will be particularly attached to him and become the first orphan he adopted himself.

            Second story is based on grec mythology (because Percy Jackson made me addicted) and it is the story between zeus’ heir on earth/Gaya the amazone heiresse who hadn’t lost her queendom and are both looking for them murderer of their parents who Ian the same guy (Zeus’ heure is his great grand son), and of course they fall in love. The whole world is in a fictional world I made based on Greek mythology.

            The third story is also in a fictional world and is about a knight from a fallen family an de a noble scholar who are sent in a mission by the king but in reality it was manipulated by another noble to fram the Knight and an criminal organization will use the mission to kill the noble because he might ruin their plans. And yes they will fall in love and there is a lesbian couple who is friend!

            I am working on these for a few years for the first two and at least 1 years for the last one.

            I am not in the best environment to write rn and I don’t know when I will be able to escape 😢

  3. Plot twist: li jun is a part of red crow cult and he is using his dumbness as camouflage to infiltrate their team. Reading more about him makes me think his character setting is very complex. He is not dumb. Its like he is using every means to gain their trust. He makes me feeling really uneasy.