A Sword of FrostCh159 - I Have You in This Life


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Translator's Note

Zaki~OMG, Lingfei is alive and got up probably./Ela~WAHHHH!

Translator's Note

Deep-fried round and flat dough-cake

Translator's Note

zaki~yeah, i could just imagine him jumping through walls to steal with the jingling of bells at his wake

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  1. Can’t believe we reached the end TTwTT

    Thank You for the chapter (。’▽’。)♡ Dear, lay in bed and rest! You need to stay healthy, so You musn’t touch the translations >< We will wait for You ❤

  2. This was a rollercoaster ride and I enjoyed every second of it! Though I wish Jiang Lingfei was alive 😔

    Thank you to all the translators! You all did an amazing job!