Transmigrated into a Sadistic Novel as the Male Supporting Character [Book Transmigration]Ch11 - Library

With the holiday over, Q University’s roads were bustling with people. The ground, dampened by rain, was littered with scattered twigs and fallen leaves, trampled and mixed with muddy water.

In the early morning, dew clung to the branches. Inside the dormitory building, the light was dim. Gu Xingyou woke up early, went out to buy breakfast, and returned to wake Wei Qiangwen for class. exi0A3

They were in the same class, and except for elective courses, they spent most of their time together, maintaining this routine since the start of the semester.

“Let’s go. We have ten minutes left. I brought you some buns, hurry up!” Gu Xingyou nudged the sleeping Wei Qiangwen, urging him to get up.

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Wei Qiangwen, still groggy, moved sluggishly. He slowly got out of bed, dressed, and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. By the time he was done, he was mostly awake.

He took the buns from Gu Xingyou, checked the time, and saw they had eight minutes left until class. He laughed, “Look, I brushed my teeth and washed my face in just two minutes.” 9hdDka

Gu Xingyou snorted, tapped his back with a book, and said, “Hurry up, let’s go.”

Before leaving the dormitory, Gu Xingyou glanced back at Ji Chen’s bed. Ji Chen was still asleep.

“What’s wrong? Did you forget something?” Wei Qiangwen asked, his voice muffled by the bun in his mouth.

“No, let’s go.” Gu Xingyou quietly closed the door.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The last bit of light from outside was blocked out, and the dormitory fell silent for a long time. Ji Chen sat up in bed and glanced at Gu Xingyou’s bed, feeling a surge of inexplicable irritation.

Ktf wbgclcu mijrrfr obg atf mbwqeafg rmlfcmf wjpbg kfgf oeiis rmtfveifv. Pc atf mijrrgbbw, atf afjmtfg ifmaegfv ogbw atf qbvlew ktlif Xe Wlcusbe rfmgfais qeiifv bea tlr qtbcf ogbw atf vgjkfg. Qlat bcf tjcv qgbqqlcu eq tlr mtlc jcv atf batfg asqlcu yilcvis, tf ilrafcfv ab atf ifmaegf tjio-tfjgafvis.

Yc atf batfg rlvf, Al Jtfc’r qtbcf revvfcis ila eq. Ktf wfrrjuf bc atf ibmx rmgffc gfjv rlwqis: “Efwfwyfg ab ajxf sbeg wfvlmlcf.”

A few seconds later, the phone in Gu Xingyou’s desk pocket vibrated. Holding a pen in his right hand to highlight his notes, he used his left hand to retrieve his phone. o1fXCY

He unlocked it and opened the message page.

Ji Chen: Got it.

Just by reading the message, Gu Xingyou could already imagine Ji Chen’s tone. After reading it, he didn’t reply and locked the screen, placing the phone face down in the desk pocket.

Their relationship improving was the outcome Gu Xingyou was pleased to see. He was very satisfied with the current state, and Ji Chen seemed much better than when they first met. During the vacation, except for the first night, he hadn’t gone out again. dity5r

Recalling that night, an image of Ji Chen crying under the streetlamp flashed in his mind. He looked like an abandoned pet, raising his quills to protect himself, which made him seem pitifully endearing.

After 2 PM, Gu Xingyou had no more classes. Instead of returning to the dormitory, he went straight to the library. In the month since he had been at Q University, his visits to the library had been few, and he wasn’t very familiar with it.

The librarian was a young woman with chestnut curls draping over her chest and a light makeup that was pleasing to the eye.

After asking her a few questions, he quickly found the book he wanted. He stood between the shelves, pulled out a book from the third row, flipped through a few pages, and walked out. u9qKGB

The library was quiet, everyone engrossed in their books, exuding an aura of scholarly dedication. Gu Xingyou glanced around, looking for a place to sit, and accidentally spotted a familiar face—Xu Lian.

Opposite Xu Lian sat a woman with her back to him, her long hair cascading down her back.

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Gu Xingyou tilted his head and saw the two speaking in low voices. Not wanting to disturb them, he sat down nearby. However, before he could read a page, someone knocked his two books off the table, the loud “thud” breaking the silence and drawing several looks.

“Sorry,” a soft female voice apologized, sounding weak and delicate. z6iDFQ

Books scattered on the floor, and Gu Xingyou looked up to see a pair of pale legs. His gaze moved up to a plaid short skirt, wondering if she felt cold, and then to a white blouse with lace trim. Her long black hair reached her waist, her eyebrows and eyes were delicate, and her demeanor graceful—it was Xu Yue, whom he had met a few days ago.

Xu Yue placed her hands on her waist, momentarily stunned upon seeing him. She quickly recovered and whispered, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to. Um…”

She tugged at her skirt, hesitant to squat down and pick up the books.

Seeing her awkwardness, Gu Xingyou said, “It’s okay, I’ll get them.” 5bYQ9e

He bent down to pick up the books. Xu Yue smiled sheepishly, “I won’t disturb you any longer. I’ll go now.”

After she left, Gu Xingyou glanced in the direction she came from, making eye contact with Xu Lian.

Both shared the surname Xu. If he remembered correctly, the woman sitting across from Xu Lian earlier was Xu Yue. Were they… siblings?

He was about to go over to say hello, but Xu Lian looked away and buried himself in his book. Sensing that Xu Lian didn’t want to draw attention to the earlier incident, Gu Xingyou decided not to approach. ctNRxA

That evening, back in the dormitory, Gu Xingyou and Xu Lian met. They exchanged looks for a moment but didn’t mention the library encounter, maintaining the usual atmosphere.

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  1. Hopefully this won’t be “Helping younger sister get close to her crush” stuff.

    Thank you for the update.