Black SkyCh77 - Inheritance

pr: roki 

“Don’t look at me with such bewildered eyes.” Sa’e Yang raised both hands, nonchalantly surrendering. “I wasn’t planning on doing anything, but if you keep on looking at me like that, I might. Honestly, I also need some time to make up my mind to do such things, don’t I? After all, it’s a great test of my patience.” l6nALX

Chu Si lowered his head and rubbed a finger against his brow, blinking hard twice in an attempt to put his mind on alert. When he lifted his head to look at Sa’e Yang again, however, his eyes were still somewhat blank.

It made him look a little innocent, and a little dazed.

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Such an expression was exceedingly rare for Chu Si.

He was also a little annoyed in his heart. He didn’t need to force himself before. As long as he saw Sa’e Yang within a hundred-meter radius, even if he hadn’t slept for three days and three nights, he would subconsciously tighten his nerves and his brain would run at high speed, not daring to slow down at all. NsahGy

But it was different now. When Sa’e Yang appeared next to him, instead of tensing, he subconsciously relaxed. If one was exhausted, it wasn’t easy for them to regain their energy again once they relaxed.

Chu Si struggled with himself several times, but to no avail. He only stared at Sa’e Yang for a while before saying slowly, “You don’t need to make up your mind. All you have to do is turn in place, take hold of the doorknob, open the door and take a step forward, and then close the door.”

After speaking, he paused for a while before remembering what to say and added, “Excuse me, thank you.”

His tone was as sarcastic as ever, but due to excessive fatigue, his voice was hoarse, as if he had a cold. Coupled with his somewhat dazed expression, a different atmosphere managed to emerge.

2 wQn0

“Are you acting coquettish, Executive?” Sa’e Yang didn’t turn around, nor did he grasp the doorknob to open the door. He only completed one action— taking a step forward.

“…” Chu Si, who wasn’t one to even write down the word “coquettish” in all his life, was stunned for a moment and said angrily, ’Why don’t you head to a medical capsule and see if there’s something wrong with your head?’”

Sa’e Yang laughed: “Alright, I won’t tease you anymore, even though you’re very fun to tease right now.”

He paused, looked at Chu Si with his beautiful eyes and said seriously: “Actually, I was just going to help out. I’m quite worried about your current state, and have no other plans.” ebd7fK

Chu Si thought, it didn’t even matter how beautiful his eyes were. Only ghosts would be coaxed by his words.

However, a few minutes later, he became a ghost.

It had to be said that when people were excessively fatigued, they were generally willing to agree to anything in order to sit down or lie down as soon as possible. Chu Si’s brain went against his body, and all he thought in his heart was—

Why am I still standing here? G4lBIq

Only a fool would believe those lies.

If you move your hand again, I’ll chop it off.

I can wash myself however I want. Why do you care?

Sneer OpjQo8

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

However, in reality, he was already sitting in the bathtub. Sa’e Yang held his chin, and they kissed quietly.

Vfnfgji rqbear klat vloofgfca oecmalbcr kfgf ueguilcu kjafg, wjxlcu rwjii rbecvr. Ktf batfgklrf rqjmlber yjatgbbw rffwfv cjggbk jcv mgjwqfv ja atlr alwf, jcv jii atf rbecvr kfgf jwqilolfv jcv ralweijalcu ab atf rfcrfr.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Pa kjr bynlberis j relajyif jawbrqtfgf obg rbwfatlcu ab yf vbcf, yea atf akb pera xlrrfv delfais jcv gfijzfvis, klat j tlca bo joofmalbc.

The word “affection” placed on either of them alone would seem out of place, but when their skin was pressed against each other’s and their lips were together, this kind of ambiance flowed out uncontrollably. CXjp6S

The temperature of the water in the bathtub was just right, immersing a person so that every muscle was relaxed. Chu Si’s elbows rested on the edge of the bathtub, and his slender, pale hands naturally hung down, not wanting to bother with the slightest bit of effort. He closed his eyes and raised his head slightly, responding to Sa’e Yang’s kiss.

He had to admit that right now, he was actually very comfortable.

But in the gaps between kisses, he still lifted his eyelids a little and narrowed his eyes to ask, “Aren’t you just helping out? Do you need to help yourself into the bathtub to help out?”

“It just so happens that I need a bath as well,” Sa’e Yang replied against the corner of his lips, and then he smiled. Op5shd

All in all, though, Mr. Sa’e Yang’s face was still limited in its thickness, and he really didn’t take advantage of the situation and do anything other than kissing. Because he was so relaxed and comfortable, Chu Si actually fell asleep while sitting inside the bathtub.

He didn’t remember when he fell asleep, but when he opened his eyes, he was already lying on a bed. The pseudo-natural light in the bedroom was adjusted to night, and there were even some stars scattered on the ceiling. Looking at them while half-awake, it felt like he was sleeping in the wilderness, very marvelous.

What woke him up wasn’t Sa’e Yang, but an electronic screen at his bedside.

Every room on the White Wolf Ship had such an electronic screen, which displayed necessary information, such as navigation status, whether it was going well or not, and whether there were any matters that needed attention recently. At this time, a message was flashing on the electronic screen. The beeping sound wasn’t harsh, but it could easily wake someone like Chu Si up. GzTdOx

He was too sensitive to such notifications.

Chu Si reached out to try to pull out a holographic screen and see what it was, but found that there was an arm wrapped around him— Sa’e Yang was holding him from behind, with no intention of waking up. Even though Chu Si was awake, that arm remained motionless.

Chu Si lowered his eyes and stared at that arm for a moment, then shook his head, but still didn’t forcefully move away.

The holographic screen of the electronic screen was brought up, and the message displayed on it was clearly reflected in Chu Si’s eyes. The three hours since the dragon pillars were activated had passed smoothly, and the process had transitioned to its first stage. 9vtFxm

In addition, there was a brief description of the situation in the living and medical areas. No trouble had erupted, and everything was peaceful.

He looked at the dim light on the holographic screen, heard the calm breathing in the bedroom, and suddenly felt a momentary sense of unreality. It was as if he still lived in the city, slept at 5 Bank Street, not far from the Security Building, with guards at the door at all times. Every six months, he would take the time to rest at a villa far away in a black cedar forest for a week, once in midsummer and once in midwinter. The things he had experienced before, such as the planet’s end, death, and the chaos of time, were all just a long dream.

But there was something else in the dream that made him a little regretful that he woke up…

However, as soon as this unreasonable regret came to his mind, he blinked his half-opened eyes twice and was about to continue sleeping, when the person behind him suddenly moved. Sa’e Yang’s straight nose rubbed against the back of his neck, and then his lips… ri zO1

After a few caresses, it turned into pecking kisses.

With every kiss, Chu Si’s narrowed eyelashes trembled. The back of his neck, his spine, and his heart… vital places always seemed to be more sensitive, and the feelings brought about by every touch were pushed to his brain.

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Chu Si frowned and grabbed Sa’e Yang’s wrist with his fingers, trying to pull his hand away. His head sank into a pillow as he tsk’ed and said vaguely, “Aren’t you going to sleep… “

His annoyance of being interrupted from sleep and the comfort of being kissed were intertwined, which made the tone of his complaint less harsh, and also made the person behind him a little more assertive. w8eVdL

“I wasn’t sleeping to begin with,” Sa’e Yang replied.

Instead of being moved away, the arm he held in front of Chu Si moved up to touch Chu Si’s chin and throat. “Your voice sounds hoarse.”

Chu Si narrowed his eyes and glanced at that hand, but was entangled in his fingers and couldn’t break free.

“If you don’t want to sleep, then leave. I’m very sleepy.” Chu Si finally turned to look at Sa’e Yang impatiently, but before he could clearly see his figure, he was entangled, pressed, and kissed. dIFjsp

“Can’t you occasionally take into account the timing and occasion?” Chu Si’s hoarse voice was a little angry from embarrassment.

But Sa’e Yang smiled, “What’s wrong with the occasion? Is there any more private occasion than this? As for the timing, it couldn’t be better.”

“I have to remind you, Mr. Sa’e Yang, that I haven’t slept for more than two days. I just slept for three hours, and now, I don’t want to move or open my eyes at all. Can’t you tell me about what kind of good time this is?”

“Of course. When you get enough sleep, you won’t be docile anymore. You might even fight with me,” Mr. Sa’e Yang said reasonably. Rd1XYM

Chu Si opened his mouth and went over this sentence several times in his half-awake mind, but he couldn’t find a point to refute. In the end, he could only sarcastically say: “Just how deep is your misunderstanding of the word ‘docile’?”

It had been proved that the debts owed would always be demanded someday, and even the usually unforgiving mouth of Executive Chu would have moments where it couldn’t speak a single word.

At first, he was able to keep his composure, and sometimes the pain would motivate him to be a little sharper, but it later became difficult to control…

Sa’e Yang was extremely terrible in this regard. When Chu Si first started to be harsh, he would laugh and block his lips so that he could never finish his words. Later, when Chu Si frowned and wordlessly bit his lips, he began to do whatever he could to tease him into opening his mouth. FnfElL

As said before, he remembered all debts and reserved them for the times when Chu Si was weak-willed and unable to speak out.

With each movement, a complaint was resolved, and he deliberately stretched out the process so that it was extremely slow and precise.

For example, the bargains of the past, the names Chu Si carelessly gave him, all that random pinching of his face, and so on…

Chu Si was flipped over once in the process so that he ended up buried in the pillow, clenching his fingers and tensing his waist. Although he bit his lips tightly, he couldn’t help but let out a few sounds. eJodx7

Sa’e Yang grabbed his hand by the pillow and deliberately covered his eyes as he pressed in. He felt a little dampness at Chu Si’s half-narrowed eyes and gave a low laugh. “Executive, have I angered you so much that you’re crying?”

Fuck you!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

But those words were too many for Executive Chu to say at the moment. After a long time, he turned his head and squeezed out one word between gasps: “Scram.”

Of course, Sa’e Yang blocked his mouth again. ydXm8M

Their rapid breaths finally calmed down into soothing kisses, and finally turned into their initial quiet intimacy.

Sa’e Yang kissed Chu Si for a while before whispering in his ear, “I saw a private command in the communicator you gave me, which should be synchronized with yours.”

“What?” Chu Si’s voice was a bit hoarse, with a hint of laziness, like a cat lying on the windowsill in the afternoon, squinting at the sun. The drowsiness that had been dispelled before slowly swept up again at this moment. He closed his eyes and listened to Sa’e Yang’s voice in his ears.

“A private inheritance division form,” Sa’e Yang said, “Much like the ones we had to sign when we went out on missions at training camp.” fBrlnu

Chu Si seemed to have heard, but also seemed not to have heard. He gave no response.

“There were many empty spaces on that form, and only one name appeared from beginning to end.” Sa’e Yang asked in a low voice, “Am I to understand that I am the most special one to you, different from all others, as you are to me?”

Chu Si’s breathing had slowed, calm and level. Just when Sa’e Yang thought he had fallen asleep again, his fingers, which had been gripping the pillow before, lazily lifted to touch Sa’e Yang’s chin, “En.”

It turned out that Chu Si’s sleep schedule was a mystery. M2nXdw

After undergoing mechanical therapy before, he wasn’t very tired, but he was pushed back and forth by Sa’e Yang and slept for nearly ten hours. This time, after more than fifty hours of continuous working, even though he had been exhausted earlier, he actually didn’t sleep for very long.

Including the three hours before Sa’e Yang’s disturbance, the total was less than six hours.

When he woke up, Sa’e Yang was standing by the bed getting dressed.

Seeing Chu Si open his eyes, he leaned over and touched the corner of Chu Si’s mouth. “Aren’t you going to sleep some more? It’s only been a little over two hours.” ddVnfj

Chu Si half-opened his eyes and looked at him expressionlessly for a while, then said, “Don’t you think that’s very hypocritical, Mr. Sa’e Yang?” Who was the one who said it was just the right time to take advantage of the situation?

He propped up on the bed and sat up, easily adjusting the light in the bedroom. Just halfway through sitting up, his expression stiffened slightly for a second, but to save his face, it instantly returned to normal. “Why are you wearing a different shirt?”

“Your shirts and pants don’t fit me very well,” said Sa’e Yang.

Chu Si: “…” 7Zr20Y

He wasn’t exactly short at a height of 180 centimeters, but unfortunately, Sa’e Yang was even taller than him and more muscular around his shoulders and back. Indeed, no matter whether it was his shirt or pants, they wouldn’t be very comfortable to wear.

“Do you want to go to the living area to pick up a few more items?” Chu Si said. “Most of the stored supplies are there. Yesterday, I saw some people who had the foresight to take some for themselves.”

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“We can talk about it later.” Sa’e Yang took a set of clothes from the closet and gave them Chu Si. “I’ve calculated the time, and the draft should be almost decrypted by now. Let’s go and take a look.”

The author has something to say: Z0xmTQ

Don’t expect any cars!

loop: my exams have all finished up, so updates are back to the normal wednesday/saturday schedule!

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  1. Everytime they are intimate I’m like 🤯 because of how little it usually happens. This chapter was just full of sweetness!! 🥹💖💖💖

  2. Than you so much for the chapter! Someone tell me, please, did they sleep together? Everything is so blurry…