Black SkyCh76 - Returning

pr: roki

People said: surviving a great misfortune meant one would receive future blessings. NU5kfC

He hadn’t received any great blessings, but Chu Si did feel that everything was on the right track, whether it was his relationship with Sa’e Yang or the orderly rescue plan.

Throughout all his life, Chu Si rarely had many times when he could say that he was in a happy mood. Most situations were “I’m very busy,” “there are too many things to worry about,” “my subordinates have done stupid things again,” “there are no clues about Jiang Qi,” and so on. People like him who obsessed over work but really didn’t like to work all that much always had little emotional fluctuations. Even the occasional slightest wave would soon become stagnant water.

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He once thought that it would be difficult for him to experience the feeling of “hoping for the dust to settle” because there was always one trouble after another, and the dust never settled.

But he didn’t expect to experience it now. As he watched the fragments to be rescued become fewer and fewer, and the marks of the rescued cover most of the star map, he had a rare glimmer of anticipation. POvAgZ

He also once thought that even though he wasn’t really in love with his work, given that he was not very interested and emotional about people, he definitely didn’t have the makings of a foolish leader and would probably remain a calm, rational, and wise leader for the rest of his life.

Unexpectedly, when Sa’e Yang embraced him in the office and didn’t want to let go, and the communicator in his hand suddenly vibrated, calling to remind him to go to the command center, his first reaction was to toss the communicator away. After all, it wasn’t easy for someone with a personality like Sa’e Yang’s to talk about the past.

It seemed that the potential to become a foolish leader was in development.

Chu Si didn’t end up as a foolish leader, however. He patted Sa’e Yang’s back and eventually grabbed the unpleasant communicator, walking with guards back to the command center.


There was a slight hiccup in the middle of the second day’s rescue, enough so that the intermission was used by Chu Si to temporarily rearrange a plan with Zilder Feng and the others to ensure that the third day’s rescue would be more efficient.

So Chu Si stayed at the command center for nearly forty hours, during which he used the break for nutrient supplementation to brainwash Old Master Shao a second time. During a brief rest time, he received a report from the training camp’s group.

Tang said that the team that Shao Heng had arranged had arrived at Fort Barney, ready to fully secure it. They would be able to go back to the White Wolf Ship after they cleaned it up, except the cleanup was a little more time-consuming because they had built a temporary base underground.

All in all, the more than forty hours of intense concentration were a little hurtful. The exhaustion of everyone in the command center was obvious to all. Chu Si, who usually didn’t like to talk very much, had a slightly hoarse voice. Zilder Feng, this loudmouth who often raised his voice, was relying on constantly moistening his throat to continue on. kYldyq

“By my calculations, with two more landings, all the planetary fragments will be included in the rescue zone.” A deputy executive tapped his fingers on the table.

There were only two more landings left. In fact, the second to last team had already departed, and it would only be a matter of hours before the last team landed. This reminder certainly cheered up the entire command center.

Chu Si still didn’t sit at the conference table. He hung an earphone outside the glass wall to remotely listen to the whole process, and occasionally sent a few messages back and forth to Sa’e Yang.

Physically exhausted, but mentally joyful. i7O6R

Earlier, Sa’e Yang had made a rare mistake, using Chu Si’s face to unlock the encryption instead of Jiang QI’s, and the result was self-explanatory— an alert in the encryption system had been hit, so the entire encryption program was automatically updated. What had been decrypted earlier became wasted work, and they would have to wait a full 24 hours before it could be cracked again.

But with this lesson learned, Sa’e Yang naturally wouldn’t make the same mistake again. The entire decryption process wasn’t difficult for him, it just took a little more time. So after waiting for 24 hours, he easily started for a second time.

By now, he was more than halfway through.

The progress bar was at 42% when Sa’e Yang synchronized its progress to Chu Si’s communicator. At this rate, it would be unlocked by the next day. dGDNre

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Kbwbggbk kbeiv yf j ubbv vjs.

Jte Vl rjlv j ofk kbgvr ab Vj’f Tjcu yfobgf rbwfatlcu cfk tjqqfcfv lc atf atgff-qjgas jiiljcmf jmgbrr atf uijrr kjii. Ktf wlilajgs tjv fcmbecafgfv j oiffa ogbw atf Jlas bo Vlinfg.

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Ciatbeut, klat atf wjcqbkfg rtbgajuf rlaejalbc, atf atgff qjgalfr pblcais mbcagbiifv atf bnfgjii vfnfibqwfca bo atf rlaejalbc, atfgf kjr, lc ojma, ralii j vlnlrlbc bo ijybg. Ktf wlilajgs tjv gfijalnfis glmt gfrbegmfr bo jgwjwfcar jcv kfjqbcr, jcv lar mbwyja fzqfglfcmf kjr jirb atf tlutfra bo atf atgff qjgalfr, rb atf wlilajgs kjr wjlcis gfrqbcrlyif obg yibmxjvlcu rfmegf hbcfr.

In other words, the military was responsible for doing its best to eliminate all possible threats outside the rescue area, the Security Building was responsible for the overall rescue deployment and command because it had the Dragon Pillar star map, and the general government was responsible for the safety and livelihood of the various planetary fragments after the rescue, that was to say, the latter stage of the construction, stationing, and other trivial matters related to survival. FUqRKA

The latter two responsibilities could be put aside. What concerned Chu Si more was the military’s responsibilities.

Since the planet collapsed until the present, when the rescue operation was nearing its end, Chu Si had been worried that the forces of other stars would come over to take advantage of the chaos to stir up trouble, make a fortune from the disaster, or simply unite to divide up the resources that could be utilized on Aquila Gamma.

It wasn’t like this hadn’t happened before. When the wanderers’ home planet became an “abandoned planet” due to irreversible problems, other planets didn’t miss out on the opportunity. Just the planet’s “legacy” alone was enough to feed some small planets for a hundred years or so.

The City of Silver was even more brazen and snatched away a large amount of resources, making it one level ahead of other cities and allowing it to rapidly develop to later levels. d4O7YH

Now that something had happened to Aquila Gamma, no matter how strong its protection was or how much it attempted to avoid news from getting out, with the City of Silver’s strength, it should’ve investigated enough. How could they still not take action?

How could the City of Silver, with its interstellar wanderer-like leadership strategy and development style, silently and amicably observe from the sidelines?

Before, when there was no movement, Chu Si had thought that anything unusual that happened had to have some ulterior motive behind it. At present, now that the City of Silver had finally begun to take action, Chu Si’s heart calmed down a little. Actions done in the open were always better than underhanded schemes.

Apparently, Chu Si wasn’t the only one who had this thought. As soon as the impromptu news from the military came out, there was discussion in the command center. “What’s meant to come will always come.” TEYueS

Compared to Zilder Feng and others, the general government was a little calmer.

But obviously, all three parties were very concerned. The City of Silver wasn’t a small planet or a wanderer group, and the losses from a head-on conflict would be too great. With their current military strength, they could only try to adopt a roundabout approach, whether it was circling around or negotiating, and all possible means had to be tried. It was best to stall for time.

New people were awakening every day and every moment. They would at least have to stall until a small space combat army could be put together, and that day didn’t seem too far away.

Chu Si used his earphone to give instructions to Zilder Feng. After the rescue forces withdrew, the group of troops responsible for safety on the White Wolf Ship could be equipped with wartime equipment, ready to be lent to the military. If the military encountered an unavoidable problem, preparing in advance to support them would save a lot of time. IWjvk3


Based on real-time synchronization to the three-party alliance, the military’s emergency stealth team sent out an interference signal on the outskirts of Rescue Zone 11 in Quadrant 4 of the Alpha Star Region, luring the City of Silver forces in Quadrant 3.

Half an hour later, the three-party alliance received news again. The second stealth team sent out an interference signal and lured away the second detachment of the City of Silver’s forces.

Forty minutes later, six stealth teams from the military sent out twelve interference signals respectively, drawing away the remaining troops of the City of Silver. 9QBT70


The lieutenant general in charge of the military returned to the holographic screen of the three-party alliance and brought back good news. The military’s information department successfully simulated the military signal of the Wasteland Planet, distracting the attention of the City of Silver’s army and making them temporarily believe the previous interference signal was related to the Wasteland Planet.

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“Before the accident on our side, the Wasteland Planet had been in conflict with the City of Silver. The Wasteland Planet had nothing left to lose, harassing the City of Silver’s interstellar patrol army more than once, and border conflicts have not yet ended. Since their old conflict hasn’t been settled yet, it’s not unreasonable to use them as scapegoats,” the lieutenant general explained.

It was close to 0:00 when the last rescue teams finally landed on the remaining planetary fragment. The other teams that had already completed their rescue missions sent a portion of the people to the White Wolf Ship and then rushed back to that last fragment to add to their manpower. tZzqYG


The message from the military was updated again: the City of Silver’s army had been successfully led to the Beta Star Region. Even if they realized that something was wrong, adjusted the direction of their voyage, and then repositioned back to the Alpha Star Region and approached the rescue zones again, it would take at least three days.

“Three days—”  Lieutenant General He Xiuwen raised three fingers and said sternly, “If the last batch of rescue is successfully completed within the estimated time, it’ll only take three hours to activate the first process of the Dragon Pillars’ additional gravitational devices. Three hours later, all the planetary fragments within the Dragon Pillars’ range will converge towards a strategically positioned center, and the entire rescue zone will shrink as a result.”

He clenched his fingers into a fist and said, “This means that even though the land beneath our feet has fallen apart and scattered in different places, and even though each fragment is separated by a vast expanse of stars, we are one.” 2tcB46

This meant that an invisible spider web would pull all the planetary fragments together, forming a cluster of fragments. The entire cluster of fragments, under the powerful force of the Dragon Pillars, could adjust its center according to its strategic needs to achieve overall relocation.

This would make them less passive when encountering another interstellar army.

It would be great to have those three days.

When the number on the clock jumped to exactly 03:00, the synchronized monitors of the last batch of rescue teams finally leaped back into the aircraft. All rescue personnel made a “mission accomplished” gesture to the camera, and the three-party meeting room was filled with cheers. 14whsV

The rescue team led a portion of the people onto the return journey, and on the strategic map, countless small flying objects resembling a brilliant star belt flew towards the White Wolf Ship magnificently.

All the Dragon Pillars of the planetary fragments had been equipped with additional gravitational mimicry devices, and any activation of the Dragon Pillars’ function required the joint efforts of the military, the general government, and the Security Building. The highest representative of each held a portion of the authority.

“Get ready to activate the Dragon Pillars’ devices,” Chu Si reminded Zilder Feng, pressing down his earphone.

Old Feng simultaneously explained to the meeting that the two lieutenant generals from the military had left their seats and should’ve gone to the activation device of the military, and the same was true for the general government. xkCPSa

Chu Si stood on the internal teleportation pad of the command center and arrived at a lower floor with guards, followed by Zilder Feng, the two deputy executives, and the pilot, one after the other.

The lower floor, wrapped in metal wall, wasn’t large. The center of the ground slowly opened, and the activation device was pushed out.

Chu Si rolled up his sleeves and walked over, pressing his thumb against the activator.

A scanning light swept back and forth on him, and the electronic prompt beeped: certified as the highest command authority of the Security Building, screening passed. 0gBwC4


The voices of the representatives of the military and the general government rang in his earphone.

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“Ready to go.” hbzdnZ


Chu Si’s voice was slightly hoarse, and without the holographic screen, everyone’s voices were so hoarse that they didn’t sound like their original voices. No one on the other two sides reacted to the fact that it was he who was speaking.

Because the prompt for synchronous startup of the Dragon Pillar attachment device had already sounded.

There was a simultaneous buzz from the millions of fragments scattered across the sea of stars, and if there were a screen large enough to hold an overhead view of all the fragments at that moment, one would see that each planetary fragment was tilted slightly to one side or the other by the self-adjustment of the Dragon Pillars, and then slowly moved towards the intended strategic center under the effect of an immense gathering force. WGDKn9

They were like tired birds that had been flying for too long, finally returning to their nests in droves under the night sky.


All the returning rescue teams successfully boarded the aircraft, and over a hundred gates of the White Wolf Ship finally closed slowly. Busy soldiers, busy medical personnel, and busy officials came and went.

It was probably the liveliest scene Chu Si had seen since he awakened. 1FMnba

Once all the people and rescue teams that needed to be settled were settled, and various posts were switched, those who had been working for over fifty hours straight were finally able to rest.

Both of the deputy executives were a little wobbly on their feet as they made their way back to their offices. Zilder Feng stood in the doorway of the office closest to Chu Si and greeted him with a drooping hand, opening the door and tumbling in to catch up on his sleep.

The White Wolf ship was temporarily navigated under the control of the pilot, Captain Shao Heng, the leader of the security forces, and Roger, the chief guard.

When Chu Si entered his office, Sa’e Yang was still sitting in front of the optical computer, but he should’ve slept for a while before and seemed to be in good spirits without the slightest trace of fatigue, in stark contrast to Chu Si. jYyI8F

“I thought you were a ghost.” Sa’e Yang stood up and walked over, bowing his head slightly. “Are you sure you can still walk to the bedroom? I see you’re floating on your feet.”

Chu Si glanced at him in disapproval and rubbed his brow in an attempt to clear his head a little more. “I’ll be able to make it to the bedroom if you stop blocking my way.”

As he spoke, he somewhat disdainfully pulled off his tie and complained impatiently, “I haven’t taken a shower in over fifty hours. I can’t lie in bed like this.”

“…” Sa’e Yang said, “With all due respect, Executive, laying down in a bathtub right now is no different from committing suicide. Once you’re in there, you’re not getting out again.” MPEtdg

Chu Si was exceptionally stubborn: “Then let’s see if I’ll die or not.”

Sa’e Yang raised an eyebrow and watched Chu Si’s back as he forced himself to walk back to his bedroom, saying, “Well, I’ll just have to reluctantly give you a hand, then.”

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Chu Si was, at that moment, thoroughly at ease, somewhat confused, and slow to react. When he heard Sa’e Yang’s words, he simply waved his hand without looking back and went into the bathroom, and it wasn’t until he watched in bewilderment as Sa’e Yang followed him in as well and thoughtfully closed the door that he finally reacted to what exactly those words had just meant.

Chu Si: “…” Mr59Jl


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