Black SkyCh74 - Childhood Memories

pr: roki

For someone like Chu Si, who spoke truth mixed with lies and could even make lies seem realer than the truth, it was sometimes difficult to tell what he was really trying to do. 47dvD3

Such as now.

According to reason, with his expression, he should’ve been talking about something serious. But his actual words were so improper that even someone like Sa’e Yang, who was used to dealing with him, was momentarily at a loss.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

His light-colored eyes widened slightly, and he gazed at Chu Si, stunned for a moment, before saying, “My dear, are you teasing me out of reason or seducing me out of emotion?”

Both choices weren’t anything good, making it impossible for one to choose. EldX4v

Chu Si stared at his eyes for a moment before realizing that his actions were a little easy to misunderstand. Outsiders would probably think he was flirting indecently like a playboy, a typical beast in disguise.

But right now, if he retracted his hand, it would seem like he was backing out. So Chu Si adjusted his posture, the thumb that was pinching Sa’e Yang’s chin moving slightly. “I molded your entire face, so pinching your chin isn’t any crime.”

After speaking, he calmly gave the habitual rulebreaker, Sa’e Yang, a disciplinary warning. “Stop thinking so much. I’m ordering you to smile just like before.”

Once he’d turned the atmosphere imposing enough, he took advantage of the situation to retract his hand and lowered his eyelids, pretending to tidy up his sleeves.


“Stop pretending, Executive. Are your cuffs so important that you have to touch them three times a day?” Sa’e Yang mercilessly exposed him with a slight smile on his lips.

What a bastard.

Chu Si’s fingers toying with his cuffs paused, and he stopped bothering to pretend. He leaned against the edge of the desk with both lands, narrowing his eyes and lifting his chin at Sa’e Yang. “Just tell me if you’ll smile or not.”

Sa’e Yang lazily said, “How can I smile if there’s nothing to be happy about? I’m not one of your little fools.” As he spoke, he actually did fiddle with the communicator in his hand with a bored look on his face. 9W5Vv

This was the new companion Chu Si had promised to equip him with after returning to the White Wolf Ship. It was originally Chu Si’s backup, and the login permissions for various things inside were set to Chu Si himself. The identity information inside was also automatically associated.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qtfc tf olgra ujnf la ab Vj’f Tjcu, Jte Vl oeiis ecibmxfv atf mbwweclmjabg jcv atfc gfifjrfv jii boolmlji jrrbmljalbcr, ktlif atf gfra gfwjlcfv atf rjwf— joafg jii, tf vlvc’a tjnf atf alwf ab ribkis mtjcuf la. Jtjculcu la jii ab Vj’f Tjcu’r lcobgwjalbc kbeiv fjrlis gfnfji tlr lvfcalas lo tf kjr vfafmafv ys atf Qtlaf Qbio Vtlq’r wbclabglcu cfakbgx.

When Sa’e Yang decrypted the research draft, he used some functions from SkyEye and the communicator, so the indicator light on the side of the communicator kept flashing, like a monitor or recorder staring at them.

Chu Si glanced at the communicator and reminded unkindly, “Those little fools are about to board the ship soon. I suggest you be careful about your words and actions. I can’t just broadcast my voice to the entire ship to brainwash everyone, I really don’t have the ability. Otherwise, I would’ve created some kind of cult organization already.” y9AzZU

He didn’t know which sentence was funny to Sa’e Yang, but Sa’e Yang curved his eyes towards Chu Si and smiled. It wasn’t a broad, carefree smile or a slight, polite smile, but rather a silent smile that slowly spread from the corners of his mouth to his eyes. This kind of smile always had some strange, indescribable allure, just like his exceptionally clear eyes, bright yet unfathomable.

“Don’t move.” Chu Si looked into his eyes and leaned a little closer. “That’s the smile…”

Such an action made Sa’e Yang unable to stop smiling, his bright eyes curving even more. He was a little bewildered by Chu Si, but wasn’t about to fight back a bit or ask for clarification. Instead, when Chu Si came closer to gaze at his eyes, he took advantage of the moment to tilt his head and kiss Chu Si on the chin.

Chu Si: “…” bjZdS8

“Yes, don’t move. That’s it.” Sa’e Yang’s hands had braced themselves on either side of his body, half-pinning Chu Si between himself and the desk. He deliberately mirrored Chu Si’s earlier tone of voice as he moved back a little, his gaze dropping back to Chu Si’s lips.

When he was about to go in for another kiss, Chu Si expressionlessly lifted his hand, just blocking him.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Chu Si glanced at Sa’e Yang out of the corner of his eye with a “I don’t know what to say to you” look for a while before saying, “I’m sorry, but this table is meant for work purposes, and I don’t have any plans to develop new features for it at the moment. Can’t you show some respect to my office? Hmm?”

Fortunately, this office only monitored incoming and outgoing signals, and no surveillance was installed, or else the situation would’ve been quite awkward. lTY1dt

“Generally speaking, there are consequences for teasing cats and dogs, let alone teasing people,” Sa’e Yang said. “You’ve been playing with my face for half a day now, so you should give me something in return, right? Or… are you thinking the face you’ve made yourself isn’t good-looking enough?”

“Are you finished?” Chu Si leaned back slightly and looked into Sa’e Yang’s eyes before suddenly asking, “Sa’e, do you know someone named Elena?”

When he saw that girl in Old Master Shao’s photo album before, he felt that there was something familiar about her, but he couldn’t put a finger on why she looked familiar. Plus, his attention was distracted by the Black Swans and other things, so he didn’t have an answer for a while.

Now, as he suddenly saw Sa’e Yang’s smile, he finally realized where that familiarity came from. 9miAY3

Her eyes.

Her eyes that curved with a smile were very similar to Sa’e Yang’s. But they weren’t exactly the same. Perhaps it was just a slight difference in eye color? Perhaps it was because Sa’e Yang had never smiled as widely as Elena did.

Sa’e Yang was taken aback at his question, but without even thinking about it, he said, “I don’t.”

Probably because he answered so quickly, Chu Si instinctively asked, “Are you sure?” MPTQyg

“Honestly, there aren’t too many people whose names I can remember, and it’s easy to list them all.” Sa’e Yang raised his hand and touched his temple, shrugging his shoulders. “But since I don’t even recognize her name, then I shouldn’t know her, either.”

When he answered, Chu Si also felt that his second question had been for nothing. When he saw Sa’e Yang’s eyes, he’d actually suspected that Elena and Sa’e Yang had a very close blood relationship, such as…mother and son.

But who wouldn’t even remember their mother’s name?

“That’s true.” Chu Si nodded, feeling like he might’ve overanalyzed it a little, as if he’d thought any person chosen in that graduation photo would’ve had something to do with someone he knew. k9NjtU

But now that they were mentioning this…

After hesitating for a moment, Chu Si looked at Sa’e Yang and asked, “What were you like in the past? When you were a child, I mean.”

After that, he added, “Of course, I’m asking casually, so it’s fine if you don’t want to tell me.”

In fact, when he saw Sa’e Yang sitting by an aircraft’s porthole as they traveled to Emerald Harbor, overlooking the darkened city, he wanted to ask this question. But that time it had only been a momentary curiosity, not enough for him to actually speak out. QDuxw8

But now, many things had changed.

Sa’e Yang’s gaze fixed at the corner of Chu Si’s eye, and he said with a half-smile, “Don’t pretend, Executive, you only ask questions when you’re so curious that you just can’t hold it in any longer.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Chu Si once again showed his broad-mindedness as a benevolent boss, not lowering himself to the level of this asshole who was keen on embarrassing him, and calmly said, “I think you’ve misunderstood me a little. I’m actually very open-minded and easy to talk to.”

“I think you could try repeating that sentence in front of that little pretty boy or those little fools. Their expressions would be spectacular,” Sa’e Yang said. bWorFU

“What does this have to do with them? We’re having a conversation between you and me right now. Perhaps it can even be called a casual chat? Anyway, it’s alright if you don’t want to tell me, I completely understand.” Benevolent Boss Chu Si felt that he said this from the bottom of his heart, without any problem whatsoever.

Sa’e Yang gave an “oh” and said, “Then alright, I don’t want to tell you.”

Benevolent Boss Chu Si: “…”

“Very open-minded and easy to talk to Executive Chu, your face is a little green.” t3jJQr


Sa’e Yang stopped saying the wrong things on purpose and gave a low laugh against Chu Si’s shoulder. When he lifted his face again, there was still a smile in his eyes. “I’m teasing you. For the sake of you being so likable, Executive, I’ll tell you the truth.”

Chu Si looked disapprovingly at him.

“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, it’s that I don’t remember anything,” Sa’e Yang said. “I can’t remember anything before the age of five, maybe six years old? Anyway, back then, I couldn’t see anything. I could only distinguish things by sound, so time was a little confusing.” zH0ZsL

In such a short statement, so much information was given that Chu Si couldn’t digest it all. “What do you mean… couldn’t see anything?”

“The literal meaning.” Sa’e Yang raised two fingers and pointed to his own eyes. “Blind.”

Chu Si looked at him somewhat bewilderedly, as if he couldn’t understand the meaning of that word for a moment. He instinctively reached out and grabbed the wrist of the hand that Sa’e Yang pointed at his eyes, frowned, and asked, “How did that happen?”

“It wasn’t congenital blindness, I suppose.” When Sa’e Yang said this, his tone was no different from usual, as if he was talking about someone else’s affairs. “Because at that time, when I distinguished something through the sound, I would have the rough outline of that thing in my head. It should’ve belonged to an instinctive reaction left over from a memory, which means that before then, I was able to see things. Q4tRI5

“At that time, I would’ve been encased in some sort of device, and there were probably many ports connected to my body as well.” Sa’e Yang narrowed his eyes and recalled, “There were drugs delivered into my body from various places through those ports. I guess it would’ve been something for muscles or reflexes, because even though I could feel my limbs, I couldn’t control them, so I couldn’t move them. I’m guessing there would have been something like nutrients in there as well, because for a long time, no one arranged any food for me, yet my mind was always alert.

“Of course, being mentally alert at that time was of no use to me. It just meant staying awake in the dark, listening over and over again to the sound of drugs flowing through droppers and ports.” Sa’e Yang frowned and then gradually returned to being expressionless, saying, “It was very…very boring.”

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  1. A scary thought popped into my head– What if Elena experimented on Sa’e Yang? It doesn’t make sense but this thought made me jump!

  2. Well, it was evident that something happened to him a long time ago, but this… My heart aches for him. I hope it’s not his mother who’s behind all this.

    Thank you for your hard work!


  3. I can’t decide if Elena was his mom and he was a medical experiment or if he was made to resemble her and is a medical experiment, is he really human?????