Black SkyCh2 - Dangerous Person

translator: loop

If the old guys in Office No. 9 of the Security Building saw this message, they would be lined up to take quick-acting heart-rescue pills. PfsrIV

Only Chu Si could look at these two sentences and still be able to stand upright on the spot.

But even he felt that his vision was darkening, and the lack of oxygen felt more serious.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The Space Prison, which had been exiled outside the system for a hundred years, had been under the supervision and management of Office No. 5 of the Security Building since it was first built. Inside was the most dangerous group of people on the planet, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was a concentration camp for demons. Even if you randomly picked one out, it was certain they would be a ticking time bomb.

And Sa’e Yang was the most troublesome one in history, the kind whose explosive equivalent value could not be estimated. kwcuZJ

It took 17 years just to put him in prison, and how he was controlled in the end had always been a mystery to the outside world.

Even if this dangerous person was trapped in space, he was still a carefree inconvenience. Ever since he was in prison, there hadn’t been a year without a break. The executive officer of Office 5 had thus become the most deadly position, from every three years down to one.

It wasn’t until Chu Si came that the curse-like effect was finally over.

If the people in front of him hadn’t resigned so quickly, at his age, it would have been impossible for him to sit in such a high position.


Probably because his expression was extremely ugly, the mop looked at his finger on the trigger and gulped. “You don’t look very well, did you receive bad news?”

Chu Si raised his eyelids and glanced at him, “Unprecedentedly bad, do you know the Space Prison?”

Mop laughed dryly, “Of course, my brother is a prison guard there. Your face looks like the demons have come out en masse over the wall.”

Chu Si shook the communicator in his hand and said expressionlessly, “I’d rather see the others break out of prison en masse than this.” XNxOow

“…” The corners of the mop’s mouth twitched, “That sounds terrible, why don’t we just suffocate and die?”

Chu Si said coldly, “You really are promising.”

The mop secretly reached out to grab the small mop beside him, and said, “I have received such terrible news with you, and this can barely be regarded as sharing weal and woe. Can you put down the gun first? We really don’t have any malicious intentions.”

Chu Si put the gun back to his waist, and the mop immediately breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed the small mop and walked a few steps closer. rG3gSB

As expected of two people who hadn’t washed in half a year, their every move was “scented”, like a humanoid biochemical weapon sent by God to torture him.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf rwfii kjr rb ralgglcu atja la wjvf Jte Vl’r tfjga rxlq j yfja, jcv atfc tf gfwfwyfgfv bcf atlcu— tf obguba ab mtfmx atf gfmflnlcu alwf bo atja wfrrjuf.

“Ycf wbgf rafq jcv sbe mjc rjs ubbvysf ab sbeg abfr.” Jte Vl mjrejiis kjnfv tlr uec, bqfcfv tlr wbeat ab rabq atf wbq atja kjcafv ab mbwf bnfg, jcv rklqfv aklmf bc atf mbwweclmjabg klat tlr fsfr ibkfgfv.

On the interface, below that message from Sa’e Yang, the time was clearly displayed: February 18, 5736. ixYRMD

Chu Si closed his eyes and opened them again, “…”

His face became even more ugly.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

That’s right, he didn’t read it backwards, it was 36 and not 63.

How great, this message was sent exactly 27 years ago. 27 years, enough to fucking build a spaceship and fly out of the galaxy! Lyxumn

Sometimes, when things had gone bad beyond repair, there was nothing to worry about.

The planet exploded into countless fragments, and they became a speck of dust in a vast sea of stars. The Space Prison was far beyond the range he could monitor now. The nation’s most dangerous security risk had been running free for 27 years, what could be a worse situation than this?


Mop couldn’t see what Chu Si’s momentary daze was about, so he just sat and fidgeted with his watch in front of him. uSnrUa

The wind brought up by the action hit the nose, and the “scent” was terrible.

“…” Chu Si: “If your two hands are in the way, I don’t mind breaking one for you.”

The mop swished back his hand: “No, I just want to remind you that another two minutes have passed. We only have 30 minutes left, don’t you feel dizzy?”

Chu Si frowned: “You make me dizzy.” I4tsqT

However, while he resented the smell of the mop, he did not ignore his words. Rather than go obsessing about how to tie back a bomb that had been running free for 27 years, he should first make sure he could see the sun tomorrow.

…even the stars would do.

He turned his head and scanned in a circle. In addition to the black cedar forest, aged mud, and decaying needles, there were only those twenty-five cyro-capsules.

Through the decaying branches, one could faintly see a silent black shadow slightly farther away, lying still beneath a sea of stars. 1Br42L

“Oh yes, there is a villa over there.” The oxygen was too thin, and the mop panted slightly after talking too much. He squatted down against a cyro-capsule nearby, and leaned against the air outlet of the capsule base, trying to make himself more comfortable. “Before the explosion, occasionally a government official would come to take a vacation, though I don’t know which department they were from.”

What he said of course Chu Si knew, because he was the official who occasionally came on leave. For some compelling reason, he would stay here for a week every six months, bringing a doctor, a nutritionist, and some guards with him.

Now all these people were lying around him in cryo-capsules, slightly luckier than him because their energy was not yet exhausted and they were still sleeping.

It could be said that the people living in this area are all his people, but he had never seen these two mops before. NABIzu

“If I remember correctly, there are no other occupants here.” Chu Si said.

The mop was almost stuffing his nose into the air vent, he half held the small mop, and explained: “There are only a very few times a year when people live here, and the view is nice and the air is good, so we occasionally sneak over and camp for a few days.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Chu Si let out an “oh” sound. “In December it is so cold that bones can freeze, yet you come camping.”

Mop said bitterly, “Yes, this is probably the biggest mistake I’ve ever made in my life. No one in the villa told me anything, and then doomsday happened.” JnQ8A3

After he finished speaking, he glanced at his watch again, “There are still 27 minutes… Are you sure you want to continue discussing how I went camping? I’m so dizzy that I can’t think anymore, can you really not think of a way out of here?”

Chu Si lifted his foot and kicked him twice, “Of course there is a way.” It was just that he needed to confirm whether these two people were really harmless.

“Is 27 minutes enough?” Mop seemed a little unconvinced.

Chu Si replied, “More than enough, if you can still move your legs.” idyT1D

When the fragmentation plan was first prepared, this place was classified as one of the execution areas. Considering the possibility of a partial collapse of the villa when the planet split up and exploded, most of the frozen capsules were placed in this cedar forest, not far from the villa, so it was easy to evacuate.

But in fact, there were 9 spare capsules in the villa, which were placed in an underground storage room on the west side.

There were also some backup energy strips in the storage room, where the space was narrow. When 9 capsules were activated, the replaced oxygen might not be as much as the 25 capsules that operated normally outside, but in such a narrow and relatively closed environment, the concentration would be higher.

It wouldn’t be a problem to hold off for a while. mOzTSG

Not to mention…

Chu Si glanced at the communicator in his hand that kept saying “low battery”, and thought impatiently: Although it won’t come in handy for the time being, it’s always good to find a way to recharge the battery.

The mop, as an ordinary person, had never received training in extreme environments, and his tolerance to lack of oxygen far was inferior to that of Chu Si. His current brain was not much different from that of a goldfish and needed orders to move.

Once he heard Chu Si say there was a way, he stood up reflexively without thinking, wrapped his arms around the small mop that just reached his waist, and stumbled behind Chu Si. JZMHsK

Chu Si was familiar with the way to lead him in the darkness up a forest road. Following this road to the villa only needed 8 minutes, opening the storage room and then starting the backup freezing capsule, at most 5 minutes, and then they would still have 10 minutes to rest.

Time wasn’t too tight, so Chu Si was in a slightly better mood than before.

However, within 5 minutes, Chu Si’s communicator suddenly rang when he was less than 50 meters away from the villa.

Chu Si paused and glanced at the communicator in surprise. K72hea

While a vibration was a reminder that the battery was low, this short and light sound was… a message notification!

Due to the lack of power, the light on the screen was a bit dim, but it was still enough for him to see the prompt. Sure enough, there was a new message.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Chu Si frowned and opened it, and glanced at the content of the message:

How surprising, my sharp-tongued executive didn’t curse back. 7yjWo4

My dear, I am a little bored without receiving your reply.

——Sa’e Yang

Chu Si: “…” What psycho would wait 27 years to say “Why didn’t you reply to me”?

But that wasn’t the worst of it. The worst of it was that… Sa’e Yang was starting to get bored. td68Yf

Every time Sa’e Yang got bored, there were a bunch of security building officials who wanted to wring their necks and hang themselves.


The author has something to say:

I would like to add that the explosion of the planet in the article is not a collapsed destruction, it is roughly a state of disintegration, “exploded” is just a description, many things will be destroyed, but there are corresponding artificial devices to maintain the basic environment needed for survival, it’s just nonsense, so don’t study it carefully~ fykcaw

Sa’e Yang was left on read, hahahahaha

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  1. Sa’e Yang: Lack of power? I don’t care, I’m here for text my sweetheart~~~

    Thank you for your translation 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

  2. Somehow, this novel’s captured my attention in a way that literally none of the others on this site has been able to do.

    Thank you so much for translating. I look forward to uncovering more about both of these main characters