Surviving In A Broken WorldChapter 9

“Bo-bow your head, Kim Jaeyoung.”

“…Huh?” KlepZu

“I said bow your head!”

As I recklessly charged forward with full force, Kim Jaeyoung grabbed me and we fell to the floor. We ducked down low to avoid being seen through the window, and I signaled for Kim Jaeyoung, who was underneath me, to stay quiet. Quick-witted as he is, he held his breath in silence. I heightened all my senses, preparing for the impending despair.

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Somewhere, I heard the sound of windows shattering one after another, accompanied by unknown screams. It was a stroke of luck that we hadn’t turned on the lights when we entered the infirmary. Just then, Kim Jaeyoung whispered quietly in my ear.

“There’s something at our window.” grBKeI

“Be quiet.”

I covered Kim Jaeyoung’s mouth and looked up. I saw a dark shadow pass by the window. The fear that it might break the glass and invade at any moment made me tremble like a leaf. Kim Jaeyoung tried to calm me down by holding my shoulder, but it didn’t help at all. I needed the awakened Kim Jaeyoung, not the ordinary one. I roughly pushed his arm away and stared at the bag sitting on the bed. I had to get that bag down. If I had a weapon, I could either fight back or run away… I could do something.


A loud crash echoed from the hallway, causing the presence outside the window to react.



When I saw the disgusting creatures forcing their way through the broken window, I nearly wet myself. I thought I had experienced real fear in my dreams, but facing it in reality felt like death was imminent.

Luckily, because the lights in the infirmary were off, not many monsters seemed to have gathered nearby, and only one creature had come through the window. It was a small blessing amidst the misfortune, but even if we managed to escape through the infirmary’s office door, we had no idea how many more monsters might be lurking in the hallway, since the hallway lights were still on.

I quietly signaled to Kim Jaeyoung to stay quiet and still, then lay flat on the floor. I needed to retrieve the weapon from my bag. Despite Kim Jaeyoung grabbing my ankle and telling me not to go, I shrugged him off lightly and crawled under the bed, reaching for the bag. E7f3Up

I pulled and dragged the bag down. Just a little more, just a little more… It required considerable caution to pull the bag, which was quite heavy, silently.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

At that moment, someone outside the health room screamed as they raced down the hallway. Thump thump thump. Strange footsteps followed them.

Creak! Creak! yDRlMq

Thud! Thud!

Ktf wbcrafg, gfjmalcu ab atf cblrf, rkfiifv eq vgjwjalmjiis jcv yfujc mgjhlis rwjrtlcu jcv ygfjxlcu atf kjiir bo atf mbgglvbg. Jfwfca mtlqr ofii tfjnlis. Ktf kjii kjr bc atf nfguf bo yflcu qlfgmfv. Vajgaifv ys atf rluta, P lcjvnfgafcais qeiifv atf yju tjgv.

“Ct, vjwc la….”

Cr atf tfjns yju mgjrtfv ab atf oibbg klat j ibev atev, atf wbcrafg’r ugbjclcu jgw iecufv abkjgv wf. P rkloais iloafv atf yju klat bcf tjcv jcv rkecu la. Vbwfatlcu ralmxs rwfjgfv jii bnfg atf yju, yea P wjcjufv ab ofcv boo atf wbcrafg’r jgw. P egufcais rtbeafv ab Blw Ajfsbecu. IGu4XC

“Open the window and jump out!”

Since it’s only the first floor, there’s no need to worry about dying if you fall. Opening the window and going out means I’ll likely be attacked by the monster… I opened the zipper of the bag and threw a box containing a distress signal flare to Kim Jaeyoung. I tried to take out the baton right away, but the monster was faster than me. Several arms of the monster attacked me at a fast speed.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Damn it!”

I twisted my body to dodge it. I was in pain from the strong force, which felt like it could punch through cement. But it wasn’t unbearable. I reached into the open bag and pulled out the baton that was sticking out. g52xNR

Kim Jaeyoung, seeing me being attacked, widened his eyes and stood frozen stiff in place. What is he doing when I told him to jump out the window? Despite my frustration, seeing emotions on his face separate from the situation, I now thought he seemed somewhat human.


The monster’s eerie wailing pierced my ears. I needed to resolve this disturbance before another monster appeared. I swung my baton at the monster, but its sticky flesh made it difficult to inflict any damage. Its body seemed to be usually limp but hardened just before an attack.

Thud, thud… Eek… GUgH7l

At that moment, a distress flare flew and struck the monster’s body. The flare, burning at a high temperature, caused the monster’s flesh to sizzle and burn.

Thwack, thwack… sizzle…

The sound of flares being ignited continued. Kim Jaeyoung, without a moment’s hesitation, threw the flares with a calm but swift motion. The monster’s body began to bloat and grow larger as it was hit by the hot flares.

Smoke from the flares obscured my vision. Thwack, thwack… sizzle… Damn it. How many is he planning to throw? I leapt back, grabbed a flare from Kim Jaeyoung, and hurled it at the monster before quickly opening the window. We needed to escape now. Who knows how many more monsters are lurking in the darkness… EhoZMN

“Let’s go!”

I pushed Kim Jaeyoung out of the window. I couldn’t overcome the force, and he tumbled out of the window.


“Ugh!” yDMCJk

From behind, the enlarged, uneven monster swung its arm at my back. A burning heat surged up my spine. I felt hot blood trickling down. This… isn’t just a tear. I clenched my lower lip and followed Kim Jaeyoung, leaping out of the window.

Thud! Thud! Crash!

After I got outside, the monster’s rampage began. The windows of the infirmary shattered, glass and cement pieces raining down. I froze, realizing that if I had been a moment later, my body would have been torn apart like that. Just then, Kim Jaeyoung grabbed my arm and pulled me.

“Eunsoo, there’s more.” 6nl74D

His words, uttered while looking into the darkness, sent a shiver down my spine.

“Where do we need to go?”

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With a gaze that seemed confident that I knew the answer, Kim Jaeyoung asked. Have I been too obvious all this time? Or did it seem strange that I’m surviving despite that immense power? Unable to hide my complex emotions any longer, I finally spoke.

“…The gym.” pFy9W7

Before I finished speaking, Kim Jaeyoung tightly grabbed my wrist and started running towards the gym.


The world is really coming to an end.

Sounds of something exploding, buildings collapsing, and the screams of countless people echoed in my ears. As I ran towards the gym, I swung the baton at things popping out of the darkness. I couldn’t distinguish whether they were monsters or humans. First and foremost, I had to save my own life. gpykF2

The infirmary and the gym were quite close. The gym’s windows were covered with thick curtains to block the summer sun, allowing only a faint light to seep outside. That’s why the monsters attacked the main building first. I saw the silhouettes of people who had escaped from the main building entering the gym through its iron doors. We needed to get in before someone locked those doors.

Kim Jaeyoung, who was physically weaker than me, started to lag behind. This time, I grabbed his arm and pulled him along. Thwack, sizzle—what is that noise? Even as he was being dragged, Kim Jaeyoung managed to throw a flare in the opposite direction of the gym with all his strength. When the flare hit the ground, I saw a horde of black shapes charging towards it. The thick smoke soon obscured them, but their numbers were overwhelming. In the meantime, we sprinted like crazy and made it through the iron doors of the gym.

“Gasp, gasp…”

I closed the iron gate and hurriedly locked it. Someone outside shouted to open the door, pounding on it, but I ignored them and surveyed the inside of the gym. A considerable number of students were trembling in the corners of the gym. …There are so many. Were there even this many in my dreams? 8VzpCt

I found the main switch for the gym’s lights and ran to it, switching it off with a swift motion. Darkness instantly engulfed the gym. Yet, I could still hear someone’s pleading voice from outside, asking for the door to be opened.

I naturally had no intention of opening it, but I saw Lee Hyunwoo approaching the door. What is that person doing? Before I could shout in surprise, Kim Jaeyoung stopped him.

“There are people alive outside!”

The voice… It’s Lee Hyunwoo. Wow, Lee Hyunwoo really survived? Lee Hyunwoo and Kim Jaeyoung had a brief scuffle. The confrontation between righteous Lee Hyunwoo, who wanted to open the door to save others, and Kim Jaeyoung, who had no intention of risking danger, quickly ended. Something made a loud bang against the door! which abruptly silenced the cries from outside. Everyone froze, holding their breath. 0HRNwe

How much time had passed? My tense body made it difficult to gauge time, feeling like every second was a minute.

“Oh, happy day~ oh, beautiful day~ As if today is the last~ Happy! Happy! Beautiful day~”

At that moment, the latest girl group’s song filled the quiet gymnasium. In a surreal twist of events, the startled owner of the phone fumbled it out of his pocket and dropped it on the floor. As he hurriedly bent down to pick up the phone, something swiftly approached through the gap in the curtains where the crimson moonlight seeped in. Only a few people on the opposite side could witness it. We stood there, witnessing the shadow of death before our eyes, needing to swallow even our screams.

TL/N: Please notify me of any misspellings or errors you find~~ P7FsW5

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