Surviving In A Broken WorldChapter 5

Park Changjin stared gloomily at the bottle of alcohol in his hand. He muttered to himself, knowing that as a minor, any crime he committed would only land him in juvenile detention, and once he was out, he could immediately start a life in the gang. He was determined to destroy Seon Eun-soo at all costs. Then, no one would dare to look down on him again. Park Changjin staggered as he walked. Seon Eun-soo’s driver waited a few blocks away from the school gate. Park Changjin planned to ambush Eun-soo on his way there.

“Heh, I’ll take pictures of that jerk crying and spread them to the entire school.” yod6iu

Park Changjin slowly walked behind a building. The alley between the buildings was narrow enough for only one person to fit through and had no CCTV coverage. He often skipped school here, and now, that experience would come in handy. Park Changjin chuckled to himself.

But then…

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Park Changjin screamed as he was struck on the back of his head, causing him to collapse forward. Blood trickled down his temple. Despite his hard head, he quickly tried to get up. However, someone behind him stomped on his back. If it had been a wider space, he might have rolled to the side and found a way to fight back, but the alley was too narrow, and the person behind him was too strong for him to move. JPDktr

Park Changjin struggled to turn his head to see who was attacking him. Although the face was hidden in the shadows, he could tell they were wearing the same school uniform.

“Damn it… Who are you?”

The attacker didn’t respond. Instead, Park Changjin felt them lower their body. He tried to muster his strength to escape again, but another blow landed on the back of his head.



Stars appeared before his eyes. For a moment, Park Changjin felt the terror of impending death. The repeated blows to his head were delivered without a hint of hesitation. Were they really trying to kill him? Seeing the shadow raise their hand again, Park Changjin whimpered in fear.

“S- Save me, save me! Please sa—ugh!”

His consciousness started to fade, and he felt urine trickling down. Just before he closed his eyes, through his blurry vision, he saw a pair of brown eyes staring at him without any movement.

‘That guy…’ mUkE2t

Who was he…

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ujgx Jtjcuplc mbeivc’a mbcalcef tlr atbeutar jcv ibra mbcrmlbercfrr. Ktev. C yibbv-rajlcfv yglmx ofii yfrlvf tlr ojmf jr tf qjrrfv bea.

Ktfc, ribkis glrlcu jybnf tlw kjr j qfgrbc. Ktfs ibbxfv vbkc ja Ujgx Jtjcuplc klat j rwlif bc atflg ojmf. Zbgf qgfmlrfis, atfs kfgf ibbxlcu ja atf ybaaif bo jimbtbi Ujgx Jtjcuplc tjv yffc mjggslcu.

“It’s dangerous to carry something like this, Changjin. You could get hurt.” M5b6zP

It was an oddly gentle voice, completely out of place in such a horrific situation.



I locked eyes with a group of squids passing by in the hallway. I was about to nod out of courtesy when they suddenly turned pale and bolted away. It was strange since they weren’t the type to make such a fuss over a single hit, but I shrugged it off and reached for the collapsible baton hidden in my desk drawer. I had ordered it through international shipping; it’s the kind used by special forces. After a brief practice session yesterday, I could wield it as if it were an extension of my arm in less than ten minutes. Truly, my dexterity skill is… simply overpowered. 5qvEoh

There are more effective weapons for fighting monsters, but I chose the collapsible baton as my main weapon for two reasons.

First, it’s easy to carry.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

And second, it doesn’t attract attention.

I don’t plan on becoming the leader of a group of survivors. To achieve that, I need to conceal my true strength, so carrying a collapsible baton, which I can pass off as a self-defense tool, is ideal. cX9opW

The best strategy would be to hide in the club room with Kim Jaeyoung, where I’ve stashed food and weapons, but since I can’t predict when the day of darkness will come, I need to have multiple plans. If you go left from the classroom, you reach the cafeteria; right takes you to the gym; the club room is even farther away. No matter where we go depending on the situation, the ultimate goal is the club room. Besides the food, I also stored the rifle that used to hang on the wall of our home study in the clubroom. I plan to give it to Jaeyoung once he awakens his powers.

Of course, a rifle alone isn’t enough to inflict fatal damage on monsters. Their skin is so tough that bullets bounce off, so if you want to make them bleed, you have to pry open their mouths and shove the gun inside. It’s been proven through the military that human-made firearms are useless. Despite all that firepower, they failed to defend South Korea. That says it all. Later, when the surviving military forces tried to reclaim Seoul, it was only possible because they had numerous awakened individuals.

Humans can’t confront monsters without awakened abilities. Even among awakened individuals, there aren’t many who can face monsters alone. Since each monster varies in form, size, and combat style, awakened individuals had to form parties like in a game and fight monsters together.

However, even if it’s of little use, a gun is still a gun. If you can divert the monster’s attention for even a moment… the chance of survival will increase. c6hbLH

“Guys, there’s no self-study during P.E. today. Change into your P.E. uniforms and head to the field.”

When the class president announced the schedule from the front door, groans echoed around the room. The first semester finals were over, and with summer break starting next Wednesday, it was annoying for the senior students to still have P.E. classes, especially with the looming pressure of the upcoming college entrance exams.

Kim Jaeyoung walked to the back of the classroom to get his P.E. uniform from his locker. As he passed by, I grabbed the hem of his uniform. If Jaeyoung went to the field, I had to follow him, but I didn’t have a P.E. uniform. I didn’t have any friends to borrow one from. I could go to the next class and threaten someone to give me theirs, but I didn’t have the will to go that far.

“I don’t have my P.E. uniform.” VF13SK

“Are you going to the field?”

When I, who usually skipped P.E. classes without a care, said I would go to the field, Kim Jaeyoung looked at me with wide eyes and asked again. I nodded, and without a moment’s hesitation, he handed me his P.E. uniform. Then he went to the class president to borrow another set.

“Isn’t the class president going to the field?”

“He has a sun allergy, so he stays in the shade during outdoor classes.” AtXF5H

“Ah, I see.”

I smiled gratefully at the class president when our eyes met, but he quickly turned his head with a stern expression. What’s his problem? Does he think I’m a bad influence on Jaeyoung?

“Damn, should I really wear this?”

Kim Jaeyoung in his borrowed P.E. uniform was… quite noticeable. The class president’s uniform, meant for someone around 165 cm tall, looked absurd on Jaeyoung, who was 187 cm. The shorts barely covered half of his thighs, and the top revealed his stomach whenever he raised his arms. wK RcC

“Why? You don’t like it?”

Kim Jaeyoung flashed a smile and ran his hand through his hair, causing his shirt to lift and reveal some skin. Damn it, don’t strike that pose in those clothes… Even the guys in our class were sneaking glances at Jaeyoung, who looked strangely provocative. He didn’t seem to care much about their stares.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“…No, forget it.”

Yeah, only someone as good-looking as you could pull that off… I shook my head lightly and changed into Kim Jaeyoung’s P.E. uniform. Then I put the collapsible baton into a large sports bag and slung it over my shoulder. Jaeyoung’s eyes followed the bag, but I pretended not to notice. 9uRB5K

“Teacher, can’t we go to the gym? It’s too hot outside.”

“The sports team is using it, so no. And you all need some sunlight for vitamin D. You seniors should set a good example for the younger students instead of complaining. Repeat after me: A healthy body means a healthy mind!”

“A healthy body means a healthy mind!”

The P.E. class was a joint session with the second and third-year boys. When the P.E. teacher announced we would be having basketball and soccer matches, everyone’s competitive spirit ignited. The teacher assigned the ten tallest students to the basketball team and put the rest on the soccer team. Naturally, Kim Jaeyoung and I were on the basketball team. s0k9AH

“Teacher, I want to play basketball. Can I switch?”

One of the shorter boys from the second grade raised his hand, expressing his desire to join the basketball team. The teacher allowed anyone who wanted to switch to do so, and the boy exchanged places with another who preferred soccer. Then, the boy who joined the basketball team enthusiastically high-fived a big-built guy like a bear…


The nickname sounded familiar. I narrowed my eyes, scrutinizing Bear’s face. As I retraced my memories, I recalled someone who had been devoured by a monster. Ah, I remember now. Bear! The guy who got tricked into being my meat shield in a dream! At first, I thought he’d be useful since he was an athlete, but he was too nice and even opposed my ideas a few times, so I killed him on the way from the gym to the cafeteria. pdImeC

Yeah, he was dumb but kind. His nature was probably good, which means I might be able to use him again. It’s ironic, really. Here I am, thinking about using someone who had been tricked and killed by me before.

“Do you know him?”

Kim Jaeyoung asked, following my gaze to Bear. Well, I do know him. I draped my arm over Jaeyoung’s shoulder and replied.

“Only I know him.” I7FEdQ


“Well… because he stands out?”

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  1. Oh my, seems like he found himself a Yandere! 😱😂

    I can see both how our MC still has the “evil” tendency even with memories of the other timeline, and how Kim Jaeyoung was able to follow his lead in oppressing the other people so easily after the start of the apocalypse. Anything for your crush!!