The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal PathCh105 - Never Enter Jinguan City


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  1. Congratulations on being halfway through the novel while Lin Shu and Ling Fengxiao are in no way closer to discovering each other’s true gender!!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 。゚(TヮT)゚。

  2. LFX: I want two daughters

    LS: Aww, big miss wants to bear children, how nice agrees immediately


    when they realise they both can’t have children~

  3. Congratulaitons on reaching the half-way point! This is a really good novel, thank you so much for taking your time to make it reach this audience <3

    I really can’t wait for their future plans, adopting children (or if Fengxiao can give birth with their technique), living in seclusion~

    I really like how this isn’t quite stereotypical about get powerful, defeat people in tournaments, but has quite the unique storyline, so kudos once again~

  4. How will they have offsprings? I’m so curious on what Ling XiaoFeng’s reacting would be. I mean, he seems to be a straight man who likes to crossdress plus he also likes “Folding Bamboo’s” appearance T^T he I wish there’ll be scenes where LFX is attracted to LS’s original look —

  5. I’m getting alarmed now that we know Big Miss wants two daughters, and they don’t know that it would be impossible unless they adopt. This isn’t omegaverse. 😒 It’s been 100+ chapters, this misunderstanding has gone on for too long. (I mean I love slow burn, but not like this.)