Screaming Cycle (Infinite Flow)Ch181 - Ji Xiao’niao Wanted to Ask Why


Editor- Koneko, Proofreader-adjective dYQB i

Ji Dong and the others were quite surprised.

Mo Tiangen was the strongest amongst them, and during the preparation period before entering this [Film], he never slackened in the training field. He had a good grasp of his strength.

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Even though he had some feelings for Fan’s older sister and didn’t want to use his full force, the punch he just threw was more than 900 Newtons. However, judging from the sound and sensation when his fist touched the barrier, there was still some distance from “breaking” it.

“Not bad, not bad!” 3fCkOM

Mo Tiangen sincerely praised, “Your barrier can withstand a lot, it’s really impressive!”

Fan Hemian grinned, revealing a rare and childish silly smile.

“Just a pity that it doesn’t last long.”

After she finished laughing, she felt a bit regretful, “It can probably only last a few seconds.”


“It’s okay even if it’s short, it can save lives in critical moments!”

Fan Luming quickly approached, affectionately putting his arm around his sister’s shoulder, and praised, “Older sister, look at us. We both took the path of being resourceful in this enhancement. Now we’re a strong team!”

Fan Hemian lifted his elbow and nudged his younger brother, “What do you mean very capable of muddling through. Can’t you use a nicer description?”

“Yes, yes, you’re right, sis!” MU1EbX

Fan Luming tried to act cute, while sneakily glancing at Fan Hemian’s ear with the corner of his eye. His mouth opened and closed like a goldfish, unsure of how to respond. He sought help from the other three companions with his gaze.

Ji Dong and Mo Tiangen looked up at the sky and down at the ground respectively, while Ren Jianmo simply turned his head away, suddenly appearing very interested in the egg-shaped machine.

Fan Luming gritted his teeth in frustration and mustered up the courage to speak to his older sister.

“Sis, I need to tell you something…” MxZcLO

Fan Hemian turned to look at him, her smile gradually fading. “What’s wrong?”


Fan Luming cleared his throat. “Touch your ear.”

Fan Hemian reached up and touched her ear. hKf9y8

Then, her face suddenly changed color, and she rushed to the window glass, inspecting her appearance in the slightly blurred reflection.

The girl saw that in the glass, her two auricles were covered with fine white hairs, and the tuft of hair at the tip of her ears was even more unusually long. It was at least ten centimeters long by visual inspection, and it was also strangely ridged. If she had to describe it, it was almost like the ear hair of a lynx, except for the color difference.

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Fan Hemian couldn’t take it anymore. She forcefully tugged at the two silly white tufts standing up at the tips of her ears, immediately feeling a pain akin to pulling her hair. 0vOjmk

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Qtja’r ublcu bc?!”

Vtf aegcfv jgbecv jcv defralbcfv atf biv wjc:

“Glv ws agjcrobgwjalbc ojli?”

The [Self-Healer] shook his head in denial: r2RZNj

“Pc wjcs mjrfr, fnfc lo atf agjcrobgwjalbc lr remmfrroei, atf gfmlqlfca wjs ralii mjggs rbwf mtjgjmafglralmr bo atf vbcbg.”

Ktf biv wjc ibbxfv ja Mjc Lfwljc’r fjgr mbnfgfv lc ktlaf tjlg jcv fzqijlcfv lc vfajli:

“If the biological material taken is a distinctive tissue of an animal, such as fur, nails, scales, or slime, the likelihood of this situation occurring would be even greater.”

Fan Hemian: “…” H1RPBi

She rolled her eyes at the sky in silence and let out a long sigh.

Well, even though the silly hair on the ears looked ridiculous, let’s think about it differently. If rabbit fur didn’t grow on the ears but in other more crucial places, then she probably wouldn’t be able to show her face anymore. After all, you can cover your ears with a hat, but if it was on your face, it would be difficult to hide unless you were wrapped up like a mummy.

After some self-reflection, Sister Fan accepted her fate. She turned her head to glance at the gray-black scales covering parts of Mo Tiangen’s skin, then looked at her reflection in the glass, feeling a strange sense of comfort.

“Well, since it’s already a done deal…” l4CQAL

Fan Hemian waved her hand.

“Let’s just leave it at that…”


After using all three types of biological materials they could obtain, Ji Dong and the others planned to leave Room 3 of the Beta Containment Center immediately. bNsciK

Considering the time it took to deal with the [Dual-Headed Dragon], the five of them had been in Station 7 for a full two and a half hours.

“Alright, let’s make the most of our time.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ji Dong pointed to the black collar around his neck and said to his companions,

“Let’s hurry to the Alpha Containment Center.” 1uLMkd

The longer Ji Dong wore the mind blocker device, the more he felt like his senses were gradually becoming dull. It was as if there was an invisible barrier separating his sight, touch, and hearing, making him feel very uncomfortable.

Now, he just hoped to quickly gather the three SCP items so he could leave Site 7 and take off this prop sooner.

With these thoughts in mind, Ji Xiao’niao extended his hand and opened the door to the inner room, preparing to step outside.

However, at that moment, a strong force suddenly attacked from behind, grabbing ahold of his shoulder. 9dOrzn

Ji Xiao’niao was greatly startled and quickly tried to dodge the ambush from behind.

In reality, the room he had his back to was the containment chamber where the [Specialized Anomalous Transformation Device] was placed. Although the space was large, Ji Dong was certain that there were only the five of them, with an old man, and a rabbit in this sealed room. There shouldn’t have been any attacks at all.

The person who attacked had incredible skills. Even when Ji Dong tried to use his agility to break free, he couldn’t escape at all.

With his mental focus heightened, everything in his field of vision began to slow down. TO6Kf7

Ji Dong turned his head to get a clear look at the attacker, but their speed was just as fast as his.

Ji Xiao’niao felt like he was a giant sack, with the assailant gripping his shoulder and throwing him around.

At that moment, he finally saw clearly – the person who attacked him was none other than his family member, Ren Jianmo!

Amidst his surprise, Ji Dong instinctively rolled on the ground following the inertia, dissipating the force of the fall, and quickly got up. rtnXfx


“Stop fighting!”

“Mr. Ren, what are you doing?!”

Ji Dong and Ren Jianmo’s speed was surprisingly fast, and with Mo Tiangen and Fan siblings’ limited vision, they could barely make out what the two had just done. 8DLqIC

It wasn’t until Ji Dong had already stood up again that the three of them exclaimed in shock.


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Ji Xiao’niao only said one word and Ren Jianmo immediately launched another attack, sweeping his leg towards the other’s lower body.

In the past few days, the two of them had sparred in the training ground more than two hundred times. Now, the experience Ji Dong had accumulated repeatedly came in handy. Ard 46

He relied on his body’s reflexes and instinctively took a step to the side, simultaneously bending his right arm to protect his chest and using his elbow to fend off the punch from Ren Jianmo.

In the blink of an eye, their gazes met directly.

Ji Dong’s face was filled with astonishment and shock, his slightly drooping eyes widening in surprise. Meanwhile, Ren Jianmo’s handsome face, as if meticulously crafted, seemed to be covered in frost. Though expressionless, a chilling aura seemed to emanate from him.

Ji Xiao’niao wanted to ask why. d0Irj9

But, Ren Jianmo’s moves were relentless, one after another, and he couldn’t afford to be distracted. He could only focus all his attention on dismantling his opponent’s attacks.

Mo Tiangen and the Fan siblings were both shocked and anxious and didn’t know who to help.

Even the old man held the rabbit tightly, his brow furrowed deeply, with a visible expression of confusion.

Ji Dong and Ren Jianmo swiftly exchanged more than ten moves. H875cF

They moved back and forth, and Ji Xiao’niao was quickly forced into a corner with a cabinet full of various experimental equipment behind him.

Ren Jianmo took a step forward and lifted his knee, aiming to collide with Ji Dong’s waist.

Ji Dong quickly withdrew in the opposite direction, trying to dodge this attack from his opponent.

Then, by a stroke of bad luck, he stepped on a metal tray. 61ZyCx

With Ji Xiao’niao’s current skills, normally even if he stepped on a plate, let alone a slippery soap, he believed he could regain balance before falling.

But this time, somehow, his foot gave way, unable to maintain his balance, and he toppled backwards.

There was a loud crash, and Ji Xiao’niao ended up sprawled on the ground, shoulders colliding with the cabinet, causing him to gasp in pain.

“Alright.” taT Cw

Ren Jianmo stopped his moves. “That’s enough.”

Ji Dong: “??”

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The others: “??”

Ren Jianmo squatted down, looking at Ji Xiao’niao who fell into a disheveled state with wide eyes and suddenly burst into laughter. 2FJ0Xh

This laughter was like melting ice in the spring, so gentle that it left Ji Dong speechless.

“Alright, get up now.”

Ren Jianmo reached out to his child and reminded them, “Did you forget? Earlier, you drew a blue bead.”

Ji Dong and the three onlookers suddenly realized. UR8NLM

That’s right after Ji Xiao’niao paid a “price,” he drew a blue bead from the [Pedigree Identification Machine].

Since the red bead surely brings good luck to the user, then the blue bead must bring bad luck.

Ji Dong remembered that he had asked Ren Jianmo before what to do if he drew a blue bead.

At that time, his team’s beauty replied that he could use supernatural powers to make the person who drew the bead suddenly fall to the ground uncontrollably so that he could artificially resolve the bad luck. 0okDOL

But now they all had mind-blocking devices on, and the unlucky thing that happened to perfectly counter Ren Jianmo’s ability, is why Ren Jianmo suddenly made a move without any warning, forcing him to “use up” his share of bad luck in the competition.

After understanding the trick, Ji Dong reached out his hand and grabbed Ren Jianmo’s hand, letting him pull him up.

“I was afraid you’d carry the ‘bad luck’ with you, which could be dangerous.”

After helping Ji Xiao’niao up from the ground, Ren Jianmo tidied up his messy hair and asked again, M9pTEe

“How are you? Are you injured?”

“No, I’m fine!”

Ji Dong quickly shook his head.

The fall just now was a bit harsh. His tailbone and the shoulder that hit the cabinet were still slightly aching. xqdaH0

But Ji Dong didn’t want to bring up that matter at all. He simply tightened his fingers and held onto Ren Jianmo’s finger quietly.

“Thank you.”

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He said sincerely.


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  1. damn so smart, it’s better for the bad luck to happen rather than in an important battle later on!