Screaming Cycle (Infinite Flow)Ch179 - There May be a Possibility of Success


Editor-PerpetualMreow, Proofreader-adjective PCE4UI

To be honest, the powerful self-healing power and nearly immortal physical abilities were truly enticing. Every participant in the [Peach Blossom Spring] who risked their lives wanted to possess this.

However, the [Specialized Anomalous Transformation Device] had a rule: each donor could only provide tissue once within 162 hours.

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Ji Dong and the others could not stay in Site 7 for more than six hours, so the old man’s flesh and blood could only enhance one person.

After some discussion, they concluded that three individuals were the most suitable for the ability of regeneration. K3jAiS

First and foremost was the big-hearted teacher, who always charged ahead like a bull and engaged in close combat.

Next, there was Ji Xiao’niao, who primarily used a bow and arrow for long-range attacks but somehow often ended up in melee combat. He usually had the second-highest number of injuries, just behind Mo Tiangen.

Lastly, there was the invaluable healing doctor, Xiao Lu. His role in the team was indispensable, but unfortunately, he was the weakest in terms of combat ability. When facing formidable opponents, even self-preservation became difficult for him.

“Choose one out of the three, no matter who obtains the ability of regeneration, it will be a great boost for the team.”


None of the five individuals were indecisive, so they decided to leave the choice to fate, or rather, their luck.

Ren Jianmo took out the [Pedigree Identification Machine] from his waist pouch, which looked like a mini gashapon machine, and held it in his palm. “Who wants to go first?”

Ji Dong, being well aware of his lucky E attribute, sincerely and genuinely offered to go first.

Mo Tiangen felt that as a responsible adult, he should not compete with Fan Luming, who was still in his fifth year of university. So, he decided to give the opportunity of drawing lots to the younger Fan sibling. IvT ky

Fan Luming graciously accepted the kind gesture from Teacher Dagen.

The difference between his ability and the old man’s was that even though he had healing powers, if he suffered a fatal injury– like being stabbed in the heart with a sharp object–he would not escape death. The simplest example of his limitations were apparent an hour and a half ago when he was almost strangled to death by the [Beautiful Serpent].

However, as long as he possessed the ability of regeneration, even in the same situation, even if the [Beautiful Serpent] crushed his ribs and spine, as long as he took a little time, his broken bones could heal on their own, and he could still bounce around, without a trace of injury.

Fan Luming took the gashapon machine and pulled out a military knife from his waist, handing it to his sister. kDIS0v

“Come on!”

Dr. Xiao Lu’s face was a bit pale, but he took a deep breath and forced a smile, saying to his sister, “Don’t pity this delicate flower of mine!”

“Come on, I don’t pity you. After all, you’ll be able to recover once we return to the [Peach Blossom Spring]’.”

Fan Hemian gave her dramatic little brother a disdainful look and pressed his left hand onto an experimental table. Swiftly and decisively, she cut off his pinky finger. tXfsCa

“Ahhh, it hurts so much! It’s killing me!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Fan Luming, in pain and tears streaming down his face, cried out while activating his abilities to heal his wound.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After about a minute, the bleeding from the wound stopped, but the severed pinky finger would probably stay that way until they returned to the [Peach Blossom Spring].

“Cigluta, ifa wf ulnf la j ags.” Mqxo4

Fan Luming hastily wiped the blood off his hand, then used his intact hand to hold the severed finger and touched the [Pedigree Identification Machine].

Snfgsbcf rjk atja atf rfnfgfv olcufg, jr lo wfialcu jkjs, delmxis aegcfv lcab j qevvif bo yibbv, ktlmt kjr atfc mbwqifafis jyrbgyfv ys atf rwjii ujrtjqbc wjmtlcf, vlrjqqfjglcu klatbea j agjmf.

The principle of using the [Pedigree Identification Machine] was that the greater the cost paid by the user, the greater the “luck” or “misfortune” they could obtain was.

Ktf qgfnlber alwfr atfs tjv erfv atlr wjmtlcf, atf atlcur atfs cffvfv iemx ybcerfr obg kfgf cba nfgs rluclolmjca, rb atfs bcis mgfjafv rbwf wlcbg kbecvr jr atf “mbra.” V QT5h

But this time, using the [Specialized Anomalous Transformation Device] was a matter of life and death, where only success was allowed, and failure was not.

Therefore, when using the [Pedigree Identification Machine] to buff themselves, they could only increase the stakes of the “cost” to ensure everything goes perfectly.

After the blood was completely absorbed by the gashapon machine, Fan Luming took a deep breath and pressed the control lever.

The red and blue balls inside the gashapon machine rolled around for a few turns, then made a soft “ding” sound and spit out a red bead. 3YbyLZ


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


They turned their heads to look at the old man. “We can start the transformation now.” dDxL1A

Of course, the [Self-Healer] had no idea about the purpose of the [Pedigree Identification Machine]. But despite seeing them engage in such bizarre and inexplicable behavior, his face remained calm and undisturbed, without even asking a single question.

“Alright, since you’re all ready…”

The old man squinted his eyes, smiled kindly at Fan Luming, and pointed to the egg-shaped pod in the center of the room. “Then please lie down in there.”

Fan Luming’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed nervously. His face turned slightly pale due to the nervousness. DfQlyu

However, the younger brother still lifted the top cover of the egg-shaped pod and lay inside. His hands were folded in front of his chest, assuming an elegant vampire count about to enter a slumber position.

Several strange instruments, whose names no one could identify, were connected to the [Self-Healer]’s body. Then, a small syringe was inserted into his vein, and finally, the pod’s door was closed.

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After completing all of this, the old man returned to the control panel and skillfully accessed the interface, adjusting the parameters.

Then, the [Self-Healer] borrowed a small knife from them and cut off a palm-sized piece of flesh from his arm. He then threw it into a container that seemed opaque like a culture dish. HW1283

At the same time, Ji Dong and the others noticed that the wound on the [Self-Healer]’s arm was healing at a visible speed. In just about five seconds, it had completely regenerated with fresh skin, without a trace of any scar.


Ji Dong couldn’t help but feel amazed. He had seen his team’s babysitter using his special powers many times before. After being enhanced by [Dr. D’s Universal Enhancement Elixir], Fan Luming’s healing ability had greatly improved. However, when it came to the speed of regeneration, it was still far behind the [Self-Healer].

If he were to describe it, Xiao’niao felt like he had only seen such special effects-like healing abilities in vampire-themed movies. byloNG

“Do you… have confidence?” Fan Hemian stood behind the [Self-Healer], her fists involuntarily clenched and asked with concern.

Even though they had the support of the [Pedigree Identification Machine], now that her precious little brother was the test subject, she couldn’t help but feel anxious when it came to getting serious.

“Don’t worry.”

The old man returned to the control panel and began inspecting the parameters one by one. When he saw that all the values had turned green, he confidently nodded at everyone and said, “Don’t worry, the compatibility is very high. It will succeed.” 4Up7qn

After saying this, he pressed a red button.

Everyone heard a high-pitched buzzing sound, like a swarm of bees flapping their wings.

The sound lasted for about thirty seconds.

After the buzzing stopped, the old man smiled at everyone and said, “It’s done.” 9AvNeI

Fan Hemian immediately turned around and rushed to the egg-shaped pod, lifting the top cover. The others quickly followed suit.

Fan Luming maintained his pose as the vampire count, too nervous to move a muscle.

Seeing his sister open the cover for him, he blinked his eyes in surprise and asked, “Wait, is it done?”

The [Self-Healer] came over and removed the machines attached to him. bsVPEY

“Yes, it’s done.”

Fan Luming crawled out of the egg-shaped pod, looking extremely bewildered. “But I don’t feel anything at all.”

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The old man smiled at him again and gestured for him to look at his hand.

Fan Luming raised his left hand and was shocked to discover that the little finger he had “sacrificed” earlier had quietly grown back without him noticing. Qo1Tby

He pinched it and moved it slowly, realizing that the newly regenerated finger was just like the original, except for being a bit soft in the bones.

“Holy cow!”

Fan Luming opened his mouth wide as if it could fit an egg inside. “This is too amazing!”

He stubbornly took a military knife and cut his arm. i4tD T

The wound from the cut was shallow, but the healing process was nothing short of “lightning-fast.” Before the blood could even flow out, the wound had completely disappeared.

“I swear I didn’t use any special abilities!”

Fan Luming excitedly spun in place.

He never imagined that one day he would also have an immortal body like Uncle Wolf. “This is so awesome! It’s awesome!” WtD67X


After finishing the enhancement on Fan Luming, it was supposed to be the [Snowflake Rabbit]’s turn to contribute.

However, Ji Dong asked Mo Tiangen to take out the scale of the [Dual-Headed Dragon] and asked the [Self-Healer], “Old man, do you think…this thing can be used?”

The old man took the scale and furrowed his brows deeply. “Are you suggesting using it for transformation?” U8VAzN

His gaze swept over the group. “This might be a bit risky, don’t you think?”

The [Self-Healer] didn’t quite agree:

“If you guys are in your current state, I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to withstand the power of the [Dual-Headed Dragon]…”

His words slightly faltered as he glanced at Ren Jianmo on the far side, his gaze uncertainly lingering on his unrealistically handsome face for two seconds before looking away. ZrKPej

“But, if it’s you…”

The old man then turned to Mo Tiangen, “Can you…transform into that giant form you had earlier?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Teacher Dagen nodded.

The old man finally finished his sentence, “If it’s like that, there might be a possibility of success.” Tb vPC

Mo Tiangen pointed to the small egg-shaped pod, “But if I transform…uh, into a giant, wouldn’t I just crush that little thing into a piece of paper?”

The old man shook his head gently.

“Don’t worry, actually, you just need to connect to the device. You don’t necessarily have to sleep inside.”

Mo Tiangen didn’t answer immediately. eaw9qL

To be honest, he felt a little hesitant inside.

Teacher Dagen had just witnessed the strength and resilience of the [Dual-Headed Dragon]’s scales. If he could also possess such an indestructible dragon-scale armor, he felt that he could confidently face and challenge monsters like that dragon in the future.

However, to obtain such dragon scales, he would have to face the risk of being disabled or even killed by the [Specialized Anomalous Transformation Device].

But since he was in this [Peach Blossom Spring], he only had one path to choose. He couldn’t afford to miss any opportunity to become stronger… 0vlfj1

Mo Tiangen clenched his teeth and said, “Alright!”

He gestured towards Ren Jianmo with a wave of his hand.

“Let me give the [Pedigree Identification Machine] a try!”

pi thw

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