The Snowstorm Awaits One's Return HomeCh8 - The food’s counterattack

Under the dim moonlight, the Resource Manager shifted his legs impatiently.

His knees seemed to be moving upwards, lengthening his lower legs and causing the fabric of his pants to strain at the middle. VjciET

An Yu, listening intently to the sound of fibers stretching, murmured to himself, “After a whole day under the light, is the first stage of mutation finally completed?”

As soon as he spoke, the Resource Manager’s sleeves and pant legs tore apart simultaneously, and enormous mantis legs unfurled, slashing towards him!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

An Yu sprang up and flipped back, landing lightly.

Through the dust swirling in the air, he crouched with one hand on the ground, staring at his opponent. dmx3tn

The surprised Resource Manager exclaimed, “A mediocre low-income maggot like you could actually dodge that.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Indeed, his experience was limited, so he remembered everything he had seen.

The Resource Manager’s attack pattern was identical to that of the mantis aberrant from earlier today.


In the faint light, the swaying shadow of a scythe-like limb was cast on the ground. An Yu spoke slowly, “You must have forged the survival guide, right? Mantis aberrants require light to initiate their mutation. This light is the catalyst for the first-stage mutation. After completing the first stage, they start cannibalizing each other. Not only do you have to compete with jellyfish for food, but you also have to kill your own kind. This mechanism directly forces District 53 into a constant upheaval, threatening your position.”

“What you did was…” An Yu looked up at the Resource Manager. “First, you used the survival guide to trick everyone into turning on the lights, initiating their mutations. Then, before they could figure out the rules, you traded their light sources for food, ensuring they distorted slower than you, becoming your food reserves for the next stage.”

The Resource Manager excitedly waved his scythe-like limbs. “It seems like you’ve encountered a guy who completed the first-stage mutation. But how did you suspect me?”

“It’s the opposite.” An Yu said. GBUCfa

“What’s the opposite?”

“The logic is the opposite.” An Yu looked past the grotesque figure towards the corridor behind him. “Everyone knows that you’re the most despicable person.”

The stench in the room gave him a momentary illusion of being back in his low-income dormitory. He even saw Ling Qiu talking in front of him. Ling Qiu had indeed taught him many things; those incessant naggings over all these years had gradually seeped into his subconscious.

He stared into the dark corridor, “My neighbor once said, ‘Nobility is an evil  person’s most clumsy lie.’ When disaster is imminent, you actually took us in and gave us bread right away. Isn’t that absurd?” o3Encg

“So, you’ve been suspicious of me from the start… I never noticed you in the slums,” the Resource Manager’s voice gradually became hoarse. “You’re right. You are all my food reserves. Isn’t that the same for both humans and mantises?”

“That’s correct. But, sir—” An Yu’s gaze suddenly snapped back to the Resource Manager’s face. His golden eyes narrowed swiftly until they were mere slits.

He sighed, “We, the food, also have the right to be dissatisfied with the rules, don’t we?”

Before the sigh had fully escaped his lips, the scythe-like limb suddenly slashed down! CMwiuD

The moment An Yu dodged, the sharp blade shifted from a heavy strike to a sweeping slash. He rolled aside but was immediately lifted by another limb and slammed against the wall!

With a loud crash, his body rebounded heavily off the wall, only to be pinned back by the scythe limb again!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

An Yu’s heartbeat spiraled out of control and his carotid artery throbbing wildly as it was pressed against the mantis leg blade.

“A human body cannot possibly challenge an aberrant,” the Resource Manager watched him darkly. “Didn’t your neighbor teach you that?” raUwyo

An Yu raised his head, “No, he didn’t.”

Dust from the wall fell into his hair as he held his breath, pushing against the scythe limb with all his might. Millimeter by millimeter, centimeter by centimeter, the gap between the two scythes widened and veins bulged at his temples.

Suddenly, the Resource Manager withdrew his strength! As An Yu broke free and leaped up, another strike came down towards his shoulder!

— An Yu was directly slammed from the air, his knee hitting the ground hard! KmiMZC

The heavy scythe limb pressed him onto the ground and a massive shadow loomed over him as he knelt at its feet, gasping for breath as if on the verge of death.

“A familiar scene,” the Resource Manager sneered, his scythe limb poised above An Yu’s head. “It seems the people of District 53 will always be my food.”

An Yu took deep breaths, again and again, until his lungs felt like they were about to burst and his heartbeat finally calmed.

He whispered, “What knelt here ten years ago was indeed food.” QLFoH0

After a moment of silence, he suddenly lifted his head, facing the sharp blade directly.

“But today, the world has changed.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The hunched waist suddenly rose up, and the Resource Manager only had time to see a flash of movement as An Yu jumped up. A bright blade slashed straight upwards from beneath the manager, carving a clean arc through the dark room.

Ktf wbwfca tf ibra tlr nlrlbc, j ktlrqfg fmtbfv lc tlr fjgr. zg4cV0

“Kbvjs, P pera kjca ab xcffi tfgf bcf wbgf alwf yfobgf fcvlcu sbe.”

Yc atf rteaaif yer, Cc Te mbeivc’a ecvfgrajcv kts atf boolmfg rtba atf wjcalr lc atf yjmx bo atf tfjv ktfc lar kfjxcfrr rtbeiv mifjgis yf atf fsfr.

Blood spurted from the Resource Manager’s left eye! An Yu gripped the handle of his knife with both hands, raised it high above his head, and used his own body as a weapon, driving it down with the momentum of his fall and pinning the mantis to the ground!

Zhang! Sparks flew as the blade scraped against the mantis’ joints! watJbM

The massive scythe limbs thrashed wildly on the ground, kicking up dust. An Yu was almost thrown off, but he gritted his teeth and repeatedly forced the monstrous creature back down!

As long as the human body has the determination to win, it is enough to stand a chance against an aberrant.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ten years ago, Ling Qiu had taken him away from the resource station, spitting out ash as he said, “Kneeling is not shameful. As long as you achieve your goal, kneeling is just a posture of victory.”

Amid the shrill screeching, An Yu took a deep breath, raised the knife high again, and plunged it with all his might into the joint! F3uZIx

He had never exerted such force before, and it felt like all his blood vessels were bursting in his body, until a hard, crisp cracking sound signaled the end of this fight between a mere human and an aberrant.

An Yu grabbed the Resource Manager by the neck, “Speak! Where is Xiao You? Where is Ling Qiu!”

Under the fierce gaze of those golden eyes, the scythe limbs waving in the air gradually lost their strength.

“I don’t know…” Td0r89

A struggling scythe scratched the back of An Yu’s ear and blood dripped down, but he didn’t notice. He only felt as if the space around him was fluctuating.

“He came to you for supplies! Two days ago, and for many years before that, he always came to you for supplies!”

“So many people pass by, I don’t remember… Ling Qiu… these names sound familiar… Recently, I’ve forgotten a lot of things…”

The Resource Manager’s remaining right eye stared at the wall—there were photos of this little girl pasted everywhere in the house, but he couldn’t remember who she was. On a rainy night two days ago, she suddenly appeared outside the resource station, being chased by a jellyfish creature. She banged on the door, screaming for her father, but he only felt puzzled. D8hH7T

They stared at each other through the crack in the door, and her clear eyes were filled with panic and sorrow. The tentacles tightened around her waist, but another girl suddenly rushed out, severed the tentacles, and dragged her away.

At that moment, he strangely felt relieved.

The Resource Manager looked back at the blood dripping behind An Yu’s ear. “I find it hard to suppress my desire for you. Are you sure you’re not one of us?”

Sure enough, the brain circuit is the same as that thing on the shuttle bus. f01vOP

“Sorry to disappoint you,” An Yu replied.

He suddenly yanked the knife out and slit his throat with a swift motion!

Blood spurted onto the ceiling, then rained down on his head and face.

After a long while, the short knife clattered to the floor, and An Yu slid off the Resource Manager, sitting down in exhaustion. sFD8JU

A tall figure emerged from the darkness.

Qin Zhilu said, “So this is what you meant when you said you needed a weapon because you were afraid?”

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An Yu rested his wrist on his knee and buried his head.

The only sound in the quiet room was his heavy breathing. wPJak2

After a while, he trembled as he spoke, “So you were really standing there.”

“Although it’s incredible, I had a feeling you could take down an aberrant alone. And it’s rare to hear you talk so much.” Qin Zhilu stepped closer. “It seems not being good at small talk doesn’t mean you can’t express yourself. You can talk a lot when you are crazy.”

The Brain said that encouraging An Yu to express himself more could improve his social skills.

Qin Zhilu handed him a handkerchief. “Why did you kill the Resource Manager?” F51wZS

An Yu’s hands trembled so much that he could only flex his fingers.

There are already enough people who are unable to stand up under these so-called rules,” he softly repeated Qin Zhilu’s words from earlier. “Wasn’t that your implicit command?”

Qin Zhilu was surprised for a moment, then chuckled lightly.

“Looks obedient on the surface, but shifts the blame.” 3XAde6

Using the handkerchief, he lifted An Yu’s chin and began to wipe the blood from his face, standing right in front of him.

The cold leather scent suppressed the stench around him.

An Yu looked up at Qin Zhilu in the dim light. Those black eyes could sometimes be suffocating, yet at other times, they offered a sense of safety.

For example, like now. Rg8XFr

“You have a certain quality,” Qin Zhilu suddenly said.


“A bit of humanity and a lot of ferocity.” He was born to be a hunter.

“But you still need to grow,” Qin Zhilu stated objectively. “You’re too timid. I’ve never seen anyone react so strongly to killing something that hasn’t even fully mutated yet.” gTaqbS

An Yu felt he was being criticized and murmured, “Once I understand my abilities better, this won’t happen.”

Suddenly feeling a little depressed, he said, “It’s a pity Xiao You isn’t here. I can’t ask the Housing Manager to fulfill his promise.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The hand wiping his face paused for a moment before continuing. Qin Zhilu spoke up, “A permanent residence apartment.”

“What?” GnIAwq

“A reward for taking down the Resource Manager by yourself. You get to choose the location and the style.”

An Yu was stunned for a moment, his eyes trembled, and he subconsciously wanted to get up.

“Don’t move,” Qin Zhilu frowned. “You’re still dirty.”

He finished cleaning the blood off An Yu’s face, then brushed his hair aside. He paused, “You have a scar behind your ear.” z5KEJ2

It was a scar about four centimeters long, smooth but still vividly red.

An Yu thought for a moment before saying, “Oh, I’ve had it since I was a kid.”

The leather gloves brushed against the outer ear as he adjusted An Yu’s earpiece, which had loosened during the fight.

The room was too quiet and An Yu calmed down and finally remembered how he should act. H BuVJ

So when the handkerchief touched the back of his ear again, he hissed softly, “It hurts, sir.”

Qin Zhilu’s movement froze, and after a while, he seemed to laugh softly before continuing to wipe the wound. “I found the cabin notes in the warehouse.”

“Cabin notes?”

“Basic knowledge. The military is stationed in the Main City’s makeshift cabins, so their messages during communication blackouts are called cabin notes.” Qin Zhilu handed him a stack of papers. “The Resource Manager got hold of a military pen, but he had never seen real cabin notes, so he mistakenly used the format for documents exchanged between the Main City and Bait City when docking supplies.” Bw7I5R

An Yu thought to himself, it turns out the commander had seen through the lie from the very beginning.

The ink on the paper was blurred by blood, but the deep strokes were still legible.

[Military #142059, Second Lieutenant Zhang Xun, in District 53.]

The miasma has dispersed the squad and the signal was lost. I will leave this cabin note here.

Jellyfish creatures have merged with the rain and infiltrated the water systems, making this city highly exposed.
However, the jellyfish seemed to be limited—they will perish if they cannot merge with a human within 8 hours.
The power suddenly came back on, and I felt my limbs stiffen. I have been wearing a protective suit the entire time and haven’t seen any arthropods.
The situation is dire, and I need to find the power station while I am still lucid.
This should be my last message.
I wish the companions behind me a successful defense.
Order above all. dG7zSY

[Military #150833, Lieutenant Chen Lufeng, in District 53.]

I found the cabin note at the power station, but I did not find Second Lieutenant Zhang Xun.
The energy core is missing; there must be a super-aberrant causing trouble in the shadows.
My limbs are also beginning to stiffen. I have seen a mantis-like human, but I didn’t see the mantis itself.
My consciousness is fading, and the hunger at night is unbearable. Eating normal food seems to delay the mutation, but I have a stronger craving for eating my own kind.
I’m sorry, Second Lieutenant Zhang Xun, I too will perish in this genetic plunder.
But I will minimize my threat to humanity.
I wish the companions behind me a successful defense.
Order above all.

[Military #129674, Major Chris, in District 53.]

I am the commander of this operation. I found the cabin notes on Lieutenant Chen Lufeng’s body. Lieutenant Chen Lufeng died after a decisive act of self-determination, with no significant mutation at the time of death.
After obtaining this note, I also started experiencing limb stiffness.
I suspect that the mutation gene is encoded in the electrical energy and radiates onto people.
My shoulders have already crusted over, but there is no entropy increase. This is an unprecedented distortion phenomenon.
I have decided to abandon my human identity and undergo rapid mutation. Humanity needs to witness this firsthand to learn and defeat it.
I will leave the cabin notes to Sergeant Ling Qiu, who will track my changes and figure out this bizarre distortion.
It is cruel for both of us, but it is what we ought to do.
I wish the companions behind me a successful defense.
Order above all.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

There is one last page.
In the dim light, An Yu lowered his gaze. He didn’t want to turn to the next page.
If Ling Qiu were here, he would probably be surprised by his sudden sadness.
Qin Zhilu’s wrist paused. “Shall I read it first?”
An Yu shook his head, “Let’s read it together, sir.”
The next note filled a whole page.

[Military #215001, Reserve Sergeant Ling Qiu, in District 53.]

I received the cabin notes from Major Chris, who had already started to transform into a mantis.
After hunting down six mantis people, he completed the torso and head mutations.
After the torso mutation, Major Chris essentially lost his human will.
Upon completing the head mutation, he froze on the ground and ceased all activity. For the sake of caution, I didn’t go forward to check.
During the day, I hid in a residential building and encountered a group of smart kids; I had to find food for them.
After dark, I came out of the building, but Major Chris had disappeared.
The Resource Manager was very resistant to my advice about the lights; something was off with him, and I had to leave.
I will leave the cabin notes in the warehouse, and I believe there will be companions passing by later. CxBta4

Ling Qiu is not dead.
An Yu breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the at the small words at the bottom of the page.

  1. The city has multiple distortion sources, and the danger level is: water bugs < jellyfish < mantis.
  2. Water bugs are non-infectious, jellyfish can merge with human genes, and mantises are more complex, but their final state remains unobserved.
  3. There is a delay in the increase of genetic entropy; do not blindly trust the terminal’s detection function.
  4. Super-aberrants tend to use multiple defenses to hide themselves. There is a high probability that there are more powerful distorted creatures in the inner city, so please be very cautious.

“Your neighbor is quite exceptional,” Qin Zhilu commented as he opened his terminal and entered Ling Qiu’s military ID.
The photo on the profile page was taken when Ling Qiu was sitting at the door of the low-income dormitory on the day he received his military uniform. He was full of ambition and a flame medal was affixed next to his profile picture—the first place of the recruits in the 2150 class.
An Yu gazed at that long-lost smile, somewhat dazed.
At the end of the note, Ling Qiu had written:

I will do my utmost to delve into the inner city to find the energy core. If possible, please rescue citizen An Yu from T Zone, Building 5, Unit 1414. He almost never turns on the lights or goes outside, so his mutation risk is very low.
District 53 is beyond saving, but this is my home, and An Yu is my only family.
Human order is noble; even if District 53 falls, it still remains equally noble.

Snowflake fragments

[Ling Qiu(1/3)]

[The Vast World]

The slum courtyard is a small square.
Standing at the bottom of the well and looking up, the decaying and dilapidated buildings stretch straight to the sky. If you stare long enough, you might mistake this as the entirety of the world.
Only An Yu likes this place.
He enjoys the narrow corners, which makes him feel safe. Whenever I talk about how big the world outside is, he gets a bit anxious.
To be honest, I felt a bit anxious too when I first stepped into the Main City.
But soon enough, my name jumped to the top of the list of new recruits in the Main City military.
Those peers who came from the Main City’s wealthy families called me the King of Recruits.
I can’t wait for the training to end so I can give An Yu a long call, if he’s awake by then.
I need to let him know that the world outside is indeed vast.
But it is not insurmountable.


Translator's Note

portable building; demountable building;

Translator's Note

probably refers to the story of a “frog at the bottom of a well,” who believed that the well was the whole world, and that the speck of light above him was the sun. This idiom refers to people who are narrow minded or who discount things outside of their own experiences.

Translator's Note

impossible to climb

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  1. Really hope we could meet Ling Qiu, literally the equivalent of Lu Yizhan the saint!! (If you know you know *wink wink *) But I really do hope he survived and they become a team <3