Reborn to StriveChapter 22.2

Seeing Guan Baiyu surrounded by people, Yan Jiangtao, who was sitting behind Guan Baiyu, snorted repeatedly.

These people only knew how to circle around Guan Baiyu, the number one in their year! XKk9PB

Was it so great to have good grades? The invigilator didn’t even care about Guan Baiyu’s cheating in the exam!

Yan Jiangtao’s face turned even darker when he thought about cheating.

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After throwing the paper ball and accusing Guan Baiyu of cheating, he waited to see Guan Baiyu suffer misfortune. As a result, nothing happened to Guan Baiyu. Even worse, after that, the invigilator stood by Guan Baiyu’s side!

One must know that he was sitting behind Guan Baiyu! q2fY3h

Originally, he could have asked his friends to pass the answers to him, and just treat them to a meal afterward. However, the teacher was right in front of him, as motionless as a pillar. How could he dare to play any more tricks?

If his dad knew that he tried to cheat, he would definitely whip him.

In the end, he just felt that his mind was blank. He couldn’t answer any of the questions that he could have completed originally, and he didn’t finish the essay. He didn’t know how he did in the Chinese language exam this time.

He didn’t come to school for the past few days, but the teacher didn’t tell his dad. His dad didn’t know about it… If he did poorly in the exam now, his dad would definitely ask the teacher why. Once he questioned the teacher, the matter about him not coming to school would definitely be exposed!


Yan Jiangtao felt uneasy. At this moment, the preparation bell rang.

Everyone returned to their seats, and the invigilators also arrived.

Mathematics was Yan Jiangtao’s weak subject, and he was not sure at all… Yan Jiangtao glared at Guan Baiyu’s back.

Guan Baiyu seemed to have eyes on the back of his head. He suddenly turned his head to look at Yan Jiangtao, his eyes cold. QrNoq6

Yan Jiangtao didn’t know what was going on, but he felt cold for no reason.

He must have made a mistake. How could he be afraid just because of Guan Baiyu’s look? Just when Yan Jiangtao was about to kick Guan Baiyu, Teacher Chen started talking again. While talking, he looked at Guan Baiyu, “Don’t think about cheating. I will keep an eye on you!”

Yan Jiangtao could only withdraw his foot.

The math exam began. OuVshd

Guan Baiyu’s math scores had always been better than his Chinese language scores.

Even if he encountered a type of math problem that he had never done before, he could figure out how to solve it if he thought about it a little more. This was different from Chinese. For Chinese language questions, without a teacher teaching him the standard answer, it would be difficult for him to get it right on his own.

This time, the math exam paper was handed out, and he was even familiar with all the early questions.

Teacher Chen, who was invigilating the exam, was still standing next to Guan Baiyu, but it did not affect Guan Baiyu at all. oOSx8W

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Teacher Chen became even angrier when he saw this.

Lf kjr j wjatfwjalmr afjmtfg, rb tf mbeiv rff atja Xejc Djlse kjr jcrkfglcu jii atf defralbcr mbggfmais.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ktlr qfgrbc ktb kjr jujlcra tlw rffwfv ab tjnf ubbv ugjvfr… Lf kjr ectjqqs!

Xejc Djlse vlvc’a mjgf ktja Kfjmtfg Jtfc atbeuta. Lf pera mbwqifafv atf fzjw qjqfg rfglberis. fICRd

Lbkfnfg, atfgf kfgf atgff wjpbg defralbcr ja atf fcv atja kfgf vloolmeia. Ciatbeut tf jcrkfgfv atfw jii, tf vlvc’a xcbk lo tf rbinfv atfw mbggfmais. Srqfmljiis obg atf ijra defralbc, tf bcis kgbaf vbkc j ofk rafqr jcv mbeivc’a oluegf bea atf jcrkfg ja jii.

Guan Baiyu didn’t give up on the last question until the bell rang for handing in the papers.

The students in their classroom were all students from the advanced class, so they waited until the end bell rang before handing in their papers. The other classes basically handed in their papers in advance, and it was already noisy outside.

After the exam papers were collected, the students in their class rushed out quickly. pHlSDU

They were all hungry and wanted to eat!

Guan Baiyu was one of them – his brother had said that he would deliver food to him, so he hurriedly went to the school gate to find his brother!

Guan Baiyu rushed down the stairs. As soon as he ran downstairs, he saw Shi Zhen standing by their teaching building.

Shi Zhen wore his best clothes today. He was the tallest in the school at over 1.8 meters tall. He looked very conspicuous and handsome. PReX3q

Guan Baiyu felt a sense of pride from the bottom of his heart.

In order to deliver food, Shi Zhen bought a lunch box. The stainless steel rectangular lunch box was divided into upper and lower layers. It looked shiny. Although the price was not cheap, it was worth it since Guan Baiyu could also use it when he went to high school.

“Xiao Yu,” Shi Zhen greeted with a smile as he handed the lunch box in his hands to Guan Baiyu, “I’ve made a few dishes. Quickly eat.”

They had been eating pig head meat every day recently, so Shi Zhen didn’t bring any to Guan Baiyu today. Instead, he made fried pork liver with leeks, stir-fried cabbage with minced meat, and a poached egg. 3 kAuD

Guan Baiyu picked up the lunch box and asked, “Brother, have you eaten?”

“I’ve eaten,” Shi Zhen said.

He came here after he finished eating, but he only bought a little bit of pork liver, which was all put in Guan Baiyu’s lunch box. He didn’t eat any himself.

“Brother, let’s go sit over there?” Guan Baiyu asked, pointing to the steps paved with cement next to their school playground. RyhX1

There must be many people eating in the classroom right now, and he didn’t really want to go back.

Shi Zhen agreed without thinking, “Okay.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The playground of Guan Baiyu’s school was quite small. The entire playground was paved with cement. There was a podium and a flagpole at the northern end of the playground. On the east and west sides, there were some steps built with bricks and covered with cement for people to sit on.

This was newly added. Last year, this playground was still made of dirt. Whether one was jumping rope or playing shuttlecock, they would raise waves of dust. NBidGp

Guan Baiyu sat down on the steps, opened the lunch box, and was surprised. “So many dishes!”

“Only three.” Shi Zhen smiled and handed chopsticks to Guan Baiyu.

Guan Baiyu took the chopsticks and began to eat. When he ate the pork liver, his eyes curved.

Many people didn’t like pork liver, but Shi Zhen remembered that Guan Baiyu liked it. He not only liked to eat pork liver, but also chicken liver, duck liver and goose liver. Bac1sR

Shi Zhen and Guan Baiyu were eating. On the other side, the invigilators who had sealed the exam papers came out of the classroom and chatted while walking.

Teacher Chen kept complaining. “The students here are really not decent. None of them study hard! There were even people in my classroom passing notes…”

He complained and complained, and then started to talk about how a student was disobedient and refused to repent even after being caught cheating…

He did not lower his volume. Guan Baiyu and Shi Zhen were not far away, so they both heard him. iSJm2h

Shi Zhen looked over subconsciously and met Teacher Chen’s gaze.

Shi Zhen knew that the quality of education in this school was not very good, but at this time, education in rural areas was like this. In his village, many girls did not even attend elementary school. His stepsisters dropped out of school after two or three years.

Even now that family planning had been implemented and every household had fewer children, when he came out, there were still many families who did not let their daughters go to school.

It was really not good for a teacher to criticize others loudly like this. nHdLJd

Shi Zhen frowned and looked at Teacher Chen with disapproval in his eyes, which shocked Teacher Chen.

Teacher Chen didn’t expect that the person he was speaking badly about was not far away, and an elder from his family was even there… He shut his mouth, didn’t dare to say anything more, and was a little worried.

Someone from the student’s family came to deliver food, and the food delivered was quite rich, which proved that the student was very favored at home… If such a student was wronged, his family would definitely stand up for him. He could not offend him.

Teacher Chen and other teachers quickly went to the cafeteria and ate there. RqQCNP

These invigilators came from town, and the school cafeteria specially made them stewed meat with prunes and vegetables, stewed cabbage with fungus and tofu, and tomato and egg drop soup.

However, Teacher Chen was still dissatisfied. He felt that the stewed meat with prunes and vegetables was full of fat. “Who wants to eat it if it’s so greasy?”

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Teacher Wang, who was enjoying her meal: “…”

Immediately afterward, Teacher Chen started to criticize what the students ate. “Those students only had one dish: stewed cabbage with fungus and tofu. It’s not nutritious to eat like this!” W7aqhG

Other teachers: “…”

Although Shi Zhen glanced at Teacher Chen and expressed disapproval of Teacher Chen, he didn’t know what happened during the exam.

Guan Baiyu didn’t tell Shi Zhen. He just said that he solved most of the questions and his grades shouldn’t be too bad.

“But the students in the junior high schools in town will definitely do better in the exam. There are also junior high schools in the city…” Guan Baiyu felt that the students there might be able to get full marks in mathematics. 1SUJPC

“You don’t have to compete with them, only with people from your own school,” Shi Zhen said.

If Guan Baiyu could get the recommendation, he would be satisfied.

If he couldn’t get the recommendation… Guan Baiyu could go to an ordinary high school first. Once he made a little more money, it should be possible to arrange for Guan Baiyu to transfer to No. 1 High School.

At this time, people didn’t have the concept of school district housing*, so transferring to another school was much easier than in later generations. fl4Vtz

For example, for junior high school, even if one’s household registration was outside town, they could send their children to study in town by paying a little money.

It was a pity that most people at this time didn’t take advantage of this.

“Yeah.” Guan Baiyu smiled.

After Guan Baiyu finished eating, Shi Zhen took the lunch box and left. wt7o 6

After watching Shi Zhen leave, Guan Baiyu returned to the third years’* classroom to rest.

When he entered, Yan Jiangtao was already there. There was a puddle of vegetable soup mixed with rice on his stool. The vegetable soup was also poured on his schoolbag, which looked greasy and disgusting.

The books in his schoolbag were probably all wet, and these included the exercise books Shi Zhen bought for him.

“Did you pour it?” Guan Baiyu asked Yan Jiangtao with a cold face. wpGbSg

Yan Jiangtao said casually, “So what?”

Guan Baiyu rarely got angry before. After all, it was useless to be angry.

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But at this moment…he had the urge to hit Yan Jiangtao with a stool.

*** Qe5IEG

T/N: This Teacher Chen is so shameless! He already knows in his heart that Baiyu definitely didn’t cheat, yet he has the nerve to complain and reverse black and white.

*School district housing – basically it means where you can go to school is determined by where you live/registered address. Some people in Asia will buy a place even if it’s rundown just because it’s in the district area of a good school.

*Not a typo – the exams are being taken in the classrooms of the first and second years (who were given time off from school so the third years can take this exam), but he’s resting in his usual classroom – that’s why his bag and stuff are there.

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  1. Why is this blockhead teacher chen singling out guan baiyu like that?? Just because he’s a loner with no friends?? What a jerkass. Don’t even deserve to be a teacher…