Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch85 - The so-called enchantment

Xia Yuqing and Ruan Hongyi both appeared accustomed to the situation.

The newcomer, Ge Yuanfeng, asked, “What is the mission?” SOYMFt

Ye Shu and Yan Changlan hadn’t heard about it either, so they looked towards Zhu Yao.

Xia Yuqing gently explained first, “As direct disciples of the Qixiao Sect, we don’t have mandatory tasks to complete for the sect each year, unlike the inner and outer disciples. However, relying solely on the monthly stipend is often insufficient for exchanging resources, making tasks with rewards quite important. Eldest Senior Brother is patient and has a good eye. Over the past year or so, he frequently visited the task hall to observe and pick suitable tasks for us to undertake together. Since we are fellow disciples and trust each other, it’s much more reliable than working with others… This time, with two new junior brothers and the newly acquainted Taoist Ye, there are more of us. Eldest Senior Brother likely picked a task with a higher reward for us to complete together.”

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Zhu Yao smiled and said, “Indeed. Originally, it was just me and the two junior sisters, so we had to be cautious when selecting tasks. Now, with the addition of two junior brothers and Taoist Ye, I’ve set my sights on a task we couldn’t complete before. If everyone is willing to join, I’ll go and take on that task.”

Ruan Hongyi energetically added, “Eldest Senior Brother is very reliable when it comes to picking tasks. We might even gain other benefits during the mission. With all six of us going, it will definitely be more exciting!” JKY59X

Hearing this, Ge Yuanfeng felt a bit tempted and asked, “Third Senior Brother Yan, what do you think?”

Yan Changlan looked at Ye Shu and said, “Azhuo, what do you think?”

Ye Shu replied, “With such a generous invitation, how can I refuse?”

Yan Changlan himself was also quite interested. Seeing that Ye Shu was willing to go, he agreed, “Then let’s go.”


Seeing everyone else was going, Ge Yuanfeng readily said, “I agree too!”

Naturally, Zhu Yao was very pleased.

The new junior brothers were easy to get along with and willing to work hard and endure hardships. With more people regularly taking on tasks, it was truly a great benefit for those of them at their current low cultivation levels.

So, Zhu Yao began explaining the details of the task to them. mTWglq

This mission wasn’t particularly difficult. It involved escorting a young lady from a family to Lin City, which was ten thousand miles away, to visit relatives. The journey would take about ten days round trip. However, they would need to guard against mountain bandits and potential encounters with demonic beasts along the way. If the young lady had a difficult temperament, it could also be troublesome. Additionally, the young lady would certainly have her own bodyguards, and most of the time, they would have to act according to the arrangements made by these bodyguards.

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Ite Tjb rjlv, “Ktlr wlrrlbc boofgr j gfkjgv bo akfcas rqlgla mblcr, jcv fjmt bo er mjc ufa atgff rqlgla mblcr. Ktja’r delaf j rew.”

Fqbc tfjglcu atf afgw “rqlgla mblcr”, fnfgsbcf ecvfgrabbv kts Ite Tjb tjv ajxfc bc atlr ajrx. Kkfcas rqlgla mblcr kfgf kbgat 20,000 ajfir bo ubiv. Po atf gfkjgv tjv yffc 20,000 ajfir bo ubiv, atfrf rfma vlrmlqifr wluta cba tjnf ibkfgfv atfwrfinfr ab ajxf bc atf ajrx. Dea rqlgla mblcr kfgf rmjgmf, fnfc obg rfma vlrmlqifr, rb cjaegjiis, atfs kbeiv yf fjufg ab jmmfqa la.

Ye Shu’s interest was piqued upon hearing that spirit coins were involved. Kku5wM

Although his magic tools were of high quality, if he insisted on only trading them for spirit coins, his business might not thrive. Now there was an opportunity to directly obtain spirit coins without Yan Changlan having to deprive himself, making it an excellent choice.

Everyone was tempted by the spirit coins, and no one raised any objections.

Zhu Yao then said, “In that case, everyone should go make preparations. We’ll meet at Jinghua Lou in the market in two days.”

Everyone agreed, saying, “Alright.” nXgvW2

After that, Zhu Yao and the other disciples of Baixiao Peak were about to leave. Yan Changlan also said to Ye Shu, “Azhuo, I’ll go pack up and see you tomorrow.”

Ruan Hongyi, seeing Yan Changlan’s demeanor, couldn’t help but laugh, “We’re going to meet again soon, yet Third Senior Brother seems so reluctant to part. We know well that you and Taoist Ye have a deep friendship, but others might think you can’t bear to leave your lover!”

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Xia Yuqing immediately reprimanded, “Fourth Junior Sister, don’t speak nonsense!”

Ruan Hongyi stuck out her tongue, “I was just joking…” Dvz 1J

Zhu Yao, feeling helpless, bowed towards both Ye Shu and Yan Changlan.

This was not a big deal, just a joke. Yan Changlan naturally wouldn’t mind, and Ye Shu never took others’ words to heart.

Neither of them said anything, and after bidding farewell, Yan Changlan left with his fellow disciples.

Ruan Hongyi stole a glance at Yan Changlan. HixwAF

Yan Changlan looked at her and said, “Be careful, if your magic tool gets damaged in the future, there might be no one to help you fix it.”

Ruan Hongyi immediately straightened up, “I… I was just speaking without thinking…”

Upon hearing this, the other direct disciples of Baixiao Peak couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

Ruan Hongyi could sometimes be too playful, but her presence always made it hard for anyone to stay upset. OG5mAj

Ge Yuanfeng laughed the loudest, and Ruan Hongyi couldn’t help but punch him.

“Ouch, Fourth Senior Sister, it hurts…”


—- KZfChU

As he was about to embark on a journey, Ye Shu had some things to explain to a few of his servants.

Mainly, he wanted them to keep an eye on the shop, and additionally, he instructed the clever Ai Jiu and Hu Yuan to frequently inquire about any information regarding objects containing evil energy.

Hu Yuan was somewhat surprised upon hearing this. “Objects containing evil energy?”

Ye Shu nodded slightly. “I have a use for these items. You don’t need to think too much about it, just focus on finding them.” dQXSx5

Hu Yuan and the others didn’t ask any more questions. “In that case, if we find one while the master is away…”

Ye Shu replied, “I’ll leave eighty percent of the golden leaves for you. If you can buy it, then buy it. If not, leave the information behind, and I’ll deal with it when I return.”

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The servants expressed their understanding.

Ye Shu waved his hand to dismiss them, but in his heart, he only hoped to receive information. As for the possibility of acquiring these objects containing evil energy… he didn’t hold much hope. It wasn’t because of any external factors, but because treasures containing evil energy were used by cultivators in the Foundation Establishment stage. For a Qi Refining cultivator, even if they saw them, what could they do? Fortunately, these treasures had many requirements for use in Foundation Establishment, and the quantity needed to be sufficient. For him, even if the evil energy contained in those items was minimal, it would still be useful. Nr5uT8

After giving these instructions, Ye Shu immersed himself in the refining room and began making an item called Lei Ting. However, for now, he could only refine the prototype of this item. To successfully complete its refinement, he needed Yan Changlan’s assistance the next day.

Yan Changlan sat in the refining room, his eyes fixed on the pile of black beads in front of him. “Azhuo, do we really need to refine so many this time?”

It wasn’t his first time assisting Ye Shu in refining Lei Ting. Usually, he just stored his mana into the Lei Ting, but this time there were over a hundred Lei Ting prototypes in front of him, which was somewhat astonishing. SxpZbj

Ye Shu said, “We’re just escorting a young lady to a place thousands of miles away, yet we’re offered twenty spirit coins as payment. I assume the journey won’t be peaceful. With Lei Ting on hand, as long as the arrivals aren’t Nascent Soul cultivators, although our cultivation levels aren’t high, we can ensure our safety.”

Yan Changlan cleared his throat. “Azhuo’s words are true.”

Once they settled on this, Yan Changlan picked up one Lei Ting prototype, gathered a strand of mana, and infused it into the prototype. In an instant, the incomplete enchantment on the prototype emitted a faint light. Ye Shu took the prototype and quickly inscribed several strokes on it, making the enchantment complete, thus forming a Lei Ting. Immediately after, Yan Changlan picked up the second prototype and performed the same process. Ye Shu also took over, ensuring the mana flow.

The two cooperated, and after making over twenty, Yan Changlan ran out of mana. He promptly swallowed a low-grade Ninglu Dan to recover. Once he restored his mana, he resumed infusing mana. Wdhebs

…Although it seemed easy, Lei Ting could only be refined by Nascent Soul cultivators.

Even though Ye Shu had the divine consciousness of a Golden Core cultivator to ensure the refining process went smoothly, without Yan Changlan’s manipulation of lightning attribute mana, it wouldn’t be possible.

This involved many complex principles regarding the enchantments themselves.

First and foremost, let’s discuss the enchantments themselves. akP64j

The so-called enchantments are actually a kind of miniature formation.

Translator's Note

雷 (léi): This character means “thunder” or “lightning.” 霆 (tíng): This character means “a clap of thunder” or “a thunderbolt.”

Translator's Note

Condensing Pill

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