Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch84 - Which path shall we take?

After the pleasantries, Ye Shu said to the disciples of the Baixiao Peak, “You are all Changlan’s fellow disciples. It’s our first meeting, and I didn’t come prepared. If you don’t mind, please each choose a weapon as a token of our meeting.”

The disciples of the Baixiao Peak looked at each other. cGIXu

They wouldn’t mind, but they couldn’t just accept weapons for free.

Ruan Hongyi’s eyes lit up, “How can we just take things from Fellow Taoist Ye? But I heard that these weapons were all crafted by Fellow Taoist Ye. If Fellow Taoist Ye doesn’t mind, could you customize a weapon for each of us? We’ll provide the materials ourselves. How about it?”

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As soon as she finished speaking, Xia Yujing gently pulled her, whispering a reprimand, “Fourth Junior Sister, you shouldn’t say that.”

As Ruan Hongyi finished speaking, she realized that her suggestion might not be entirely appropriate. She bit her lip and prepared to take back her words. After all, it was much easier for an artifact refiner to craft weapons for general use than to custom-make them for individuals. How could she have thought that providing the materials herself wouldn’t be taking advantage of the situation? 8xLK6B

However, Ye Shu had already agreed, “Sure.”

Zhu Yao and the others were surprised by his sincere acceptance. For a moment, they all looked towards Yan Changlan.

Yan Changlan knew that this was Ye Shu saving face for him in front of his fellow disciples. Feeling warmed by this, he said, “Since Azhuo is willing to craft them, fellow disciples don’t need to be polite. Azhuo is skilled in crafting weapons, so there’s some assurance in his agreement.”

Zhu Yao and the others were relieved.


Xia Yujing said, “Even if things don’t work out in the end, we won’t blame Fellow Taoist Ye.”

Ruan Hongyi, having spoken out of turn earlier, now dared not say much and simply nodded repeatedly.

Ge Yuanfeng said, “This time, we really benefited by following Third Senior Brother!”

Yan Changlan shook his head, “Don’t talk nonsense.” Gez8Oi

However, since Ye Shu had agreed to craft the magical tools, Zhu Yao and the others, seeing the items in the shop, were quite confident in Ye Shu’s skills and were very pleased. After Ye Shu served them a round of tea, Zhu Yao and the others prepared to take their leave.

Yan Changlan said, “Eldest Senior Brother, Second Senior Sister, junior brother and sister, I haven’t seen Azhuo for a long time, so I won’t be returning today.”

Zhu Yao glanced at Ye Shu and, noticing he showed no objection, agreed, “If Master summons you, I will inform him on your behalf. Just remember not to neglect your cultivation outside the sect, do you understand?”

Yan Changlan naturally replied, “I understand, I will not neglect it.” PydqeE

With the reminders given, the various fellow disciples from Baixiao Peak left the shop, agreeing to prepare the necessary materials and to return in three days to inform Ye Shu of the specific magical tools they needed. Ye Shu agreed once again.

After they all left, Yan Changlan looked at Ye Shu with increasingly gentle eyes.

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Ye Shu said, “Come back with me, and familiarize yourself with my place.”

Tjc Jtjcuijc tjv cb bypfmalbcr jcv rwlifv, “P jirb kjca ab rff ktfgf Chteb ilnfr cbk.” Q4adoc

Vbbc, Tf Vte ygbeuta Tjc Jtjcuijc yjmx ab atf cfkis gfcafv mbegasjgv.

Aera ys ibbxlcu ja atf fzafglbg, Tjc Jtjcuijc xcfk atja jiatbeut atf mbegasjgv kjr ralii delaf rfmievfv, la kjr ecvbeyafvis wemt ijgufg lcrlvf mbwqjgfv ab atf qijmf atfs erfv ab ilnf.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ye Shu opened the courtyard gate and said to Yan Changlan, “Although there are many rooms here, most of them have been set up for various diverse studies. When you come to visit in the future, you can stay in the main room with me, just like before.”

For some reason, Yan Changlan’s heart skipped a beat, and a strange feeling suddenly arose, but it quickly disappeared. He then cheerfully said, “As long as Azhuo doesn’t mind, I will come by often to visit.” i3IBTo

Ye Shu said, “You are welcome to come anytime.”

Yan Changlan smiled, feeling completely content.

Then, Ye Shu took Yan Changlan to see the different rooms, such as the refining room and the alchemy room. After Yan Changlan had seen everything, Ye Shu handed him a small formation disk and pointed to a few servants standing at the edge of the courtyard, saying, “These are the servants I bought. They are all at the sixth level of Qi Refining.”

Yan Changlan took the formation disk and looked at the servants. xkgbAN

These servants appeared quite sturdy and treated their master, Ye Shu, with great respect. They did not seem like rebellious types. Even if one or two of them seemed shrewd, they knew their place… Indeed, Azhuo’s judgment is impeccable.

Ye Shu then spoke to the servants, “This is Changlan. You must remember him.”

The servants heard this and naturally took note of Yan Changlan’s now more mature appearance: “Yes, master.”

After giving his instructions, Ye Shu waved his hand, allowing the servants to go about their duties. Dx4gBF

Yan Changlan then examined the formation disk in his hand: “Azhuo, it seems different from the one we used to have.”

Ye Shu said, “It’s a Spirit Gathering Formation, capable of doubling the amount of spiritual energy.”

Yan Changlan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, “Azhuo, you’re truly impressive.”

Ye Shu shook his head slightly, “There are still many shortcomings.” Cu 782

Afterward, the two carefully looked at each other.

During their time apart, both had made significant progress in their cultivation. However, since Yan Changlan had arrived at the Qixiao Sect first, where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was extremely abundant, the spiritual power he had condensed had already caught up with Ye Shu. Both were now at the third level of Qi Refining, with eight strands of spiritual power.

Ye Shu sighed, “In a little while, you’ll probably surpass me.”

Yan Changlan replied, “It’s only because Azhuo is distracted by diverse studies. If you focused on accumulating spiritual power like I do all day, you would surely have more than me.” He spoke sincerely, “Even if I do surpass you in the future… Azhuo, you must continue to guide me.” c4 vQq

Ye Shu’s eyes softened: “Of course, until you form a Golden Core, I think I can still guide you a little, but after forming a Golden Core… our paths will diverge, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to help anymore.”

Yan Changlan smiled and said, “It’s already very good to reach the Golden Core stage. Even if our paths diverge in the future, I can still travel the Great Dao with Azhuo and learn from each other.”

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A fleeting smile appeared on Ye Shu’s lips. “That would be good.”

Afterward, Yan Changlan tested the formation disk and found its spirit-gathering abilities to be impressive, giving him more confidence in his future cultivation progress. They then discussed their experiences since their separation, sharing what they had encountered, and without realizing it, several hours passed. iJ1KwL

By evening, Yan Changlan brought out the new techniques he had chosen and demonstrated them. Although these were teachings from the sect, which he couldn’t pass on to Ye Shu, Ye Shu could still spot some flaws by watching Yan Changlan practice and offered pointers.

Several more hours went by, and Yan Changlan had grasped the essence of two sword techniques and a body technique.

Putting away his sword, Yan Changlan said, “I just need to practice them diligently from now on.”

Ye Shu nodded slightly. “Changlan, your comprehension is excellent,” he paused for a moment, “especially when it comes to sword techniques.” scEIvf

Yan Changlan looked at the twin swords in his hands, Lan Feng and Zhuo Lei, and nodded. “If I get the chance, I will pursue the path of a sword cultivator.”

Ye Shu said, “The path of a sword cultivator is relentless and forward. If you truly wish to follow the way of the sword, you will have to make some choices when you reach the Foundation Establishment stage.”

Yan Changlan replied solemnly, “I understand.”

After discussing their future plans, Yan Changlan followed Ye Shu into the main room. QZCHW1

Currently, they were still in the Qi Refining stage. Although they could cultivate for long periods, they couldn’t do it continuously without rest. After meditating for an hour, they both lay down on the bed, sleeping with their feet touching.

Such experiences were rare. Yan Changlan lay on his back for a while, finding it difficult to fall asleep.

However, after a few moments, he saw Ye Shu’s peaceful sleeping face under the moonlight. Somehow, this calmed his mind, and he soon fell asleep.

Yan Changlan reunited with Ye Shu, and since Ye Shu was knowledgeable and could offer him much guidance, he decided not to return to the Qixiao Sect. Instead, he stayed with Ye Shu just like he had at the Baixiao Sect. iFjg2H

Through their interactions, the servants also came to understand Yan Changlan better. They realized that this young cultivator, whom their master valued highly, had a more approachable personality compared to their master, which greatly relieved them.

This way, they could serve their masters with peace of mind.

On the second day, when Yan Changlan did not return, Xiao Ming, after much deliberation, sought out Ruan Hongyi for information. Upon learning about the existence of the shop and recalling the close relationship between Yan Changlan and “Shi Zhuo,” he found his way to the shop. Ai Jiu, who was tending the shop at the time, learned of Xiao Ming’s purpose and, after reporting back, was instructed to bring Xiao Ming to the residence.

Xiao Ming saw Yan Changlan and also noticed an unfamiliar young cultivator, which puzzled him. Vw6Nm

What… not Taoist Shi Zhuo?

Yan Changlan glanced at Ye Shu.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ye Shu nodded slightly.

Yan Changlan then said, “Junior Brother Xiao, Shi Zhuo was originally an alias created by Taoist Ye Shu through disguise. Those magical tools you saw were also crafted by Ye Shu, with no involvement from anyone else.” 7zGsme

Xiao Ming was taken aback. “…What?”

For a moment, Xiao Ming felt his mind was filled with a flood of information, making everything chaotic and leaving him at a loss.

Shi Zhuo… Ye Shu… So this means there wasn’t a hidden master behind the magical tools? No, no, if Ye Shu could create such magical tools, he must already be an outstanding artifact craftsman. Why would he need a hidden master?

However, Xiao Ming was a smart person, and he quickly understood why Ye Shu had previously disguised himself as Shi Zhuo. SEk9sf

The reason was “a jade in one’s possession is a crime.”

Ye Shu was too young and his cultivation level too low. If people knew he could craft such high-quality magical tools, they wouldn’t respect him for his talent. Instead, they would try to control him to ensure a continuous supply of magical tools for their own forces. Even Xiao Ming’s own family might be tempted if they knew the truth.

Indeed, Yan Changlan had a high status in the Baixiao Sect, but this status wasn’t enough to deter people from coveting a young genius like Ye Shu. Even if Yan Changlan tried to leverage the sect’s power, it might not be enough, because Ye Shu’s abilities would likely be coveted even by the Baixiao Sect itself.

However, things were different when they arrived at Jiutai City. The magical tools here were not such scarce items. If Ye Shu demonstrated his abilities, he was more likely to be nurtured rather than exploited. Moreover, Yan Changlan was now the direct disciple of the Peak Master of the Baixiao Peak. With the Peak Master’s protection, the vast Qixiao Sect wouldn’t covet a young artifact craftsman who could only create low-grade magical tools; instead, it would become a shelter for Ye Shu. 4un1d9

With everything clear in his mind, Xiao Ming sighed in relief and paid his respects to Ye Shu, saying, “In that case, from now on, you are Fellow Taoist Ye, not Fellow Taoist Shi.”

Ye Shu replied, “I had no choice before, please don’t take offense.”

Xiao Ming smiled and said, “It was just a cautious move on your part, nothing to be offended about.”

Now knowing that Ye Shu resided here and that Yan Changlan often practiced here, Xiao Ming no longer felt so urgent. Instead, he returned to the sect to handle matters for Yan Changlan. By the third day, Wang Min also came to pay respects and then returned. Before leaving, she glanced at the servants, deep in thought. zrlu D

…Regarding the matter of the Spirit Gathering Formation, neither Ye Shu nor Yan Changlan mentioned it to them. Although they were still considered trustworthy, the Spirit Gathering Formation was a rare item even in Jiutai City. They could inform the servants who were fully under their control, but they couldn’t just confide in them solely based on trust.

The next day, Zhu Yao and other disciples of Yan Changlan came to visit Ye Shu and brought their respective requests for magical tools.

Ye Shu fulfilled their requests exactly as they wished, crafting enough quality low-grade magical tools for them, leaving a very favorable impression on Yang Changlan’s fellow disciples.

At the same time, Zhu Yao voluntarily provided some information and invited several of his fellow disciples as well as the newly acquainted artifact craftsman Ye Shu to join him on a mission. jKr9Wl

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