Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch83 - Trifling skills, not worth mentioning

Ruan Hongyi and Ge Yuanfeng led the way ahead, guiding the others through several streets in the market before slowly starting to search in the string of alleys.

Xia Yuqing couldn’t help but laugh. “Is it really this hard to find?” bHGIMh

Ruan Hongyi replied, “I heard that those two stumbled upon it by accident. It’s a newly opened shop with good quality items and reasonable prices. Since not many people know about it yet, we should hurry up and buy some before there’s competition and we have to pay higher prices.”

Seeing Ruan Hongyi speak so highly of the shop, Zhu Yao couldn’t help but feel curious.

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Ge Yuanfeng’s keen eyes quickly spotted it. He called out, “It’s right here, senior brothers and sisters, come over quickly!”

Ruan Hongyi hurried over, still tightly holding onto Xia Yuqing. qekTGW

Zhu Yao exclaimed, “Ah—” and hurried after them.

Yan Changlan remained composed, but his pace was not slow.

Soon, they arrived in front of the shop.

The shop was quite small, with a curtain hanging over the entrance that could only accommodate two people entering at the same time.


There was a slender cultivator waiting at the entrance, appearing to be at the sixth level of Qi Refining upon a cursory glance. Upon closer inspection, one could see a wristband on his wrist, indicating that he was actually a servant.

Seeing someone approach, the slender cultivator greeted them with a smile. “Are you all here to purchase magical tools? Please come in.”

The group walked in, and as they raised their eyes, they saw the scene inside the shop.

The shop wasn’t large, only about three zhang square in size. On both sides, there were large iron shelves divided into several layers, each holding several magical tools. Most of them were quite exquisite, with intricate engravings of runes on each, giving them a formidable presence. CRO7xk

The discerning eyes of Zhu Yao and the other Qixiao Sect disciples were exceptional. They could easily tell that while perhaps the appearance of these magical tools wasn’t given much attention during forging, the engravings of the runes and the shape of the magical tools were extremely smooth, indicating the profound skill of the craftsman, who paired the design with the enchantments perfectly.

Xia Yuqing couldn’t help but comment, “Fourth Junior Sister really found a good place this time.”

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Ruan Hongyi proudly replied, “Isn’t that so?”

Ite Tjb mtemxifv. “Pcvffv, lcvffv.” rXsSdG

Ktf rifcvfg meialnjabg, Cl Ale, jirb abbx qglvf lc atf qgjlrf ogbw atf ugbeq. “Ktlr lr lcvffv atf rxlii bo ws wjrafg lc mgjoalcu. Kjxf sbeg alwf ab ibbx jgbecv. Po jcsatlcu mjamtfr sbeg fsf, offi ogff ab ulnf la j ags.”

Lfjglcu Cl Ale’r kbgvr, Eejc Lbcusl jcv atf batfgr kfca ab lcrqfma atf wjulmji abbir atfs ilxfv, fjufg ab afra atflg qbkfg. Coafg jii, gfujgvifrr bo tbk qifjrlcu atfs kfgf ab atf fsf, la eialwjafis vfqfcvfv bc tbk kfii atfs ola jcv qfgobgwfv lc atflg tjcvr.

As for Yan Changlan, the moment he saw these magical tools clearly, he recognized them and felt a surge of excitement.

—Sure enough, these are the magical tools crafted by Azhuo! Y4Qrd

Many of the magical tools were crafted by Yan Changlan under the guidance of Ye Shu. However, it was inconvenient to use them near the Baixiao Sect, so they were stored away by Ye Shu. Now, in this new place, bringing them out again didn’t attract as much attention as it would have in the vicinity of the Baixiao Sect.

Yan Changlan took a deep breath, pondering whether to inquire with the shopkeeper here.

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Although there were many shops selling magical tools in Jiutai City, theoretically, even if it was known that Ye Shu could craft magical tools, it wouldn’t be a problem. However, whether Ye Shu was willing to reveal his identity remained uncertain. It was better not to boast about it in front of fellow sect members.

However, just as Yan Changlan was thinking this, Ai Jiu suddenly noticed him and stared at him for quite some time. KUMLw

Ai Jiu’s gaze was also noticed by Zhu Yao and the others who had just selected magical tools.

Ruan Hongyi, being straightforward, asked, “Why do you keep staring at my Third Senior Brother?”

Ai Jiu snapped out of his trance and quickly apologized before asking, “I wonder if this distinguished guest is Master Yan Changlan from the Baixiao Peak of the Qixiao Sect?”

The group from Baixiao Peak exchanged glances. IDp2Gs

Ruan Hongyi asked, “How do you know?”

Yan Changlan’s heart stirred, and he replied in a deep voice, “Indeed, I am. And who might you be?”

Ai Jiu quickly reached into his sleeve and took out a piece of silk, unfolding it and shaking it towards them, revealing an image painted on the silk.

Zhu Yao and the others’ gaze fell upon the silk scroll, only to find that it depicted Yan Changlan. However, the person in the painting appeared younger than Yan Changlan does now, dressed in a snowy white robe, exuding a vibrant aura of vitality. b2woCh

Ruan Hongyi blinked. “Is this… Third Senior Brother Yan?”

Yan Changlan looked at the painting with a hint of nostalgia.

It depicted him before the calamity befell his family. Although it had only been a little over a year, it felt like a lifetime ago to him.

Ai Jiu smiled. “If you are indeed Master Yan Changlan, then you are a good friend of my master. My master has been inquiring about Master Yan’s whereabouts for several days now, but it’s difficult to meet with Master Yan due to the strict security at the Qixiao Sect’s gates. I never expected Master Yan to visit our humble shop today. It seems like fate indeed.” 8dfKvQ

Yan Changlan now understood Ye Shu’s intention and smiled. “It’s indeed Azhuo’s shop. I was wondering why Azhuo hadn’t come yet. Now it seems I’m the late one.”

Hearing Yan Changlan refer to his master in such a familiar manner, Ai Jiu felt that their relationship was indeed profound. He was also convinced that this small shop must have some backing.

Then, he showed more respect towards Yan Changlan. “My master has said that seeing Master Yan is like seeing him. However, my master is currently in seclusion at home. I wonder if Master Yan could wait for a moment while I go back to inform him?”

Yan Changlan nodded. “You may go. I’ll wait here.” qBJ7jK

Ai Jiu bowed deeply upon hearing this, not worrying about the magical tools in the shop. He bid farewell to the group from the Baixiao Peak of the Qixiao Sect and quickly left.

After Ai Jiu had left, Zhu Yao and the others curiously looked at Yan Changlan.

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Ruan Hongyi’s almond eyes widened. “Do you know the owner of this shop?”

Yan Changlan’s gaze softened. “This shop is Azhuo’s labor of love. He is a master craftsman, and several of the magical tools in the shop were crafted by him, which is quite remarkable. When I was recommended to the main sect, Azhuo couldn’t come with me, so we agreed to meet in Jiutai City.” NkUsYQ

Hearing Yan Changlan speak about the owner of this small shop and their connection, everyone felt it was quite fateful.

Zhu Yao praised, “So that’s how it is. Third Junior Brother has such a good friend; it’s really fortunate.”

Yan Changlan smiled. “To know Azhuo is indeed my great fortune.”

Meanwhile, Ruan Hongyi fired off questions like a machine gun. “How old is this craftsman? What is his cultivation level? It seems his craftsmanship is very exquisite, does he know many kinds of enchantments? Does he customize magical tools? What is the price range of the magical tools he sells?” dlYiMr

Yan Changlan felt a bit overwhelmed by her many questions but still answered, “Azhuo is about the same age and cultivation level as me. As for his craftsmanship, I’m not entirely sure, but from what I’ve seen, it’s quite remarkable…”

Just as he was speaking, footsteps sounded from outside, and Ai Jiu’s voice came through. “Master, Yan Xianchang is in the shop.”

Upon hearing this, everyone in the shop couldn’t help but look outside.

They were also eager to know what the craftsman looked like. 87CIVw

Ai Jiu walked in and lifted the curtain.

The next moment, another person walked in.

This person was not tall, looking only about thirteen or fourteen years old. His appearance was handsome, with a cold and indifferent temperament. His eyes were calm and tranquil, completely different from what they had imagined. Just one glance at him seemed to bring a sense of calmness.

The young man walked in and his gaze fell on Yan Changlan. “Changlan.” GqpjCM

Yan Changlan smiled joyfully. “Azhuo.”

The disciples of Baixiao Peak once again felt that the friendship between these two was indeed different from others.

Yan Changlan walked over and took Ye Shu’s arm. “Azhuo, let me introduce you. These are my fellow disciples: Senior Brother Zhu Yao, Second Senior Sister Xia Yuqing, Fourth Junior Sister Ruan Hongyi, and Junior Brother Ge Yuanfeng.” Then he turned to his fellow disciples and said, “This is my close friend, Ye Shu.”

Ye Shu nodded at them. “Nice to meet you.” oPsSyZ

Zhu Yao spoke on behalf of the others, “Nice to meet you, Fellow Taoist Ye. It’s truly admirable that you, at such a young age, are already capable of crafting magical tools.”

Xia Yuqing, Ruan Hongyi, and Ge Yuanfeng were all polite, and even Ruan Hongyi didn’t cause any trouble.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ye Shu said, “That’s too much praise. My humble skills are nothing worth mentioning.”


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  1. BTW, how did they fit all in when the store can only allow two at a time? 🤔 Magical expansion…😁

    • The meaning is

      the entrance is so small that only two people can comfortably enter side by side.

      Will edit to make it more clear