Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch80 - True fellow disciples

After paying respects to the master, Yan Changlan looked up and saw the three people beside him.

Standing in the front was a youth with a plain appearance but a dignified demeanor, which gave an impression of trustworthiness despite not being very handsome. Wa7LYZ

Behind the sincere youth was a gentle woman, with a graceful appearance. There seemed to be a subtle affection between the two when they looked at each other.

At the back was a young girl in red attire, with a striking appearance and lively eyes. Despite her beauty, she did not give off a sense of vulgarity, but rather an aura of brilliance.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

What surprised Yan Changlan was that all three of them were quite young.

Judging by their bone age, the youth and the woman were both in their twenties, and the girl looked to be around fifteen or sixteen. Their spiritual roots were not yet known, but their cultivation levels were all at the fourth level of Qi Refining. m5hoPr

Yan Changlan understood clearly that disciples from branch sects were sent only when they reached the fifth level of Qi Refining, as inner disciples of Qixiao Sect needed to reach that level to have a chance to enter. Therefore, typically, even talented disciples with dual spiritual roots from branch sects would have to pass tests at the outer sect before potentially becoming inner sect disciples.

But none of the fellow disciples in front of him had reached the fifth level of Qi Refining, yet they were direct disciples of the inner sect… This naturally felt strange.

The lively girl in red immediately started talking in a quick pace, “The newcomer, isn’t it strange how our cultivations are? Our master is like that. He doesn’t care about cultivation levels for his direct disciples. As long as he fancies you, he takes you in. Although we haven’t reached the fifth level of Qi Refining, Master said he would take us, so he did. The previous senior brothers and sisters that Master gave up on, even the lowest among them were at the sixth level of Qi Refining. You arrived late and didn’t see them, so you’re surprised.”

Yan Changlan suddenly realized.


No wonder Master had said to come and exchange pointers. If there was too much difference in cultivation levels, how could they exchange pointers? Several fellow disciples were at the fourth level of Qi Refining, just one level above him. Naturally, he could also compete with them.

The girl in red continued to chatter, “Our Senior Brother Zhu is the eldest senior brother, Sister Xia is the second senior sister, and I’m the youngest senior sister. Since you’re here to compare with us, you’re probably the youngest junior brother!”

Yan Changlan rarely encountered such a lively girl. Seeing that her nature was not constrained here, he felt that these fellow disciples would probably be easy to get along with. Since the newly appointed master was willing to tolerate them, he must not be as serious as he appeared on the surface.

Such a sect made him feel a bit more joyful. YtZuIj

This place was quite different from his time at Baixiao Sect. Back then, Master Sun, wholeheartedly focused on extending his life, didn’t pay much attention to him. The fellow disciples were mostly named disciples, showing more respect than camaraderie. Thus, although he respected Master Sun and was courteous to his fellow disciples, he found it difficult to feel close to them.

Now, seeing his new fellow disciples… it seemed quite different.

With these thoughts, a smile appeared on Yan Changlan’s face.

The senior brother Zhu spoke gently, “In our future exchanges, let’s keep it friendly.” ejQ8gw

Senior sister Xia also smiled, “Please guide me in the future.”

The girl in red also spoke earnestly, “Looking forward to learning from you!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tjc Jtjcuijc mijrqfv tlr tjcvr abkjgvr atfw, “Yo mbegrf.”

Vfflcu fnfgsbcf fzmtjcuf ugffalcur, Wec Me rjlv, “Vlcmf sbe jii xcbk fjmt batfg cbk, ub bearlvf jcv rqjg. Efwfwyfg, ktfc rqjgglcu klat ofiibk vlrmlqifr, vbc’a ub jii bea.” vDxkg9

Tjc Jtjcuijc abbx atlr jvwbclrtwfca ab tfjga jcv gfqilfv, “Tfr, Zjrafg.”

Vb, atf ugbeq bo ofiibk vlrmlqifr kjixfv bea bo atf mjnf abufatfg—atlr qfjx wjrafg bo Djlzljb Ufjx jirb ilnfv lc j rfmievfv mjnf, jkjs ogbw afjmtlcu vlrmlqifr, jcv boafc qgjmalmfv meialnjalbc lc rfmierlbc.

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The open space outside the cave was quite large. The fellow disciples seemed accustomed to sparring and spread out, leaving Yan Changlan surrounded by the three of them.

Then, the girl in red asked, “Who do you want to spar with?” gIdFXy

Yan Changlan replied, “Please ask you…”

The girl in red’s eyes lit up, “You want to spar with me?”

Yan Changlan said, “Yes, please.”

The girl in red smiled, “My name is Ruan Hongyi. From now on, you’ll call me Senior Sister Ruan!” jyVdip

Yan Changlan didn’t say much, placing his hands on the hilt of his sword.

The next moment, Ruan Hongyi flicked her wrist, and a fiery red whip lashed out, like a nimble snake, straight towards Yan Changlan’s face. She shouted, “Take this!”

Yan Changlan remained calm. Drawing his sword with his left hand, a sudden gust of wind erupted.

Although the whip was agile, it couldn’t extend in the seemingly endless wind and was immediately blown back. Napedj

Ruan Hongyi was not convinced. She raised her arm and continuously wielded her whip, creating a web of whip shadows that enveloped Yan Changlan, seemingly making it impossible for him to escape through any gap.

Yan Changlan remained unruffled. Holding his sword in his left hand, he swiftly thrust the blade between the whip shadows, precisely hitting the slight changes in the shadows and causing them to pause and reveal openings.

Despite Ruan Hongyi’s constant adjustments to the whip’s angle, under Yan Changlan’s Lan Feng Sword, she couldn’t truly trap him. Instead, Yan Changlan seized an opportunity, and with a powerful sweep of his Zhuo Lei Sword, he forced Ruan Hongyi back several steps.

Ruan Hongyi furrowed her eyebrows but reluctantly admitted, “I lost. How can there be someone as powerful as you at the third level of Qi Refining? Is your level a bluff?” BbU51i

Yan Changlan was taken aback, then shook his head, “I haven’t advanced to the fourth level yet. Junior Sister Ruan, you’re joking.”

Since the outcome was decided, he knew how to address her properly.

Ruan Hongyi pouted, her voice as soft as a mosquito’s buzz, “Senior Brother Yan…”

Senior Brother Zhu and Senior Sister Xia exchanged glances and couldn’t help but laugh. YlwvMG

Yan Changlan also admired Ruan Hongyi’s skill.

Although he had defeated her earlier, in reality, Ruan Hongyi was not weak. Compared to the cultivators he had encountered before, she was much stronger at the same level.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yan Changlan himself had made significant progress recently. Otherwise, to defeat Ruan Hongyi, he might have had to use the third move of his Wind and Thunder Sword Technique—a move he hadn’t yet mastered. Additionally, his control over his combined forces had deepened recently, making it even harder to control. Using it would have unpredictable results.

For this reason, Yan Changlan said to Senior Brother Zhu and Senior Sister Xia, “I am not yet a match for you two. Once I have further refined my cultivation, I will seek your guidance.” VEqOjf

Both Senior Brother Zhu and Senior Sister Xia had no objections.

Ruan Hongyi asked unhappily, “You’re not going to fight?”

Yan Changlan replied, “I’ve expended too much energy. If I continue, I will surely lose.”

Only then did Ruan Hongyi smile, “I lost, but you didn’t come out much better.” ZNP0nA

Yan Changlan did not argue with her.

Ruan Hongyi became even happier, quickly forgetting the earlier frustration of her loss.

Thus, the rankings were tentatively set.

After exchanging a few more words with the others, Yan Changlan joined them to report to Master Xun Fu. nYojpP

Upon hearing the rankings, Xun Fu said to Ruan Hongyi, “You entered first, yet you are not as skilled as Changlan. You must put in more effort in the future. Remember, though he has mutated dual spiritual roots, you also have dual spiritual roots with seventy percent purity. You shouldn’t fall too far behind.”

Ruan Hongyi meekly agreed, not daring to speak out.

Yan Changlan then learned that all of Master Xun Fu’s direct disciples had dual spiritual roots. Apart from Yan Changlan, who had eighty percent purity, the most gifted was Ruan Hongyi, with both roots at seventy percent purity. Senior Brother Zhu Yao had one root at seventy percent and another at sixty percent purity. Senior Sister Xia Yuqing had one root at seventy percent and another at fifty percent purity.

Naturally, as Xun Fu was a peak master, the disciples he accepted could not have only triple spiritual roots, regardless of their purity. Otherwise, in rivalries with other peak masters, they would surely lose. Even the previously dismissed disciples also had dual spiritual roots. dlsiuC

Xun Fu did not overly reprimand Ruan Hongyi. Instead, he handed Yan Changlan a token and said, “This is the access token to the Chuangong Pavilion. With it, Changlan, you can go to the Chuangong Pavilion and select cultivation methods from there. However, the methods cannot be taken out; you can only record the methods within the five-hour limit allowed by the token. Be cautious in your selection. This token permits you to choose three methods among cultivation techniques, body techniques, spells, sword techniques, or other miscellaneous studies. Do not be greedy. Remember, you cannot choose methods carelessly. If you wish to select more methods in the future, you must demonstrate a proficient level in the previously chosen methods. If your performance is too poor, you will not be allowed to select new ones.”

Yan Changlan promptly agreed, “Disciple understands. Rest assured, Master.”

Next, Xun Fu instructed the other three disciples in their techniques before dismissing them.

After leaving, Yan Changlan went straight to the Chuangong Pavilion. After some consideration, he selected two sword techniques and one body technique, ignoring the other methods. BYrV7R

Having chosen his methods, Yan Changlan returned to his residence to enter seclusion.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Meanwhile, Xiao Ming and Wang Min were busy understanding the complex dynamics within and outside the Qixiao Sect. They were gathering information and sorting out the necessary connections for survival, ready to provide answers to Yan Changlan as soon as he emerged from seclusion.

Just these miscellaneous tasks kept the two of them so busy that they barely had a moment to themselves. Only in the evenings could they cultivate, but even during these evening hours, their cultivation progressed much faster than before. 0ZNULR

Both were highly ambitious. Xiao Ming felt that if he could establish himself here, it would bring endless benefits to the Xiao family in the future. Wang Min, on the other hand, gently touched the scar on her face and smiled faintly—she was now very grateful for the decisive action she had taken back then.

Yan Changlan remained in seclusion for over a month.

During his seclusion, his fellow disciples occasionally came by, intending to build camaraderie with him. However, each time they visited, Yan Changlan was still in seclusion. Zhu Yao and Xia Yuqing found it amusing and were somewhat impressed by their third junior brother’s diligence. The younger sister, Ruan Hongyi, was less pleased, thinking that this third senior brother was too dull and didn’t seem like a teenager younger than her. 4dZ2H8

When Yan Changlan finally emerged from seclusion, Wang Min reported, “Senior…” She paused, remembering not to misspeak in the Qixiao Sect, and immediately corrected herself, “Young Master, your fellow disciples have come to visit. Junior Brother Xiao is currently entertaining them.”

Yan Changlan nodded slightly, “Take me there, we mustn’t be discourteous.”

Wang Min promptly led Yan Changlan to the guest room.

There, Xiao Ming had already prepared fragrant tea and fruits, standing properly by the side to accompany the guests. Vdpi2x

Zhu Yao, Xia Yuqing, and Ruan Hongyi were all there, sitting around a round table, smiling as they looked at Yan Changlan.

Yan Changlan immediately greeted them, “Senior Brother, Second Senior Sister, Little Junior Sister.”

Zhu Yao and the others quickly returned his greeting.

Xia Yuqing smiled and said, “Third Junior Brother, you haven’t been with us long and have been in seclusion since you arrived. Now that you’re finally out, how about we go down the mountain together for a walk?” Wg079Y

Yan Changlan was initially going to decline politely, but he suddenly remembered that during these days apart, his close friend Azhuo might have already arrived in Jiutai City. If he didn’t go out, how could he find him?

With this thought, Yan Changlan actually felt a bit eager to go down the mountain and nodded, “Very well, thank you all for your kindness.”

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