Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch8 - Righteous Young City Lord

Afterwards, Ye Shu bought some medicinal seeds from the old doctor and bid him farewell. Then he carried his basket and headed towards the direction of the City Lord’s Mansion step by step. However, unfortunately, before he could leave the street, he encountered someone unpleasant.

In front of him, a young man holding a fan blocked the way with a frivolous demeanor. Beside him stood a slightly chubby figure, with small eyes squeezed into the flesh, giving off a somewhat fierce appearance. ONcEKe

At this moment, the two men looked at Ye Shu, and the frivolous young man spoke first, “I heard… you, the idiot, suddenly became smart? Heh, that’s quite interesting. Now look at you, not bad looking, just a bit thinner. You’re so pitiful, without a livelihood. How about letting me recommend a place for you, so you can have a better future, okay?” His words sounded sincere, but his demeanor clearly harbored ill intentions!

The man with the fierce appearance also showed malice, “That’s right, keep you for a few days, and maybe you can still fetch a good price! Hahaha!”

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Ye Shu naturally recognized these two individuals.

The frivolous young man was named Ye Mao, and the fierce-looking man was named Ye Xiong. After the original host became foolish in his early years, just like the several people who accidentally killed the original body at the city gate, these two often bullied the original host. It was only because the original host didn’t understand much that he was often pushed around and harassed by them, and often returned home injured. However, despite their appearance of being brainless, they were not truly brainless. If they were really brainless, they would have fought as they did before when blocking him this time. Why would they only speak and not act? 5onZP6

It was because those two individuals—or rather, the person behind them, Ye Jun, already knew that Ye Shu was no longer foolish, so he had asked them to come and test him.

Ye Shu’s mind turned, and he said in a muffled voice, “Move aside.” Then he walked around to the other side.

Ye Mao and Ye Xiong exchanged a glance.

Ye Xiong said in a gloomy voice, “No longer foolish, huh?”


Ye Mao took a step forward and still blocked Ye Shu’s path: “Even if you’re not foolish anymore, can’t you show some courtesy? After all, we’re still your clan brothers. How come you can’t even greet people?”

Ye Shu continued in a subdued tone, “I don’t know you, please step aside.”

Ye Xiong said fiercely, “What if I don’t?”

Ye Mao waved his fan and stood with Ye Xiong, refusing to yield the way, seemingly determined to confront Ye Shu. PURDx3

Ye Shu sensed that something was amiss.

Just enduring their previous bullying and insults without gaining any advantage was one thing, but now these two seemed intent on surrounding him, emanating a strong sense of hostility… Not good!

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He suddenly realized that these two had come not only to test whether he was truly no longer foolish but also, once confirmed, to take action against him—probably with the intention of eliminating this threat.

Po la tjv yffc atf bglulcji tbra tfgf, fnfc lo tf tjv ecfzqfmafvis gfujlcfv tlr rfcrfr jcv tlr wjgalji rxliir tjv ibcu yffc cfuifmafv, yflcu rabqqfv ys atfrf akb kbeiv ecvbeyafvis gfreia lc j rfnfgf yfjalcu. Ciatbeut atfs wluta cba lcmjqjmlajaf tlw lwwfvljafis, bnfg alwf, atf bglulcji tbra kbeiv yfmbwf alwlv jcv jnblvjca. Ds atfc, tf kbeiv tjnf cb mtjcmf bo mbcogbcalcu Tf Aec. pF9aZ3

Unfortunately, the person here was not the original host but the one who had taken over his body.

Ye Jun’s plan was indeed vicious, but he had miscalculated.

There was a hint of coldness at the corner of Ye Shu’s lips.

Indeed, he had not yet truly embarked on the path of cultivation, but after continuously taking the Hunyuan Water these days and constantly circulating qi through his body to cleanse his flesh and blood, he was already very healthy and strong. These two individuals were just slightly more skilled than ordinary people. If they dared to make a move, he had ways to make them suffer the consequences, and they wouldn’t be able to find a reason afterward. yJLFYl

The closer these two approached, the heavier the malice surrounding them. Their hands trembled slightly, indicating they were about to attack.

Ye Shu’s fingers moved, ready to preemptively strike.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, at that moment, a clear young voice suddenly came from around the street corner: “Stop! Who gave you the right to bully the weak in our Mingshan City?”

Hearing this voice, Ye Shu felt somewhat familiar with it and immediately regained his composure, suppressing the urge to kill. 8czQe1

The next moment, several people walked out from around the corner.

The leader was dressed in a white brocade robe with gold embroidery, wearing a jade crown, and had a handsome appearance. Despite his young age, he had a clear and noble demeanor. As he glanced over, there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

Just now, it was he who spoke out to stop those two.

When Ye Shu saw the familiar features of this person, he couldn’t help but feel a tremor in his heart. kS vdy

It was, indeed, strikingly similar.

He had imagined the appearance of Blood Puppet several times before, but it was never very clear. Now, although this young man was a bit younger and had a temperament different from Blood Puppet’s, if Blood Puppet had been so spirited in his lifetime, it wouldn’t have been bad.

This young man was none other than Yan Changlan, the young master of Mingshan City.

He had always disliked the arrogance of the Ye family’s descendants in the city, so when he saw the Ye family’s dandies bullying others again, he had to intervene. rgfqbN

Seeing the young master of the Yan family arriving, the two dandies knew that today’s matter could not continue, so they hurriedly retreated, intending to leave. But seeing them like this, how could Yan Changlan let them off easily?

At this moment, Yan Changlan rebuked, “From today onwards, this little brother will be taken care of by me, Yan Changlan. If you two come to cause trouble for him again in the future, don’t blame me for not being polite!”

Upon hearing this, Ye Mao and Ye Xiong immediately looked bitter.

Great, not only do they fail to complete the task this time, but they also offend the young master. Instead, they let this little fool receive the protection of the young master… How will they explain to Young Master Jun when they return? Ah, they are bound to suffer! jF6Mgt

But since things had come to this, the two dandies had no choice but to leave quickly.

Ye Shu did not give them another glance, but instead came to Yan Changlan.

Yan Changlan saw that he had not left yet, thinking that he was still afraid, so he kindly said, “Little brother, if they come to bully you again in the future, just come to find Yan for help, and I will ensure justice for you.”

Ye Shu nodded in thanks, but then said, “I am Ye Shu, an outcast of the Ye family. Some time ago, I was saved by the young master, and today, I came into the city specifically to thank the young master. I did not expect to encounter the scoundrels of my family, and I am grateful for the young master’s help. I don’t know how to repay you.” dzElYW

Yan Changlan listened to Ye Shu’s words and thought for a moment, remembering his identity.

So this person was the outcast expelled by the Ye family? It is said that after he sent this person to the medical hall, he was fortunate enough to recover his senses, and now it seems to be true.

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He deduced that when he was young, he must have been extremely clever. If he hadn’t been manipulated, the Ye family would have had a genuine young talent instead of someone like Ye Jun, who was utterly despicable and entirely fake.

Yan Changlan had a good impression of Ye Shu and said, “It’s just a small effort, nothing to fuss about. No need for many thanks. But in the future, be more cautious. It’s better to avoid the members of the Ye family when you’re alone.” biXfsm

Ye Shu felt quite good about Yan Changlan, perhaps because he was Tian Lang, and handed over several wild rabbits tied in a bundle and some fresh green vegetables from his backpack. “People from the mountains and wilderness can only offer some homegrown vegetables and wild animals. This is just a small token of gratitude. I hope the young city lord will accept it.”

The guards following behind Yan Changlan knew that the young city lord was easygoing. Although they looked down on these gifts, they dared not rebuke loudly, only observing his expression and awaiting his instructions.

Yan Changlan had helped many people out of kindness and received some thanks, but he never expected to be given such a gift. For a moment, he was stunned. “You can also grow vegetables and catch wild rabbits?”

Ye Shu replied, “Just some basic survival skills.” He pushed the items forward again. “I hope the young city lord won’t mind.” yLf4ts

Yan Changlan knew that if he didn’t accept, Ye Shu might feel uneasy. After thinking for a moment, he took them and said, “In that case, I’ll accept.”

Ye Shu nodded and said, “If the young city lord enjoys it, I’ll send more over.”

Yan Changlan declined, saying, “One token of gratitude is enough, no need for more.”

But Ye Shu insisted, saying, “I’ll come again in a fortnight.” 7qBnFL

With that, he gave another slight bow and left, leaving Yan Changlan alone, feeling both amused and touched.

Yan Changlan shook his head, looked at the items in his hand, and chuckled, “Well, it’s his sincere gesture after all. I’ll have the kitchen prepare them for me when I get back.”

The guards nodded in agreement and reached out to take the items for him, but Yan Changlan refused, disregarding his own dignity, and carried them himself—just as he had said earlier, since it was a heartfelt token of gratitude, he should personally take it back.

After Ye Shu had walked quite a distance, he turned back. f5QNd6

His vision was exceptional now, and he could see Yan Changlan’s movements, which stirred something in his heart. This young city lord is indeed very well-mannered…

Later, Ye Shu used the silver he exchanged from the old doctor to buy some rice, flour, oil, salt, and other essentials, which he carried back in his bag. When he reached the mountain, he picked about eighty percent of the large green vegetables from his thin field and stored them in the Hunyuan Pearl. Then he divided the empty space into several plots and planted the seeds of medicinal herbs, watering them with slightly concentrated Hunyuan Water. Thanks to the strong nourishing power of the Hunyuan Water, the herbs sprouted into seedlings shortly and survived smoothly. However, to mature, they would need more watering, but Ye Shu wasn’t in a hurry.

In addition to this, Ye Shu set up a maze halfway up the mountain using some well-cut wood and various types of stones he picked out. It was more complicated than the trap he set for mountain chickens and wild rabbits earlier. However, this maze not only served to trap wild animals but also acted as a barrier against unwanted visitors, preventing them from easily finding his hut and disturbing him.

After completing these tasks, he sat cross-legged, focusing on absorbing the faint spiritual energy of heaven and earth, diligently cultivating. ICWSYK

A fortnight later.

Sure enough, Ye Shu once again descended the mountain with the large green vegetables and wild rabbits. Just like last time, he carefully fed the rabbits a small amount of diluted Hunyuan Water before heading down the mountain.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

This time, he didn’t harvest any medicinal herbs or visit the medical clinic, but went straight to the city lord’s mansion.


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