Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch79 - Peak Master of Baixiao Peak

Yan Changlan, being a courteous person, said to Wang Jing, “I am grateful for your support, Uncle Wang.”

Wang Jing laughed heartily, “With your talent, it must not be wasted. Therefore, I will not make any immediate arrangements for you. For now, you will stay with me. Once you have found a master, we will allocate resources accordingly. How does that sound?” bPQgLn

Yan Changlan replied, “I will follow Uncle Wang’s instructions.”

Then, Wang Jing said to the elder, “Elder Bai, regarding Yan’s matter, I ask for your kind assistance…”

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Elder Bai smiled and said, “Of course. I will report his talents. If there are any interested parties, they will come to visit him. At that time, decisions about his master and which peak he will join can be made.”

Yan Changlan thanked Elder Bai as well. jkIgZA

Wang Jing then took Yan Changlan and, riding the same green bird, headed to a serene garden in the mountains.

This place was Wang Jing’s residence.

Wang Jing arranged a quiet courtyard for Yan Changlan, located behind a bamboo grove, allowing him to cultivate in peace for a few days. News of Yan Changlan quickly spread to the various peaks, and those interested in him began to visit the bamboo grove.

Being new, Yan Changlan greeted everyone with courtesy.


The first to arrive was a steward from Zixiao Peak.

Zixiao Peak was the strongest among the seven peaks, boasting nearly a hundred Foundation Establishment cultivators, making it quite formidable. Naturally, when the steward came to recruit Yan Changlan, his attitude carried a hint of arrogance. Though the offered conditions were decent, they lacked sincerity.

Seeing the steward’s demeanor, Yan Changlan politely declined.

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The steward, feeling that Yan Changlan did not know how to appreciate the offer, thought little of it. Proud of having two cultivators with Heavenly Spiritual Roots on Zixiao Peak, he didn’t consider Yan Changlan important and left with a flick of his sleeve. MylZqw

Vbbc joafg, rbwfbcf ogbw Hlcuzljb Ufjx jgglnfv.

Hlcuzljb Ufjx kjr jirb delaf ragbcu, jcv atf fivfg ktb mjwf ab nlrla kjr kjgw jcv boofgfv ufcfgber afgwr.

Coafg gfmflnlcu atf fivfg, Tjc Jtjcuijc rjlv tf cffvfv ab mbcrlvfg tlr bqalbcr.

Rfza mjwf Djlzljb Ufjx. v64i1E

Ciatbeut Djlzljb Ufjx vlv cba jgglnf atf fjgilfra, atf afgwr atfs boofgfv kfgf fzmfiifca. Ktfs fnfc rajafv atja eqbc pblclcu Djlzljb Ufjx, tf mbeiv yfmbwf j vlgfma vlrmlqif bo atf Ufjx Zjrafg, vfwbcragjalcu rlcmfgf lcafcalbcr.

However, Baixiao Peak had its drawbacks—it had the fewest Foundation Establishment cultivators, making it the weakest among the seven peaks.

Several other elders from different peaks also visited. Apart from Huaxiao Peak, which was exclusively for female cultivators and thus did not send anyone, representatives from all the other peaks came.

After careful consideration, Yan Changlan chose Baixiao Peak. KR1tGL

Firstly, Yan Changlan originally came from a branch of Baixiao Sect. Although joining the main sect did not necessarily mean he had to enter Baixiao Peak, the peak’s high regard for him influenced his decision. Secondly, the status of being a “direct disciple of the Peak Master” was significant. Even if Baixiao Peak was the weakest, the Peak Master was still the Peak Master. It was more advantageous to be the direct disciple of a Peak Master than to be a disciple of an elder from another peak, as it provided him with more opportunities and convenience.

Therefore, shortly after Baixiao Sect received the news, someone came to invite Yan Changlan to enter Baixiao Peak. After entering the peak, he was immediately brought before the Peak Master.

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The Peak Master of Baixiao Peak was a middle-aged man with a clear and refined appearance, at the sixth level of Foundation Establishment. His attitude was very kind: “Since Changlan has entered under my door, from now on, you are a direct disciple. However, although I take in disciples, my teaching can be quite strict. If you cannot fulfill my orders, ten years later, you will only be an ordinary disciple of Baixiao Peak and cannot call yourself my disciple anymore. Changlan, are you prepared and willing to be my disciple?”

Upon hearing this, Yan Changlan didn’t find anything inappropriate and replied, “Naturally. I believe the Peak Master would not issue impossible orders. Since it’s achievable, I will work harder.” 5eaY2v

The Peak Master of Baixiao Peak seemed to appreciate Yan Changlan’s attitude and praised, “Changlan resembles me, indeed.” Continuing, he said, “However, I must let you know, the ranking of my disciples under my seat is not based on the order of entry, but on strength. I recently expelled a few disciples from the sect, and now there are only three remaining disciples under my seat, all of whom became disciples one or two years ago. Now, counting you, there are only four direct disciples. Since you have come, you should spar with those three disciples to determine your position among them. In the future, any disciple ranked lower can challenge their senior brothers and sisters. If they win, they can replace them.”

…This approach is unheard of. But for Yan Changlan, it didn’t matter much. He replied, “Then I will go meet and spar with my fellow disciples.”

The Peak Master of Baixiao Peak nodded secretly upon seeing that Yan Changlan showed no signs of displeasure. “Very well, then, Changlan, you are officially my disciple.”

Yan Changlan bowed as instructed, “Disciple Yan Changlan pays respects to Master.” C3pSNR

The Peak Master of Baixiao Peak raised him up with a gesture and said, “I am named Xun Fu. Remember it well.”

Yan Changlan responded, “Yes.”

Thus, the master-disciple relationship was established.

Yan Changlan, under the guidance of an attendant, went to the back mountain of Baixiao Peak. 84Mird

In the back mountain, there were several small hills, each of which was covered with exquisite houses surrounded by fences or stone walls.

The attendant respectfully said, “Senior Brother Yan, you can choose a place to stay.”

Yan Changlan glanced around and saw a house surrounded by a stone wall, situated in the center of a hill. There were no other houses nearby, and it was relatively secluded. If his eyesight weren’t keen, it would be difficult to see anything from that angle.

He pointed his finger and said, “That one.” EID3y9

The attendant naturally led Yan Changlan to that place, handed him a bronze key, and explained how to activate the spirit gathering formation inside the house before taking his leave.

Shortly after, a steward brought Yan Changlan his monthly allocation.

As a direct disciple of the Peak Master, Yan Changlan’s resources included those provided by Qixiao Sect and an additional portion from the Peak Master.

Qixiao Sect provided monthly: one spirit coin, ten low-grade Ninglu Dan, one Changchun Dan, one antidote pill, and one training ground token. The Peak Master of Baixiao Peak also provided spirit coins, Ninglu Dan, Changchun Dan, and antidote pills, in quantities identical to those of the sect, but two training ground tokens instead of one. NbwqlF

Each training ground token allowed ten hours of access to any training ground within the sect. Ordinary disciples had to spend a lot of effort and complete tasks to obtain these tokens. Once becoming a direct disciple, however, it became part of the monthly allocation, indicating a significant difference in status and treatment. For Yan Changlan and other direct disciples, the Peak Master’s gifts provided even greater assistance — while others struggled to obtain the tokens, disciples like Yan Changlan could spend thirty hours each month in the training grounds.

Seeing Yan Changlan receive his allocation, the steward asked politely, “I wonder, Senior Brother Yan, would you prefer to collect your monthly allocation yourself in the future, or shall we continue delivering it to you?”

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Yan Changlan introduced Xiao Ming and Wang Min to the steward, saying, “These two are my servants. In the future, they will handle errands.”

The steward understood Yan Changlan’s intention and replied, “In the future, I will entrust Junior Brother Yan’s monthly tasks to these two.” 8I51Go

Yan Changlan nodded, “Thank you, Senior Brother.”

The steward soon left. Yan Changlan glanced at his small courtyard, with a total of five rooms—three large and two small—which suited him perfectly. He said, “Each of you can choose one of the small rooms to stay in. Junior Brother Xiao will handle external affairs in the courtyard, while Junior Sister Wang will handle internal matters.”

Xiao Ming and Wang Min both listened attentively.

Since their arrival at Qixiao Sect, they had been cautious due to their affiliation with Yan Changlan. mJIWDp

Nevertheless, now that the Yan Changlan had arrived and become the direct disciple of the peak master, it greatly relieved their minds… In the future, they must not disgrace the eldest senior brother.

The next day, Yan Changlan followed the instructions of his newly appointed master to pay respects, collect techniques, and meet with the three fellow disciples.

And then… engage in a friendly exchange.


Translator's Note

Condensing Pill

Translator's Note

Rejuvenation Pill

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