Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch78 - Sect assessment

The servants didn’t know what benefit awaited them, but they obediently followed Ye Shu to the study.

As soon as they entered, they suddenly noticed that the spiritual energy in the study was much denser than outside. Just by circulating their techniques a bit, they felt they were absorbing faster… What is this? vNljkd

Hu Yuan, being somewhat more knowledgeable, couldn’t help but ask, “Master, is there a spirit gathering inscription in this room?”

Ye Shu replied, “Not a spirit gathering inscription, but a spirit gathering formation.”

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Hu Yuan’s throat moved, “It’s actually… a spirit gathering formation?”

The so-called spirit gathering inscriptions are essentially some incomplete, spirit-gathering enchantments that can increase the amount of spiritual energy in a certain area. The more spirit gathering enchantments there are, the more the increase. MIX6mP

Upon entering, Hu Yuan felt the spiritual energy was extremely rich, thinking that the master must have great resources to engrave so many spirit gathering inscriptions. But he didn’t expect that it wasn’t just inscriptions; it was an actual spirit gathering formation, something typically only top-tier sects or great forces could arrange!

Immediately, Hu Yuan recalled what the master had just said… a benefit.

This one benefit, could it be—

Sure enough, Ye Shu said, “Since you are servants of my Ye family, as long as you do not betray me, I will not treat you unfairly. The spirit gathering formation in this study can enhance the spiritual energy to twice its previous amount. When you do not need to work for me, you can cultivate here.” At this point, a hint of coldness appeared in his eyes, “However, if you do not perform your duties diligently because of this formation, there will only be a dead end.”


Upon hearing Ye Shu’s words, the few servants were all taken aback.

Although this master is young, the momentum he displayed just now clearly showed that he must not be easily offended.

Afterwards, the six servants sincerely said, “Please rest assured, Master. We will do our best in our duties.”

Only then did Ye Shu nod slightly, “You may cultivate.” KqbS0v

The servants then sat cross-legged on the ground as instructed.

Ye Shu sat behind the desk, taking out a travelogue from the wooden box and started to read.

Tian Xiuxin and Yu Jinghua glanced at each other, surprisingly not sitting down but standing up to begin organizing the two large boxes of books. Hu Yuan and the others noticed their actions and after a moment’s thought, also stood up to help. However, their movements were very light and did not disturb Ye Shu in the slightest.

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Ye Shu saw the group being attentive, but he ignored them, focusing only on reading the travelogue. 3YomD

In his heart, he pondered… he should come up with a way to pass on a few things to Yan Changlan.


Cr obg Tjc Jtjcuijc, ktfc tf jmmbwqjclfv atf meialnjabg regcjwfv Qjcu ab Hlzljb Vfma, tf gbvf j ugffc ylgv, ktlmt wjvf tlr pbegcfs wemt ojrafg mbwqjgfv ab Tf Vte. Qtlif Tf Vte abbx bnfg j wbcat ab gfjmt Aleajl Jlas, Tjc Jtjcuijc jgglnfv lc pera akb vjsr.

Fqbc jgglnlcu lc Aleajl Jlas, atf ugffc ylgv vlgfmais abbx atfw ab atf cbgat bearlvf atf mlas, ktfgf atfgf kfgf njra wbecajlc gjcufr klat cewfgber qfjxr jcv mierafgfv yelivlcur, jii yfibculcu ab Hlzljb Vfma. jS8eyU

The green bird circled in front of the mountain gate for a while. Ahead was a long mountain path that wound upwards. At first glance, Qixiao Sect was at least as large as dozens of Baixiao Sect, with both outer and inner disciples far outnumbering those of Baixiao Sect in terms of both quantity and cultivation level.

Along the way, the cultivator surnamed Wang explained a lot to Yan Changlan, giving him a general understanding of Qixiao Sect. For example, there were tens of thousands of outer disciples, over ten thousand inner disciples, and countless menial disciples supporting such a large sect… In terms of strength, there were hundreds of Foundation Establishment Stage cultivators.

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It can be said that in branch sects like Baixiao Sect, Foundation Establishment cultivators, regardless of their level, are all formidable forces. While they are also considered strong in Qixiao Sect, they are not particularly rare.

Qixiao Sect corresponds to Seven Peaks. The cultivator surnamed Wang, however, did not belong to any of these peaks. He was just one of the stewards in charge of gathering talents in various sub-sects and outside the sect. Because he had recommended some disciples who had already reached Foundation Establishment Stage, he held a relatively high position among these stewards. However, there were several others with similar high status. The current head steward, Shou Yuan, was nearing the end of his term and would soon retire. The next head steward would inevitably be chosen from among them, so in recent years, the cultivator surnamed Wang had to achieve some results. Otherwise, he would not be able to compete with others for the position of head steward. FW pUs

It was for this reason that the cultivator surnamed Wang quickly came to Baixiao Sect upon receiving the letter from the Sect Master, seeking the “Wind and Thunder Dual Spirit Root” mentioned in the letter from Zhou Shouxian. As for Yan Changlan’s current low cultivation level, the cultivator surnamed Wang truly did not care about it.

After inspecting Yan Changlan’s abilities, he was quite satisfied with his foundation. Moreover, after some exchanges with Yan Changlan on the way, he also approved of his character. Therefore, even before entering the sect, he had already made up his mind to secure better treatment for Yan Changlan.

“This Yan Changlan seems to be a loyal and righteous person. If he can soar to great heights, he will surely help me, and if Yan Changlan’s progress can remain relatively fast, it will also be a credit to me.”

At this moment, after circling once, the green bird was recognized by the disciples guarding the mountain. They allowed the cultivator surnamed Wang in. The cultivator surnamed Wang patted the head of the green bird, and it spread its wings, flying straight into the mountains. Eqd1v4

The green bird stopped in front of a large hall.

The cultivator surnamed Wang, accompanied by Yan Changlan, first went to the miscellaneous affairs hall to register and receive the disciple token.

Coincidentally, they encountered a few people. Syc7hs

The leader was an ordinary-looking middle-aged man. Upon seeing the cultivator surnamed Wang, he sneered and said, “Wang Jing, is this the genius you’ve brought back? A mere third-level of Qi Refining cultivator?” His face was full of mockery. “In our Qixiao Sect, third-level of Qi Refining cultivator is only an outer disciple. Are you trying to directly promote him to the inner sect? Does he have the qualifications?”

Wang Jing’s face turned ugly. “Are you blind? This young disciple I brought is just fourteen years old, already at the third level of Qi Refining. Isn’t that considered a genius? Moreover, he has the Wind and Thunder Dual Spirit Root. If he’s placed in the outer sect, that would truly be wasting his talent!”

The middle-aged man’s expression changed slightly, then he sneered, “If he’s such a genius comparable to someone with natural spirit roots, reaching only the third level of Qi Refining at this age is indeed a waste of talent. In my opinion, this kid’s spirit roots are probably impure. Even with a mutation spirit root, it won’t be very useful!”

Wang Jing retorted angrily, “Stop your nonsense!” Qlruf0

The middle-aged man coldly mocked, “Oh, did I hit a nerve?”

Taking a deep breath, Wang Jing controlled his anger and said, “I won’t argue with you. Whether this young disciple is worthy or not, you’ll find out in the future!”

The middle-aged man sneered, “If you’re not guilty, why wait until later?”

Wang Jing clenched his fists. “What do you mean by that?” 6GxEID

The middle-aged man replied, “You’ll know when we test him on the spot.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Jing felt a hint of coldness in his heart but was not worried.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The Wind and Thunder Dual Spirit Root with an eight-point purity had been confirmed multiple times by the Baixiao Sect. Even though it was just a branch sect, there would be no mistakes in talent assessment. Now, he was thinking about how to make Yan Changlan stand out in the eyes of those elders and select an outstanding mentor for him. The fact that Mou Xin insisted on challenging him was actually a great opportunity, wasn’t it?

Yan Changlan, accompanied by two miscellaneous disciples, stood by silently, without saying a word. 96edZO

Xiao Ming and Wang Min were both angry.

Their eldest senior brother had reached the third level of Qi Refining in just one year. Even the most talented individuals in the Qixiao Sect might not be able to suppress him, yet he was being mocked like this!

However, the man questioning them was a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator. No matter how angry Xiao Ming and Wang Min were, they knew they couldn’t show it now. Otherwise, if this cultivator considered it disrespect, not only would they suffer, but it might also harm their eldest senior brother.

They, however, did not know that Mou Xin and Wang Jing were rivals. They had never seen eye to eye and had a deep-seated dislike for each other from before. Compared to Mou Xin, Wang Jing’s luck seemed to be always a bit inferior, so the talents Mou Xin found were slightly stronger than those Wang Jing discovered. But Wang Jing always managed to stay close behind Mou Xin, which naturally annoyed him greatly. After several conflicts, while not exactly resulting in intense hatred, their grievances had become deeply rooted. At this moment, if Mou Xin faced any other opponent, he might have been more cautious, but since it was Wang Jing, he was a bit more impulsive. nwiCdL

Their dispute caught the attention of the elders of the miscellaneous affairs hall. When Wang Jing saw the elder, he respectfully said, “Elder Bai, Brother Mu suspects that the disciple I recommended may not have sufficient talent, so I would like to ask the elder to test this disciple’s talent on my behalf.”

Elder Bai glanced over the scene and understood the situation. He nodded slightly, “Then let me personally test this disciple’s talent.”

Wang Jing first thanked Elder Bai, then turned to Yan Changlan, “Nephew Yan, come.”

Since Yan Changlan had come to the Qixiao Sect with him, he naturally followed his instructions and walked forward, standing in front of Elder Bai, saying, “Elder, please test.” 2l5R1c

Elder Bai nodded, stroked his beard, and took out a round disk from his sleeve. It had five circles of beads on its periphery, with exactly ten beads in each circle, surrounding a central recess.

He said, “Infuse your mana into this object.”

Yan Changlan followed his instructions, placing his palm on the round disk and swiftly injecting a strand of mana into it.

In an instant, anomalies appeared on the round disk! XtxEmh

First, a purple light suddenly appeared in the central recess of the disk. Then, a cyan light followed, and the two lights intermingled, colliding with each other. At the same time, the two rows of beads on the periphery began to glow. In a blink of an eye, the first bead of the first row lit up with purple light, and the first bead of the second row lit up with cyan light. Then the second bead, the third bead, the fourth bead… The lights on the two rows of beads shone in parallel, all the way to the eighth bead, before finally stopping. But it wasn’t over yet. The light on each bead lasted for several breaths before fading completely.

For a moment, the hall fell into silence.

Wang Jing smiled, “Nephew Yan’s talent is indeed extraordinary. An eight-point pure spiritual root. In our Qixiao Sect, this is considered top-tier talent!”

Elder Bai couldn’t help but praise, “Well done, this new disciple is indeed extraordinary. Currently in our Qixiao Sect, there are not many disciples with such talent. Now that we’ve added one more, he will certainly become a pillar of our sect in the future.” k0xE3Q

Mou Xin’s face turned pale when he saw Yan Changlan’s test results.

He immediately swept his sleeves and angrily left with the few geniuses he had found himself—What is the point of staying here when their talents are inferior to Yan Changlan’s? It is only humiliating to compare themselves with him!

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Wang Jing gained an advantage, and he didn’t pay attention to Mou Xin’s discontent. He respectfully said to Elder Bai, “Please also check Nephew Yan’s bones.”

Elder Bai smiled and quickly felt Yan Changlan’s elbows, knees, and the back of his neck bones. He also used his mana to probe, then pondered and said, “No immortal bones, demon bones, or buddha bones, but the meridians and dantian are extremely broad, and the foundation is solid. There’s great hope for the future path.” dD5XWB

Wang Jing was not disappointed either.

Among all people in the world, it is extremely rare to find someone with a spiritual bone through bone-reading. Although Yan Changlan doesn’t have an immortal bone, thankfully he doesn’t have a buddha bone or a demonic bone either. Otherwise, he would not be allowed to stay in Qixiao Sect. If he had a buddha bone, he would have to be sent to the Da Chan Yin Temple, and if he had a demonic bone, he would have to be killed to prevent the growth of the demonic path’s influence… Wide meridians and dantian are actually better.

Feeling delighted, Wang Jing said to Yan Changlan, “Nephew Yan, your future path is already set.”


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