Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch73 - The resolute female cultivator

Warning: This chapter contains scenes of violence that may be disturbing to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.

After returning, Yan Changlan, following Ye Shu’s advice, met with Wang Min and the others, saying, “Soon, I will be heading to the main sect for cultivation. Considering various factors, I intend to bring along Junior Brothers Gong and Xiao. However, if you accompany me, it can only be under the title of my attendants, sharing in both honor and disgrace with me. You two should think it over.” He then addressed Wang Min and Wei Yi, “Junior Brother Wei and Junior Sister Wang, if you come along, you will likely encounter many dangers which I might not be able to protect you from, hence my decision not to choose you.” Oz7hp8

Wang Min and Wei Yi were naturally disappointed to hear this, but they quickly understood why they would face danger. Wei Yi felt deep regret, wishing he had cultivated his character more diligently in the past, while Wang Min clenched her fingers, realizing how difficult it truly was for a female cultivator like her to succeed.

Upon Yan Changlan’s proposal, Xiao Ming immediately agreed without hesitation, “Honored that Senior Brother does not abandon me, I am willing to follow.”

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However, Gong Jianzhang hesitated.

Yan Changlan looked at Gong Jianzhang and said, “Junior Brother Gong, if you have any difficulties, feel free to speak.” zgvKus

Gong Jianzhang sighed deeply, “I… have a wife and children. I cannot…”

Yan Changlan understood.

Under ordinary circumstances, it would be fine to bring along Gong Jianzhang’s family, but this time it wasn’t possible. He only had at most two attendant slots available. What kind of cultivator, serving as an attendant, would bring along their family? Gong Jianzhang’s inability to leave his family behind meant he couldn’t go.

Feeling a bit disappointed, Yan Changlan nevertheless smiled and said, “In that case, I will only bring Junior Brother Xiao. If there’s a shortage of manpower later, I can request the main sect to assign someone.”


At this moment, Wang Min suddenly spoke up, “Senior Brother, please take me along as well.”

Yan Changlan frowned slightly, “It’s not that I don’t want to take you, but if I can’t protect you, even if I stand up for you afterwards, it will still be detrimental to you.”

Wang Min took a deep breath, “Senior Brother, aside from this reason, do you find my conduct satisfactory?”

Yan Changlan nodded, “In terms of steadiness and meticulousness, you are not inferior to Junior Brother Gong.” In fact, being a female cultivator, Wang Min had an additional sense of propriety and meticulousness, making her even slightly better than Gong Jianzhang. If Yan Changlan weren’t truly worried about the potential disadvantages she might face due to her attendant status, he would have been willing to bring her along. eJuEvU

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Wang Min smiled with relief. “In that case, I will not let Senior Brother worry.” As she spoke, she unexpectedly drew a short sword and without hesitation, slashed her own face multiple times!

Vtf jmafv klat fzagfwf vfmlrlnfcfrr, jcv joafg wjxlcu atf mear, rtf lwwfvljafis jqqilfv olgf qblrbc ab tfg ojmf, yegclcu atf kbecvr rb atfs kfgf jiwbra lwqbrrlyif ab tfji!

Ktf atgff wjif meialnjabgr qgfrfca kfgf jii rtbmxfv ys tfg geatifrrcfrr.

Tjc Jtjcuijc kjr jirb ajxfc jyjmx jcv lwwfvljafis rqbxf, “Aeclbg Vlrafg Qjcu, sbe—” 2HjoDT

Wang Min laughed freely, “Because of this face, I’ve suffered a lot. Now, having the chance to follow Senior Brother to the main sect, even as an attendant, offers a much longer path in cultivation than staying here. Today, I destroy this face to rid myself of this burden.”

Now, Wang Min’s face was covered with crisscrossing sword scars, and on top of that, there were burn marks from the fire, leaving nothing of her former beauty except her clear, bright eyes.

Yet, the three male cultivators in the room could not feel a hint of aversion towards her.

In Yan Changlan’s eyes, there was a newfound respect for Wang Min. Ak3TQG

Women generally love beauty, especially someone as naturally beautiful as Wang Min. To mar such beauty is even harder to decide. Yet, Wang Min made such a decisive choice in such a short time, showing her firm resolve. Given this, it was natural to take her along.

Wang Min spoke again, “I understand these scars might gradually heal, but please don’t worry, Senior Brother. In the future, I will always remember to change my appearance so you don’t have to worry.”

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Yan Changlan, seeing her determination, nodded. “With such steadfastness, I would not want to destroy your pursuit of the Dao. You will come with us to the main sect, like Junior Brother Xiao.”

Wang Min immediately smiled with joy. ySJq1X

Xiao Ming then said to Wang Min, “Senior Sister Wang, I’ll be counting on your guidance in the future.”

Wang Min replied, “We will both serve Senior Brother together.”

Gong Jianzhang stood aside, feeling a sense of envy. However, his heart was tied to his family, so it was just envy and nothing more.

For him, the path of cultivation was important, but his family meant more to him… aMFkdO

Actually, Wang Min’s decisiveness was not just due to her dedication to cultivation but also because of Yan Changlan himself. From the time she started working with Yan Changlan, she noticed that this senior brother was entirely different from any other cultivator she had encountered. It was as if he harbored countless secrets that could propel him to great heights. She knew that if she continued to cultivate as she was, her achievements in the next few decades might be limited. But if she followed this senior brother… as long as she worked diligently, a bright future was assured.

Naturally, this was also influenced by the fact that Wang Min had no burdensome ties; her deeply loved family had long passed away. She had severed ties with her family and could now wholeheartedly serve as an attendant.

With all these thoughts in mind, Wang Min sacrificed her appearance for the promise of a future in cultivation.

Having confirmed the attendants, Yan Changlan went to the outer sect to visit Luo Ziyao and Fu Xuan. 53VIjz

When the two heard that Yan Changlan was heading to the main sect, they were naturally astonished.

Luo Ziyao smiled bitterly and said, “Today we part, who knows when we will meet again.”

Yan Changlan replied, “The path of cultivation is long, and partings are inevitable. I have spoken with my fellow disciples; if you two encounter any trouble, you can go to Xiaoyu Peak and find Wei Yi and Gong Jianzhang.”

Luo Ziyao felt warmth in his heart, “Thank you, Brother Yan, for worrying about us even before your departure.” cgOmtF

Yan Changlan said, “Without your help, Brother Ye and I might have had to spend much more time and effort to reach this place of cultivation, possibly missing some opportunities along the way.”

Luo Ziyao naturally responded, “That was because you and Brother Ye saved my life first.”

Fu Xuan, who was not as familiar with Yan Changlan as Luo Ziyao, simply listened quietly to their conversation.

After their talk, Yan Changlan left two magical tools for the two of them. EuGKcw

Luo Ziyao tried to decline them politely.

However, Yan Changlan said, “These two magical tools are not worth much. Take good care of yourselves. When I return in a hundred years or so, I hope to see two familiar faces.”

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Hearing Yan Changlan say this, Luo Ziyao had nothing more to add.

After that, they spoke no further words. After drinking three cups of wine together, they parted ways. 86nNQ

Yan Changlan went to Baixiao Peak to see the sect leader. Once everything was settled, he went back to prepare… Meanwhile, Xiao Ming temporarily went to inform his parents, and Wang Min packed her accumulated belongings, each making their own arrangements.

Unknowingly, five days passed.

The cultivator surnamed Wang stood on Baixiao Peak, whistled, and summoned a giant blue bird.

Then he said to Yan Changlan, “Nephew Yan, bring your two attendants up.” BLlxqG

Yan Changlan glanced at the blue bird, leaped up, and sat beside the cultivator surnamed Wang.

Wang Min and Xiao Ming, understanding the situation, sat quietly in the back, not daring to make a sound, and followed closely.


In these past few days, Ye Shu had also been busy. A2pXFB

Since he decided to go near the Qixiao Sect, he naturally had to inquire about it.

However, the area within thousands of miles was all remote, and even after Ye Shu’s inquiries, he couldn’t get any information. Not long after, Yan Changlan sent Xiao Ming to visit—since Ye Shu was about to leave, there was no longer any need for secrecy.

Xiao Ming met with “Shi Zhuo” and gave him a letter, thinking that this was Yan Changlan’s way of bidding farewell to a friend. However, he did not know that the contents of the letter were the location of Qixiao Sect, as well as the information that Yan Changlan had learned from the Wang-surnamed cultivator about Qixiao Sect and its surroundings.

After that, Ye Shu began to pack the necessary items, exchanged all the silver tickets he had left for gold leaves, or traded them for many valuable but space-saving resources, storing them in the Hunyuan Pearl. qgzAa5

Once all this was done, Ye Shu harvested the spiritual herbs he had planted near his house. After completing everything, he used the relationship of Pang Xing, a wealthy and influential figure, to buy a horse capable of traveling thousands of miles a day and a sturdy carriage.

Then, he set off with this carriage, heading straight towards the location of the Qixiao Sect.

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