Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch59 - Post the announcement, the mission board

Yan Changlan understood Ye Shu’s meaning and couldn’t help but smile.

Originally, his plan was to offer a reward of one hundred thousand taels of silver. If that didn’t work, he would increase the offer. Now that Azhuo was willing to produce an excellent magic weapon, the reward naturally became more attractive. atFgj8

Yan Changlan was no longer polite to Ye Shu and smiled, saying, “With this, I am even more confident now.”

Ye Shu said, “I will refine this magic weapon into a seal, using its force to suppress.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yan Changlan thought for a moment. “If it is made, suppressing enemies will surely be very useful and will attract positive attention.”

The two agreed, and Ye Shu promptly began crafting the magic weapon in front of Yan Changlan. lZ9wnR

Yan Changlan sat nearby with one leg bent, quietly watching, feeling very pleased.

It’s worth mentioning that since Yan Changlan reached the third level of Qi Refining, he was already considered a prominent figure within the sect. His amiable nature and friendly treatment of many junior disciples had caused many disciples from other peaks to admire him. He was quite well-known in the sect and often had people come to make friends with him.

However, although Yan Changlan was very kind to these disciples, he preferred spending time with Ye Shu. Therefore, he often went out alone to gain experience. Once he had hunted enough prey, he would stay in Ye Shu’s courtyard and refuse to return. Since it was common for cultivators to spend several days outside, no one questioned Yan Changlan when he stayed overnight at Ye Shu’s place. Gradually, Yan Changlan spent more and more time away from the sect, but it was merely seen as intensive training, and no one suspected anything.

It was Xiao Ming who knew that Yan Changlan often interacted with “Taoist Shi.” But thinking about the highly skilled craftsman behind Taoist Shi, he greatly supported Yan Changlan’s close relationship with him—such friendships naturally need frequent visits to cultivate deeper connections.


Now, back to the present.

While watching Ye Shu forge the magic weapon, Yan Changlan took a gourd from his waist and took a sip.

The gourd contained a special kind of fine wine, which didn’t make one drunk but instead made the mind clearer and less irritable. The recipe for this wine was provided by Ye Shu, but when brewed by Yan Changlan, it seemed to have an extra flavor. Now, Yan Changlan would drink some occasionally to help maintain clarity during his cultivation. This wine had helped him stay alert and return safely from several expeditions. Ye Shu also received a good amount of this wine and would taste it leisurely in his free time.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Seeing that Ye Shu seemed to like it very much, Yan Changlan paid more attention to brewing this wine and even had a stash buried under his stone chamber, waiting to age before giving it to Ye Shu. clP3iz

Qtfc Tf Vte rjk Tjc Jtjcuijc vglcxlcu, tf uijcmfv ja tlw.

Tjc Jtjcuijc mbeivc’a tfiq yea rwlif jcv abrrfv atf ubegv bnfg ab tlw.

Tf Vte mjeuta la, abbx j rlq, jcv abrrfv la yjmx.

Tjc Jtjcuijc’r rwlif vffqfcfv, jcv tf rabbv eq jcv kjixfv bnfg, rjslcu, “Chteb, ifa wf tfiq sbe klat atf obgulcu.” AopEsc

Crafting the base of a low-grade magic weapon didn’t necessarily require the personal touch of a master craftsman, so Yan Changlan’s assistance was naturally no problem. Ye Shu, not standing on ceremony with him, stepped aside and let Yan Changlan endure the furnace’s heat.

Yan Changlan had only been guarding by the furnace for less than half an incense stick’s time, and he was already sweating profusely. Smiling, he said, “The furnace fire is very hot. Azhuo never sweats here, but I am drenched.”

Ye Shu replied, “This fire has been tempered by my cultivation technique, so it doesn’t burn me. You should practice your cultivation while forging in front of the furnace. It will be beneficial for your body training.”

Yan Changlan naturally followed the advice, and sure enough, he could feel the heat on his skin being alleviated by the circulation of his spiritual energy. After repeating this process a few times, his body seemed to become more robust… h4xNB7

After melting some iron essence, Yan Changlan picked it out and placed it on the anvil, then began hammering it.

The large hammer came down swiftly, shaping the iron essence into different forms. His arm muscles bulged as he worked, and soon his clothes were soaked with sweat. Yet, his energy remained high, as if the internal heat generated by the furnace had not been fully released. Each hammer strike seemed to channel this pent-up energy into the iron essence!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ye Shu stood by, guiding Yan Changlan.

Following Ye Shu’s instructions, Yan Changlan continually forged the iron essence, gradually shaping it as Ye Shu described. bGIBrU

Working together, they steadily transformed the iron essence on the anvil into the desired form…

They worked for half a day.

By evening, the base of the magic weapon was finally completed.

Ye Shu took the base of the weapon and pointed to the room. “Go in and soak yourself.” dS5T8g

Yan Changlan smiled and quickly went into the room. He removed his clothes and jumped into the bath barrel.

Outside, Ye Shu carefully inscribed enchantment onto the weapon base. In just a short time, he had steadily engraved a strong gravity enchantment that he knew well.

With this enchantment, once the seal was summoned in battle, although small, it could bind an opponent as if by an invisible force. The result would be a large bloody hole, leaving the enemy with shattered bones and a crippled body.

With this, the task was complete. 8Sv2uF

Yan Changlan finished his medicinal bath, put on his robe, and came out.

Ye Shu tossed the seal over. “It’s done.”

Yan Changlan put the seal into his pocket. “Azhuo, once I’ve avenged myself, we’ll have a big feast.”

Ye Shu looked at him and nodded slightly. “Alright.” LOM2fj

After Yan Changlan returned with the seal, he thought that simply spreading the word about the reward was not enough.

Because Xiao Ming had many connections and knew a lot, Yan Changlan called him over.

In recent days, Yan Changlan had come to rely more and more on Xiao Ming. Although Wang Min and the other two who had followed Yan Changlan earlier felt somewhat resentful, they knew they couldn’t match Xiao Ming’s capabilities. Eventually, they decided to follow Yan Changlan while taking orders from Xiao Ming, which turned out to be more effective.

At present, Xiao Ming stood in front while the other three stood behind, all listening attentively. QiIJGz

However, since this matter involved personal revenge, Yan Changlan did not reveal everything. He only mentioned that he wanted to place a bounty on a cultivator he had a grudge against and asked Xiao Ming how to spread the word more widely.

After listening, Xiao Ming pondered for a moment. “How much does Senior Brother know about this person?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yan Changlan replied, “His surname is Li, and he is likely a rogue cultivator. About a year ago, he went to the mortal realm.”

Xiao Ming also knew that this senior brother came from the mortal realm, so it was likely that the cultivator surnamed Li had encountered this senior brother when he was in the mortal realm. As for any grudges, it was probably because of something he did to the senior brother back when he was still mortal… Thinking of this, he didn’t dwell on it any further. 3IdM1s

All he needed to know was that Senior Brother wanted to know this person’s background.

Xiao Ming said, “The description is a bit vague, but it’s not impossible to find. Whether Senior Brother wants him dead or alive, what will the reward be?”

Yan Changlan said, “If alive, it doesn’t matter how he survives; he just needs to stay alive. Of course, if he is undamaged, there will be an additional gift. As for the reward, I have an excellent low-grade magic weapon here. Its power is almost as good as my Wind and Thunder Twin Swords.”

Xiao Ming’s eyes lit up. “If that’s the case, I think people will be rushing to get it!” z7OrcS

Yan Changlan said seriously, “This magic weapon should be able to withstand the energy infusion of a peak Qi Refining cultivator. If a cultivator gets hold of it, they won’t need to change their magic weapon even when they reach the peak of Qi Refining. In addition to this, I’ll give you a hundred thousand silver tickets. You must explain in the reward that if you bring the person alive, you can get this low-grade magic weapon and another hundred thousand silver tickets. If he dies, you can get the magic weapon. If you know his whereabouts and ensure I can meet him face to face, you can also get the magic weapon.”

Xiao Ming said solemnly, “I understand. Please rest assured, Senior Brother.” Then he continued, “For this reward, I will anonymously post a notice in the market. The notice will be authenticated by the seals of three elders from our Baixiao Sect. In addition, I will spread the word through the market and deliver the news to various sects and organizations, posting it on their task boards. This way, disciples from other sects can also take on the mission.”

Yan Changlan nodded in satisfaction. “Very well. I will give you another hundred thousand silver tickets. Use it to invite those elders for a drink and express gratitude. If it’s not enough, let me know.”


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1 comment

  1. Thanks for the chapter!! Yan Changlan deepening his smile when he sees that Ye Shu doesnt hesitate to drink from the same gourd as him is so cute!! I can really feel their relationship deepening 😼