Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch58 - Half a year later

The enchantment on the Zhuo Lei sword was recognized by Xiao Ming, and he knew that it was the explosive enchantment on his own sword. However, the enchantment on his sword was much inferior compared to those on the Zhuo Lei sword. Moreover, due to its weight, the Zhuo Lei sword was even more powerful. When wielded, his sword could only break two or three tenths of the mountain rocks, unlike the Zhuo Lei sword, which could directly shatter entire rocks!

Impressive, incredibly impressive! t6mbTG

Xiao Ming thought to himself, ever since he became acquainted with this eldest senior brother, he was often astonished like this, which truly made him feel emotional. Now, what he was most grateful for was that he and his eldest senior brother were from the same sect, and their relationship was good. In the future, if the eldest senior brother achieved success, he would certainly benefit a lot, and even now… their Xiao family had already begun to benefit.

Thinking of this, he respectfully returned the Zhuo Lei sword: “These twin magic swords are truly remarkable. That senior craftsman is indeed extraordinary.” Thinking of the friendship between Shi Zhuo and his eldest senior brother, he smiled and continued, “Learning the art of refining weapons under such a renowned master, Taoist Shi will surely achieve something in the future. By then, Taoist Shi might prefer to forge swords for the eldest senior brother himself.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yan Changlan heard these words and felt very pleased.

At present, they had to pretend to have an unknown craftsman, but he knew in his heart that these twin magic swords were carefully crafted by Azhuo for him… there was no need to wait until later. rgXO5S

Next, Yan Changlan continued his cultivation with these twin magic swords.

Now, on his path of cultivation, he has gained countless benefits from Azhuo, enabling him to continuously acquire resources and have much stronger life-saving abilities than ordinary people. Therefore, he cannot let Azhuo down and must do his utmost to improve his strength… When he becomes stronger, he plans to go hunting in the Kumei Forest. By then, he will hunt countless demon beasts, obtain demon beast materials from them, and present them to Azhuo for refining… Whatever Azhuo desires, as long as he has some ability, he will obtain it for Azhuo, no matter if it’s under the heavens or on the earth.

Six months later.


Ye Shu sat under the scorching sun, suddenly opened his eyes, and exhaled a white breath.

This white breath emitted a sound of breaking through the air when it struck a tree in front of him. With a “thud,” it left a small hole in the trunk.

Then Ye Shu swallowed a pellet of Ninglu Dan, circulated and absorbed it, making the newly condensed strand of mana in his body even more solid, swimming like a small fish in the spirit dew.

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Llr meggfca meialnjalbc tjv jigfjvs gfjmtfv atf atlgv ifnfi bo Hl Efolclcu, jcv atf wjcj lc tlr ybvs tjv gfjmtfv jr wjcs jr olnf ragjcvr. XgRD9Y

Jbcrlvfglcu Tf Vte’r juf, tf tjv pera aegcfv atlgaffc. Lf tjv bcis obgwjiis yfuec tlr meialnjalbc j sfjg jub.

Mbg j sfjg rqfca ilxf atlr, bgvlcjgs meialnjabgr klat atgff rqlglaeji gbbar kbeiv olcv la vloolmeia ab fnfc jyrbgy Hl, ifa jibcf gfjmt atf atlgv ifnfi bo Hl Efolclcu. Pa kbeiv ajxf wbgf atjc afc sfjgr obg wjcs atgff rqlglaeji gbba meialnjabgr ab gfjmt atf rfmbcv ifnfi bo Hl Efolclcu, jcv atfs tjv ab yf vlrmlqifr bo j rfma.

For Ye Shu to achieve this level, several aids were indispensable.

Firstly, there was the Hunyuan Water, allowing him to absorb half a drop every day, subtly accelerating his absorption of the spiritual energy between heaven and earth; secondly, his cultivation technique, although its grade was unknown, its ability to absorb so much spiritual energy after cultivation proved its excellence, and its profoundness also facilitated his cultivation, allowing him to absorb even more; thirdly, there was the Ninglu Dan. n4uJIY

Since Ye Shu no longer lacked money, he purchased a large quantity of Ninglu Dan. Every time he used Hunyuan Water to remove impurities from the Ninglu Dan, he could eliminate any poison, allowing him to absorb them without any obstacles. He would swallow a pill every time he practiced cultivation.

Of course, when Ye Shu used these “non-toxic” Ninglu Dan himself, he also instructed Yan Changlan to deliver monthly medicinal pills for processing. Yan Changlan had no objections and always followed through. Therefore, during this time, the pills Yan Changlan consumed were also “non-toxic”. Later, when Yan Changlan soaked in Hunyuan Water again, it was a medicinal bath specially prepared by Ye Shu to enhance his physique, enabling him to use the twin swords and control violent powers like wind and thunder.

Yan Changlan had never disappointed Ye Shu.

He had medicinal baths prepared by Ye Shu, resources provided by the sect, a large purchase of Ninglu Dan, handy magical weapons, and the aptitude of dual mutated spiritual roots… With all these advantages, what reason did he have not to work hard? So, in the past six months, apart from occasionally visiting the master to seek advice, Yan Changlan spent almost all his time on cultivation. He practiced the Wind and Thunder Sword Technique, accumulated mana, went out for experiences, and never stopped for a moment. vbl4F

As a result, up to now, Yan Changlan not only reached the third level of Qi Refining in his cultivation, but also because of the outstanding abilities he showed during his experiences, he had gained the admiration of many fellow disciples at Xiaoyu Peak, not just for his aptitude and conduct, but for his true strength.

Because of this, Yan Changlan was also quite pleased.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

…Speaking of which, now that Ye Shu has condensed his fifth strand of mana, he actually has two more strands of mana compared to Yan Changlan. However, there was no doubt that Yan Changlan’s realm was gradually catching up to him. Nevertheless, Ye Shu himself was not unhappy about this. He had learned a lot and had many methods. Even if Yan Changlan’s realm surpassed his in the future, he might still have means to deal with it. Moreover, now that Yan Changlan and he were on good terms, with excellent aptitude and conduct, Yan Changlan becoming stronger would be more advantageous for both of them. For this reason, while Ye Shu continued to work hard on his own cultivation, he also spared no effort to cultivate Yan Changlan.

Just as he was thinking about this, a knock sounded at the door. iaA3KO

Apart from the person renting the house, only one other person knew about this place.

Ye Shu’s gaze softened. “Come in.”

The next moment, the door swung open and a tall young man covered in blood entered.

The young man had a strong physique, and he carried a huge bundle almost his own height on his back. Once he entered the courtyard, he threw the bundle on the ground and immediately closed the door behind him. oeanwd

After the bundle was opened and the leather spread out, its contents spilled out with a thunderous crash, forming a small mountain.

Sinew, bones, fur, teeth, scales, and organs of various kinds of demon beast materials were mixed together, emanating a faintly pungent bloody smell. One could sense from the aura of these demon beast materials that most of them were obtained from demon beasts over two hundred years old; those with weaker demonic aura were mostly from beasts over a hundred and fifty years old. The parts harvested were undoubtedly the most precious parts of such demon beasts, and some of these beasts were extremely rare and difficult to capture.

The tall young man smiled and said, “Azhuo, take a look. Which ones do you not need?”

Ye Shu walked over and glanced briefly. Afterward, he picked out about a dozen items and set them aside. The rest were collected and tossed into a corner of the courtyard. Nm4tnL

In that corner, which was originally not large, was also piled with many demon beast materials, appearing to be of various kinds, some of which were unidentifiable as to which demon beast they were obtained from. However, regardless of which part of the demon beast they came from, it seemed to have a bit of everything. With this recent addition of a large pile of demon beast materials, the corner became even fuller, with some materials even spilling out.

Ye Shu said, “After refining another batch of magical tools, it should be cleared out.”

Yan Changlan smiled and said, “I’ll sell the rest. I’ll come back to talk to you later.”

Ye Shu nodded naturally. “Go ahead. If they haven’t been sold by evening, I’ll casually refine some magical tool embryos for you to take to Luo Ziyao and Fu Xuan to use as capital at the outer gate.” 7H45X9

Yan Changlan readily agreed and then quickly picked up the remaining dozen or so items and left with large strides. Once the young master of the past, dressed in his silk and jade belt, this young man now a year older, his actions were somehow rougher, having become fully accustomed to carrying such bloody things on his person.

Once Yan Changlan had left, Ye Shu began to refine the new items. After refining about four or five of them, the sky darkened slightly, and Yan Changlan returned.

Yan Changlan handed all the silver he had earned from the sales to Ye Shu. After Ye Shu accepted it, he said, “Besides bringing me these demon beast materials, did you have any other business coming here?”

After a brief pause, Yan Changlan’s expression turned solemn. b9Uq71

Seeing him like this, Ye Shu said, “If you have something on your mind, just say it.”

Yan Changlan sighed deeply and suddenly spoke up, “Now is the time to avenge my father.”

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Ye Shu was slightly taken aback, then nodded. “True, with your current cultivation, you should be able to win against that Li surname cultivator. However, there’s a bit of trouble. We only know him as a Li surname cultivator, but we don’t know his age, appearance, or even if he is still at the second level of Qi Refining… With so much uncertainty, finding him will be quite troublesome.”

Yan Changlan understood this point. “I know it’s very difficult, which is why I haven’t rashly tried to investigate. But if we wait longer, the clues may become even scarcer, and it will be much harder to track him down.” TgxyEb

Ye Shu pondered for a moment. “Have you had any dealings recently with Master Luo Qing and his disciples?”

Yan Changlan shook his head. “None.”

Ye Shu continued, “Earlier, we discussed that the leak of the jade pendant was likely related to Master Luo Qing. It might be worth investigating around him to find some clues about this Li surname cultivator.”

Yan Changlan lowered his gaze slightly. “I’ve been thinking about this too, but direct contact would be too conspicuous. Now, I’m thinking maybe we could use incentives, offer a reward for information on this Li surname cultivator, catch him off guard.” 0QrNXm

Ye Shu thought for a moment. “I’ll make you a high-quality magical tool for this.”

Translator's Note

Condensing Pill

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  1. They are actually like husband and wife even now. 😄 i can’t imagine how they will be like when they are fall in love. 😍