Record of Hunyuan Cultivation [Rebirth]Ch10 - Underground Divine Arts

After a brief consideration, Ye Shu had already devised a plan. It isn’t difficult, to be honest.

In the present mortal realm, martial arts were prevalent, with the aim of cultivating inner strength to subdue enemies. When Ye Jun sought to suppress the original owner back then, it was merely because the original owner had naturally broad meridians and a high level of comprehension, making martial arts practice twice as effective. VsgaxA

Therefore, for the people here, if there was a peerless secret manual containing unparalleled martial arts, it would naturally attract countless individuals, resulting in fierce competition and bloodshed.

To ensure that Hong Yuan married into the Ye family and became Ye Jun’s legitimate wife, the best method was for Hong Yuan to possess such an unparalleled martial art that no one could obtain. This would make Ye Jun disregard everything else and wholeheartedly marry her.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Hong Yuan was just a servant who betrayed her master. If it weren’t for the original owner’s parents saving her back then, she wouldn’t have survived at all. How could she possess such unparalleled martial arts? Therefore, the task of finding a peerless martial art fell upon Ye Shu.

For Ye Shu, he was not versed in martial arts, but all matters related to cultivating inner strength were ultimately about the circulation of energy through the meridians, flowing into the dantian, and gathering to generate strength. The qi he cultivated and the cultivation artss he practiced were essentially different pathways of circulation, resulting in variations in the speed of internal energy conversion. The application of martial arts was simply a matter of different methods of manipulating qi, resulting in variations in the strength of internal force. KL9gRS

Ye Shu had also reached the realm of the Golden Core in the past, with extensive knowledge and research on the meridians and physical body. While creating a peerless immortal cultivation arts would require careful consideration and could take years to accomplish, developing a mere mortal method of regulating internal energy would yield several martial arts with just a few thoughts.

However, he was ultimately going to repay Ye Jun with a “favor,” so he couldn’t truly allow him to dominate the mortal realm with this divine arts. Therefore, he had to make some modifications to it, making it harmless in the early stages but increasingly restless and anxious as one progressed in cultivation. Eventually, reaching its peak, it would stagnate and decline, falling from a first-rate master to a third- or fifth-rate master, or even to no rank at all.

If the peerless martial art offered by Hong Yuan led to such a plight for Ye Jun, he wouldn’t let her off easily. However, he probably wouldn’t be willing to simply take Hong Yuan’s life either. At that point, Hong Yuan would suffer greatly, and Ye Jun’s martial arts would be wasted, with no hope of advancement.

With this in mind, Ye Shu carefully devised and wrote down several methods of cultivation, making adjustments until he finally produced the “Tai Yuan Divine Arts.” This divine arts consisted of five layers, with the first four being extremely powerful. However, the higher one cultivated, the more unbearable the internal turmoil became. Upon reaching the fifth layer, one’s energy would be completely depleted, leading to demonic possession and becoming disabled.


If Ye Jun wanted to ruin the original owner’s life and make them die in loneliness and misery, then Ye Shu would let Ye Jun taste the same bitterness, in order to calm his own heart.

However, making Hong Yuan discover this “divine Arts” without arousing her suspicion would require some thought. Yet, it wasn’t too difficult. With the continuous mountain peaks in the area, if one day Hong Yuan happened to “get lost” while seeking him out and accidentally stumbled into a cave, where she found this divine arts on the wall, it wouldn’t be entirely impossible.

Nevertheless, the emergence of this divine Arts must not be traced back to Ye Shu.

With his plan already set, Ye Shu first went to inspect the illusion formation set up in the mountains. dd4I95

As expected, there were quite a few wild animal footprints in the area, indicating that some reckless beasts had accidentally kicked away the stones, rendering the illusion formation useless – the arrangement of these stones was indeed somewhat crude.

After inspecting it, Ye Shu repaired the illusion formation and then walked around the nearby hills. With his current limited strength, he couldn’t go too far. After some searching, he found a cave on a nearby hill.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf mjnf kjr cba nfgs tlut, klat j rqglcu uertlcu ogbw yfibk. Rfjg atf rbecv bo kjafg, j rabcf kjii kjr lcvffv fzqbrfv.

Tf Vte kjr regqglrfv ab olcv atlr qijmf. 4GI9S6

Ktlr qijmf lcvffv rffwfv ab tjnf yffc bcmf lctjylafv ys j gfmierf. Ktfgf kjr j rlwqif atjamtfv tea cfjg atf rqglcu, jcv atf jawbrqtfgf kjr nfgs qfjmfoei. Lbkfnfg, atf gfmierf rffwfv cba ab yf j wjgalji jgalra, yea gjatfg j wbecajlc tfgwla.

Ye Shu’s gaze relaxed. This makes things convenient.

He only needed to carve the “divine Arts” on the stone wall and then create some dust and wind to conceal it. The thatched hut and the traces of habitation here were very old, so even if someone came to look, they wouldn’t suspect anything.

But now Ye Shu didn’t have much strength. It wouldn’t be easy to carve on the stone wall, so he had to wait until he had established a foundation in cultivation before he could use his spiritual powers to carve it. DaX9hG

After covering up the area again, Ye Shu returned to his hut. No need to rush, no need to rush.

As for Ye Jun, he still had no plans for marriage, and Hong Yuan was still waiting…

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Time flew by, and the days passed quickly. vHKdt7

It took three months from start to finish, but finally, in one swallowing motion, Ye Shu managed to compress the nebulous innate true qi, eventually transforming it into a wisp of illusionary yellow sprout in his dantian, laying the foundation.

With this yellow sprout, whenever Ye Shu absorbed the spiritual qi of heaven and earth, the three types of qi were constantly surging toward it, causing a thin mist to slowly form on its surface, continuously gathering…

Though the cultivation was so arduous, Ye Shu never had the slightest intention of retreating.

Back when he was afflicted with a strange poison, despite having an excellent spiritual root, every cultivation session felt like torture. The faster the spiritual qi of heaven and earth was swallowed, the more suffering he endured. Even though he only took an hour to establish the foundation, it felt like every part of his body was being pricked by thousands of needles, the pain reaching its zenith! Thus, despite quickly succeeding in the end, he could only remember the agony, making it difficult to find peace in his heart—how could it compare to the steady progress he made now, bit by bit? QHUYx4

It was true that his current cultivation was slower, but the advantage was that he was always aware of his progress. And since he was starting over, and he had the Hunyuan Pearl, he didn’t need to worry about being hindered by bottlenecks in the future. At most, it would just be more difficult.

Ye Shu, who had turned countless pains into Golden Core in the past, was now just an ordinary cultivator, but there would surely be a day when he would break through.

With such confidence, Ye Shu’s cultivation was indeed solid.

During these days, he hadn’t descended the mountain to meet Yan Changlan, but he still sent vegetables every three days as usual. If he had time, he would catch two wild rabbits or mountain chickens and evenly distribute them, giving one to Yan Changlan. 75Qxic

Yan Changlan never came up the mountain either, but when the weather turned cold, he had someone shout out during vegetable picking, delivering a box of big sweaters and thick quilts to Ye Shu.

Ye Shu coldly observed, but his heart was grateful.

After some more time, the medicinal herbs in the thin fields behind also grew, so he went down the mountain to distribute some good ones to the old doctor and sent a piece of purple leaf fungus to the Lord’s Mansion, expressing his gratitude.

This kind of interaction had a touch of “the friendship of gentlemen” about it, and Ye Shu had no intention of changing it, finding it quite comfortable. ycOM64

After another month, a drop of spiritual dew gradually condensed above the illusory yellow sprout in Ye Shu’s dantian, suddenly clearing his mind and vision, as if both body and soul had been cleansed.

At this moment, he had reached the first level of Qi Refining.

Ye Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, when he gathered qi again, he would have to press the spiritual energy into the spiritual dew to form mana. snqvDm

With his previous efforts and his current solid foundation, if nothing unexpected happens, this drop of spiritual dew, when transformed into mana, should reach the maximum of ten strands. However, it still needs to be accumulated slowly.

With the first level of Qi Refining achieved, Ye Shu could start recording the “Divine Arts”.

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Every day, Ye Shu spent one or two hours in the cave, carving his created “Taiyuan Divine Arts” onto the stone wall. This recording wasn’t merely a matter of physical strength; it always required a bit of mana to be gathered on a wooden sword—he originally wanted to use his fingers, but being only twelve years old now, his fingers were delicate and not suitable.

With Ye Shu’s current amount of mana, he couldn’t carve out much even after squeezing it dry, but each time he exhausted his mana and then ingested the Hunyuan Water, he found that his recovery was faster than usual, and the mana after recovery seemed a bit purer, and his foundation seemed a bit more solid. In this way, he exerted even more effort. gPdFbk

After about ten days of such effort, three strands of mana had already gathered in the spiritual dew, much faster than Ye Shu had originally anticipated, and the “Divine Arts” on the stone wall were finally carved.

Ye Shu looked up at the stone wall and thought of a very common spell called “Wind Stone Technique.” He then expended a wisp of spiritual power and struck the stone wall with it.

In an instant, some fine stones fell from the spot hit by the spell, causing the carved characters to become mottled, as if weathered and decayed for many years.

With Ye Shu’s solid foundation and this strong strand of mana, as he struck, half of the stone wall quickly changed. Then he cast another Wind Stone Technique, changing the other half as well. e2gRdN

At this point, the fabrication of this peerless martial arts was considered a great success.

Ye Shu looked at it, slightly satisfied, and left.

Next, he needed to find an opportunity for Hong Yuan to “discover” this place…


Ye Shu returned to his hut, silently pondering.

Hong Yuan had one day off every ten days. Except for the first time they met after his “recovery”, she had come a few days ago, and in a few more days, it would be her turn to rest again. To please Ye Jun, she would likely come here again to get closer to him.

In this way, before that day arrived, he would have set up a few illusion formations down the mountain to lead people to the cave there. Even if she didn’t come, he could have removed them later…

In just a few days, Ye Shu indeed set up the formations down the mountain and then paid no more attention to it. OUbIJZ

On the day when Hong Yuan rested, he waited in the house, but until the night fell, he didn’t see her.

The next day, Ye Shu went down the mountain to check.

At a glance, a trace of coldness appeared on his lips—there were signs in the formation, indicating that Hong Yuan had indeed been led to the cave.

Ye Shu didn’t rush to the cave. Since he had already sent out this “Divine Arts”, Hong Yuan was naturally selfish and wouldn’t easily inform Ye Jun about this matter. He could afford to wait a little longer… cb89Uk

As expected by Ye Shu, on the next day off, Hong Yuan came up to the mountain.

She looked at Ye Shu, her expression somewhat hesitant, yet showing a hint of eagerness.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Translator's Note

Highest point

Translator's Note

spiritual power

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  1. Ye Shu better be careful or Adobe is gonna start charging him a monthly subscription.