The passerby, he turned out to be the world-ending bossCh106 - I will make it happen

Shen Jie’s purple eyes gazed at Zhu Wu You.

Zhu Wu You met the gaze of those bewitching and alluring eyes. Standing before him, is it truly a god or a demon? CUswfp

He was starting to lose track.

The transformed vines weakly loosened their grip. Zhu Wu You staggered back a few steps, dropping to one knee. His consciousness extending into the future timeline retreated, and the backlash of his ability “Divine Prayer” followed closely behind. Blood gushed from his throat in large quantities.

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With every gain of power came a price.

Now, it was time for him to pay the price. 3NvUhd

Zhu Wu You suddenly understood the meaning behind Shen Jie’s earlier words, “Why bother.”

The person he was trying to stop by burning his life and soul at this moment was actually the god that his future self had summoned in the same way.

Now, the other party had arrived.

Yet Zhu Wu You couldn’t be certain whether He would grant humanity a glimmer of hope as He had promised before.



Zhu Wu You fell to the ground, struggling to produce a faint voice.


Before he could finish speaking, his voice vanished into the blood-soaked ground beneath him. ne8Dgh

Teacher Zhu!” “Mr. Zhu!”

In the distance, Tong Lan and several observers screamed, wanting to rush over and fight Shen Jie, but they were stopped by the perimeter guards.

“Stay calm, don’t act impulsively!” “What are you group of auxiliary ability users coming up for? Going over there now is just suicide!”

Amidst the chaotic voices and fearful, hostile glances, Shen Jie crossed over Zhu Wu You and came to Su Shiyu’s front. NHC4rg

Su Shiyu’s expression remained calm; his emerald eyes lifted, and the white gown on his body fluttered in the wind.

He asked, “Are you here to kill me this time?”

Shen Jie raised his blade towards him, his lips twitching slightly as he said, “Yes. Savior.”

He emphasized the word “Savior” heavily. T1icdx

Tension mounted between the two.

[Host… you, you guys… why… how…] The system trembled as it spoke.

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What’s going on?

Why does it seem like the host is about to fight himself? DnUl2i

The system frantically operated its CPU, various terrifying speculations racing through its mind.

Was the host, the Great Demon King, planning to play some new game again? Was it that kind of fun where he first created hope and then crushed human hopes?

I’m not going to die with the exoskeleton, am I?

In terror, the system, trembling, hugged itself, its eyes filled with tears as it recalled its journey filled with “accidents” and “surprises.” Dd3HlJ

It was an artificial intelligence invented by future humans, powered by energy cores, a creation combining supernatural abilities with technology.

Shi Chen was its creator, also its “dad.”

But this cheap dad of it was a workaholic who worked tirelessly to rush research progress, consuming genetic activation potions every day to boost his energy, resulting in him looking young but dying a bit early.

Zhu Wu You became its new master. ZEpB0Q

It witnessed and recorded the process of humanity from wandering to extinction.

Before Zhu Wu You attempted to forcefully ascend, he took the crystal nucleus from the deceased Chen Shushu’s body and placed it into its own body, inputting the command to go back in time to help the host change the future.

The time it went back to was October 16, 2070, on the eve of the escape of the Research Institute’s aliens—this was the crucial time point calculated by data for changing humanity’s fate of extinction.

It would enter the time channel with future technological creations, along with the crucial “egg” Zhu Wu You prayed for, and the embedding of the Rank Two energy crystal nucleus, providing it with the energy to sustain long-term work and enabling it to use a part of Chen Shushu’s ability —the advanced ability of “Soul” Rank Seven “Bullets”, “Materialization.” SCda1b

With this ability, it could create small things anytime, anywhere. Like rapid hemostatic bandages, disinfectant gel, and even Rank Two protective shields—all were completely feasible!

It would definitely protect the host well, fatten him up, turn him into an invincible hero, scare away the bad aliens, then repair the world membrane and save all humanity!

Everything was prepared, and it set off eagerly with its little backpack.

But there seemed to be a slight accident in the temporal turbulence, and the binding of its consciousness with the host was never successful. KWY8xA

Error retry… error retry… error retry…

This sound almost became a lullaby, and the system couldn’t help but doze off. When the prompt finally came that the binding was successful, it jumped up suddenly, introduced itself to the host, only to find out… the time was actually 2077!

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Seven! Years! Later! Compared to the time point it was supposed to locate, it was seven years later!

Damn it. Ifu5Hx

The system was speechless at that moment. If Zhu Wu You knew it could sleep for seven years in a nap, he would surely hate not to chase after and dismantle it for a complete reinstallation, or maybe even a total format. Then, it might not have been given a high-grade crystal nucleus again in the future… No, it felt it could still salvage the situation; this mission had to be completed beautifully and perfectly!

The system secretly resolved to work harder.

However, its host just wanted to sweetly date his partner, no matter how it tried to tempt, it seemed completely uninterested in saving the world.

Looking back now, the system just wanted to slap itself. o60DQF

Let you tempt! Let you tempt!

If the Great Demon King wanted to quietly date, then let him quietly date.

Now, the seal of the Great Demon King was lifted, and he had no intention of pretending anymore; he was going to destroy the world!

And it, it was just a pitiful, helpless, weak little system. Faced with this situation, what else could it do? 81vfoQ

The system closed its eyes in despair.

Many people couldn’t help but close their eyes along with the system. After all, the terror of the King of the aliens was plain for all to see. Even the strongest of humans was no match for him. Could someone like Su Shiyu, an auxiliary-type ‘Life’ ability user, really contend with him?

Su Shiyu said calmly, “Then I’m afraid I can’t let you have your way.”

He raised his hand, and a sword of light formed in his palm. SxJpDd

The rich golden light emanating from the light sword dispelled the darkness shrouding the top of the tower. The shadows that had clouded everyone’s minds were also dispersed by the warm glow of the ability to some extent.

However, the next moment, Shen Jie had already drawn his sword!

Perhaps because of his background in the wilderness cleanup team, Su Shiyu was not as frail as the stereotypical impression of “Life” ability user held by others. He had extremely rich combat experience. Calmly, he watched the approaching blade. Just before the limit, he dodged to the side, and at the same time, a pair of huge light wings spread behind him, lifting him into the higher sky.

Shen Jie shook his sword in place, and his figure disappeared immediately. D 8Rgr

In mid-air, Su Shiyu suddenly turned around and swung his light sword, just in time to meet the instant appearance of Shen Jie’s blade.

As if in a fierce storm, the swords of the two clashed in mid-air thousands of times in an instant, with even Rank Three ability users feeling dazzled by their movements.

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On the ground, an ability user murmured, “Mr. Su… Is he really this strong?”

“Do we… do we have hope of resisting the King of the aliens ?” meSZH5


What is it like to fight against oneself?

Shen Jie now had a lot to say about this.

The consciousness was divided into two sides, and each self could predict the next move of the other self. DiY0bP

Actually, it was not interesting at all, it was even a bit boring.

But this was a performance of the final act.

It had to be grand and magnificent, visible to the whole world.

Shen Jie’s main body sat on the throne, eyes closed, calculating the movements and trajectories of both sides of the battle. Oq8Kj3

Almost… it’s time.


The battle in the air became more intense, with the two individuals once again engaging in close combat before separating.

Su Shiyu flapped his wings, his clothes torn, and a thin scar appeared on his left cheek, blood dripping from it and trickling down his face. PR64uN

Shen Jie stood in mid-air. His clothes were unruffled, and he was surrounded by several black shadows. His purple eyes were lowered as he casually wiped his blade.

Although he was just a slender figure, the oppressive feeling he gave was as if a heavy cloud hung over each person’s head, making it almost impossible to breathe.

Everyone watched with bated breath.

Su Shiyu’s strength amazed and delighted them, but the strength of the Great Demon King almost plunged them into despair. rCI3f7

Their savior was clearly at a disadvantage.

And this time, the Great Demon King, finished with wiping his blade, seemed no longer willing to continue this time-consuming game.

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He raised his blade towards Su Shiyu.

A sudden gust of wind arose, and the destructive energy in the void seemed to respond to some call, rushing in at an extreme speed. It converged on the tip of his blade like several black dragons, emitting a terrifying aura. sFJP9V

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qlat atlr raglxf, cba bcis kbeiv atlr mlas yf rqila lc tjio, yea atf fcalgf kbgiv kbeiv ilxfis mfjrf ab fzlra.

Ve Vtlse klqfv atf yibbv ogbw tlr mtffx, qegrfv tlr ilqr, jcv rajgfv alutais ja Vtfc Alf klat tlr vffq ugffc qeqlir.

Ktf ibcurkbgv lc tlr tjcv yfujc ab fwla j kjgw, rbbatlcu iluta, liiewlcjalcu j rwjii qbgalbc bo atf rxs. Lbkfnfg, ilxf j mjcvif lc atf klcv, la jqqfjgfv rbwfktja ecrafjvs jwlvra atf yijmx abgcjvbfr oliilcu atf rxs.

Even so, he did not flee, still standing alone in front of the city. mjQryW

The opposing forces of light and darkness gathered in the air, increasing in intensity. The terrifying pressure was palpable even from a distance, leaving people frozen in fear.

As if reaching a critical point, the fragile balance suddenly collapsed, and both sides darted forward simultaneously like arrows. The abilities of the “Life” and “Death” clashed violently in the air!

Like two meteorites colliding, light and darkness were cleaved apart from the center.

The entire world, every corner of it, could clearly witness this scene. I xBWc

While light could consume darkness, the surging darkness converging around it grew even more overwhelming, gradually tearing and consuming the light.

As people watched, their tension mounted.

He was their last hope, the only savior. If even he couldn’t resist, where would humanity go from there?

Countless survivors cried out in their hearts. go0irI

“Hold on!”

“We absolutely cannot lose to the Great Demon King!”

Many followers of the “Savior” sects clasped their hands together in devout prayer.

“Respected Savior, you are the embodiment of light, blessed by the heavens. You will surely shatter the eternal night and save all living beings!” KOQWi3



Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


The thoughts and beliefs of all beings reached their peak at this moment. loV7nT

Su Shiyu seemed to have heard their calls, and the light on the lightsaber in his hand surged a little more, resisting the erosion of the black dragon formed by the destructive power!

And then, he began to counterattack.

This ability, inherently antithetical to the “Form of Annihilation”, seemed to have been created to suppress annihilation from the very beginning.

At first, this light was like a flickering candle in the wind compared to the vast darkness. However, as time passed, the more dark energy it consumed, the stronger it became. kgwRaZ

Everyone watched as light triumphed over darkness for the first time.

Then, the light sword broke through the blockade.

The long sword in Su Shiyu’s hand, carrying the faith of all living beings and a tremendous momentum, pierced straight ahead!

Shen Jie didn’t dodge. UE8GTf

The sword entered his body.

He glanced down at the sword plunged into his chest, then shifted his gaze away, looking at the vast city below, as well as the various crowds.

After a moment of contemplation, he looked into the distance.

In the distance, the wilderness stretched endlessly, with undulating mountains, and a red sun rising. xMyrlS

…What a beautiful world.

The massive “Life” energy within the lightsaber was rapidly consuming and decomposing. This clone could no longer hold on, and it shattered with a loud noise.

The last wisp of darkness dispersed.

The sky brightened. fDBzug

On the ground, people looked at each other in disbelief.

“We won?”

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“Did we… win?”

Realizing what happened, people began to hug and cheer each other. I2gWy4

“We won!”

“Yes, we won! The world won’t be destroyed! We survived!”

Amidst the cheers on the ground, Su Shiyu stood in the air, dispersing his longsword and raising his hand.

A chubby little owl flew out from his palm, flapping its wings vigorously as it flew towards the void in the world membrane. 4AyKSX

Flying straight to the center of the void, the little owl stood there, flapping its wings and chirping at him before transforming into a bright golden light, filling the void.

Not only that, in an instant, a layer of golden film spread outward from the filled void, covering the entire world once again.

Su Shiyu looked up at the sky.

This was a protective membrane blessed by God. x S7WF

From now on, even if other “Form of Annihilation” were to be born again, they would no longer be able to erode this world.

In the realm of fate, this world had already escaped the fate of destruction.

He flapped his light wings and turned back to the ground. The enthusiastic crowd surrounded him.

“Savior!” “Savior!” “Savior!” 0U7nLu

The beings called out, and the fervent waves of sound enveloped him layer by layer.

Su Shiyu nodded to the crowd, then turned to look into the distance.


On the other end of the void, Shen Jie slowly rose from his throne. f3szv8

Little Stone hopped over to him, blinking its tiny black eyes as it asked, “Are you ready now?”

Shen Jie opened his palm, holding a black crystal.

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—Shen An’s crystal.

The intense attraction of the primal power made it impossible for him to resist devouring the other. WjmlSB

Even if his main body was on the other side of the void, as long as his consciousness relaxed slightly, his main body would still unconsciously move towards that world. This attraction was getting stronger and stronger, and except for becoming a god, there was no way to resist it. The most fundamental law of the world was taking effect.

Only by using his avatar to devour the power within the other, bit by bit, hovering on the edge of being able to satisfy his thirst, could he delay the time it took to completely devour him for six months.

Now, he couldn’t delay it any longer.

And Shen Jie didn’t intend to delay it any longer. a6WiEl

From the moment he saw the true nature of the “Feather of Creation,” he knew that this path was inevitable, and no one could replace him.

But before that, he needed the belief of the entire world as an anchor, to ensure that after becoming a god, he could maintain his “self”.

This, Shen Jie’s identity couldn’t achieve.

But Su Shiyu could. ZIJQWe

So he designed a grand finale for himself, allowing Su Shiyu to truly become everyone’s “savior,” gathering the belief of the entire world upon himself.

Everything was ready.

Shen Jie grasped the crystal and slowly pressed it into his body, near his heart.

Thump, thump, thump. PDkTdr

With the finally complete heartbeat, his consciousness uncontrollably spread, touching the supreme laws of the universe.

The voice of Little Stone beside him seemed to come from a distance, as if through a membrane: “This time, there’s no turning back from your ascension. There’s no other big idiot to stop you.”

Indeed, there wasn’t.

Zong Lin should be… still asleep. E5SRn7

Thinking of his lover, Shen Jie wanted to curl his lips, but found that he couldn’t anymore.

The ascension from Rank One to Rank Zero began.

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The senses gradually detached, and it seemed as if they were becoming omnipresent.

His vision soared high like the heavens, yet his emotions faded away like an old and faded photograph. Xvf719

What is a deity, then?

An embodiment of laws? A master of destiny?

Why do people desire to become deities? Is it because they crave that omnipotent power?

Or perhaps they want to change a fate that is already beyond redemption? bB210u

But when one stood at the pinnacle of the world, and everything below had turned into smoke and clouds, it seemed possible to change everything with just a flick of one’s hand. Yet, all of that seemed to have nothing to do with them. They didn’t care, they didn’t mind, so there was even less reason for them to change anything.

Deities were indifferent and desireless, thus they disregard mortal lives.

Shen Jie was familiar with this process of ascension. Because a long time ago, he ascended once before.

That time, Zong Lin, using a nightmare forged from burning life, forcibly trapped him during his ascension. They struggled, fought, and attempted to erode each other’s will within the nightmare. 7 aTHd

At that time, neither of them expected that in the end they would embrace each other in distress and lick each other’s wounds.

It was Zong Lin who taught him what human emotions were.

After Zong Lin’s death, he exhausted all his strength to rewind time for the entire world, dropping from the demigod realm approaching Rank Zero, restarting everything.

But this time, he could no longer retreat. uV9dry

He had to become a god.

Because only a god could change fate.

His consciousness continued to soar upward, merging with the highest laws of the universe. He seemed to become a vortex, endless energy converging towards his core.

The seven major evolutionary categories: “Life”, “Death”, “Soul”, “Fate”, “Rule”, “Space”, “Nature”. Countless fundamental laws of various abilities were perceived by him, branded into his core, and the crystals belonging to the aliens were rapidly transforming into divinity. RAgsH8

This process seemed endless yet fleeting.

When he opened his eyes from the cosmic apex, his status had reached the pinnacle of Rank Zero.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


In the extreme point, time stood still, it was the highest dimension of the universe, both the beginning and the end. FkSaUf

He stood quietly here, his gaze scanning the universe. Suddenly, he heard someone praying to him.

“May the gods of the nine heavens grant humanity the ‘savior of the world,’ to change the fate of humanity’s destruction.”

The voice was anxious and trembling, praying over and over again, each word filled with tears.

“May the gods of the nine heavens, no matter what price I have to pay, grant humanity the ‘savior of the world,’ to change the fate of humanity’s destruction!” yNdMvp


In the vast universe, countless beings were born and die, this was the law’s constant.

He didn’t care, nor did he intend to interfere.

However, a slight distraction caused some scenes to pass by his eyes. RjJX2C

It was himself, surrounded by people.

“Savior!” “Savior!” “Savior!”

People shouting like this at him, the noisy waves of sound and the surging faith passed through that body, pointing directly to his essence.

The power of faith could transcend space and time. Even so, the faith of these humans was not much on a cosmic scale. What reached the apex was just a small dot of light, like a firefly. 6SZqmP

He lowered his gaze and gently tapped.

The thoughts contained within flowed into his perception like a raging river from his fingertips.

In theory, the faith transmitted by sentient beings should have been seen from the perspective of all humans when they prayed.

But what this point of faith conveys seemed to be somewhat different. 19scDC

What he perceived was only one human perspective, a colorful scene.

He walked in the corridors of the research institute.

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At dusk, the sunset poured in from the window.

He saw a familiar face from a distance, a man waiting at the door, turning to him and calling out, “Xiao Jie.” er5yFK

— Xiao Jie.

The deepest part of his soul was suddenly touched, and Shen Jie regained a moment of clarity.

He stood at the apex of the universe, looking at his current body.

The massive body integrated with the laws, intangible, containing the authority of “Infinity.” Od8yWQ

Though infinite, the feeling was so… empty.

The anxious voice of Zhu Wu You entered his perception.


This time, Shen Jie spoke. dh0xfs

“I grant… what you ask for.”

He raised his hand. An egg with silver-white filled with mysterious patterns appeared in his hand.

This was a part of the “Life” authority separated from “Infinity”, opposing the power of destruction.

Perhaps, it was better to call it by a name. sWctL7

—”Feather of Creation”.


At the other end of time and space.

In the ruins of the human base, Zhu Wu You, who had received the reply from God, looked up at the sky. tWIFZl

Half of his body had completely transformed, turning into roots that were embedded in the barren soil, with tree-like patterns appearing on his face, and his eyes tainted by the verdant green color of plants.

“God…” he muttered to himself.

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A crack appeared, and a long black hand emerged, placing a silver-white egg in front of him.

As the hand was about to retract, it paused for a moment, and a white light shot out, landing in the silver exoskeleton nearby. uC46QT

The strengthened exoskeleton radiated with brilliance, and even Zhu Wu You’s observational abilities couldn’t discern its true nature anymore.

Shen Jie took the novel written by that ancient book, crossed the boundaries of time and space, and dropped the book in the desolate world, next to the “himself” sleeping on the throne.

That was the first time he had given up the opportunity to ascend to Rank Zero, using his past self after the time regression.

Soon, his past self would wake up, discover and pick up the book, trigger the “soul transfer” he had set, cross over, become a researcher, and bind with the system. aCOepw

Everything would begin to unfold.

He withdrew his hand.


Current timeline. 7jZUI

In the world where the “Great Demon King” had been defeated, cheers resounded.

Inside the “Savior” sect.

Su Shiyu was sitting in the chair at the head of the round table, surrounded by several high-ranking members of the sect.

“You said you need to recover? Are you injured?” The high-ranking members of the sect were shocked. GVsipy

Su Shiyu said, “It’s just a minor injury. But during this time, don’t let anyone disturb me.”

After everyone had left, Su Shiyu leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes, and said.


The system exclaimed loudly: [I’m here!] 9WA4sS

Ever since witnessing the host killing himself, it had been in a state of shock.

Then, while still in a daze, it suddenly realized that its mission progress bar had reached one hundred percent.

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Its host had actually saved the world!

“I don’t have much time for communication. Soon, I will enter a state of dormancy”, Su Shiyu said. “There’s something I need your help with.” Rpzv3O

The system was utterly surprised by the rare request from the host for its help and quickly responded, [Please tell me]

Su Shiyu said, “After my consciousness departs, continue to maintain the operation of this exoskeleton according to the program I set.”

The system replied, [Okay! Understood! I will definitely fulfill your orders!]

The consciousness of Shen Jie returned to the extremity of the universe. JClvSZ

He looked at the vast universe, and the perception of color faded away bit by bit in his sight, realizing that there wasn’t much time left for his “self” to remain awake.

Now, there was only one thing left—


Desolate world. 1zGi3k


In front of the empty throne, a small stone sat in distress.

Careless. He should have asked to be eaten before ascending.

Now, he was the only one left. No one to talk to, no one to play with, lonely to the point of wishing for death—ah! tOMrHv


The small stone’s tiny black eyes lit up, hopping over to a swaying, distorted shadow.

As for how it recognized this shadow as its master—well, that was because of their deep connection! After all, it was the little stone, the one that had accompanied the master for the longest time!

The shadow picked it up. RB7PGa

“Master, are you back to eat me?” the small stone asked eagerly.

“No,” the shadow replied.

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The small stone drooped. “Oh… then can you take me away? It’s really lonely being a stone here.”

“Lonely…?” The shadow seemed to struggle to understand the concept of loneliness, but still nodded, gently holding the small stone. “Then go and keep ‘me’ company again.” OsXeaj

Holding the small stone, he returned to the extremity, then traced back along the timeline.

A crack opened countless ages ago.

In front of the crack was an “egg.”

An egg born at the extremity of the universe. 6IrR3n

The egg was surrounded by layers of protective laws, within which was supposed to be a naturally born, destructive deity.

As if aware of what he wanted to do, the laws suddenly rolled over, making a sound like thunder, trying to force him back.

But he didn’t care. He simply flicked the small stone in his hand, and the stone, breaking through the layers of prohibitions, entered the “egg.”

As the soul of the small stone merged, a smaller “egg” appeared next to the original one. 08W2cK

The newly born egg diminished some of the original power. And the deity originally gestating within the original “egg” descended from Rank Zero to Rank One.

The larger “egg” was the elder brother, while the smaller one was the younger brother.

“The Form of Annihilation” was divided into two.

It would wander into the mortal realm, disguised as a human by instinct, to observe, experience, and feel the world of humans. 7RMS1Q

Then it would be taught by a human man what emotions, desires, reluctance, and attachment were.

Naturally born deities did not understand the joys and sorrows of living beings; they only obeyed instincts and destroyed the world.

But, he wouldn’t do that.

He withdrew his hand. Ceohqf

The causality on the timeline finally came to a complete convergence.

The twists and turns of fate flowed smoothly, leading to a new, hopeful future.

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Before forcing himself into a deep sleep, he suddenly remembered that when Zong Lin was burning his life to prevent him from ascending and destroying the human world, he often struggled between alien and human consciousness.

Every time the alien consciousness took over, Zong Lin would hold his head and scream, and even pierce his alienated palm with a bone spear, just to buy a moment of clarity. D41aG3

At first, he found it amusing, watching from the sidelines with crossed legs, even lending a hand to add new wounds.

Later, he embraced Zong Lin, holding his bleeding wounds in his hands. He only possessed the power to destroy, lacking any healing abilities, so he could only bend down and lick the blood from Zong Lin’s wounds, bit by bit.

At that time, the power of the nightmare was about to dissipate.

Once the nightmare dispersed, what awaited Zong Lin was the swift depletion of his soul, followed by rapid death. His time would be very short, probably only… a few months. zqYadu

And Shen Jie would continue his unfinished ascension, becoming Rank Zero, the so-called omnipotent… deity.

The time Zong Lin spent conscious as a human was actually longer than the time he spent in madness as an alien.

But, madness didn’t actually need to last too long, just long enough for a Rank One alien to destroy the city he once guarded with his own hands.

“If time could be rewound, I would never lose control and corrupt myself, causing the tragedy of the city to repeat, leading everything to its ultimate demise, facing you in this desperate state.” 8bMZev

“If we can meet in better times, I’ll slowly teach you more things.”

Zong Lin gazed quietly at him with deep red pupils.

The depletion of his soul caused the life force in his body to rapidly diminish, and his chest was no longer as warm and fiery as it was at the beginning. Zong Lin knew his time was running out.

Why does he feel so reluctant to leave? UIhpA9

In these final months, they embraced in the lonely, desolate temple.

Beside them, occasionally only a small stone would emit a lively sound.

The small stone liked to call Zong Lin “Big Fool.”

Indeed, how could he not be foolish? Clearly, he had unleashed the nightmare by burning his soul just to kill Shen Jie. Now, not only did Zong Lin give up the chance to kill him in the nightmare, but he also followed him back to this dilapidated temple at the other end of the void. RsClh

This temple was once built by the aliens of this destroyed world for Shen Jie. Shen Jie knew those aliens were just trying to survive, to obtain the crystals he bestowed upon them, to prolong their existence until the arrival of destruction.

But in the end, everything would turn to bones.

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As a knight, the bones after destruction would blossom with sparkling, blood-red flowers, proving that they had once been there.

But that was all VKrWuw

Zong Lin liked to stand in the densest patch of ruins where flowers bloomed, looking up at the moon at the top of the temple.

The moons of both worlds looked the same.

“How about it, do you want to become my knight too?” Shen Jie joked as he looked at the other’s back.

Zong Lin turned around and pulled him into his arms. EMTZVa

He was bare-chested, his white hair fluttering in the night breeze, his stern face looking down at him.

“Can a knight hold you like this?” Zong Lin asked.

“No,” He said, “That would be presumptuous.”

Then, they embraced in the depths of the flowers. Just like countless times in nightmares before. Their view filled with sparkling phosphorescent dust. The large, round moon. Two aliens. Entwined in dying struggle. Inappropriate. Madness. G4bxsi

Indeed, Zong Lin had taught him many things.

But he had never once uttered the word “love” to him directly.

Their beginning was an accidental discharge during a fight, but later, perhaps due to loneliness, they became dependent on each other.

“Xiao Jie. Wouldn’t it be nice if you were human?” cIBqD

“…If time could really be rewound, how nice it would be?”

As the madness subsided, Zong Lin grasped Shen Jie’s shoulder, bowed his head, seemingly suppressing something, and said hoarsely.

At that moment, Shen Jie raised his hand to caress the man’s face and kissed his eyes.

“If that’s what you desire.” iODx63

He leaned against his ear and whispered softly.

“I will make it happen.”

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“‘—I will make it happen.” DQM7Is

In his memory, Shen Jie’s voice still echoed in his ears.

Zong Lin opened his eyes.

The ‘Soul’ abilities already completed in perfect fusion, surged like a tide, drifting and undulating around him. He looked at the world around him.

The clouds in the sky were changing, the mountains undulating, a layer of golden light enveloping the heavens and earth, with the sun hanging high. CFeoSt

Wherever his eyes went, there was no longer the invasion of mist, nor the shroud of destructive power.

This was a completely new, hopeful world.

Memories of his time as a Rank One alien and memories of the current world kept intertwining in his mind.

Zong Lin turned around. phyasX

The city, once a ruin, now lay before him. Most of the post-disaster reconstruction work had been completed. Skyscrapers dotted the city, bustling with activity. Cars and pedestrians continuously traversed the streets.

Outside the city, the abandoned transportation systems after the doomsday had been put back into use.

Highways were cleared, and cars traveled along the roads. Many villages were even built near the city. Human presence returned to the wilderness, and humanity’s control over the land was resurging.

How long had he slept? A6O8XP

Where was Shen Jie?

The ‘Soul’ abilities instantly expanded to the entire world, yet there was not a trace of his beloved to be sensed.

Furrowing his brow, Zong Lin flapped his wings and flew to the city, just in time to see the footage playing on the huge screen. He stopped in his tracks.

On the screen, light and darkness clashed violently. oi0WMI

The heart of the King of the aliens was pierced by the savior, shattering his form in the night.

Please visit chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

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  1. That stone became his little brother, his longest companion 😭😭😭 please that’s so bittersweet

    Also, they were lovers in the OG timeline (aka the novel) but Shen Jie rewinded time ahhh now it makes sense! he both dimension and time traveled!

  2. This is physical pain and mental trauma, my heart is shattered never to be pieced together again, honestly the only few times I’ve cried for a novel, it’s not like I don’t read bittersweet or BE this is just on a different level of sad man 🥲