Pythagoras Theorem (+18)Chapter 6



Gu Qian found himself cornered with nowhere to go, and cracks were beginning to appear in his calm and serene mask.


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Xia Xuan sighed sweetly, shifting his feverish body close to the man’s arms. His gaze was scorching, like an uncontrolled fire, as if he was going to eat Gu Qian alive the next moment.

“Brother-in-law…touch me…touch me…” He had long since lost his shame, he curved the corners of his mouth coquettishly, pleading again and again. BH2xd7

Indeed, Gu Qian was not indifferent, no one would be indifferent to someone beautiful. He was just pretending, trying to be strong. Xia Xuan noticed Gu Qian’s Adam’s apple movement and intensified his movements. He took the initiative to grab the man’s hands and place them on his body, guiding those warm palms down his smooth spine, slowly approaching the sensitive waist and hips, and squeezing the round spherical buttocks tightly.

“Brother-in-law…” Xia Xuan said as he wrapped his arms around the man’s neck and brought his pretty face close, and said coquettishly, “Knead, knead it hard… you can play with my ass as much as you want…”

Gu Qian swallowed saliva before speaking crudely and unconvincingly, “Xia Xuan, you can’t fool around, you have to behave yourself.”

“As long as you play with me, I will be obedient and listen to what you say…” Xia Xuan bit Gu Qian’s chin, a sly glint crossed his eyes, “Brother-in-law, you know me well. I won’t let you escape if you don’t let me cum today. ”


The tingling sensation coming from his chin made Gu Qian’s heart clench, he sighed helplessly and suddenly hugged the person tighter.

Ah…” Xia Xuan let out a sigh of satisfaction, his bright eyes immediately became covered with a layer of watery mist, his crimson lips parted slightly, and moist heat sprayed all over the man’s neck.

Gu Qian lowered his head, a look of dangerous viciousness shone on the normally gentle face. He confined Xia Xuan in his arms with great strength, his hot palms caressed the whole beautiful body, leaving a bright pink trail all over the abused parts.

Xia Xuan was completely trapped, clinging to the man’s shoulders and surrendering completely, grunting and moaning loudly and wildly under Gu Qian’s hands. UnfT4o

“Brother-in-law… harder… mmm…. rub me harder…. ”

The soft flesh of his buttocks was stretched and deformed, the black strap between the two spheres had long since lost its elasticity under the intense rubbing and was so loose that it couldn’t even cover anything. The private area was getting moist, with sweat and body fluids, mixed and sticky, a little comfortable and a little uncomfortable, Xia Xuan couldn’t tell exactly what it felt like. To sum it all up, very good…

Xia Xuan dug his fingers into the man’s back, his bare chest pressed shamelessly against the man’s bare chest, and his crotch getting harder and more erect.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Dgbatfg-lc-ijk… ygbatfg-lc-ijk…” YZ9HmA

“Gbc’a rmgfjw.” Xe Hljc mbwwjcvfv vbwlcffglcuis, ecjyif ab tlvf atf mgefias lc tlr fsfr. Ktf ragfcuat lc tlr tjcvr ugjvejiis lcmgfjrfv, tf fnfc yfujc ab ofjg afjglcu atf qfgrbc lcab qlfmfr.

Wlj Wejc vlv cba rfcrf atf vjcufg ja jii, tf fnfc abbx atf lclaljalnf ab boofg tlr rifcvfg cfmx, qgfrfcalcu atf vfjatis neicfgjyif qjga ab atf wjc.

Gu Qian narrowed his eyes, restraining the huge waves rippling in his chest, and did not bite. He only kneaded Xia Xuan’s body a few more times.

“…So good… mmm…” Xia Xuan gently leaned against the man’s chest, his legs imprisoning Gu Qian, contorting his waist like a snake and pushing his erection against the man’s firm abdomen. His face after losing control was full of confusion and fascination. s9gcew

The thin underwear was completely wet and had long since lost the ability to cover what should be covered, and they sagged a little under Xia Xuan’s movement. However, Gu Qian did not let it fall, grabbing the thin butt strap and lifting it upward forcefully.


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Xia Xuan’s eyes widened in surprise, and the violent friction made him tremble uncontrollably. And as Gu Qian kept lifting and pulling, the contact between his chrysanthemum and the thin strap became tighter and more frequent, making Xia Xuan’s whole body aroused, his lustful grunts lengthening and rising, sounding even more seductive.

Gu Qian stared at Xia Xuan, watching his intoxicated face as his palms moved back and forth and began to pinch the sensitive roots of his thighs. As he squeezed, he lifted his knee and hit Xia Xuan’s vulnerable and sensitive crotch. GPUKDd

At that moment, Xia Xuan was like an animal in heat, rubbing against Gu Qian’s leg, and with his butt raised high, his pace was frantic, moving ceaselessly.

“Brother-in-law… ahhh… brother-in-law! I can’t take it anymore!”

Xia Xuan’s body began to shake violently, twitching one after another. He bit his lower lip to seal the last scream in his throat, and immediately after, the black thongs were completely wet.

For a moment, all that could be heard in the small guest room was the sound of gasping. 2z8mrK

Mmm…” During the post-orgasm, Xia Xuan gasped as if he had no bones as he collapsed into the man’s arms, however, he didn’t hold still but began to touch Gu Qian’s swollen crotch.

“Brother-in-law, you’re hard.” Xia Xuan’s eyes were tinged with red and his smile was flirtatious as he asked knowingly, “What should I do?”

Gu Qian was silent for a few seconds before he let out a sigh and firmly removed the naughty hand from his crotch, “Come on, no more fooling around, it’s time to sleep.”

Xia Xuan was too shocked to speak. 9a1CR7

You’ve come this far and you still won’t fuck me, how can you still stand it!

Gu Qian saw his expression but didn’t give any explanation, said goodnight, then turned around and left the room.

“…” Xia Xuan was speechless, he thought it wouldn’t be long before he blossomed, but he didn’t expect it would end up like this…

He was unwilling. OP2cxp

Therefore, the unwilling Xia Xuan was ready to sneak attack Gu Qian in the middle of the night, but to his surprise, Gu Qian was prepared, with his door firmly closed, a NO with capital letters.

Unsuccessful in his raid, Xia Xuan could only return to his room and bite the sheets in anger, feeling aggrieved.

The next day, when Xia Xuan got up, Gu Qian was already gone.

There was a change of clothes ready by the bed and a note. Xia Xuan rubbed his eyes, took it and read it lazily, grimaced, folded the note and put it away, and squinted under the covers a while longer before getting up. yVTzxk

Gu Qian was a careful and considerate man, he prepared all the things Xia Xuan might need and placed them in a visible place.

Xia Xuan took the new toothbrush, squeezed out some toothpaste, and began to brush mechanically, but suddenly, he opened his eyes and rinsed his mouth quickly, then rushed to Gu Qian’s study.

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Gu Qian’s study was well lit and the air smelled of sunshine. The high bookshelves were filled with books from various fields and, at a glance, one could see that they were all serious books.

Xia Xuan paced with his hands behind his back like a leader and finally, his eyes fell on the computer on the desk. jsoRYB

Usually, home computers hide some private things, I wonder if Gu Qian does too, thought Xia Xuan as he pressed the power button nervously. He licked his somewhat parched lips as he silently waited for the machine to turn on.

Although the startup time was only a few dozen seconds, Xia Xuan still waited impatiently. When it was fully turned on, he immediately disguised himself as a police dog and conducted a deep search. Luckily, God was with him and he found an encrypted folder. The name of the folder was composed of a few meaningless letters, and the moment he found it, Xia Xuan’s eyes lit up, his intuition telling him that there was a secret inside.

Rubbing his hands together with both foreboding and excitement, Xia Xuan began to enter passwords.

Gu Qian’s birthday. E3l1i

Gu Qian’s phone number.

Gu Qian’s three measurements.

His birthday.

Xia Xuan frowned, thought for a moment, and reluctantly put in his sister’s birthday. 0pzFcW

The dialog box appeared a second later, but it was still incorrect!

He let out a long sigh and, rolling his eyes, put in his own three measurements without paying attention.

Just as he was about to give up, the folder suddenly opened, but before he could get excited, he was already stunned by the contents.

Originally, Xia Xuan thought the encrypted file would contain at most some porn and decrypted it with the mindset of sharing, but to his surprise, it was filled with his photos! 7ezvaN

That’s right, photos of himself!

There were photos and videos, some taken secretly and some that Xia Xuan had sent of his own volition, either way, it was full of himself!

Xia Xuan eagerly opened several of them, brimming with satisfaction and pride. He was completely unaware of Gu Qian’s shady and perverted nature, instead, he was happy and filled with a thought; he likes me, he likes me too!

The corners of Xia Xuan’s mouth curled up greatly, he could even imagine the scene of Gu Qian behind the screen watching his body as he secretly masturbated, it’s… hahahahahahahaha! QH0IJY

He scolded Gu Qian for being prudish and masturbating while flipping through the other documents, then nervously closed the computer when his phone rang.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Xia Xuan, it’s me, Lei Mingchuan.”

“I know, what’s up?” Xia Xuan closed the computer and even wiped the mouse, trying to wipe off his fingerprints. mbZAi0

“Nothing, I’m on campus and was going to have lunch, are you in?”

It so happened that Gu Qian had written on the note that he would eat alone, so Xia Xuan didn’t refuse and said joyously, “Yes I’ll be there in a while!”

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  1. This man is damn strong

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

  2. I can’t access the password in discord.. usually I dont have problem to access #password.

    You guys have new rules?

    Anyone can explain please.. thank you