Pythagoras Theorem (+18)Chapter 5


  nhY jW

How could you hold back at this moment when everything was at your fingertips?

I respect you as a man!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xia Xuan slumped down on the sofa and rolled his eyes as he calmed his anger, recovering until the food was ready. He sat on the chair swaying back and forth and said excitedly, “Brother-in-law, it hurts…”

“Now you know it hurts, who told me to hit harder?” Gu Qian put the bowl and chopsticks in front of Xia Xuan. Z7c1zX

“I said so, who would have imagined you hitting so hard. It must be swollen.” Xia Xuan reproached in a low voice, looking aggrieved.

Gu Qian shook his head and smiled, stroking Xia Xuan’s chin affectionately, “En, my fault. I’ll see if it’s serious later and apply medicine for you, soon it won’t hurt anymore.”


The villain in his head clenched his fists excitedly, dancing for the chance of intimate contact. Xia Xuan took the bowl, looked at Gu Qian with sparkling eyes, and fluttered his thick eyelashes up and down, “Brother-in-law, can I… stay here tonight?”


Although his tone was cautious, Xia Xuan swore that no matter whether the man agreed or not, no matter what, he would not leave tonight!

Gu Qian slowly chewed and swallowed the food in his mouth before speaking, “Yes, but the guest room is a bit small, if you don’t like it, you can sleep in the master bedroom and I will sleep in the guest room.”

“No, I’m not that picky. I can sleep anywhere.” Anyway, I’m going to crawl into your bed at the end. Xia Xuan had a small calculation in his heart and a big smile on his face.

Gu Qian, who didn’t know, said, “Then it’s settled, let’s eat .” SODdjP

Xia Xuan nodded and lifted his rice bowl to hide the smile on his lips.

This time, Xia Xuan stayed in the bathroom for a surprisingly long time. He restlessly washed himself again and again, cleaning inside and out, making sure his body smelled good before coming out. Then, excitedly, he pulled the black thong he had prepared out of his backpack and eagerly put it on, standing in front of the mirror and posing.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf wlwlmxfv atf oilgajalber ibbx bo atf qbgc jmagfrrfr, mtjculcu tlr qbraegf jygeqais ecali tf ofia ubbv yfobgf ajxlcu bea tlr qtbcf jcv ajxlcu j ofk qlmaegfr lc j gbk, mtbbrlcu atf bcf tf kjr wbra rjalrolfv klat jcv delmxis rfcvlcu la ab atf wjc.

Qtfc atf cbalolmjalbc gjcu, Xe Hljc kjr ajxlcu j rtbkfg, tf abbx atf qtbcf jcv qgfrrfv mtja. Pj4Ntm

[Brother-in-law, do you think it’s swollen?]

Followed by an attached picture.

Gu Qian pursed his lips and clicked on the image.

It was a partial close-up picture, the part in the forefront was the full and perky buttocks. The shape was somewhat round, and it looked extremely fleshy and elastic, a rare good butt. More importantly, the two thick cheeks were separated by a thin black cloth that barely covered anything, with a light seductive shadow under the halo of yellow light. CtcMNe

There were countless close-ups of the same buttocks already stored in Gu Qian’s phone. Naturally, he did not let this freshly baked image pass him by. He quickly saved it in his private album, then left the phone next to the sink and continued to finish scrubbing.

Xia Xuan waited for a while for the phone to sound and became impatient, wanting to run to the master bedroom and pin the person on the bed, and put his butt on his face.

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“Hurry up and answer!!!” He screamed at the phone screen like a madman, his two long legs kicking in the air.

Just as his patience was wearing thin and he was ready to go to sleep honestly, there was a knock on his door. vcoXzP

“Xiao Xuan, are you asleep?”

It came to the familiar voice, and Xia Xuan sat up with a grunt, posed coquettishly, and said, “Brother-in-law, come in.”

Gu Qian opened the door and walked in, holding a balm in his hand, “I’m worried, let me take a look.”

Xia Xuan’s eyes lit up, his mouth watered, and his eyes straightened while up and down. C8ze19

Whether it was intentional or not, Gu Qian was bare-chested and wearing only baggy pajama pants, revealing a large area of smooth muscle lines. His hair was wet and combed back, exposing his forehead. The image he had at the moment was completely out of tune with his usual refined air, revealing a hint of wildness.

Xia Xuan’s waist softened from racing hormones, he was no longer able to flirt and opened his mouth stupidly, looking dazed.

Gu Qian smiled and sat next to the bed, “What’s wrong, it still hurts? I brought you a balm for swelling, put it on if it still hurts.”

“What do you mean it doesn’t hurt, it hurts!” Xia Xuan quickly turned around and plopped down on the bed, showing his fleshy buttocks, “Brother-in-law, look, it’s red and swollen!” a7fNq

Gu Qian has observed this perfect buttock many times on the phone, this was the first time he looked at it directly up close and personal. The color was white, the skin was smooth and soft, and the meaty flesh of the buttocks followed Xia Xuan’s movements with small light shaking, like a delicious custard, quivering to the point of making his mouth dry.

Gu Qian stared and replied earnestly, “It doesn’t look serious, there is no redness or swelling.”

“But…it hurts, it must be an internal injury.” Xia Xuan said foolishly with wide eyes, “Put medicine! It should heal quickly with medicine.”

Gu Qian looked at Xia Xuan’s expectant and anxious eyes and passed the balm calmly, “Apply some of this. When you apply it, do it evenly.” Fu7UEa


“Xiao Xuan, too intimate places should never be touched by strangers.”

The man’s expression was too serious, like teaching a little girl in kindergarten that she couldn’t let boys kiss her. Xia Xuan was so anxious that his brain ached, he grabbed the man’s hand and pressed it hard on his buttocks, saying coquettishly, “But… brother-in-law is not a stranger, I want brother-in-law to apply it for me.”

As he spoke, he raised his round butt to emphasize his presence. cYKtlE

Gu Qian thought for a moment and reluctantly agreed, “Okay then, I’ll help you apply it for today.”

He opened the balm and took out a lot and spread it on his hand.

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“I’m going to apply it.”

Xia Xuan’s face was half sunk into the pillow, ears reddened, and he let out a muffled “mmm“. aPXo0g

Gu Qian moved his hand closer and warned in a low voice, “It might be a bit bothersome.”

Xia Xuan bit his lip and growled inwardly; What I want is for you to bother me! The more fierce, the better! Come! Come!

The next second, the raised buttocks were squeezed tightly.

“Mmmm……” A muffled groan escaped Xia Xuan’s mouth, and he couldn’t help but wiggle his butt. The cool sensation made him shudder, then, his buttocks were vigorously fondled, and the sticky balm was slowly spread from the center of his fleshy butt to the sides. y2IeiA

“It’s so comfortable…” Xia Xuan sighed with half-closed eyes.

The flesh of his buttocks was surprisingly sensitive, especially under Gu Qian’s delicate fondling, the color changed from white to a faint pink. His skin temperature gradually increased, leading his whole body to start heating up as if he had taken forbidden drugs, bubbling with desire from the inside out.

Gu Qian lowered his head slightly, his thin lips pursed into a line.

He intuitively felt an irresistible touch, and as soon as he touched it, he did not want to move away. The balm in his hand had already been fully applied, sticking to Xia Xuan’s white and pink buttocks. The balm was colorless, resembling a gel as it left a watery luster, coating all the fleshiness of the buttocks as if it had been carefully licked, very beautiful, very erotic, very… alluring. 6dQPbS

Gu Qian calmly increased the force, kneading recklessly, pinching the extremely elastic, thick, delicious flesh until it deformed, leaving finger marks.

Xia Xuan cried out even more lasciviously. He knew it would be exciting to be touched by Gu Qian, but what he didn’t expect was that it would be so good that his whole body would float up and his ass would burn like it was about to melt. He grabbed the sheet with his fingers and growled in excitement, high and low, sweet and seductive.

“Brother-in-law…ahhh…brother-in-law… stroke me….. hard! Mmm… you can play as you like…”

Gu Qian’s eyes darkened, he looked at the back of Xia Xuan’s head, unconsciously pinched it hard, pulling the flesh of the buttocks high up, and suddenly releasing it. A wave of wobbly flesh then began to sway erratically, similar to a quivering flan on the table waiting for someone to pierce it and eat it. The buttocks on the left and right began to smack against each other with violent shakes, trapping the black strap deeper and deeper between the slit of the buttocks, which gradually became vaguely indistinct, caught so tightly in the center that one felt like ripping it out. 6yJ8PZ

Gu Qian’s Adam’s apple repeatedly bobbed up and down, and beads of sweat from his forehead slid down his face. But from start to finish, his hands were firmly pressed against the buttocks in front of him, with no hint of wanting to pull away. Xia Xuan’s buttocks are so plump that Gu Qian’s palms couldn’t cover them, and the soft white flesh overflowed between his fingers, looking delicious.

Xia Xuan had long since been transformed into spring water, with his body lying limply on the bed and the scent of lust emanating all around him. Under the constant stimulation, inevitably, his front end had become erect. He twisted his waist and hips and looked at the man with seductive peach blossom eyes, his voice tinged with pleas for pleasure, “Brother-in-law… want…”

Gu Qian snapped back to himself, took a deep breath, and reluctantly pushed his fingertips away affectionately. He said in an unchanged tone, “It’s late, r-”

“Rest early?” Xia Xuan immediately burst out, slapping the bed and sitting up, “Gu Qian, you played with me like this, and you still tell me to go to sleep! How the hell am I going to sleep! You tell me!!!! You tell me!!!” HPWhF

Gu Qian looked at Xia Xuan’s lively face, reached out and rubbed his head, and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, “Then what do you want?”

Xia Xuan froze weakly, his emotions about to burst were so easily crushed by the caress on his head from the man, he instantly deflated. He wrapped his arms around the man’s waist, narrowed his teary eyes, and demanded mischievously, “Then play with me some more until I cum!”

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  1. If his buttocks can move like that, it means that they are completely made up of fat, and not because of trained muscles, and for some reason I can’t stop thinking about it