Pythagoras Theorem (+18)Chapter 4

Xia Xuan was very lively during the call, chasing like a tiger, not giving Gu Qian a chance to escape.

The next day, he dressed carefully and went to the university with a flirtatious face to find someone. J7P1HU

Gu Qian did not have his own office but worked with other professors in the Mathematics Department. Xia Xuan had just gone upstairs when he saw Gu Qian and a woman talking in the hallway. The woman looked the same age as Gu Qian, and although her appearance was not outstanding, her temperament was dignified and elegant. The distance between the two of them was neither close nor distant, with slight smiles on their faces, the atmosphere was harmonious.

Seeing them like this, Xia Xuan naturally felt unhappy. He raised his chin, curved the corners of his lips, and shouted in an elongated tone, “Brother-in-law~”.

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Their conversation was interrupted and they turned their heads in unison to look at Xia Xuan. Xia Xuan glanced at the woman out of the corner of his eye and walked straight to Gu Qian’s side, calling back affectionately.

Gu Qian’s expression did not change, but he kindly said to Xia Xuan, “You are here.” Fp1X2t

Then he briefly introduced the woman, “Teacher Li, this is my younger brother.”

He did not say that he was his ex-wife’s younger brother, he only said that he was his younger brother, an answer that Xia Xuan felt both satisfied and dissatisfied with.

The woman was a little surprised, then smiled and said, “Your little brother is very handsome.”

Gu Qian looked at Xia Xuan and said, “En, quite a handsome one”

OewS d

Although he had often been complimented on his good looks since he was a child, this was the first time Gu Qian had done so, especially in such a serious tone that Xia Xuan couldn’t help his ears from reddening, putting his hands in his pockets to pretend to be cool, but his eyes averted uncomfortably.

“Mr. Gu, do you have time tonight? I don’t know how to thank you, so if it’s not too much trouble, let’s have dinner together.” The woman said with expectation and nervousness in her eyes, it was obvious that she had good feelings towards Gu Qian.

Xia Xuan’s ears perked up immediately, he turned his head and fixed his eyes on Gu Qian as if he was going to bite him to death if he accepted.

Gu Qian did not disappoint Xia Xuan, he smiled apologetically, “Miss Li, I’m very sorry, I have something to do tonight, next time.” 4uTUaV

The discreet refusal can be understood by intelligent people, including her, and she did not continue to bother, “Then, next time.”

Then she turned around and walked into the office.

Only Xia Xuan and Gu Qian were left in the hallway.

Gu Qian asked with an ordinary expression, “Why is Xiao Xuan here?” kfcvHu

Xia Xuan walked over and hugged the man’s arm, slightly raising his head, “Didn’t brother-in-law say he would give me private tutoring? I thought about it last night, so I came today. The facts have proven that I was right to come, otherwise, you would have run off with someone else!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

After finishing, he bared his teeth angrily.

Xe Vtjb rwlifv, “Gbc’a ajix cbcrfcrf, ktb kbeiv P gec jkjs klat?”

Wlj Wejc megnfv tlr ilqr ecmbcnlcmfv, “Ktfgf jgf rb wjcs afwqajalbcr bea atfgf, P’w regf sbe’ii yf rfvemfv ys jc lwq bcf vjs!” JzLdQ

Gu Qian patted Xia Xuan’s head, “I am not the Tang Monk, there is no imp to seduce me.”

Xia Xuan smiled brightly and blinked, “Am I not an imp? I just want to eat the Tang Monk’s meat every day…” 8J1OsQ

Gu Qian saw that the conversation had gone crooked, he knew he couldn’t continue talking, so he changed the subject, “Wait for me first, I’ll go to the bathroom.”

Xia Xuan’s eyes sparkled and hurried to follow him, “Wait! I’m coming too.”

In the bathroom, Gu Qian was standing in front of the toilet and Xia Xuan was beside him.

“You…” oLFhH0

“I don’t feel like it.” Xia Xuan sketched a crooked smile, “I’ll accompany brother-in-law.”

Gu Qian didn’t shy away from anything, he skillfully pulled down the zipper and pulled the thing out of his crotch.

Xia Xuan’s eyes glittered like gold and his nostrils flared with excitement. He’d caught a glimpse of Gu Qian’s crotch before and knew it was no small thing, but he’d never expected it to be so big! It didn’t fit his gentle appearance at all!

Xia Xuan looked at him openly and honestly, mouth open to the root of his ears, and leaned against Gu Qian’s back as if he had no bones, saying coquettishly, “Brother-in-law, you are so big…” GFHiZ4

Gu Qian patted the troublesome hand on his waist, “Don’t make trouble, you may get your hand splashed.”

“What’s wrong with splashing my hands?” Xia Xuan tiptoed close to Gu Qian’s ear and said softly, “I want you to splash me anywhere…”

The hot air exhaled between the words sprayed over Gu Qian’s ear, his hand holding the crotch trembled, then he pretended not to understand anything and continued to quietly release water.

Xia Xuan was not angry when he saw the man’s prudish appearance. Leaning indulgently on Gu Qian’s back, he continued to eat tofu happily and decided on his future sex life. DlOuCU

They ate nearby after leaving the campus and then went to Gu Qian’s house to begin tutoring.

After returning to China, Gu Qian bought a new house, not far from the university. It was the first time Xia Xuan came here, and he was a little excited, checking the house for any suspicious traces under the guise of a guided tour. The house was decorated thoroughly. As a bachelor, Gu Qian kept the house clean and tidy, much cleaner than Xia Xuan’s house.

Xia Xuan inspected the area and found nothing abnormal. So he happily sat on the sofa in the living room, waving his legs, “Brother-in-law, where do we take classes?”

Gu Qian came over with two cups of warm water, “Wherever you want and wherever you feel you can calm your mind.” vLNDQK

I can’t calm down anywhere and I want you to fuck me all over the house.

Xia Xuan muttered in his heart, but still obediently chose a relatively safe place, “The living room is fine, the light is good here.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Good.” Gu Qian obeyed, sat down next to Xia Xuan and took out the math textbook and a stack of A4 papers, then put on his gold-rimmed glasses and said, “Let’s start.”

Xia Xuan held his cheeks sideways, his eyes shining, as he stared at Gu Qian, smiling and sighing, “Brother-in-law, you’re so handsome with the glasses on! So handsome that I can’t close my legs!” CW19LY

Gu Qian gently patted Xia Xuan’s forehead, “Be serious, Student Xia.”

Xia Xuan blinked and smiled, “Okay~ Teacher Gu~.”

Gu Qian pushed his glasses, opened the textbook, and asked quietly, “Which part are you not good at?”

Xia Xuan didn’t even think about it and casually said, “Finding the line, let’s start there first.” J WMFH

“Right.” Gu Qian held the pen and began to write the formula on the white paper.

Gu Qian’s fingers were particularly long, his nails were neatly trimmed and his grip on the pen was very standard. As Xia Xuan watched, he suddenly thought of something and held Gu Qian’s arm with both hands and said, “Teacher Gu, do you have a habit of applying physical punishment to students? For example, if I don’t pay attention or if I answer a question wrong, will you punish me?”

Gu Qian did not understand, so he said, “No.”

“How can there be none!” Xia Xuan patted his thighs, his expression was particularly serious and grave, “Teacher Gu, you have to punish me physically. I won’t progress if it doesn’t hurt.” flg1au

Gu Qian suddenly realized, “All right. If you make mistakes during the next few lessons, I’ll give you a small punishment.”

A small punishment … kekekekeke…..

Xia Xuan laughed inwardly, tugged shyly on Gu Qian’s sleeve, and asked in an elongated tone, “What kind of punishment~?”

Gu Qian raised his eyebrows, “You decide.” N dy6Z

Xia Xuan was waiting for these words, he smiled as his fingers drew circles on the coffee table, “How about spanking? Five for every mistake. I was afraid of spanking as a kid, and as long as I got a few, I wouldn’t do it again. If you want to get ahead, you can’t do it without being hard on yourself, don’t you think, brother-in-law?”

“All right. Let’s do it this way.” Gu Qian nodded, pointed to the formula on the white paper with the tip of his pen, and said, “Let’s begin.”

Xia Xuan was very clever, and with Gu Qian’s easy-to-understand teaching method, the whole process became more efficient this time. When doing the exercises, Xia Xuan kept making mistakes on purpose to have a chance to be spanked.

“Three mistakes, a total of fifteen spankings, what do I do…?” Xia Xuan looked at the man with a very innocent expression, but his feet were trembling with excitement. Z8ik6

Gu Qian put down the marker and stated, “Since you already know that you made a mistake, I don’t think you should be punished.”

“How can that be, you can’t go back on your word!”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Fearing that Gu Qian would back out, Xia Xuan took the initiative and dropped down on the man’s lap, raised his round buttocks, turned his head, and said, “Brother-in-law, come on. Come and spank me…”

He had long since calculated the plot development, and deliberately put on a slightly tighter pair of jeans that perfectly enveloped his fleshy butt, then posed in a lewd curve in front of the man, prompting Gu Qian to act. whR1gb

“Brother-in-law, spank me… as many times as you want…”

Physical punishment was interpreted by Xia Xuan as a prelude to flirting. Gu Qian hesitated a bit, raised and lowered his hand several times before finally landing on Xia Xuan’s buttocks.

The first blow was not too hard. But the elastic flesh shook from side to side a few times, making people dizzy. There was no particular expression on Gu Qian’s face, but his eyes suddenly focused and his pupils darkened.

“Ah… brother-in-law, you can be a bit rougher.” Xia Xuan was on the verge of tears of happiness, he never knew that being spanked could be so exciting. He gripped the edge of the sofa with both hands and lifted his buttocks even higher, full of anticipation at the possibility of the man spanking and ravaging him more viciously. x8bgHI

Gu Qian did not disappoint him, the next four spanks were faster, more precise, and more merciless. The clash of palms against buttocks produced a faint sound through the fabric of his jeans, but the flesh of his buttocks swayed more and more violently, forming a tempting ripple.

With just a few spanks, Xia Xuan’s whole body went limp, lying flaccid in Gu Qian’s lap and panting, his eyes watery and blurry, which made the tears and moles look more alluring.

“Brother-in-law…” Xia Xuan bit his lower lip and shouted in a sticky voice.

Gu Qian looked up, and was surprised for a moment, then said, “Do you want another one?” OujcZ

“Yes… more…” Xia Xuan straightened his hips upward and swayed a bit in a slutty manner, “I want brother-in-law to keep spanking.”

Gu Qian pursed his mouth in a straight line and continued to spank silently, one after the other, spanking fifteen times before stopping.

After being spanked, Xia Xuan was already completely aroused, the thing in his crotch forcefully pushed Gu Qian’s thigh and even poked several times shamelessly. Gu Qian had noticed the change in Xia Xuan long ago, but he still didn’t say anything, just gently helped him up and said, “First rest, I’ll cook something.”

Then he got up and went to the kitchen. c9vthi

Translator's Note

Kjcu Zbcx lr atf ZJ bo Abegcfs ab atf Qfra, ktfgf tf fcmbecafgr wjcs vloolmeialfr, bcf bo atfw gfrlra atf rfvemalbc bo j vfwbc

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

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  1. Ah, really 18+ novel

    Thank you for your translation πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

  2. My poor attempt of keeping a straight face while reading this. His silly antics gives me secondhand embarrassment 🀣