Palace Survival ChronicleCh63 - The lowly mortal flesh can never become a vessel

“I didn’t know you had such a history with the god.”

The Illusory Eyes can bewitch the heart. Just before her death, Zhu Ji used all her strength to transform into a wisp of illusion, lodging in Xia Qing’s consciousness. Even if she died, she wouldn’t let him off easily. She was determined to become his inner demon, dragging him down to hell with her. 2snfZM

As the moon approached its zenith, it was full, murky yellow, eerie, and cold.

Xia Qing emerged from the water, his pale hands gripping the grass on the bank tightly as he struggled to climb out of the river. His eyelashes were wet with water, his black hair soaked and draped over his body, and he felt bone-chilling cold all over, with the only source of warmth being the relic on his wrist.

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Memories of two lifetimes intertwined, his soul in turmoil, his Dao heart shattered. At his weakest moment, Zhu Ji took advantage of his vulnerability and insinuated her voice into his mind like a venomous snake.

“No wonder I couldn’t find your soul no matter where I searched. So the god sent you to another world to protect you.” 6Ai5X2

She laughed softly, trying to slowly destroy his sanity.

Xia Qing ignored her and staggered onto the shore, forcing himself to walk towards the palace.

But before he could take a few steps, he suddenly heard the sound of fireworks.

Boom, boom, boom—


One after another, fireworks shot up into the sky and fell back down.

Zhu Ji’s voice sounded sweet and seductive: “It seems like Ling Guang City is quite lively.”

Xia Qing looked ahead.

The grandeur of the Lantern Festival reappeared on the eve of the demon suppression. This dilapidated city never lacked liveliness. The fire trees and silver flowers illuminated the night brightly, and the cheers and laughter of all living beings surged like tidal waves. Even from a distance, one could feel the bustling prosperity of the ten zhang wide vermilion streets. xG45NX

He stood in the desolate wilderness, with the river water flowing beside him.

The night crows and magpies flew away in alarm, and the cold wind gently shivered against his bones.

Zhu Ji’s tone was disdainful: “So I said that people are ignorant, a bunch of fools who don’t know that their death is approaching when the hundred-year deadline arrives.”

“This time, when the wheel of fate turns, no one can escape divine punishment. The Sixteen Provinces, the Sea of Heaven, humans, and merfolk— the sins of the past when the god were exterminated, a hundred years later, will end with the burial of the world.” VwfOgQ

As she spoke the phrase “burial of the world,” she emphasized heavily, and a surge of blood welled up in her throat, full of gloating and revenge.

Xia Qing’s voice was hoarse, as if it wasn’t his own: “Is the god going to resurrect?”

Zhu Ji suddenly raised her voice: “Are you pretending to be stupid? You’ve been by his side for so long.”

Xia Qing remained silent for a long time, and then spoke each word with difficulty: “Lou Guan Xue is the god?” hYs7PT

Zhu Ji couldn’t stop laughing: “Xia Qing, are you still deluding yourself at this point?”

“The Blood Array, hahaha.” Zhu Ji seemed to realize something, and laughed sarcastically: “The Blood Array?! Yao Ke actually believes in the Blood Array, she’s really confused!”

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“How could a god possibly be resurrected from within a human body? The god is so proud, and lowly mortal flesh can never become a vessel!”

“The reason he is a god is because he was originally a god!” LtvCQ1

The reason he is a god is because he was originally a god.

Like a thunderbolt splitting through chaos, shattering everything, leaving only charred flesh. Xia Qing staggered back a step, a pain in his throat, as he spat out a mouthful of blood.

He lowered his eyes, remained silent for a long time, tremblingly wiped it away with his hand.

“It’s also my stupidity. I actually believed that humans could completely exterminate the gods back then. But now it seems, that’s a good thing.” KcIh64

Zhu Ji ground her silver teeth in relentless hatred: “So what if I die! Song Guichen, you’re about to accompany me in burial along with the entire world.”

She laughed strangely: “You’ll regret it when the time comes.”

“The sword you wield, the Path of Compassion you cultivate. A hundred years ago, driven by deep hatred, you dragged the merfolk into hell, attempting to stop killing with killing. You certainly didn’t expect that, a hundred years later, when the debts were settled, divine punishment would descend, and all living beings would have to atone.”

“Hahaha, it’s so ironic that the Sifan Sword you wield is condemning the mortal realm!” 5BPLpm

Atonement for all living beings.

Xia Qing no longer had the heart to listen to her words.

He felt as if he had lost his soul.

Walking through the wilderness, crossing broken bridges, passing through city gates. RWBg4s

The wind carried the fragrance of grass and trees, cutting through the heavens and the earth. He traversed through crowds of people, with joys and sorrows by his side.

Xia Qing saw the sea of lanterns lighting up the Zimo Street. Kongming lanterns soared into the air amidst cheers, thousands upon thousands of them, drifting towards the firmament, illuminating the vast jade palaces, like dancing flames enveloping the entire city.

Xia Qing’s fingertips trembled.

He recalled the night he left Ling Guang City, on the abandoned broken bridge over the moat covered in weeds, when Lou Guan xue asked him a question. FuMV7A

“Do you know when the Glazed Tile Tower was built?”

“Climbing the tower to worship the gods during the Lantern Festival began as a custom only a hundred years ago during the rise of the Chu Kingdom. Before that, the Chu Kingdom had no gods and did not believe in gods.”

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“When will they understand? Things that are coveted but unattainable always come with a price.”

Lou Guan Xue… Vzt 9C

That wasn’t the god’s hatred, it was yours from beginning to end.

You searched for half your life, but the answer you wanted simply doesn’t exist.

You’ve always been you.

But I really wish you weren’t a god. Ut51hF

Because… having your soul torn apart is too painful.


“The river is called Lili, it is said that a long time ago in Ling Guang, a couple who were not accepted by society for their love committed suicide by jumping into the river. People were touched by their deep affection, so they named this river after the girl’s nickname.”

“Lili?” The merman boy tilted his head in confusion. “Why would someone have the nickname Lili? Isn’t it a bit unlucky?” AksU0S

The woman beside him called out his name, “Lingxi.”

“Oh.” Lingxi obediently closed his mouth.

The boatman turned his head and looked at the woman in the lotus green dress and gray hair in front of him, curiously asking, “Miss, are you not from Ling Guang? Why are you here at this critical moment?”

“Looking for someone.” 09PSYH

The boatman was even more puzzled. “Hmm? Who are you looking for?”

Xue Fuguang rolled up her sleeves and said, “An old friend.”

The boatman secretly sized her up, the words on the tip of his tongue retreated wisely. This was an extraordinary person with a remarkable identity. She had many stories and disliked letting anyone know.

“Sister Xue, where are we going?” jR6CDB

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Jingshi Hall”

Olcuzl tjv j ktlraif tjculcu jgbecv tlr cfmx wjvf bo yjwybb jcv kbbv, tlr rboa tjlg alfv lcab ygjlvr, jcv tf uijcmfv delfais ja Wef Meuejcu yfrlvf tlw. Lf kjr ralii rbwfktja jogjlv bo tfg, olvufalcu jcv qeiilcu ja tlr riffnfr cfgnberis.

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Qtfc Wef Meuejcu rabqqfv kjixlcu, rtf aegcfv tfg tfjv jcv rjlv, “Qjla obg wf bearlvf, vbc’a ub jcsktfgf.”

Lingxi nodded obediently. “Okay.” He sat down in the pavilion. 5rSOen

The sky looked gloomy, as if it was going to rain soon, and the howling wind swept the green leaves under the steps.

The wooden spirit hanging from Xue Fuguang’s waist moved gently, and her lotus green dress seemed to dissipate like smoke at the end.

Jingshi Hall in the Chu Kingdom was built for one person, and it had always been that way. This was her first visit, yet she encountered no obstacles.

Behind the study building was a courtyard. The moment she pushed the door open, it felt like she had traversed time and space, returning to Peng Lai. The entire courtyard was filled with the fragrance of medicine, phoenix trees stood in the corner, flowers resembling flying phoenix feathers, blazing like fire. pvJadI

The corridor was lined with various wooden plaques, making a clanging sound incessantly.

Song Guichen must have known she was coming.

When Xue Fuguang entered, he was sitting by the window, the white mist emanating from the censer blurred the features of the young high priest in purple robes. The young high priest held a plaque in his hand, looking pensive as he gazed outside.

He was looking at Lingxi. ZWdMO9

Song Guichen asked, “Is this the child you saved?”

Outside, the dark clouds gathered heavier and heavier, and it started to rain heavily.

Xue Fuguang said, “Release all the merfolk in Ling Guang City.”

Song Guichen didn’t answer her question, his gaze fell on her face, silent for a long time, he said hoarsely, “You seem to have lost a lot of weight.” VBreK

Xue Fuguang said quietly, “Song Guichen, it’s been a hundred years, are you still unwilling to stop?”

Song Guichen stared at her for a long time, then smiled again and said softly, “Fuguang, how do you want me to stop? Back then, in the Divine Palace, I intended to exterminate their entire clan, but it was you who asked me to spare the merfolk. Fine, I spared them.”

“Isn’t everything now their own fault? It was their ambitious attempt to come ashore, indulging humans to attack the Divine Palace. When the god fell, they made the tomb into a wall.” He smiled and said, “It was the merfolk who buried their own reincarnation and return journey with their own hands.”

Xue Fuguang said, “Yes, so the merfolk have lost their reincarnation. The people you hated have been dead for a hundred years. There’s a saying, ‘the guilty will pay the price’. Now, the merfolk are innocent.” MRbBVA

Song Guichen’s hand trembling in his sleeve, he pursed his lips, “Is that all you wanted to say to me?”

A deep exhaustion appeared in Xue Fuguang’s weary eyes, she said, “Song Guichen, do you know who I saw? I saw Xia Qing, and I also saw Chang Sheng. I don’t know what Xia Qing did in the Divine Palace back then, his soul dissipated and then returned. But he forgot all his past, and he doesn’t even want to pick up a sword anymore.”

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Song Guichen remained silent.

Xue Fuguang continued, “And when I saw Chang Sheng, he was being tortured by the Symbiotic Spirit Gu, lying on a street corner in the capital city, almost being eaten by stray dogs. I know the Symbiotic Spirit Gu should have been planted by Zhu Ji, but everything that happened to each of us a hundred years later, don’t you think it’s more like retribution?” 3eInHs

Song Guichen fell silent again for a long time and said, “No, if there is really retribution, it should be borne by me alone.”

Xue Fuguang burst into laughter, her eyes reddening, “Borne by you alone? How can you bear it? The crime of exterminating the god cannot be borne by humans, nor by the merfolk, nor can any of us bear it.”

Song Guichen looked into her eyes, wanting to wipe away her tears, but his fingers trembled in his sleeves. Finally, he could only put on his usual smile and say, “Yes, that’s why we can’t let the god come back.”

Xue Fuguang, with red eyes, softly said, “You really are a lunatic.” v7GqYE

Song Guichen remained silent.

Xue Fuguang asked, “Did you go to Dongzhou for three years to retrieve the Spirit of Peng Lai?”

Song Guichen replied, “Yes.”

Xue Fuguang closed her eyes to calm herself and said, “Song Guichen, release all the merfolk imprisoned in Ling Guang City.” e6dqYy

Song Guichen explained, “The merfolk have been turning into monsters frequently now. If we don’t imprison them, it will harm the people in the city.”

Xue Fuguang insisted, “I will take them away, back to Shangqing Sect.”

Shangqing?” Song Guichen’s lips curled slightly upon hearing the name. He softly repeated it, seeming to improve his mood, “So, you still remember.” He nodded, “Alright, I promise you.”

Xue Fuguang gazed at him with red eyes. After a brief, trembling smile, she said with quivering teeth, “Song Guichen, do you believe in karma? Master said the sea of suffering arises from one’s own karma. I think it’s true. Evil deeds lead to evil consequences, and bad karma brings suffering. Please, stop killing.” AazTFs

Song Guichen smiled faintly, hearing himself softly say, “Okay.”

She didn’t want to stay here for another second, turning away. Her robes brushed through the air, carrying the familiar scent of medicinal herbs, gradually fading away.

Song Guichen leaned against the window, listening to the rain outside, saying nothing.

In Dongzhou, three years, he actually only searched for the Spirit of Peng Lai for a month. H3jkQa

The rest of the time, he sat on that wall made of white bones, silent in the company of the sky and the birds.

The Sea of Heaven was truly too quiet.

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The only sound was the roar of the waves crashing against the rocks again and again.

He once thought of taking a look at his old friend and then turning back, but having seen his old friend, how could he willingly turn back? x9c6Zu

Raindrops splashed along the edge of the pavilion onto the bluestones.

Lingxi’s clear eyes watched the birds flying in the woods, feeling bored. He took the whistle from around his neck and softly played a tune he heard while walking on Ling Guang Street. The merfolk were skilled in melodies; he remembered the tune after just one listen.

When Xue Fuguang came out, Lingxi looked at her with surprise in his slightly reddened eyes. “Sister Xue…” He hastily grasped the whistle tightly and stood up.

Xue Fuguang stood in the rain for a long time, softly asking, “What did you just play?” to308S

Lingxi paused, then replied, “It seems to be ‘Golden Thread Robe’.”

By the moat, on the street of wind and moon, on the painted boat, separated by red candle curtains, the lively and bright tunes of the singing girls permeated the air with the scent of decadent rouge.

“‘I advise you not to cherish your golden-threaded robe, but to cherish your youth. Flowers should be picked while they bloom, don’t wait until they wither.'”

When this reached Wei Liu Guang’s ears, he almost sprayed all his wine out, hastily waving his hand, “Change the tune, change it.” Wei Nian Sheng rolled his eyes at him, “This is advising you to enjoy life while you can. Where were you lost in thought?” Wei Liu Guang said, “Really? Isn’t this what the old man often used to advise me?” DUcx N

Wei Nian Sheng was in a gloomy mood and ignored him, drinking a cup of wine.

Wei Liu Guang closed his folding fan and comforted her, “Don’t worry. The Queen Mother can’t make decisions. You’re not as good-looking as His Majesty, how could he possibly choose you?”

Wei Nian Sheng, after drinking, burst into tears, covering her face and crying bitterly, her voice breaking as she cursed loudly, “Yan Lan Yu is just a crazy woman!”

Wei Liu Guang’s ears hurt from her crying, “Lower your voice.” htAl B

Wei Nian Sheng, shaking with anger, exclaimed, “Crazy woman! Rot in hell! She deserves to go to hell! She killed so many people when she was young and ate so many merfolk, she will face retribution.”

Wei Liu Guang was truly amazed by her, cautiously giving his suggestion, “Then? Why not elope?”

Wei Nian Sheng sobbed, “Elope? I’d rather drown myself in the river.”

Wei Liu Guang pondered for a moment, but what he thought of was, “Then, will it change its name? In the future, in memory of your death for love, the river will be named ‘Nian Sheng.'” iqBxTS

Wei Nian Sheng glared at him with red eyes, coincidentally, the singer outside the window sang “Sadness and joy, partings and reunions are always heartless,” which reminded her of her own plight, making her cry even louder.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wei Liu Guang didn’t even bother to properly fasten his crown, and he hurried away with his folding fan in hand.

These days, Ling Guang City was bustling at night, with people coming and going, and fireworks lighting up the sky. The elites were immersed in their pleasures, with music and wine flowing. Yet, across the moat, on the other side of the red light street, was a dirty, cramped, damp, and dark prison. 6K45Sv

“Behave!” A soldier pushed a heavily injured merman inside.

The guard beside him muttered, dissatisfied, “Why is it another merman?”

The previous guard rolled his eyes, “I advise you to keep quiet. I heard just a few days ago that someone died on top of a merman.”

Another person shrugged it off, “Mermen are born for our entertainment, what’s there to fear.” wsLrQU

Suddenly, a galloping horse passed through the street. A guard clad in black armor walked over, holding a token, and shouted loudly, “By order of the High Priest, tomorrow all merfolk are to be driven outside of Ling Guang City!”

“What?” All the soldiers guarding the prison were stunned.

After a moment, someone spoke up, “Is it because tomorrow is the day of demon suppression, that’s why the High Priest issued this order?”

The guard’s face turned cold, “Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask.” 76HaCR

May 15th.

After two days and nights of continuous rain, Ling Guang City finally cleared up. Under the clear sky and bright sun, in front of the pagoda, it was bustling and lively. Civil and military officials gathered together, and the bamboo forest for miles around was decorated with red ribbons, celebrating in harmony with heaven and earth.

Xia Qing remained unconscious for a long time. When he woke up, there was no one in the bedroom. He remembered emerging from the river, struggling step by step back to the palace. The moment he saw Lou Guan Xue, the last string in his mind snapped, and he passed out completely. Sometimes conscious, sometimes confused, he felt Lou Guan Xue gently kissing his eyelashes while feeding him blood with his fingers.

“You’re finally awake? Aren’t you going to see the show?” bvHedP

His spirit was weak now, still vulnerable to manipulation. The woman’s seductive voice chuckled softly beside him.

Xia Qing pursed his lips, silent, and got up. He glanced at the bronze mirror and realized his clothes had been changed by someone.

He missed the wedding ceremony of the two, but Lou Guan Xue still put on bridal clothes for him.

His messy black hair was neatly arranged, secured with a golden headdress. Clad in red, with ink-black hair, his features were as picturesque as ever. The beauty that was usually suppressed by a sharp sword intent was now fully revealed, stunningly beautiful, radiant like the dawn. He could still remember Lou Guan Xue styling his hair and applying makeup, his fingers cold but his touch gentle. He kissed his ear and said, “Wait for me.” 85QdAV

Pale and weak, Xia Qing said nothing as he walked outside.

Passing by the doorway, he saw the Lingwei flower lanterns he had specially hung up. Memories of their past encounters flooded his mind, and he lowered his eyelashes quietly.

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Jealously veiled, Zhu Ji remarked, “His Majesty seems to be deeply affectionate towards you.”

Xia Qing remained silent for a long time, his voice dry and hoarse as he murmured, “What do you think is imprisoned in the pagoda?” X1eISs

Zhu Ji smiled, bewitching, “Are you asking me? I can’t guess what’s inside the pagoda, but I know that today is everyone’s deadline.”

Xia Qing answered himself, “It’s not the great demon… nor is it the three souls of a god.”

The hundred-year period, the reincarnation of a god.

Lou Guan Xue said he had been inside the pagoda, where it was pitch black with nothing inside, but every March 5th, the eerie evil light never ceased. cgjduz

“The pagoda confines…” Xia Qing said quietly, “the memories and hatred of god.”

Zhu Ji paused, then laughed strangely.

“Yes! You’re right. Without the array set up by the Spirit of Peng Lai, how could the soul of a god be trapped?”

When Xia Qing arrived in front of the pagoda, he happened to see the last moment before the array fell. 6tnFhj

The nine-layered Buddhist tower, solemn and dignified, and the demon-suppressing array twisted and spread from the ground, golden light shining through the center of the array, cracks appearing on the ground, and the sky changing color.


Song Guichen stood at the forefront of thousands of cultivators, his purple robes fluttering as he shouted out.

In an instant, everyone bowed their heads, joy and astonishment evident on each face. 4MkpGK

The entire world seemed to tremble, and a red ribbon soared into the sky above the ten-mile bamboo forest.

Xia Qing stood outside the bamboo forest.

Zhu Ji said, “What a ridiculous group of people.”

Xia Qing’s gaze turned to Lou Guan Xue. Kaqgfw

Dressed in imperial robes, he was elegant and noble in his black gown, standing tall with his black hair like satin, his eyes coldly gazing in the direction of the pagoda. As his robes billowed, the blood-red cloud pattern emitted a menacing aura.


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The moment the pagoda broke.

The violent sound shook the entire earth, and as the tall building collapsed, smoke, dust, and rubble filled the sky, polluting the entire atmosphere! kKR4DW

Yan Lan Yu’s nails dug into her flesh as she stared straight ahead, her eyes filled with ecstatic joy.

“It’s broken? It’s broken?”

Song Guichen lowered his gaze to the pagoda, his expression cold. He was waiting, waiting for the explosion of the Divine Soul, to make a desperate attempt. But amidst the ruins, there was only silence, nothing at all. Song Guichen was stunned.

“Congratulations, Your Majesty!” CRzedE

“Congratulations, Your Majesty!”

At this moment, along with the rumbling of the collapse, there was a chorus of congratulations from countless officials, cultivators, and warriors, their voices thunderous and resounding.

“The pagoda is broken, the great demon is vanquished, may heaven bless Chu Kingdom!”

“May heaven bless Chu Kingdom!” 9x6FIr

Joy and relief were evident on everyone’s faces.

Lou Guan Xue’s red lips curved into a smile as he repeated, “Yes, may heaven bless Chu Kingdom.”

He walked forward and accepted the wine handed to him by the master of ceremonies. According to protocol, the Emperor of Chu had to pour three cups of wine in front of the ruins to comfort the ancestors who had been harmed by the great demon.

In that moment, all eyes fell on this young emperor. 2BZDN8

He held up the wine cup, his wrist exposed from the wide black sleeves, with a light azure ribbon tied on it.

With a face as beautiful as jade, his gaze was icy, his smile lazy yet dangerous, as he quietly poured the first cup of wine.

Lou Guan Xue spoke casually, not knowing who he was addressing.

“I’ve lived in danger of being replaced since I was five years old. Yao Ke said there was a Blood Array on my body, and the reason I survived was to find a vessel for the god, but I refused to accept my fate.” gQYT8K

“Why should it be the god replacing me, and not me devouring them.”

“At first, I just wanted to stay alive.”

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Silence fell, and only the voice of the young emperor, cold and luxurious, echoed in everyone’s ears.

Everyone was stunned, including Song Guichen. v8dupy

The second cup of wine was poured onto the ground.

Lou Guan Xue thought of something amusing and chuckled cryptically.

“How foolish.”

“I once thought that the pagoda contained the three souls of the god. If I could annihilate the divine souls, I would become a god. Oh, no, I didn’t want to become a god. I just wanted to completely destroy them before they replaced me.” MVaCFX

“After all the twists and turns, after ten years of searching, what answer did I find?”

The eunuch tremblingly handed him the third cup of wine.

Lou Guan Xue took it but didn’t follow the protocol.

He casually played with the cup with his fingertips. d12cSk

He lowered his gaze and chuckled, “Comfort the ancestors of Chu?”

“How are they even worthy?”


The wine cup fell straight to the ground. 9aXJUd

His words echoed like thunder, causing everyone’s faces to turn pale. They looked up in surprise at him.

Yan Lan Yu’s pupils contracted, and she exclaimed sharply, “Lou Guan Xue! How dare you show such disrespect to our ancestors!”

Only Song Guichen suddenly raised his gaze, his eyes like sharp swords fixed firmly on his figure.

In the swaying bamboo forest, on the calm and tranquil ruins, a thick blood light suddenly surged from under Lou Guan Xue’s feet. Blood and black mist intertwined, like countless vines bursting from the ground, shrouding the sky and blotting out the sun, pulverizing the dust and forming layer upon layer of shackles in the air, overturning heaven and earth! tcNEIq

“Ah—!” Yan Lan Yu’s face turned pale, and she trembled as she screamed.

The civil and military officials and cultivators were all stunned.

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Song Guichen unsheathed his Sifan Sword, standing outside the ruins’ formation, staring at him intently. The string in his mind that had been broken seemed to be reconnected. The memory of the god with silver hair falling to the ground amidst the array, with blood stains, once looked at him with icy blue eyes. Now, the young emperor of Chu turned back before the ruins of the pagoda. The two images eerily overlapped.

Song Guichen trembled violently, only then realizing that his memory had actually been cursed, shrouded in mist… he couldn’t remember the appearance of the god clearly. Z6AvEu

Lou Guan Xue’s eyes were as black as the desolate mountains. He smiled, speaking slowly with each word, “Song Guichen, it’s been a long time.”

“High Priest, High Priest!” Yan Lan Yu was frantic, reaching out with crimson nails, desperately holding onto Song Guichen’s hand for a shred of comfort. Not just him, everyone present was seized by a sense of despair and fear, choking and collapsing.

All the aristocrats of Ling Guang, all the sects that had followed the royal family in the past, turned pale, unable to control their trembling, staggering to their knees.

The situation changed drastically. 6s0Tgq

Song Guichen’s complexion was no better.

Under Lou Guan Xue’s feet lay the Demon Suppression Array, with countless blood-red memories entwined around him, tracing back to the beginning of time. Black shackles piled up one after another, and strands of furious resentment slowly poured in from his fingertips.

Lou Guan Xue looked indifferently at his fingertips, a faint red tint appearing in his pupils.

He chuckled lightly and said slowly, “The Spirit of Peng Lai? No wonder you succeeded a hundred years ago. But now, even the Spirit of Peng Lai is useless.” Km6tHS

“Kill him!” Song Guichen’s face turned pale. After closing his eyes and reopening them, his voice was cold as he ordered all the cultivators present.

“High Priest?” Yan Lan Yu was dumbfounded, trembling as she called out.

Song Guichen said, “The Emperor has been possessed by the great demon, he is now a demon.”

Only then did Yan Lan Yu regain her senses. She dared not even look at Lou Guan Xue now, as if her deepest fear was pressing down on her. RZUuYL

Trembling, she suddenly shouted loudly, “Did you hear that? Listen to the High Priest! Kill him! Kill him!” All the cultivators who had been shaken by the divine aura knelt half-heartedly, gritted their teeth, stood up again, telling themselves that this was a demon, this was a demon. With eyes wide open, they picked up their swords and weapons, rushing toward the center of the formation one after another.

Lou Guan Xue raised his eyes, smirked mockingly, and the blood color in his pupils became even more intense.

But before any cultivators could approach, they were already torn apart by the swirling black mist and blood barrier in the air, shattering their bodies and souls, leaving them with no chance to resist.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!” For a moment, screams of despair and collapse spread throughout the world, blood flowing like rivers, dyeing the barren grass red. t6SfqJ

Yan Lan Yu’s soul was in agony at this moment, she screamed and knelt on the ground. Her hairpins were all in disarray, as if she was seeing the person in front of her for the first time, her pupils dilated only with fear.

Lou Guan Xue walked out of the ruins, his black robe brushing against the blood, his appearance eerie and enchanting, resembling both a god and a demon.

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He curled his lips, his eyes filled with cold mockery, and said softly, “Song Guichen, I heard that you were burdened by the mortal world. Now I see, it should be the mortal world burdened by you.”

Song Guichen’s pupils trembled violently. I9 XkC

Xia Qing’s face was pale and fragile, looking at the hellish scene before him.

Blood flooded the ruins, flowing over the ten-mile bamboo forest.

Zhu Ji was almost laughing through tears, “Yes! It’s him who burdens the mortal world. After a hundred years of bloodshed, the people will atone for their sins!”

Blood tasted sweet in Xia Qing’s throat, he closed his eyes and said, “Shut up.” vdNTCL

Zhu Ji chuckled oddly, “Xia Qing, it was you who brought me here. If your Dao heart were stable and your mind clear, I wouldn’t have found an opportunity. I have to thank you for letting me see Song Guichen’s current miserable state.”

Xia Qing tightly pursed his lips, saying nothing.

The wind roared across the sky, and purple thunderclouds gathered over Ling Guang City, the sound of the wind howling like the mourning of heaven and earth. “Ah, ah ah—” Yan Lan Yu suddenly screamed, her entire body exploding from her head, her eyes wide open. She had been confused by power and desire all her life, and only now did she wake up to the curse in her blood.

This is not a demon… This is not a demon… AdvjDr

She dared not meet Lou Guan Xue’s eyes, tears and blood streaming down her face, curling up on the ground in agony, wishing for death.

The purple clouds in the sky gathered heavier and heavier, and even in Ling Guang, Xia Qing seemed to hear the sound of mountains collapsing and oceans roaring.

The earth cracked open, seawater surged, and all things disintegrated. Countless mountains were severed, as if the thousand palaces of the imperial city were shattered at this moment, accompanied by the desperate screams of everyone!

“Mom, wuwuwu, Mom, I’m so scared!” A six-year-old child cried with tears streaming down his face. The influence of the curse was minimal when there was no desire. He looked at his mother’s corpse, trembling and sobbing. qU5lLM

The black miasma, carrying a hundred years of suppressed hatred, destroyed all living beings wherever it passed. Soon, it approached him. The young child raised his head blankly, his clear eyes reflecting the blood-red world. “Mom!” When danger was approaching, he suddenly shouted, sobbing in fear as he hugged his mother’s body tightly, burying his head like a small beast.

He thought he would die, but he didn’t. A gentle sword intent enveloped him, carrying the fresh scent of grass and wood.

The boy raised his head blankly and saw a corner of a red robe.

Zhu Ji burst into laughter, “Do you think you can stop it, Xia Qing? I advise you to give up this foolish kindness!” McAVXm

Xia Qing ignored her.

For the moment when the sword intent emerged, the world fell silent.

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Lou Guan Xue looked on indifferently, neither sad nor happy, until Xia Qing emerged, then he raised his head.

Across the bodies strewn across the ground, across the countless bloodstains, the two looked at each other from afar. AgDNqu

The red ribbon fluttered above the bamboo forest, contrasting with the red robes fluttering in the wind.

The blood color in Lou Guan Xue’s eyes gradually dissipated.

Shackled by chains of hatred, his soul burned fiercely in the flames of karma, until this moment, when a semblance of peace finally descended upon him.


Translator's Note

Highest position

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

离 (lí) means ‘To be apart; to be separated’

Translator's Note

In Taoism, 上清 (Shàngqīng) refers to one of the three main schools of Taoist thought, along with Lingbao (灵宝) and Zhengyi (正一). It is associated with a set of scriptures and practices that emphasize cultivation of the inner alchemy (内丹) and the attainment of immortality. The name 上清 (Shàngqīng) literally means “Upper Purity,” and it is said to refer to the highest level of spiritual attainment, where one is free from all impurities and distractions.

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  1. It’s finally going down! Can’t wait to see what happens.

    Also having Zhu Ji in your mind, truly a torchure straight from hell



    Thank you for the chapter, I cant wait for the next!!! ❤️❤️