Please Stop Pretending To Be a Cute Newcomer!Ch66 - Clearance

【 ? ? ? Who am I? Where am I? What just happened? Am I seeing things? 】

【 The direction has suddenly become mysterious [confused] 】 tivlIp

【 A paper figurine that can actually move, what kind of black technology is this?! 】

【 This setting is too realistic. I specifically asked my yeye who studied history. He said that ancient tianshi could indeed “cut paper to make men and scatter beans to make soldiers”! ps: This was written in a book, I don’t know if it’s been “artistically processed”. 】

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

【 That little paper man is just so, so cute~ 】

【 Don’t you think it’s strange that only Shen Meiren has a special occupation? Could it be that the planners were stuffed with money? 】 eFdYMg

【 I just want to ask when this game will be online! Holographics ahhh! 】

【 A quiet word from the back row: God 7, did you know how hard-core your family’s Beauty is? 】

Le Songlin, who was doubting life, didn’t finish eating his bread; instead, he and Chen Ge ran to the side of the boat. They grabbed the rail and looked over in unison.

As the deep blue sea surged, the hook and line hung into the water, swaying with the waves.


The little paper figure that had just been cut out under their noses just slid down the line.

It stopped one or two centimeters from the surface of the water, carefully dipped its foot into the sea, then shook off the water. Stretching its arms and twisting its waist, it plunged into the sea in a standard diving posture.

This, this, this!

Wasn’t that dipping of the foot into water testing the water temperature? Jd9wK3

That thing even stretched and warmed up before going in, so fucking spiritual!

“Shen, Shen-ge!” Le Songlin changed his address directly. What Shen Meiren, from now on the other party was his Shen-ge!

How amazing, what kind of black technology was that!

He pointed to the sea excitedly and asked incoherently, “How come that paper man can move? It can also test the water temperature and do a warm up. Does it have an IQ?” oxQP0C

The little paper person had been cut out right under their noses, and they clearly knew that it was simply a paper figurine cut out of paper, using paper! Clearly, it was just fucking paper!

Standing beside Le Songlin, Chen Ge also looked at him with shocked eyes.

Shen Qingcheng stood up and stretched, and was equally surprised when he heard Le Songlin’s words, “Huh, he even tested the water temperature and warmed up?”

Chen Ge was at a loss, “…Didn’t you make it?” uFeMgR

“I summoned him,” Shen Qingcheng nodded, “but I didn’t know what personal habits he had before.”

! ! !

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Le Songlin sucked in a breath of cold air and pinched his thighs–that was a life with self-awareness!

Creating life! zbiEUa

Shen Meiren managed to do what the Daqin scientists failed to do, awesome!

Where had the captain found Shen-ge, he wanted to go too!

Shen Qingcheng touched his face, wondering in his heart why those two had looked at him with the reverence reserved for God.

At this time, the fishing rod next to him moved, and he put down his doubts and went to reel in the line. HmBeZM

“Shen-ge, don’t move, let me do it!” Le Songlin rushed forward and grabbed the rod, “I just need to rewind the line normally, right?”

Shen Qingcheng: “…En.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Of Vbcuilc rtbbx atf tjcvif klat atf offilcu bo klacfrrlcu j wlgjmif, “Pa’r rb tfjns!” tf fzmijlwfv cjaegjiis.

Jtfc Xf rafqqfv obgkjgv ab tfiq tlw, jcv atf akb bo atfw kbgxfv abufatfg ab qeii eq atf olrtlcu ilcf, jcv atfc fjufgis ujatfgfv jgbecv ab ujkx. FyNjdn

“Qbk, aecj!”

“Pa tjr ab yf j wfafg ibcu, gluta?”

“Wow, it can even wring the water out of itself!”

Le Songlin squatted down and asked, “Paper man, tell me, how did you fish?” UdSgXa

The little paper man standing on the belly of the fish was jumping up and down and making gestures, to the effect that after he went into the water, he first went around to see what kind of fish there were, and then picked out the most delicious ones, knocked them out, brought them back and hung them on the hook. Finally, he pulled the fishing line to tell the tianshi that he was done.

“Awesome, Paper-xiong!” The two gave it a thumbs up.

“Paper-xiong‘s fishing method is so unique!”

One after another, exclamations spilled from the two of them. Together with the little paper person, who was wringing himself dry and puffing his chest out, hands on his hips, they formed an inexplicably harmonious picture. Lr YU0

Shen Qingcheng: “…” It was as if he was watching two country bumpkins enter the city for the first time.

He sat down slowly, “Now that a fish has been caught, I’ll leave the job of roasting it to you two.”

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Grilled fish was a little heavy for a morning meal, but unfortunately he didn’t like sashimi.

“Understood, Shen-ge should just wait to eat!” Le Songlin patted his chest. MfRPdI

Chen Ge: “There’s a grill in the kitchen, I’ll go get it!”

Having been wet and then wringing himself out, the little paper figurine’s body had became frazzled and rough.

After the grill was lit, it spread itself out to dry. This action was highly praised by the country bumpkins, Le Songlin and Chen Ge.

The aroma of grilled fish drifted through the kitchen, quickly attracting the attention of other players. oPYZJ4

A player came to ask where their fish had come from, and the little paper figurine lay still and pretended to be dead. Le Songlin said, “I caught it.”

The player was unenthusiastic. Thinking that it wasn’t like the refrigerator lacked food, he nodded and left.

Then a second player came over. He didn’t ask where the fish came from, but directly asked if they could share some of the fish with him. He was a chef, and in exchange he could grill the fish for everyone.

Shen Qingcheng: “Sure.” lVjQnf

The two sides reached a friendly cooperation.

After a satisfying breakfast, the chef player said goodbye and left. Le Songlin said, “Shen-ge, you should go back to your room to rest while Chen Ge and I find clues.”

“You don’t need to bother,” Shen Qingcheng stood up and said.

He gave the little paper man a look. NkDocw

The little paper man immediately nimbly grabbed Le Songlin’s trousers and climbed up, finally perching on Le Songlin’s shoulders, bending over and waving hello.

Le Songlin’s body was stiff and his breathing was light. Chen Ge was envious.

Shen Qingcheng curled his lips into a smile. He raised his chin and pointed at the little paper figurine, “Just ask him.” He just didn’t know if they could continue to be so enthusiastic when they learned his identity.

The three returned to the crew room. 01YOeP

The light in the room was a little dim. Shen Qingcheng took out the pen and paper from the drawer and put it on the table, and put the little paper figure that had hitched a ride on Le Songlin’s shoulder on it.

After doing this, he sat down beside the bed and called Le Songlin and Chen Ge, “Sit down too.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The two didn’t know what he wanted to do, and sat beside the bed in confusion.

“Okay, now for the first question,” Shen Qingcheng said to the little paper person on the table, “What happened on this fishing boat?” ZHF2gb

Le Songlin and Chen Ge were shocked to see the little paper figure holding a pen and writing!

They couldn’t sit still in this situation, so they ran to the table excitedly to watch the little paper man write.

“The night before yesterday, fish people created a rare storm and climbed onto the boat,” the paper man wrote crookedly.

Shen Qingcheng tapped his chin and narrowed his eyes, “What fish people.” RddeEz

“Legend has it that they are creatures that live in the sea.” After the paper man wrote that, he drew a small fish person portrait next to it.

The fish person had a human head and a fish body, a short, thick fish tail, slender eyes on a human head, and a mouth full of sharp teeth.

So ugly, definitely not a mermaid.

Shen Qingcheng: “Tell me about this legend.” p5rA9a

Paperman: “According to fishermen, it is said that there is a moving area on the sea. Fishermen can’t catch fish at all in this area, and any fishing boat will definitely encounter a storm so severe that the boat will be destroyed, and no one can leave the place alive. The fishermen believe that this sea area is the domain of the God of Death, and call it ‘The Sea of ​​the God of Death’.”

Shen Qingcheng: “Since no one can leave alive, how did this legend spread?”

The paper man scratched his head and wrote, “…I don’t know.”

Shen Qingcheng didn’t make it difficult for him, “Continue.” 8HcdBD

The paper man: “Actually, there is no God of Death at all. The Sea of the God of Death is where there are fish people moving under the water, and the storm that this ship encountered before was also created by the fish people.”

Shen Qingcheng: “Last night too?”

The paper man: “Yes.”

Shen Qingcheng: “Are there still any living people on the ship?” XznISH

The paper man: “Except for the people who got on the boat with you yesterday afternoon, no. Can I ask a question?”

Shen Qingcheng glanced at him: “No.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“…oh,” the rejected little paper man continued to write aggrievedly, “the men who received you yesterday afternoon were fish people in disguise: they climbed aboard and ate the captain and all the crew, and then stayed in their rooms disguised as them.”

Shen Qingcheng: “Are the fish people in the room with the closed door? They made the noise last night?” Ews6nP

The paper man: “Yes.”

Shen Qingcheng frowned. According to him, the people on this boat were already dead–then what about the screams, chopping sounds and dripping blood they heard?

To say it more clearly: everyone was dead, where could living people cooperating with the fish people come from?

If all of that was directed and acted out by the fish people, it would be even more strange. What was the purpose of all of that? ocIe29

He asked this question, and the little paper man’s answer was that he didn’t know.

Alas, it seems that he still had to ask the fish in question.

Shen Qingcheng closed his eyes and cast his senses out for a while, and then tapped a finder between his eyebrows and silently said something.

After a moment, he opened his eyes. 4cNgd2

“Shen-ge, can we clear customs now?” Le Songlin asked in a daze, with an expression like he was dreaming.

Shen Qingcheng: “Almost, just wait.”

Le Songlin nodded absently.

The captain must not know what he had just gone through. When the captain returned, he would tell him that he had met a god! eQcftz

The two took a moment to settle down, and after barely calming, they asked Shen Qingchengto borrow the little paper man to ask questions.

Such as: Do you have a name? What is it? How old are you this year? Are you male or female? What do you do for a living?

The little paper man replied: Yes, Deng Guangwei, 37 this year, male, was a crew member of this ship before my death.

The two were taken aback. kPNHKX

Too quick for the two of them to react, the door was kicked open with a bang, and a humanoid creature was thrown in.

The humanoid creature had a stubby fish tail and narrow eyes. It thrashed on the floor, its mouth full of fangs hissing threateningly towards Shen Qingcheng and the others.

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Le Songlin immediately took out some props and prepared to go up to subdue him with a solemn expression, but found that the other party was flailing back and forth, always lying in one position, as if something invisible was pressing it into the ground.

“Shen-ge…” He hesitated. OJv nR

Shen Qingcheng: “Don’t be nervous, it’s fine.”

A boatload of people had died; there wasn’t much here except ghosts.

It just so happened that his profession was that of a tianshi, and he was well-learned in the subject of controlling ghosts.

Shen Qingcheng squatted next to the fish person’s head and observed it. Some parts of the fish person had been scratched up when it was caught, but strangely, the wounds weren’t bleeding. FJR3GE

He ignored the fierce demonstration of the fish person, who were baring its teeth and grinning, and summoned a peach wood sword-the final result of his furniture practice.

The peach wood sword pressed against the fish person’s forehead, he said, “Tell me, what was the purpose of doing all that last night?”

Because food saturated with negative emotions tasted better.

That was just one of the reasons; the more important reason was that human activities had destroyed the homes of the fish people, and they were born full of hatred for humans. Whfk8j

When the matter was over, Shen Qingcheng released the summoned ghosts and paper people and sent them into reincarnation. That was the condition they had agreed upon at the beginning.

Le Songlin, who had text won while lying down, felt a little guilty. The captain had asked him to take care of Shen-ge, but where did the other party need his help at all?

He asked, “You’ll leave the copy after the copy time is over, right?”

Chen Ge, who was about to click “Yes”, stopped and watched. sO4HET

Shen Qingcheng firmly said, “No, let’s go now.” He hated water.

【 Clearance, just like that? 】

【 My whole family is shocked, this is definitely the fastest customs clearance of this copy! 】

【 666666 Shen Meiren is so cool, I’ve never seen such a hardcore customs clearance method before 】 A0BZL5

【 You can just ask a paper man to explain the story line, do you dare to believe this??? The paper man is even a dead crew member! 】

【 Shen Meiren is awesome, tianshi are awesome, he directly caught a ghost and turned it into a subordinate! But the game doesn’t actually show the ghosts, we can’t see who caught the fish people and brought them aboard, I’m leaving a bad review! 】

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

【 The most important point is that Shen Meiren can obviously clear customs by himself quickly and efficiently, why didn’t he do that in the previous copy? 】

【 Because the previous copy had God 7, this copy does not. 】 21GXMt

【 Don’t even ask, the answer is love! 】

Translator's Note

Advanced technology (黑科技).

Translator's Note

Paternal grandfather.

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Says “jio” in the raws. I think this is supposed to be jiao (脚), meaning foot, but I’m not sure, as the author consistently uses “jio” in the raws.

Translator's Note

Here he uses the male/neutral pronoun (他) while the others use the object pronoun (它). They sound exactly the same.

Translator's Note

Lit. “called out” (召出来).

Translator's Note

Basically, he won without doing anything/he got carried (全程躺赢).

Translator's Note

Lit. “color/dye” (染色).

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  1. “The answer is love” so truee!! im so excited to see you update! Thank you for the translation!

  2. “Love” is a right answer

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖