Transmigrated as the Prince Regent's Cherished Runaway WifeChapter 66.2

“Husband, I love you so much, without you, I can’t go on living.” (Part Two)

Translation Checker: jellypeaches KFJpx1

Editor: jellypeaches, Special_K

The carriage parked outside the Meridian Gate of the Imperial City.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Meng Huan got off the carriage and looked around. There were already eunuchs waiting behind the Meridian Gate, lined up in two orderly rows, waiting to take Meng Huan to the Imperial Garden where Emperor Xuanhe was staying.

When Meng Huan got out of the carriage, he surveyed left and right. There were already officials guarding the Meridian Gate standing in two orderly rows, waiting to lead Meng Huan to the Imperial Garden where the Xuanhe Emperor was staying. QS3sGJ

Pei Xiyi stood inside the door with his head bowed. At the sight of Meng Huan, he knelt down. “Greeting the Royal Consort.”

He was the eunuch beside the Emperor, a beautiful and submissive looking man who could be a Haitang eunuch shou in another book. It didn’t look like he was a very talkative person.

As Pei Xiyi approached Lin Bozhou, he whispered, “The Cui Family’s elder grandson is here again, he is currently playing Weiqi with His Majesty.”

His voice was very soft, and once he was done talking, he stepped back.

v DA3f

Lin Bozhou was walking at his usual speed. Hearing this information, he raised his hand and said, “Make haste then.”

The atmosphere seemed to have tensed up.

He began to walk faster. When he passed the corner of the palace wall, a eunuch who was watching just showed his head. Seeing that Lu Bozhou did not bow, he hurried back, obviously to report the news. As expected, when he arrived at the Imperial Garden, Emperor Xuanhe was wearing a dragon robe, standing there with his hands behind his back, with a face full of joy: “Brother, the emperor’s wife is here?”

As he picked up his pace and walked past the corner of the palace wall, a eunuch poked his head out. When he saw Lin Bozhou, instead of saluting to him, he turned and ran. He was obviously on lookout and to report back. When they reached the imperial garden, sure enough, there was the Xuanhe Emperor in his imperial robe, standing in place with his hands behind him. Face of full joy, he greeted, “Royal Brother, Royal Sister-in-Law, you are here.” 7AUdBC

Meng Huan glanced around and saw a figure following the eunuch, hurriedly leaving from behind the waterside pavilion.

Feeling confused, Meng Huan blinked and did not say anything.

Luo Bozhou glanced at him sideways and uttered a soft “oh” with the corners of his lips straight, as if he was deliberately saying, “Who left? The one who played chess with Your Majesty? Why didn’t you stay and finish the game?”

Lin Bozhou shifted his gaze and gave a gentle hum. Flattening his lips, he deliberately brought up, “Who just left? Was someone playing Weiqi with Your Majesty? Why not have the person stay to finish the game?” O8j10F

The Xuanhe Emperor took his arm and said with a smile, “Now that the Royal Brother is here, what do we need to keep others around for? So, we dismissed him. Royal Brother, have a seat!”

When he said this, there was an obvious guilt inside. After taking the man’s arm, he took Meng Huan’s arm. “Royal Sister-in-Law, are your leg injuries better?”

His tone had a degree of boyish maturity and solemnity.

Meng Huan politely replied, “Much better, thank you.” 9vy0lx

“That’s good, that’s good,” Emperor Xuanhe nodded solemnly, “Unfortunately, my sister-in-law was kidnapped and suffered a lot. I asked the treasury to send you some medicinal herbs and silk. You should take good care of yourself and don’t refuse.”

“Good, that’s good.” The Xuanhe Emperor nodded. “It was unfortunate that the Royal Sister-in-Law was kidnapped and made to suffer. We will have the government repository deliver some medicine and silk to you, so you can heal in peace. Don’t turn it down, now.”

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ycmf tlr uelias offilcu kfca jkjs, tlr lwqfglji qgfraluf jirb mjwf bea.

Zfcu Lejc yilcxfv jcv cbvvfv. “Ktjcx sbe, Tbeg Zjpfras.” Idl98r

Lu Bozhou was sitting nearby, his eyes fixed on the chessboard in the pavilion. It was obvious that he was not fooled by Emperor Xuanhe’s words. Although his expression was calm, the silent accusation implied in it was unusually strong.

Vlaalcu bc atf rlvf, Olc Dbhtbe’r ujhf olzfv bc atf ecolclrtfv ujwf lc atf qjnlilbc. Yynlberis, tf vlv cba yes jcsatlcu bea bo atf Wejctf Swqfgbg’r wbeat. Ciatbeut tf vlrqijsfv j mjiw fzqgfrrlbc, atf rlifca mglalmlrw la mbcajlcfv kjr fzagfwfis ragbcu.

How could Emperor Xuanhe not understand? He had to perform better in front of him and pretend to be enthusiastic about government affairs: “Royal brother, I have read the letter about the rebellion in Jianzhou, Liaodong. I heard that they have already entered the Great Wall. It is extremely urgent. How do you think we should solve it?”

The Xuanhe Emperor could tell, so he could only behave better in front of the man and pretend to be enthusiastic about political affairs. “Royal Brother, we have read the letter about the military chaos in Jianzhou, Liaodong. We also heard about the breach on the Great Wall. There is a great deal of urgency. How does the Royal Brother think it should be handled?” l gPaq

Lin Bozhou replied, “Let Mao Chengchang meet the force head on.”

“Mao Chengchang, I don’t think he is capable,” Emperor Xuanhe frowned seriously, “If a war breaks out here, I don’t know how much military expenditure will be needed and how much manpower will be consumed. It would be great if the war could be stopped as soon as possible.”

“That Mao Chengchang, we do not think he can do it.”  The Xuanhe Emperor frowned solemnly. “Once the war starts at the border, we do not know how much military spending and civilian forces will be required. If only the war could come to an end as soon as possible.”

Lin Bozhou’s expression looked much better. “Your Majesty is wise.” jNkqoZ

The two of them exchanged questions and answers, and their relation as ruler and subject was evident.

Political matters were also discussed in earnest.

Meng Huan listened with his ears cocked, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible. Meng Huan had two completely different faces to outsiders and to himself. He was a perfect husband who could tease and coax her to death, but he was very wary of outsiders. He was dignified and elegant but also cold and distant, wearing a heavy mask, like two different people. Although Meng Huan felt strange, she would not ruin his business.

Meng Huan pricked up his ears to listen, all while lowering his presence. Lin Bozhou was using two different faces between him and outsiders. First was a teasing and sweet face, the perfect husband who would pamper him to death; second was an alert face, wary of outsiders, hiding behind a dignified, graceful, but also detached mask. They were like two different people, and although Meng Huan found the latter unfamiliar, he would not spoil his official business. 2chHm8

The Xuanhe Emperor carefully examined Lin Bozhou’s face and tried to make a suggestion, “We heard the son of the Jianzhou Jurchen’s leader is in prison?”

Lin Bozhou replied, “Responding to Your Majesty’s question, he is.”

The Xuanhe Emperor pondered and suggested, “Then why don’t we hand him back to the Jurchen tribe in exchange for a truce? Then there will not be a war, the lives of commoners will be spared, achieving the best of both worlds.”

Lin Bozhou closed his half-lidded eyes before opening them, clenching his fingers slightly. A5dMYo

The atmosphere was quiet for a moment

Emperor Xuanhe slapped his head suddenly, and woke up: “Oh, no, that guy kidnapped my brother’s wife. With such national hatred and family feud, how can we let him go back intact?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The Xuanhe Emperor suddenly smacked his forehead and came to his senses. “Oh, no, that would not do. That guy kidnapped the Royal Brother’s wife. With such a slight against the country, how could we hand him back intact?”

Instead of answering, Lin Bozhou asked, “Just who suggested this to Your Majesty?” YDf6Qi

Emperor Xuanhe realized from his tone that the problem was a bit serious, and hurriedly said, “I thought of it myself.” He immediately understood, “I understand that my brother disagrees. Who can tolerate the emperor’s sister-in-law being kidnapped by him? Just pretend that I didn’t mention this suggestion!”

The Xuanhe Emperor could pick up the severity of his question and quickly said, “We thought of it ourselves.” He immediately understood, “We understand the Royal Brother’s disapproval. He kidnapped the Royal Sister-in-Law, who could stand this? Let’s just pretend we never made this suggestion!”

He actually felt this was a good suggestion, but he had to consider Lin Bozhou’s mood, therefore, this suggestion was impossible.

Lin Bozhou slowly said in his deep voice, “Your Majesty, even if the Royal Consort had not been kidnapped, Echul can’t be released back.” 0qvigm

“Why not?” The Xuanhe Emperor didn’t understand.

Zhui Bozhou felt his blood run cold, and he paused for a word. “If we agree to his conditions when he threatens to invade, then he will come to threaten us every day. What conditions can we agree to? This is a manifestation of weakness and compromise. We must stand up and bravely meet the enemy’s invasion, even if it requires great sacrifices. We must let them bear our pain and make them fear death more than we do. Only by frightening them and making them flee can we guarantee peace and tranquility.”

Lin Bozhou felt all the blood in his body turn cold, and he said word by word, “If the other party threatens to invade and we agree to his terms, would they not threaten to besiege the city every day, and what terms would we have to agree to? This is a show of weakness and compromise. With regard to the enemy’s invasion, we must rise up and bravely face the enemy at all costs, even if it requires a great sacrifice. Let them bear our pain, and let them fear death even more than we do. Only when they are so afraid that they flee at the mere sight of us, can we ensure peace and tranquility.”

The Xuanhe Emperor sounded a little hesitant, “Really…” duXnL7

“Does your Majesty really believe that they will stop fighting if we release Anchui?” Lu Bozhou said, “If you put your expectations on others, you must be prepared for disappointment. War is cruel, but necessary. If they dare to provoke trouble, we must make them pay the price and feel fear. They killed prisoners of war, so we killed prisoners of war. They massacred the city, so we massacred the city. We killed more than them and made them bleed more. Only then will they feel pain and feel fear. Your Majesty, do you understand? Compromise will only make the other side get more aggressive.”

“Does Your Majesty really believe that if they have Echul, they will stop the war?” Lin Bozhou said, “If Your Majesty puts your expectations on others, you must be prepared to be disappointed. War is cruel, but it is necessary. If they dare to provoke us, they must be made to pay the price and feel the fear. They kill prisoners of war, we also kill prisoners of war. They slaughter everyone in a captured city, we will slaughter more people than they do. Only by spilling more of their blood will they know true fear. Your Majesty, do you understand now? Compromise will only allow them to take a mile once they have an inch.”

The Xuanhe Emperor finally understood and was enlightened, “So that’s how it is.”

He looked at his Royal Brother with admiration. “Royal Brother is really smart.” NgjbGW

But…he also knew that Lin Bozhou was knowledgeable and adept at debate. It could also be an excuse for him to take personal revenge, one could never know.

Lin Bozhou’s expression did not improve one bit.

He sat with his palms slightly tightened.

He wanted to know the reason, why after so many years of studying and education, the Xuanhe Emperor would always make the wrong decisions for the country. XD7uSC

If one day he left the Emperor’s side, what would the Zong Dynasty turn into, and how would the Emperor be able to defeat the insidious ministers?

The Xuanhe Emperor mentioned another thing, “How does the Royal Brother think this war should be fought?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhui Bozhou said, “It is almost autumn now. The crops in the fields have been harvested. There is enough food and grass to support a winter of war. However, the enemy will most likely run out of food next spring, so they will definitely choose to attack fiercely instead of fighting for a long time. As long as we defend ourselves strictly and have sufficient supplies to survive this winter, we can follow the safe way of fighting, resist their attacks, and when they run out of food and retreat, we can start to attack, and then we can send out troops to drive them away and defeat them.”

Lin Bozhou said, “It is almost autumn, and the crops in the fields have been harvested. There is sufficient grain to support a winter battle. By next spring, the enemy may run out of their food supplies, so they will definitely choose to attack aggressively rather than prolong the war. The Zong Dynasty only needs to hold the defense, keep replenishing supplies, and get through the winter. By playing it safe and withstanding their attacks until they withdraw due to grain shortage, we can then counterattack to drive them out and defeat them.” cRCOpd

The Xuanhe Emperor nodded. “That makes sense.”

“But now I am worried that the Liaodong Military Commission’s troops are too weak. If we fail to hold the pass and let the enemy enter, the people inside the pass will have plenty of food and grass, and their power will increase after being plundered, and there will be more variables.”

“The only concern now is that the forces in Liaodong are too weak. If they fail to hold the defense and allow the enemy through to the mountain pass, where the commoners have plenty of food, the enemies’ focus and numbers will increase after the plundering.”

The Xuanhe Emperor sighed. “Shanhai Pass in Hebei is a major center for military affairs. With a massive military force guarding it, there is no way they can fail to protect it, right?” IUoWnP

Lin Bozhou shook his head. “Not necessarily.”

He paused and said, “If Liaodong Dusi is captured, the war situation will be dangerous. I earnestly request Your Majesty to kill Mao Chengchang to calm the army and let me go to guard the country’s borders.”

After a pause, he continued, “If Liaodong Military Commission is captured, the war will take a dangerous turn. Imploring Your Majesty to behead Mao Chengchang to appease the army and allow this humble subject to guard the pass to the country.”

Hearing this, Meng Huan glanced at him from the side. IkWuFx

As expected.

War was a serious matter. In accordance with Lin Bozhou’s worried nature, he could not leave this to others and would take the initiative to go forth and guard the country.

The Xuanhe Emperor immediately panicked and gasped, “If the Royal Brother is going to war, what is going to happen to us?”

“Your Majesty is fourteen this year, and should learn to handle political affairs yourself.” Lin Bozhou said. TqJgQS

“No way, we can’t live without our Royal Brother!” Emperor Xuanhe smiled and shouted it out naturally.

Lin Bozhou showed no expression on his face nor did he speak.

He revealed none of what he was feeling.

Meng Huan felt that his chest was about to explode with anger. bgIudm

So, who was actually manipulating who? Was this not utterly using Lin Bozhou as a tool so His Majesty could stay as the arm-flinging shopkeeper and play Weiqi everyday?

Meng Huan gritted his teeth, and after a long time, he whispered his question, “Your Majesty, why can you not live without His Royal Highness?”

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The Xuanhe Emperor turned his head and argued, “These ministers will deceive us and tell lies. Without the Royal Brother here, we will definitely be fooled in circles by them.”

“Is that so?” Meng Huan said with a puzzled expression, “Why does Your Majesty not try to distinguish the truth from the false yourself, instead of always relying on Your Royal Highness to do it for Your Majesty?” 7Lle8F

His tone was light with very little accusation, not enough to displease the Xuanhe Emperor.

The Xuanhe Emperor had a face that said ‘what do you know?’, then he reeled off, “It is hard to study and manage politics. We are still learning.”

“If Your Majesty spent more time studying,” Meng Huan said, “Your Majesty should be able to understand in no time at all.”

But Emperor Xuanhe was only thinking about fun and never paid attention to government affairs. Think about it, what kind of brains do people who manage state affairs have? Can a half-witted person like him be better than others? 73EYFS

It was just that Xuanhe Emperor’s head was filled with nothing but his own entertainment, and never had he put his heart in politics at all. Just think what kind of brains those running the affairs of the country have. Could someone with a tactless and impulsive attitude like him beat the others?

“I know, I am learning,” Emperor Xuanhe waved his hand, “Also, although my brother is married to you, he is not just yours, but a minister of my clan. My sister-in-law should not be too possessive.”

“We know, we are learning.” The Xuanhe Emperor waved his hand. “Also, although the Royal Brother married you, the Royal Brother does not solely belong to you, but is a subject of our Zong Dynasty. Royal Sister-in-Law should not be too possessive.”

Meng Huan pursed his lips and found this whole thing dull. XdMCI3

The Xuanhe Emperor and Lin Bozhou continued to discuss the matter of Senior Cui.

Sitting on the side, Meng Huan was in a very bad mood.

After seeing this, Zhui Bozhou and Emperor Xuanhe had finished discussing the matter. They were supposed to have dinner together, but when he saw the Dowager Concubine, he declined the invitation: “The princess has not recovered in the past few days. I am afraid she is not feeling well again. Your Majesty, please let the princess return home and come back after she recovers.”

Lin Bozhou could tell. Once he finished discussing things with the Xuanhe Emperor, the original plan was to dine together and see the Imperial Consort along the way, but he declined, “The Royal Consort is still in discomfort, having not fully recovered yet. Your Majesty, this humble subject is asking to return to the compound with the Royal Consort, and come back once the Royal Consort’s health is better.” NvEPUi

The Xuanhe Emperor did not urge them to stay. “Very well.”

He found that Meng Huan, apart from being good-looking, did not know how to play Weiqi and was not very interesting.

Translator's Note

Referring to an actual garden in the Forbidden City.

Translator's Note

An eunuch who served the emperor directly.

Translator's Note

Meng Huan feeling like Lin Bozhou is a stranger to him when dealing with outsiders.

Translator's Note

Direct translation is, with such enmity caused by the attack on our country and hatred caused by damage to our family. This is saying, because we hate him so much for the offense he had committed on our country and our family, we can’t let him off lightly.

Translator's Note

Someone who asks others to work but does nothing himself. So, a boss who delegates tasks to the underlings and does nothing.

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  1. This emperor is still a kid but I want to smack him so bad. 😊 He’s 14 but I bet my 10-year-old brother is more matured than he is. 😬

  2. 14 years old in our reality is a child, but in ancient times where most people died around 40 this age is young adult, who next year should start his own family. So if we look at this from perspective of young adult in our times 20 years old, if some guy will slack of like this and still playing around without thinking about responsibilities that is very wrong

    • Exactly. Besides, 14 isn’t too young to understand what is important, and how to keep focus, even in modern times. Children younger than that understand, when they have responsibilities and when it’s time to play. The emperor clearly is just irresponsible, pushing all the boring bits of his status on Lin Bozhou, and enjoying the fun parts. Like fr, he clearly understands that playing around with the Cui’s grandson is wrong on multiple levels, but he still does it and then sneaks him around, like a cheating wife hiding her lover when the husband comes home early.

  3. Rich child who is a toy in hands of dirty minded politicals

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  4. You won’t be so easily deceived little emperor, if only you pay attention to the politics more and play less weiqi everyday 🙄

  5. The Emperor is making me feel frustrated. He doesn’t want to understand how severe the situation is, just dump it all on his brother😡 I feel bad saying this but I hope he gets betrayed (but not killed) when LBZ is at war so he [the Emperor] can wake up

  6. This child Emperor, knows what the problem is, but doesn’t want to do anything about it. Pretty much a spoiled brat 😤😑