Pheromone Recognition DisorderCh79.2 - Be good and wait for me


The pursuing onlookers let out a gasp of shock. Hub8fe

At that moment, Huo Xianfeng smashed a massive pillar with one hand, but as it shattered, countless tentacle-like red light bands swiftly wrapped around him, mixed with extremely thin black needles.

The young man quickly retreated, his instincts warning him not to touch these things.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

This was probably the first time Huo Xianfeng had encountered a difficult situation since waking up on Earth.

Three minutes ago, some of these light orbs flew out, rapidly transforming and interlocking in the air to form several gigantic pillars, each twenty to thirty meters tall, and crashed down around him like divine punishment. JZWUHG

They formed a strange formation, and the sky filled with dense metal spheres, almost completely blocking all his escape routes; It was as if they intended to trap him and capture him alive.

Huo Xianfeng glanced at the wound on his wrist and narrowed his eyes slightly.

—His healing process had slowed down.

These light balls appeared to be weapons specifically designed to combat the Zergs.

liz HE

He quickly understood why he had lost contact with Nora earlier, as these weapons were almost perfectly tailored to counter the Zergs’ reckless, direct, and brutal fighting style, and they also restrained their healing abilities.

Just as Huo Xianfeng narrowly dodged the light bands and momentarily froze in mid-air, a giant axe slashed down from above, tracing a fan-shaped arc in the air, aiming directly at his head!

Anyone else would have been split in two pieces on the spot. In the blink of an eye, the black-haired young man tilted his head, grabbed the back of the axe with one hand, and flipped over it in a way that seemed impossible for a human body.

He stomped on the axe blade. Upd1Fy


The giant axe embedded itself into the ground, creating a massive crater, and the stone surface shattered into many spiderweb-like cracks.

But it wasn’t over yet. Huo Xianfeng swiftly ran along the long handle of the giant axe, launching an attack on the enormous mechanical warrior, his whole body like a piercing spear.

Behind the young man, countless red tentacle-like light bands chased after him, filled with densely packed black needles. SpUevy

Just as Huo Xianfeng was about to reach the warrior’s throat, he suddenly flipped down, his form merging into the large shadow behind the man.

Swish, swish, swish!

The pursuing light bands and needles had no time to dodge and directly pierced into the mechanical warrior’s body.

Pssiisshhh— WolCqG

Instantly, countless dense holes appeared on his throat.

“Oh my god…!” someone exclaimed in a daze and shock—Even Cecilia’s pupils unconsciously dilated.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Although Kuru was her creation, if she really faced him head-on, she couldn’t handle it so effortlessly, especially if she was surrounded like he was. hKHtzf

Such… terrifying combat power.

Not just speed and strength, but also combat prediction and skills, everything was almost perfect.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Jfmlilj ibkfgfv tfg fsfr.

“Rb kbcvfg…” SOCMwZ

No wonder so many people said he resembled Huo Chao…

Ktf kbwjc cjggbkfv tfg fsfr rilutais.

Qtja mbeiv yf atja VVV-mijrr jrrfa ktlmt kjr fnfc wbgf njiejyif atjc atf Vbc bo Xbv?

Dea fnfc rb, gfislcu bc pera atfrf rb-mjiifv fzdelrlaf mbwyja rxliir kbeivc’a yf fcbeut ab ygfjx atgbeut atf fcmlgmifwfca. WswKMI

—Leb Wljcofcu mfgajlcis xcfk atlr abb.

The appearance of these strange light orbs was unexpected; he knew Bright City’s security, weaponry, and defenses might surpass the First Legion’s, but he hadn’t anticipated the specialized anti-Zerg weapons hidden here.

Moreover, these strange sphere pillars not only blocked his mental power and mecha connection but also jammed communication signals. And Nora seemed to be in a coma now.

As a result, Huo Xianfeng was not only late on their original plan, but also lost contact with Jiang Ci. MYvxfR


The young man’s expression was grim.

He had wanted to see what these strange light bands were, but now it seemed he couldn’t delay any longer.

Boom—! b1TlKJ

The dense red tentacle-like light bands instantly retracted, and the once massive mechanical warrior’s body deflated like a leaking balloon, becoming thin and emaciated before collapsing to the ground with a thud.

“Target error, recalibrating…”

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“Target error, recalibrating…”

“Target locked—” a AbxJ

At this moment, countless red dot lasers refocused on Huo Xianfeng, who quietly stood up and rubbed his brow, looking somewhat troubled.

“This is really…”

Had he known there would be such a massive battle, he would have taken out a few more mecha cores just now.

Unconsciously, Huo Xianfeng had become accustomed to consuming metal. vswVTm

“Detected target exceeds expected danger level, confirming escalation to maximum energy output.”

At that instant, countless red tentacles with black needles surged from all directions, filling the air with their dense presence!

Bang! Bang! Bang!!!

The speed was so intense that it caused consecutive sonic booms in the air! WV5SKf

They closed in almost instantaneously.

Just as the sharp black needle was mere centimeters from his eye, Huo Xianfeng raised his gaze, and his left pupil suddenly elongated, becoming sharp.

The golden vertical pupil representing the royal lineage was revealed.

Buzz——!!! taSzBm

An invisible and terrifying force seemed to descend at that moment, overwhelming like a tsunami.

All the red tentacle light bands and black needles instantly froze, unable to move an inch.

[Identity… confirmed…]

[S… SSS-class asset… identity… confirmed…] gOl1CS

The electronic voice stuttered and broke up.

Cecilia was stunned by this scene; but she couldn’t see the details due to the distance.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was utterly unbelievable—though the alpha hadn’t moved at all, all the attacks were frozen.

Even the light spheres began to tremble slightly. Though they were supposed to be lifeless mechanical creations, they seemed to cower in fear, VbhCvm

—Extreme fear.

Cecilia’s eyes widened, and the next moment, the first light sphere’s explosion reflected in her beautiful pink pupils.


Or rather, it sounded more like a desperate and fearful wail. Z vBTy

Then one after another—



Boom!!! tbZxON

The rapid explosions were like a string of firecrackers, with each boom following the previous one before it had finished. The red tentacle light bands shattered into fragments, and a thick layer of bloody and sticky debris piled up on the ground.

It was like a pile of rotting, blood-red petals.¹


In that instant, there was complete silence all around; a dead silence. Everyone’s eyes widened, and their facial muscles twitched uncontrollably due to shock. vjdOnk

What had just happened?

They didn’t know…

No one knew what had happened; they only saw the strange young man raise his eyes, and all the light orbs exploded instantly.

“That guy’s eyes…” hXgiaY

“Are they really… human?”


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At this moment, Huo Xianfeng quietly stretched out his hand, which was covered in a pale pink fluid. The liquid ran down his fingers like tears, dripping off at the ground.

— It was the brain fluid of the Zergs. ED4Ksy

Because ordinary mechanical constructs couldn’t perform such agile movements that resembled those of living beings.

So when he saw them for the first time, Huo Xianfeng had this suspicion.

He had originally wanted to confirm it again and gather more information, but time was too short now.

The young man tapped the biological chip implanted behind his ear, took a deep breath, and slowed his voice: iSZRGx



There was a loud and noisy noise, messy footsteps, and gunshots from the other side… After a full ten seconds or so, he finally heard the familiar and urgent panting of the omega.

“Huo… Huo Xianfeng?” LBM37P

The voice sounded anxious, nervous, panicked, with a hint of imperceptible joy and a quivering tone.

“—Where the hell have you been?!!”


Huo Xianfeng was silent for a few seconds, then turned around, his gaze sweeping over the towering temple tower that almost reached into the clouds and finally settling on the level where explosions were occurring. ZSepsw

“Be good, wait for me for two minutes.”


Jiang Ci froze.

This, this was simply the tone you’d use to soothe a child. n1HoZM

He blinked his sore eyes, feeling a slight sting in his eyes, then headshotted the red-eyed alpha in front of him. Gritting his teeth, he stood up and continued running.

“…Just one minute!”

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Huo Xianfeng raised his eyes, which reflected the gathering mechas and fighter jets converging from all directions aiming at his direction, and he quietly replied:

“Okay.” Sb6zLq

M1zushi: the body horror tag is for the zergs bcs the church is BRUTAL

fair warning for gore but the mechanical barriers made from zergs are probably something like this. the Pope treated the Geneva Convention as a to-do list 💀💀 atXlPj

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

Translator's Note

if ykyk

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  1. Did the war break out cause this btch pope stole the egg of the zerg queen? Like that fcker seriously stole a zerg king and watched as a war broke out then pretended to help??? I hope HXF kills cecilia before going as well cause i sure as hell hate her up to this point 😭😭

  2. The pope and the church about to go down 👇 the fact that they’ve been experimenting and mistreating zergs is undeniable. Punishable by death I’d say 😤