Paintings of TerrorCh290 - Doctor Qin Ci

Blood began to spew from Tian Yang, much like Xiao Kai did last night.

From his mouth, below, every pore, he quickly transformed into a figure made of blood, then melted from a person full of blood into a pile of bloody mud. 0qJSFL

Yes, melted. This process was akin to melting a living person.

Despite wearing raincoats, it couldn’t completely prevent the splattering of his blood and his melted organs. Ke Xun had already retreated to a distance, standing with everyone else in the corner, using several tables prepared in advance to shield around Tian Yang to protect themselves as much as possible.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Since the entire room was already filled with tables and there was a considerable distance between the tabletops and the floor, everyone couldn’t be sure if blood had seeped in from outside the door at this moment. The window seams were sealed inside and out with two layers, and they hadn’t seen a sign of blood yet.

Nothing seemed to be happening to He Tang for now, who was lying nearby, but her complexion had gradually turned bluish-black. Wu You, probably in shock again due to Tian Yang’s gruesome death, couldn’t help but cry out, breaking down and whimpering, “Why—why do we have to suffer like this—why are they treating us like this…” raeGb1

Fang Fei hugged her shoulders, and Wu You suddenly realized that even someone as strong and calm as Fang Fei began to tremble slightly under such cruel visual and psychological impact.

This kind of death was probably the worst that could be inflicted upon humans.

As long as one was a flesh-and-blood person, they couldn’t remain unmoved by it.

Suddenly, He Tang, lying there, convulsed and woke up from her coma.


“It hurts—” she cried out in tears.

“He Tang—” Wu You couldn’t help but call out to her with tears.

The companion who was sleeping together with her in the same room at the hotel a few days ago, the lively and vivid companion, soon…she would die in such a tragic way before her eyes. Wu You felt she couldn’t hold on any longer. She sat on the table in despair, covering her face and crying in pain.

“Hurts…it hurts…” He Tang struggled to sit up, and when she saw all her companions standing far away, looking at her with pitiful eyes, He Tang suddenly understood everything. She cried out in a shrill and harsh voice, desperately trying to get up, but fell back weakly onto the table. N3 btr

“No—please—you guys—please help me—help me—I don’t want to die—” He Tang trembled, reaching out to her companions like a drowning person grasping at straws on the water’s surface, “What about my mom and dad—who will take care of them—I can’t die—what should I do—what should I do—”

“He Tang,” Mu Yiran’s voice was no longer cold, but calm and gentle, each word clearly flowed into He Tang’s ears, “If I have the fortune to leave this painting, I will take care of your parents. I will hire the most professional psychologists to provide counseling for them and arrange for the most professional institutions to take care of them when they are old. You can rest assured.”

Trembling, He Tang took a while to recover, finally managed to pull a smile, as if thanking Mu Yiran, yet also seemed resigned to her fate. Her voice hoarse, she looked at Qin Ci, “Qin Ge…please…please find a way to let me die without pain…I don’t want to die like them…I’m afraid of pain…while…while I’m not in such a dire state…please let me die in advance…I don’t want to suffer that torment, please…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf Kjcu xcfk Hlc Jl kjr j vbmabg, jcv rtf yfilfnfv Hlc Jl kbeiv jikjsr olcv j kjs ab ifa tfgrfio vlf ifrr qjlcoeiis. xHSRYl

Hlc Jl ogbkcfv.

Ktlr xlcv bo gfdefra, la kjr ybat tfiqlcu j qfgrbc jcv xliilcu j qfgrbc. Coafg jii, Lf Kjcu cbk kjr ralii j ilnlcu yflcu. Vtf mbeiv ygfjatf, rqfjx, jcv atlcx, yea ecvfg tlr bkc tjcvr, jii bo atlr kbeiv yf vfqglnfv, jcv rtf kbeiv aegc lcab j mbiv mbgqrf.

Killing as a doctor may bring a heavier psychological burden than killing as an ordinary person.

Because the professional instinct and moral belief of saving lives have long been deeply integrated into the bones and blood of doctors. C701fs

Seeing Qin Ci not taking any actions for a while, Ke Xun understood the intense conflict in his heart at this moment, so he said, “I’ll do it.”

“No,” Qin Ci took a step forward towards He Tang, who had already started convulsing uncontrollably, “I’ll do it, I’m a doctor.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Whether it was saving lives or sending them away, he would do his best to fulfill the duties of a doctor.

“The shorter the time it takes, the better,” Shao Ling reminded Qin Ci in a low voice, “finish before she starts coughing up blood. It can not only help you avoid danger but also… shorten her suffering.” 0o6Rvr

Qin Ci made a “hm” sound in agreement and finally walked up to He Tang.

Squatting down, he reached out without hesitation and pressed He Tang’s carotid sinus, slightly lowering his eyelids with some reluctance.

“He Tang, you’re a brave girl,” Qin Ci said softly to her, “don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt at all, just like falling asleep… just pretend you’re asleep, okay?”

He Tang continued to convulse and stared at him with lifeless eyes. iMr6xE

Qin Ci’s hand had already begun to exert force as he spoke. He wanted to use pressure on the carotid sinus to stop He Tang’s heart, allowing her to die as quickly and painlessly as possible. However, to his surprise, after he had pressed with force for a full three minutes, He Tang still sat in front of him, eyes wide open, still convulsing.

Qin Ci felt astonished, released his hand, and called out to He Tang, but she suddenly spasmed violently, flailing her limbs wildly.

Since everyone was standing behind Qin Ci, He Tang was mostly obscured from their view. All they could see now was her vigorously waving arms, resembling a patient with mania.

“Qin Ge, do you need help?” Ke Xun asked. kLUzjO

“Don’t come over,” Qin Ci didn’t turn around, just stood up slowly, his voice sounding somewhat strange.

“Qin Ge, you’d better step back first,” Ke Xun’s heart skipped a beat, and he raised his voice to call out to him.

But before Qin Ci could respond, He Tang, who had been weak all this time, suddenly stood up and rushed towards the door like a madman.

“—What’s going on?!” Wei Dong exclaimed, and everyone was equally shocked by the situation. 34FaeL

He Tang silently slammed into the door, using her entire body to hit it, while her hands desperately tore at the raincoat covering her.

“”—We need to stop her!” Ke Xun was about to rush over, but he heard Qin Ci, who rarely raised his voice, suddenly shouted, “Don’t come over! I’ll handle it!”

Ke Xun froze in his tracks, watching as Qin Ci took a few steps over, tightly wrapping his arms around He Tang from behind and pulling her away from the door.

“Old Qin, what’s going on?!” Shao Ling asked in a sharp voice. EFUZXd

“She—” Qin Ci had just said one word when He Tang broke free from his grasp with great strength and charged forward, only to crash into the wall. She staggered back four or five steps before suddenly stopping her frenzy and began wandering along the wall like a lost soul.

No, it was not so much like a lost soul as… more like a zombie.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“She…” Shao Ling was about to ask Qin Ci again, but suddenly noticed that thick, murky blood was flowing down under He Tang’s raincoat.

“Qin Ge, get away from there!” Ke Xun said, picking up a spare table and placing it sideways a few steps away from He Tang, using the legs of the table to encircle her, with the tabletop acting as a barrier. jb1qNe

Mu Yiran, Zhu Haowen, and Wei Dong also each grabbed a table and hurried over, surrounding He Tang from four directions. He Tang was oblivious to all this, still swaying within the enclosed area formed by the tables.

“Qin Ge, step back quickly!”

“Move away from her first.”

“Qin Ge, you were too reckless just now. You rushed up to hold her like that. What if she started bleeding at that moment? How would you be able to avoid it?!” NhjPQA

“Step back to the corner first, Qin Ge… Qin Ge?” Everyone was talking at once, but they saw Qin Ci standing there motionless with his back facing them.

“…Qin Ge?” Ke Xun frowned and looked at Qin Ci, not realizing that his own voice was trembling.

Qin Ci slowly turned around, with a bitter smile and a hint of sorrow in his eyes, as he struggled to pull the corners of his lips at Ke Xun. His voice was coarse and hollow. “It’s too late… Little Ke, it’s already… too late…”

At the corner of his cracked and pale lips, a drop of blood the size of a red bean stuck conspicuously. hysa3j

Ke Xun’s heart felt like it had been struck by a heavy punch, emitting a dull and heavy thud.

Ke Xun opened his mouth but couldn’t make any sound for the moment.

Qin Ci raised his hand and gently wiped away the drop of blood. “After my attempt to cause her death by pressing on her carotid sinus failed, she spasmed once… I think at that moment, her salivary glands had already started bleeding, so… as her body convulsed, a drop of blood was flung out from her mouth…”

The few people standing farther away didn’t know what had happened here, but judging from Ke Xun and Qin Ci’s unusual behavior, it seemed they had sensed that something was wrong, so they all watched quietly and tried their best to listen to Qin Ci speak. ZOeosT

Though Qin Ci’s voice was low, everyone could still hear it.

Wu You covered her mouth, shedding tears in shock, while Luo Bu held his head in his hands, looking at Qin Ci incredulously with red eyes.

Shock and grief, like tons of cotton stuffed with thousands of steel needles, stabbed into everyone’s hearts. It was suffocating and stuffy, stinging and painful.

“—Qin Ge, there will be a way! Don’t panic—You wait here, we’ll find something! There must be a way to stop this situation!” Wei Dong rushed over with red eyes, grabbed Ke Xun with one hand and Mu Yiran with the other, “Let’s hurry—don’t waste time, let’s move! Go—go to the forest—the forest must have something useful there—find willow leaves—willow bark—those can help with fever, right—find—” BesWE4

Wei Dong didn’t even know what he was saying anymore. He released Ke Xun and Mu Yiran, and held his own head, fiercely pulling at his hair.

“Qin Ge, it was just a drop, right?” Ke Xun tried hard to stay calm, but his voice still trembled uncontrollably, “It was just a drop, nothing will happen, right… Tian Yang died because he was covered in too much blood, Xiao Kai and He Tang were bitten by mosquitoes, and the virus from the mosquitoes entered their bloodstream, but not you, right? You only got a tiny drop, and that drop didn’t even enter your body, so nothing will happen, right!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Qin Ci smiled faintly, about to speak, but then he heard a “plop” sound. Everyone turned to look in the direction of the sound, only to see He Tang, who had been enclosed by the tables, finally “melted” in blood like Xiao Kai and Tian Yang. She collapsed onto the tabletop beneath her feet and turned into a puddle of blood.

“You all, stay away from me,” Qin Ci stepped back, standing farther away from everyone, not letting anyone approach, “I’m not sure if besides blood, respiratory droplets could also transmit the infection, so it’s better to be cautious.” vTZ6d

“Listen to me first… otherwise, I’m afraid it won’t be long before I can’t clearly convey my thoughts…” His face was somewhat pale, but his expression was unusually calm, with only a hint of melancholy and helplessness in his faint smile, “I’ve figured out the cause of Xiao Kai and the others’ deaths, and what happened to this world.”

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