The Days I Clear Escape Games Pretending to be an NPCCh256 - Deep Blue (23)


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Translator's Note

围棋: wéi Qí – the game of Go// 茗: míng – Thea sinensis/young leaves of tea// 茶: chá – tea/tea plant

Translator's Note

螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后: táng láng bǔ chán, huáng què zài hòu – the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind (idiom, from Daoist classic Zhuangzi); to pursue a narrow gain while neglecting a greater danger]

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  1. E ghost was like fudge were did all these monsters come from??? Meanwhile our fei is flirting an call in our dumb assholes left an right