Purple HeartChapter 81


“If it’s difficult to pay the full amount in cash, a promissory note issued by Continental Bank will also suffice.” HoZhFu


“I know it’s a lot of money, but it’s not something I asked for. It’s the amount Duke offered to give me.”

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“Mr. Giles.”

“It’s not a lie. I really didn’t ask for it. Even if you decide not to give it, there’s nothing I can do, but Duke offered it, so I thought I’d at least mention it…” vt27L5

“Mr. Giles.”

Majordomo raised a hand, signaling for him to stop. Only then did Niles close his mouth.

“I don’t have the authority to handle that much money.”



“Since Duke hasn’t given me any specific instructions, I don’t know anything about that money. So, Mr. Giles, please talk directly to Duke about the money and get a confirmation. Then I will issue the promissory note.”

“Me, directly?”


Then, Majordomo picked up his pen again and resumed matching the ledgers. The sound of Majordomo calculating made it clear there was no further room for conversation. Niles reluctantly stood up from his chair. lAXjis

“Mr. Giles, personally, I think even six thousand pounds is too little.”

Majordomo spoke then.

“The work you’ve done for us is equivalent to rebuilding the North. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

“Ah… yes. I too am grateful for everything.” CxWiag

Niles scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. Majordomo smiled once more before turning his attention back to the ledgers. Niles listened to the scratching of the pen as he closed the door behind him.

It felt like a farewell. A clean ending, just as Niles had hoped.

‘So, what now?’

Niles sighed lightly as he walked down the corridor after leaving Majordomo’s office. lYLznJ

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The reason he brought up the money with Majordomo was that he hoped Majordomo would naturally inform Duke that it was time for Niles to leave. Niles couldn’t bring himself to say he was leaving.

Ktf alwf rqfca klat Gexf bnfg atf qjra obgacluta tjv wjvf tlr gfrbinf kjnfg. Ciatbeut atf ajrx kjr olclrtfv jcv tf mbeiv ifjnf ja jcs alwf, tf xfqa vfijslcu tlr vfqjgaegf, atlcxlcu la kjr ralii Mfygejgs jcv rqglcu kjr ojg jkjs.

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Cr tf rlutfv jujlc, tf tfjgv atf rbecv bo ybbar wjgmtlcu mbcolvfcais ogbw jojg. Rlifr delmxis tlv lc jc jimbnf. Vbbc, atf obbarafqr aegcfv vbkc atf mbgglvbg jcv qjrrfv gluta ys tlw.

Niles peeked out and inadvertently made eye contact with Elteon. Though Elteon glanced at Niles hiding behind a column with a curious look, he soon lost interest and turned his head away. Niles quickly nodded before Elteon looked away. HD8NBs

‘Good, I can count that as having said goodbye to the knight as well.’

Duke wasn’t among the knights. Only after they disappeared did Niles step out from behind the column and head outside with a heavy heart.

At the stables, a familiar redhead was cleaning jars. Niles remembered fetching water from the well with this man before. Yes, during a conversation about Omega, he had been embarrassed when he got a nosebleed. Niles recalled the man.

“Hello? I’m Ban. You were called urgently by Duke, but you’re back now?” 3nvHAj

The redhead seemed to remember Niles too. He extended his hand to Niles, who shook it and nodded.

“Hello. Mr. Ban, you’ve been helping out in my place, it seems.”

“Just call me Ban.”

Ban grinned. Niles smiled softly and looked around for Phil. HgBcmA

“Ban! Ban! Where have you gone this time? Don’t tell me you’ve gone to dinner already! Ban!”

Phil’s voice rang out from a distance. Ban grumbled and shouted back.

“You told me to clean the jars!”

“And you’re still cleaning them? We need to fetch water now! Where have you been all day, showing up only now!” xJFSUr


Ban threw down the brush in frustration. Phil rounded the corner and spotted Niles.


Phil approached, his face lighting up with joy. XYGwmo

“Majordomo said you’d be helping Duke from now on.”

“Ah, well… yes.”

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Niles decided to take this opportunity to announce his departure.

“Actually, the work is done, so I’ll be heading to the Central Region soon.” P9DbMR


Niles nodded.

Phil grasped Niles’ hand, his face full of surprise and regret.

“When are you leaving? It’s going to be sad to see you go.” aDY5VP

“Not immediately. It’ll take a bit more time.”

Probably. Niles added uncertainly.

Phil’s face darkened. Niles was silent too. Although the time they had spent together was short, they had grown quite close. Seeing Phil’s sorrowful expression, Niles waved his hand and spoke cheerfully on purpose.

“Hey, should I help out today? It’ll be much easier if we work together.” 073z8B

“Why would you work? That’s all Ban’s job.”

“It’s okay, sir. I’ll help. I’m not leaving for the Central Region just yet. Let me help while I’m here.”

Niles picked up the brush that had fallen to the ground and squatted in front of the jar before Phil could say anything.

“Sir, you go rest. Ban, go get some fresh straw.” racS5y

Ban, given his orders, headed to the storage in confusion. Niles started cleaning the jar much faster than Ban had, and seeing this, Phil sat down on a makeshift chair with a relieved expression.

The morning passed in a flurry. Niles cleaned ten jars and fetched water from the well three times to fill them. On his fourth trip back, he coincidentally ran into Morin and took the opportunity to bid her farewell.

When he mentioned that he would be heading to the Central Region now that his work in the North was done, Morin looked teary-eyed with regret. After a warm hug, Niles noticed the thick bracelet on her left wrist, but he smiled and waved as they parted ways.

Hastening his steps after leaving Morin, Niles realized he had spent quite a bit of time saying goodbye. Knowing that Ban was lazy and inefficient, he wanted to finish as much work as possible before leaving. Dyr8LQ

At the stables, Phil was anxiously wringing his hands for some reason. He wasn’t doing anything, just nervously rubbing his hands together. As Niles wondered why, Duke appeared from the stables.

Seeing Duke, Niles stopped in his tracks. Though there was some distance between them and trees in the way, making it unlikely Duke had noticed him yet, Duke repeatedly asked Phil something, went into the stables, came back out, and loitered aimlessly. He looked like someone killing time with no real purpose.

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“What are you doing?”

Niles was startled when someone tapped him from behind. He was so surprised that he spilled the water he was carrying on his back. HmB8a0

“Ah, what is this!”

Ban, who had been doused with water in the cold winter, screamed and jumped up and down. Because of that, Phil and Duke noticed Niles. For a moment, Niles felt as if Duke’s eyes flashed.

“Niles! Why are you only showing up now? Duke has been looking for you.”

Phil hurried over and grabbed Niles’ hand, pulling him along. AnTtpj


“What do you mean, why? You haven’t finished the task you were given yet, have you?”

Phil looked at Niles with a reproachful expression.

“I heard everything. No matter how hard it is, you need to take responsibility for your job until the end. Making Duke come to fetch you himself… Now, go and finish what you were doing.” 9pNtHg

“No, Uncle Phil, it’s not like that…”

Niles was about to explain, but he closed his mouth and looked at the approaching horse as Clarice arrived. Duke was seated on it. Duke stood next to him for a moment before swiftly lifting Niles onto the horse. It happened in an instant.

Niles couldn’t believe the situation where he felt as light as a feather being lifted into the air. Lifting a man who was 6 feet tall and weighed about 165 pounds with one hand—he knew Duke was strong, but this was unbelievable.

When he looked back urgently, Phil was waving at him, and Ban looked envious to death. As Niles tried to remove the arm around his waist, Duke started riding. People quickly moved aside, surprised by the fast-running horse. Fearing someone might recognize him, Niles quickly lowered his head. DZoRcU

Passing through the castle gates and entering the forest path, only the tips of the snow-covered coniferous trees brushed past. The cold wind blew fiercely against his face, making it hard to breathe. Niles had no choice but to bury his face in Duke’s chest.

The horse’s shadow raced along the frozen lakeside. In the white world, the only warm place was Duke’s embrace. When Niles asked to be let go, Duke looked down at him, grabbed his chin, and kissed him. Even in that moment, Clarice kept running.

It was only when the sky was covered in a crimson sunset that Clarice stopped. Duke brought Niles to the edge of the forest. Standing in the quiet forest where even the sound of falling snow could be heard, Niles turned his back angrily to head back the way they came.

“Niles.” dPHKCk

Duke, looking troubled, grabbed Niles’ shoulder. When Niles tried to shake off his hand, Duke pointed to the sky.

“Niles, look at that.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“At what?”

“The sky.” eEjnKP

Niles glanced at the sky. The sunset was beautiful but not extraordinary. Duke looked embarrassed.

“Can’t you see it?”

“What am I supposed to see?”

“That.” n 6CI9

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