Purple HeartChapter 80

Niall thrust relentlessly as he came, covering his own face with his semen, looking adorably flustered. Duke wiped Niall’s face clean, collecting the semen and pushing it back into Niall’s hole. Now, inside Niall’s stomach, their semen would mix, warm and mingling together into a messy concoction. Duke clung to Niall’s buttocks like a dog, thrusting without pause. He wanted to keep thrusting Niall until he died so that no other male could ever have him.

A possessiveness he never knew existed stirred awake within him. The alpha’s instincts began to arise, driven by the desire to dominate, to impregnate, and to relentlessly satisfy his sexual urges toward his omega. These were feelings Duke had never experienced before, and he was clumsy in handling them. He didn’t even understand what they were; he just wanted to keep inserting himself into Niall. It was the only meaningful act in this otherwise colorless world. M6guU8

As Niall’s warm, moist walls tightened around him, Duke released inside, like water flooding a chamber. The stronger the alpha, the more times they could ejaculate. An alpha’s testicles are not just external but internal as well, allowing a dominant alpha to have sex for five days without tiring and impregnate ten omegas in a single day if desired. Duke was beyond a dominant alpha, and all his sexual energy was focused solely on Niall. He couldn’t stop; he had to keep thrusting into him.

“Enough now.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

With a shudder, he pulled out, causing semen to gush from Niall’s gaping hole, which could no longer even contract. Duke flipped Niall over and spread his legs wide. Pulling his buttocks apart, the hole stretched sideways. The sight was so beautiful it made him smile.

“I’m happy.” 2OQhP9

Duke whispered, “I’m so happy. Niall, what about you?”

He kissed Niall’s shoulder blades, hoping for the same response, feeling it would bring him immense joy.

“I have to go.”

But this unfeeling man never answered as Duke wished. Duke asked where he was going.


“I have to go. Now… I have to.”

I’m happy with you, but you keep saying you have to leave. Why? Why do you keep trying to get away from me?

Duke’s vision turned red, his teeth grinding with frustration. A sense of impending doom loomed ominously, never diminishing.

“Do you think I’ll let you go?” OngpaT

Do you think I’ll let another alpha, another omega, thrust into you?

“I told you, if that’s the case, I’d rather tear you apart!”

I don’t make empty threats.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“If that’s the case. If that’s the case, I’d rather.” gUExYz

Gexf’r olcufgr gfjmtfv Rljii’r tbif, ralii uglqqlcu atf tfjv bo tlr qfclr. Mbgmlcu tlr olcufgr lcrlvf, fnfc fluta mbeivc’a oeiis rqgfjv atf tbif. Rljii kglatfv nlbifcais, yea qtfgbwbcfr kfgf erfifrr cbk.

“Vjs sbe kbc’a ub!”

Gexf rtbeafv, vlhhs klat fzmlafwfca ab atf qblca bo yilcvcfrr.

“Vjs la, Rljii! Rljii!” 3FhHG5


Llr cjwf ktlgifv ilxf j rabgw lc Gexf’r wlcv. Ktf wjc ktbrf fsfr mglcxifv rilutais ktfc tf rwlifv. Ktf wjc ktbrf tjlg aegcfv ubivfc ilxf jeaewc ktfja olfivr lc atf reciluta. Ktf wjc jikjsr rwlilcu, ktbrf rilutais qjgafv ilqr gfnfjifv tlr lccfg yfjeas ktfc tf rfvemfv, cfnfg xcbklcu tbk la wjvf Gexf’r tfjga gjmf. Lf tjv ralggfv Gexf mbwqifafis, jcv cbk tf kjr rjslcu tf tjv ab ub.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Ah! Ah!”

Duke pulled out, semen dripping, and laid Niall flat, hugging him desperately. OuDrZP

“You bastard. You bad…”

His teeth gnashed. He hated him to death. Every bit of reason evaporated, leaving only two raw emotions in red and blue: love and hatred.

But those feelings, too, merged like a collapsing sandcastle in a wave, blending into purple, making it impossible to distinguish love from hate. The emotion had no name; hence, the feelings couldn’t be named either.

Everything was a first for Duke. Holding hands, kissing, not as acts of molestation but out of genuine desire, all were firsts. tMZWgA

Spring’s signs were here, water welling up in the frozen wilderness, sunlight shining, bees about to fly, yet the man giving all this wanted to run away. He wanted to turn Duke’s vibrant world back to grayscale.

“Ugh. Ugh,” Niall groaned as he slipped off the bed, trying to distance himself from Duke. His steps were unsteady, and he soon collapsed to his knees.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Duke’s voice was ominous, like the creaking of an ancient castle door opening after a millennium.

“Come back before I tear you apart, Niall.” lrHfA

Niall tried to crawl on all fours, but Duke approached and lifted him from behind. His hands moved to Niall’s chest and genitals, groping them. He bit Niall’s neck and rubbed his penis between Niall’s buttocks. Niall’s neck fell back, and Duke wrapped around him like a vine.

At first, Niall resisted, but as the kiss deepened, he opened his mouth and swallowed Duke’s saliva. His hands reached back to grab Duke’s neck. He became erect again and ejaculated when Duke pulled his nipples. His hole, now open between his buttocks, released a warm trickle of fluid.

As their bodies entwined, an instinct awakened within both of them. Like Duke, Niall didn’t realize that his omega nature was craving an alpha. His life, lived half in denial, now absorbed a new hue of purple. He wasn’t aware of it yet.

“Beautiful,” Duke murmured as he pulled away. 2q3OtM

“You’re so beautiful. I can’t stand it. I’m going to fuck you.”

Niall spread his legs and got on all fours, not to run away this time. His slightly open hole trickled warm fluid in anticipation.

Duke pressed his chest against Niall’s back and entered him. Amid

Duke pressed his chest against Niall’s back and entered him. Amid the pouring scent of pheromones, Niall ejaculated again, almost like releasing water, yet the pleasure didn’t diminish; it only grew stronger. hPQBCc

“I like you.”

“I like you.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I like you so much.”

The indistinguishable voices fell like pink petals, piling up on the bed. Their continuous lovemaking was the only way they could convey their true feelings to each other, clumsily yet sincerely. 2c5 I8

Chapter 9

Niall knocked on the majordomo’s office door and soon heard a voice inviting him in. As he stepped inside, his legs momentarily gave out, and he stumbled.

“What’s the matter? Are you feeling unwell?” The majordomo asked.

“No, I’m just a bit dizzy,” Niall replied, covering up the truth, and sat down across from the majordomo. SwbZkq

“…” The majordomo pushed aside a ledger and gazed at Niall. From his expression, Niall sensed that the majordomo knew exactly what he and Duke had been doing for the past three days. As a close aide, it would be impossible not to know. They had locked themselves in the bedroom, doing nothing but that for three days straight.

It also meant the majordomo knew Niall’s stumble wasn’t due to dizziness. Although Niall rarely felt embarrassed, his cheeks flushed this time.

“I need to talk to you about something,” Niall said.

“Yes, go ahead,” The majordomo replied. aqErNl

“Well, I need some… medication to prevent pregnancy,” Niall finally said directly, realizing there was no way to beat around the bush with this kind of topic.

The majordomo put down his pen and looked at Niall. “Do you think you’re pregnant?”

“No,” Niall denied firmly. He was a dominant omega, and the one advantage of that was not getting pregnant outside of his heat. Moreover, Duke was also dominant or even beyond that, so unless he strongly desired it, pregnancy wouldn’t happen.

“You know Duke is more than just a dominant alpha. Creating illegitimate children is something ordinary men do. It doesn’t apply to Duke,” The majordomo said. A62al9

“I know, but it’s better to be safe,” Niall replied, feeling a hint of affection in the majordomo’s gentle smile.

“A typical omega would take this opportunity to have a child and secure their future. As expected, Mr. Giles, you’re very smart. But you don’t need to worry. You’re already taking medication.”


“The medicine given by the medical examiner, the dark-colored one. You were instructed to take a sip daily.” X QxfR


“As long as you’re taking that medicine, you won’t get pregnant. Don’t worry.”

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The majordomo smiled at Niall once more before picking up his pen again. Niall felt a great sense of relief, relaxing his shoulders and leaning back in his chair. He still had business to attend to.

“Please send a letter to the Earl of Newberry demanding the return of the promissory note since I have completed the assignment.” lILhV3

“I’ve already sent it. You should hear back from the Earl’s side soon.”

The majordomo looked at Niall as if asking if there was anything else.

“I was promised three thousand pounds as a reward for completing the assignment. I’d like to receive that money.”


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  1. 😩😩 ugh I hate those non-con chapters, the duke is not cute at all😤🤬🤬 it’s very uncomfortable to read, well i didn’t read them at all.

    I hope ML would apologise to Nial and Nial would get his rewards and freedom that he dream of.

    Anyways, thank your for bulk updates 🤗🤗🤗

  2. I absolutely started to despise the Duke since that one rape chapter… he acts like animals well they are kinda animals with this kind of ABO world theme tho but still he acts so fucking disgusting. “I will rip you apart” excuse me but who the f are you mf. I thought that he would know the best about molestation and wouldn’t dare to do the same to Niall but…. as I unfortunately can see my thoughts were not even close to reality of this book at all.