For All Your Not-So-Beautiful ThingsCh8 - Couple’s Argument (3)

“What if there’s nothing to drink?”

“Then offer me something to eat.” Fv1zld

“What if there’s nothing to eat?”

“Then get something from somewhere.”

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“I’m not an eagle, so where on earth would I get food?”

“Hah.” YHUnt4

I sighed. I realized the conversation wasn’t going anywhere, so I decided to switch the topic.

“You don’t have to smile genuinely. Just act.”

“I can’t even act.”

“Why? Have you ever tried to force yourself to smile when you didn’t want to?”



I nodded at her firm answer.

“Yes, I suppose everyone in your country must be nice…”

At my words, Aegis’ lips twitched as if to say something, but no sound came out. I stared at Aegis, who paused a few times and eventually closed her mouth, and then I spoke. lNXDKd

“Anyways, if you want to continue living here, you’ll need to know how to act appropriately. If you act in front of others how you act in front of me, you might get into big trouble.”

This was very true, especially in front of Khalifa, because it could endanger both her life and mine. And it would be an issue in front of Mahir as well. Mahir was nice, so unlike Khalifa, he would just laugh it off, but I didn’t want that.


Aegis then spoke in a small voice. It was so quiet that I held my breath to focus on her voice. GXwFEt

“I’ll just not meet anyone.”

I was about to say something, but…

“How could you not meet anyone? I’m telling you in advance, that’s impossible.”

As I sighed and spoke, Aegis grew angry. zxd0Zt

“No! I didn’t mean not meeting anyone, just the bare minimum… Anyways, I’m going back in a year, so… the emperor? I’ll just say hello to that person and continue staying here.”


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Her rapid-fire words made me doubt my ears for a moment.

What in the world did she mean she’d go back in a year? And in what kind of country was it polite to refer to the emperor as ‘that person’? oYbwmO

“If you just give me food, I’ll stay quietly in the corner of a room, so don’t keep coming back and telling me what to do! No… anyway…”


“I’d like you to get out of here.”

“……” x6bls

Suddenly, Aegis calmed down and turned her back towards me, saying strange things in a strange tone.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfgf kfgf j iba bo atlcur atja kfgf abb rerqlmlber ab yf jaaglyeafv ab atf ojma atja rtf rlwqis tjv cb rfcrf, yea wbgf atjc atja, P kjr mbcmfgcfv ys tfg mbcnlmalbc atja rtf kbeiv yf ifjnlcu joafg j sfjg.

Qjr atlr gfjiis ktja rtf atbeuta? Ktja rtf kbeiv yf jyif ab ub yjmx ab tfg mbecags lc j sfjg?

“……” CEaD6U

Suddenly, I started to feel sorry for Aegis. She seemed to have a bad personality, but she’d been deceived into coming here, so it was only natural to feel sympathy for her.

“Well… first of all.”

When I opened my mouth, Aegis, facing away, turned her head and looked at me again. I was about to say something when I realized a light sheen of sweat was forming on her neck, and stood up.

I walked over to the window and shaded her from the intense sunlight. g7sc4K

“What would you say if you met the emperor?”

Aegis’s brow creased at my sudden question. I expected a curse to be thrown at me, but instead, Aegis looked up in thought and muttered in an uncertain voice.


“……” UdoHf4

“I should greet him, first.”

That was right, but it wasn’t supposed to sound like she was greeting a baker at a local bakery.  For a moment, I suspected she was doing this on purpose, but the look on her face made me think otherwise.

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“And when you meet my brother?”

“Brother?” dOSgTa

“The Crown Prince.”

“Hello, Crown Prince-nim.”

Was she playing a joke on me? I was seriously considering that, but Aegis’ eyes widened as if she realized something, and then she looked at me and added.

“Hello, Emperor-nim.” ehIfGZ

“Sit down.”

I pulled out a chair, sat back down, and gestured to Aegis. Perhaps because my expression was  serious, thankfully, Aegis didn’t say anything and sat down across from me.

“I’ll call a teacher for you, and you can start studying tomorrow.”

“Studying? No, I’ll only be here for a year, anyway…” 8CmAHb

“You can’t leave. I don’t know who told you that, but even if you die, your country won’t be able to take back your body.”

Given the temper I’d seen for a while, I expected for her to be angry at this, but she was unexpectedly quiet. Aegis looked at me and snorted, as if she knew I would say such a thing.

“Anyway, you need to learn a few urgent things quickly. Until then, just keep your mouth shut.”

“Keep my mouth shut?” Vof1ep

“Yes, keep your mouth shut. I think that would be better. Say something like you can’t talk because you have a sore throat. Anyway, just don’t talk.”

I wasn’t finished yet, but Aegis interrupted me.

“You said we shouldn’t interfere in each others’ lives, so why are you saying so much? I have to study, and I can’t even talk, either?”

Aegis spoke sharply, grabbing the cloth at her chest and fluttering it lightly. Every time the hem of her clothes moved, more of her pale skin was visible. I stared at the bluish vein at the nape of her neck. Bw1z2S

“You must always wear a veil when leaving your room.”

“What? Fuck, you want me to put on that shitty carpet again?”

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“There’s another veil that’s much thinner than that shitty carpet, and stop swearing…”

The colorful profanity blurred my vision for a moment. Sighing and holding her forehead, Aegis jumped to her feet, pressing her back against the marble wall. LgwMYP

“Anyways, I won’t use that veil.”

“Are you that hot?”

It wasn’t even that hot today… At my question, Aegis rolled over, this time pressing her stomach and face against the wall, and closed her eyes.

“……” pzCMuT


She pressed the left side of her face against the wall, then turned around and pressed the right side of her face against the wall, moving around, looking for a cold place. I couldn’t even laugh because she looked like a leech attached to skin.

There was really a person like this… what she was doing was so childish that I didn’t even know what to say.

Was this how Mahir felt when he saw me? LYKmk6

I was staring at Aegis, who had her chin against the wall, sticking to it like a leech, when our eyes suddenly met.

“What’re you looking at?”

Aegis frowned and said in a murderous voice.

It was amazing that she thought I wouldn’t stare at her while she was doing that. QVjnJ7

“Get your eyes off me.”

“You’re swearing again.”

“When did I?”

“Isn’t ‘eyes’ a swear word?” oLXJmB

“What kind of swear word is that? It’s just eyes.”

Grumbling, Aegis rolled over again. It was amusing to see her leaning back against the wall, eyes closed, breathing heavily as if trying to cool off.

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Seeing this reminded me of something Aegis had said at the wedding.

I was pretty sure she’d looked at me and said ‘eyes’ very briefly. Since I was staring at her that time as well, it was probably shorthand for ‘look away’. o8in61

“Didn’t you tell me to look away at the wedding, too?”

I asked, unable to contain my curiosity. Aegis spoke without opening her eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that.”

“I’m not looking at you?” uksnNv

I lied without moving my gaze, and Aegis opened her eyes. Naturally, her eyes locked with mine, and her slender hand clenched into a fist and slammed against the marble wall.

My eyes widened in surprise at the louder-than-expected sound, and Aegis thrust her fist in front of her.

“Don’t try to control me. I’ve made it clear.”

“……” D49ZBz

She was only so brave because she was stupid, right?”

I was going to say something, but then I felt sorry for her and decided to let it go.

“Okay. You can be like this to me, but not to anyone else.”

“What?” oax2CL

“Don’t say rude things like ‘get your eyes off me’, don’t swear, don’t throw yourself against the wall, and don’t make threats with your fists clenched.”

At my words, Aegis pursed her lips as if to say something. But then she shut her mouth. Her gaze lowered, and she seemed to be thinking about something.

“Especially when you meet the emperor. Just bow down and don’t a word. Don’t say, ‘Hello, Emperor’ or any of that nonsense.”

“Bow down?” YIcz42

“I’ll send a teacher tomorrow, and you’ll learn imperial etiquette then. I won’t let you out of Talim until you’ve learned it all.”

Aegis glared at me with a displeased expression and asked.

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“I heard the emperor’s killed a lot of people.”

“Has the word spread in your country?” vkZlcX

With an unimpressed expression, Aegis nodded. The emperor was truly great for such words to be spread across the ocean.

“There are rumors about you, too.”

Inwardly curious, I asked with a puzzled expression.

“Rumors about me? What are they about?” EXZu9N

“When you were at war with barbarians, you cut open their heads and ate their brains when you were hungry, and drank their blood when you were thirsty.”


While I was still reeling from that unexpected statement, Aegis asked with a tense look.

“Is that true?” dnB3c6

“Why would it be true?”

“Didn’t you eat their brains?”

“Why would I do that?”

Was it because of something like this that she’d been so hostile? 8UIK5v

Translator's Note

Aegis uses a vulgar term for ‘eyes’, but I can’t find an english equivalent :blobsleepless: just keep that in mind for the following dialogue!

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  1. “Hello emperor-nim”😂😂😂

    This is getting more interesting by every chapterThank you for the update dear❤️❤️❤️


    lmao eating their brain and drank their blood 😭 who said that AHAHHA aegis is so cute and i like kyle very much already

    thank you for the chapter!!!

  3. Question: When is a new chapter uploaded usually on here? I love the translation but judging by thr cover I think there’s more chapters out than translated.

    I might just be a bit impatient but also curious.

    • I’m aiming for at least 2x a week, Thursday and Friday. Some weeks I’m able to do more than that, and the extra chapters will be sprinkled throughout the week.

      • Oh wow, thank you so much!!! I was expecting you to say every 2 weeks or something but you went beyond my expectations lol.

        Thank you for the amazing translations and remember to take breaks stay healthy! 🫶