For All Your Not-So-Beautiful ThingsCh6 - Couple’s Argument (1)

Was there anyone else in the world who got married like this?

I thought it would’ve been much better if the two of us had exchanged flower rings on the sand dunes of the desert. ElqcMR

“Would you like to undress?”


Chrysanthemum Garden.

I still didn’t know what the hell had just happened.

“Kyle-nim?” p6TWxo

When I didn’t say anything, the maid who had come in to remove my clothes called out to me in a questioning voice. I stared into space, lost, then turned and made eye contact with the maid.

For a very long moment, we locked eyes like that and said nothing. The maid’s face began to grow paler and paler. She hurriedly lowered her gaze and bowed her back as if to throw herself on the ground, then trembled like a leaf as she spoke.

“S, sorry.”

I swear I didn’t mean anything when I looked at the maid. I was just stunned, but the maid seemed to think she had offended me.


Even so, fear of the imperial family had reached its peak due to Khalifa’s numerous atrocities, and recently, people were dying every day in Talim’s harem. It was obvious how people viewed me.

Except for a few of my closest associates who’d known me for a long time, anyone would think I was like Khalifa, treating human life like it was next to nothing.

I was about to ask her what she was sorry for when she hadn’t done anything wrong, but I didn’t want to sound like I was reprimanding her, so I just shook my head and raised my arms. The maid bent down and bowed several times before beginning to remove my clothes with careful hands.

Now that the princess was married to me, she had to live with me in my castle. W7joKD


The wedding was over, but it still didn’t feel real. Perhaps it was because it was rushed and finished in just a week. What was the princess’s name? Was it Aegis, or Azis?


I laughed, surprised that I couldn’t even remember her name. The maid’s shoulders trembled. Feeling bad that she was breaking out in a cold sweat, I looked at her and asked. nqkzdg

“If you make a mistake and rip my clothes, I won’t yell at you, so don’t be too nervous.” 


At my words, the maid’s pale face turned even whiter. Seeing that, I said a little more.

“I don’t get angry and I don’t kill people.” kbhy03

“…Thank you.”

The maid, who had been staring at me with a blank face, came to her senses and bowed her head again. Her voice was still strained, but not trembling like she was about to die.

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Obbxlcu ja tfg, P rlutfv ab wsrfio. P revvfcis yfujc ab kbcvfg lo P’v tjnf ab rjs atlr fnfgs alwf P wfa rbwfbcf cfk.

Coafg mtjculcu, P ifoa atf gbbw jcv kjixfv vbkc atf tjii. Vlutlcu tfjnlis, P vgjuufv ws offa, ajxlcu jr ibcu jr P mbeiv yfobgf olcjiis gfjmtlcu atf vbbg, yea P mbeivc’a yglcu wsrfio ab ugjy atf vbbgxcby. XZwm5E

The princess had to be inside, so what would I say to her? I was supposed to sleep with her today, but would that even be possible? My heart sank as I remembered those eyes that had stared at me in the temple earlier.

It was a very familiar thing for someone to hate me, but it was my first time sleeping with someone who hated me.


As I was standing foolishly in front of the door, several waiting maids called out to me with puzzled expressions. tfqSwv



“Don’t let anyone in unless I tell you to.”

“Yes.” hrqWRS

I stared at the maids for a long time, until their backs were out of sight, as they walked down the hall.

I briefly thought about going to Mahir, but then I shook my head. I wanted to ask him for advice about what to do on the first night of marriage, but Mahir was married at the age of six, so his situation would’ve been completely different from mine.


What was I supposed to say when I walked in? Hello? No, the wedding ended a while ago. How should I greet her? After a moment of deliberation, I took a slow breath and grabbed the doorknob. pxSmOD

First of all, I was going to ask for her name, because I didn’t really remember what it was. And then I would ask how old she was… 

With that thought in mind, I tightened my grip on the doorknob, and the door swung open with a soft creaking sound. As soon as I stepped through the open door, the person standing a few paces away turned and looked at me.


“……” gbpeJ



Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

I gasped, even though I had seen her face before. Of course, she was wearing a veil at the time, so I could only see half of her face, but still, wasn’t this too far? At this point, I was surprised and almost bewildered.

The princess, who’d been wearing clothes as thick and baggy as a carpet, was now wearing only a light tunic that reached down to her ankles. Her veil covering half of her face was gone, and her pale arms and feet were visible. gszPNQ

I mumbled to myself, forgetting to ask for her name first.


Was she even a real person? I couldn’t believe that she was a human like me. It wasn’t just that she was beautiful, but that all the sheer, pale, jewel-like things in front of me were numbing my sense of reality.

What was truly stunning was a beautiful person. She wasn’t wearing any makeup, fancy jewelry, beautiful flowers, or expensive clothes, and yet she could steal someone’s soul just by looking at them. UT6ec2

After a moment of shock, I quickly came to my senses and walked past the princess as I sat down in a chair. The princess approached as she stared at me.

The thin hem of her tunic brushed over her pale feet as she walked neither quickly nor slowly.

I felt like I was watching someone levitate, even though she was only moving a few steps.

Then, instead of sitting across from me, she stood directly in front of me. I looked up at her with a puzzled expression on my face. SgfQaX



Even though we stared at each other, she didn’t say a word. Her eyes seemed to strangely change color every time they caught the light. Even if I watched them for a long time, I’d never get tired of them.

“Don’t let maids come into my room.” IKsh4x

I heard an neutral voice in my ear that I couldn’t tell whether was female or male. When I didn’t say anything in response to her sudden words, she spoke again, this time in more detail.

“Don’t let any maids come in, because I brought people from my homeland.”


“And Jade is enough of an escort. I don’t need anyone else unless they’re there to keep an eye on me.” t7WuZg


Her blood-red eyes stared at me like sharpened blades. But why was she speaking informally to me? I was taken aback by her words, which were more like a notification than a request.

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“Who’s Jade?”

“My escort.” VItMld

“Oh, did she come with you?”

She nodded at my question, then frowned for a moment.

“Just answer me.”

It wasn’t a very difficult request and I was about to say I understood, but then I paused. The princess was so hostile that I didn’t think she would say anything else to me. So I decided to take advantage of this opportunity. G8efM

“Well, tell me your name and how old you are, and I’ll let you do whatever you want.”


“Your name and age.”

Her forehead creased at my words. Even her distorted face was unreal, incredibly beautiful.  I thought it was because she didn’t want to tell me anything, but a moment later, the words that came out of the princess’s mouth were something completely different. ApSPUc

“You got married without even knowing that?”

She frowned and asked, looking at me like I was crazy.

“Then do you know my name and age?”

“Why would I need to know what?” e5GklM


I stopped talking and shut my mouth. Of course she didn’t want to come here, much less get married. But Khalifa must’ve said he’d kill her if she didn’t, or burn her country to the ground, or something like that, so she had no choice but to come.

“Anyway, tell me. I don’t need to know anything else, but I should at least know your name and age.”

“……” 6enIkh

The princess looked reluctant, but soon opened her mouth as if she had no choice.

“It’s Aegis.”

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“Aegis? How old are you?”

“Nineteen.” ge4dTG


I tilted my head at that. She looked too young to be nineteen. Were all foreigners like this? No, no matter what, she looked much younger than me.

This couldn’t even be explained by the word ‘baby-faced’. I cupped my chin in one hand and stared at Aegis with suspicion. But as I gazed into those deep eyes that refused to look away, I realized it was pointless.

Her appearance was so dazzling that it was hard to estimate her exact age, much less her gender. S7PbYu


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  1. Thank you so much for the update ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    I got so excited when I saw the update.

    The strory is really interesting and I’m in love already!

    can’t wait for the next chapters😍✨

  2. “I couldn’t believe that she was human like me” KYLE , SPEAK FOR YOURSELF, I’VE SEEN THE NOVEL’S OFFICIAL ARTS. Thanks for the chap~