For All Your Not-So-Beautiful Things

For All Your Not-So-Beautiful Things 너의 모든 아름답지 않은 것들을 위해

RAW Source
Author: Haedan
Total Chapters: Ongoing
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Translators: loop
Release Schedule: Sporadic


Comedy (151)Fantasy (98)


‘The weak exist to be robbed by the strong.’

Akhtan, a desert nation where the history of invasion and massacre lives on. Prince Kyle, who had been living in suppression under the long reign of terror of Emperor Khalifa, the Sun God, was suddenly forced into an arranged marriage.

‘What kind of marriage is this? It’s nothing short of a kidnapping… Why the hell would I… What sin has the princess committed?’

The princess of Calderaia, who appeared at the wedding a week later, was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

Her jewel-bright eyes, however, were incomprehensibly hostile.

character introductions

*ML: Aegis/Asuka
The princess of Calderaia who has come to Akhtan to marry Kyle in an arranged marriage. Her beauty contradicts her violent temper, and she tends to use her body rather than her head, as she doesn’t think deeply and hates complicated things. While she openly shows hostility toward Kyle, she also has many secrets. She’s a volatile person who goes off at unpredictable times.

*MC: Kyle
Prince of Akhtan, empire of the desert. He lives as if he were dead to avoid the tyrant’s gaze. Although he’s pessimistic and stubborn, he cares about the young princess who was brought to this country because of him (or, more accurately, because of the Emperor). He wants to care for her enough to keep her from dying an untimely death but is flustered by the fact that she, like a wild horse, won’t listen to him.


translator’s notes

1.The princess is the ML and she’s also a guy!

2.MC has no intention of engaging in any kinds of strange shenanigans with ML while ML is still a child. ML grows up before they get into a romantic relationship.

3.There’s both a 19+ (mature) and 15+ (not mature) version of this novel, but this translation will be of the 19+ version.

4.The page’s novel cover is of part two. This is the novel cover for part one.

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Translator's Note

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  1. oh my god???? i thought my eyes were playing with me wtf THANK U THANK U ive been wanting ro read this

  2. I don’t usually read Korean novels but younger travesti gong is calling me! Camping 🏕️


    to anyone please dont share this to any media platform i beg of you 😭🥹

  4. Hello dear translator!! Thank you for this wonderful gem, definitely camping! May I know how many chapters are there in Part 1 though? 😁