Neck KissCh118 - Published Edition Extra – Wedding Segment 05

Wedding Segment Six — Bride Kidnapping

Yang Jinzhi sat in the front row, his expression a mix of fatherly complexity and tenderness. While he didn’t consider marriage a particularly important event, as long as A-jin was happy, it was all that mattered. Sfk0Qh

His two lovers, Lu Yan and Fang Jiming, sat beside him, unusually harmoniously discussing the topic of educating the next generation. Fang Jiming had always wanted to ask Lu Yan for advice on how to guide his children properly, hoping they would shoulder family responsibilities just like Lu Zhen did. To be honest, aside from Lu Zhen’s reluctance to get married despite his age, he was the perfect ‘model child.’

“Are you talking about A-rui?” Lu Yan glanced at Fang Jiming and gave a straightforward answer, “It’s impossible. Give up.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Fang Jiming: “…” Lu Yan was still as annoying as ever!

On the other side, Yang Huaijin was preparing to throw the bouquet, and someone in the crowd jeered, “Why not let Nian Nian’s daddy throw it?” sDCK58

Feng Zhi plucked a flower from the bouquet and threw it directly at the person’s head—having an Alpha throw the bouquet meant it would hit its mark perfectly.

Bai Ning and Zhu Xu from the Qingyan Gang took on the role of babysitters, each holding an adorable little bundle. Because of the kids’ fussing, they joined the crowd vying for the bouquet. Despite being only three years old, the little Alpha’s strength was impressive. Nian Nian’s small body bounced around as he raised his hand and sent the bouquet flying.

The bouquet, by pure coincidence, flew straight toward someone outside the crowd—the head of the Anti-Alpha Association and a staunch advocate of singlehood, Zhou Qing.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Itbe Hlcu tfiv atf ybedefa, raeccfv obg j wbwfca. Dfmbwlcu atf mfcafg bo jaafcalbc wjvf tlr ojmf yiert klat fwyjggjrrwfca.


Mgbw atf rajuf, Tjcu Lejlplc mjiifv bea ab Itbe Hlcu, ijeutlcu, “Itbe Hlcu, olcvlcu j ybsoglfcv lr ublcu ab yf qjga bo sbeg qfgobgwjcmf gfnlfk!”

Itbe Hlcu, yiertlcu, tjcvfv atf ybedefa yjmx, “Dbrr Tjcu, sbe’nf gfalgfv. Tbe mjc’a mbcagbi wf jcswbgf.”

“Hey, you’ve got some nerve!” Yang Huaijin flicked Zhou Qing’s forehead with a finger, clearly not intending to take the bouquet back.

Watching Yang Huaijin joking and laughing, Feng Zhi suddenly saw the person in front of him merge with the face in an old photograph he had seen before. zF R0k

He had always thought Yang Huaijin was someone who didn’t care much about his own life, but once, when he went back to Yang Huaijin’s home, he saw many photos from his student days. There were pictures with classmates, playing basketball, participating in school activities, and numerous candid shots, including photos of his college room. The room was neat and tidy, fully equipped with living necessities, and even had a photo wall, completely different from the cold apartment Yang Huaijin had later. Yang Huaijin always talked about retiring, but in truth, he probably really disliked the life in the underworld.

Their wedding venue was by the sea, with the vast expanse of blue ocean and sky stretching out behind them. Feng Zhi checked his watch and then looked towards the sea in the distance.

He leaned close to Yang Huaijin’s ear and whispered, “Huaijin, shall we elope?”

Yang Huaijin was busy chatting and joking with Zhou Qing and the others, not paying attention to what Feng Zhi said. Smiling, he replied, “Of course!” J8GXai

And then, Feng Zhi grabbed his wrist and jumped off the wedding stage, pulling him along.

“Hey, you Madman, what are you doing?”


Not far from the shore, a small speedboat had anchored without anyone noticing. Feng Zhi stepped into the water, turned around, and lifted Yang Huaijin into his arms. One person getting their pants wet was enough; his Omega needed to stay dry. UPGfwp

They waded towards the speedboat, causing a commotion among the wedding guests behind them.

Fang Rui shouted angrily, “Hey, you’re kidnapping the bride!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Quick-witted little Yang Jingnian corrected him, “Kidnapping the groom,” making everyone laugh.

On the other side, Feng Zhi carried Yang Huaijin onto the speedboat, leapt aboard himself, and signaled the boatman to set off. Then, he leaned over Yang Huaijin, who hadn’t yet stood up. ylSrGc

Yang Huaijin propped himself up on his arms and looked up at Feng Zhi. The tropical island’s sunlight was particularly bright, and Feng Zhi’s shadow provided a bit of shade, making his view clearer. They both wore white suits today, and Feng Zhi was a man who looked especially good in white. The sunlight shone behind him as he supported himself on either side of Yang Huaijin, their chests rising and falling in sync with the sea’s rhythm. Feng Zhi smiled at him, his handsome features both familiar and different from the boy in his memories.

Yang Huaijin said, “Why are you kidnapping me, Second-in-command Feng?”

“Didn’t you agree to go on a honeymoon with me, Master Jin?” Feng Zhi replied. He then bent down and kissed Yang Huaijin on the lips.

Yang Huaijin didn’t reject the kiss; instead, he leaned into it. He thought: It’s said that the sunset on Z Island is particularly beautiful. With such good weather today, they might just make it in time to see it… XUxz29

Well, whatever the grooms decided to do was right, after all, this was their wedding.

Author’s Note:

The published edition’s extra chapter ends here, and this time it’s truly finished. There won’t be any new chapters. You can move on to a new story, and I’ll be working hard to finish ‘Spring River.’

Both of these stories have been quite eventful. Due to publishing reasons, the availability of the books in mainland China and Taiwan, and the author’s personal life, the writing of these stories has been stretched over several years. 6hGNs5

I am deeply grateful to the readers who have made it this far. Your comments and encouragement are the driving force behind my continued writing. I wish you all happiness every day!

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