Neck KissCh117 - Published Edition Extra – Wedding Segment 04

Wedding Segment Five — Guests

On the day of the wedding, the venue was beautifully arranged by Yang Xin and his team. Yang Jingnian and Bai Xinghe, the two little boys, dressed neatly and followed the adults, curious about everything. Although there were no wedding dresses to hold, they happily played the role of flower boys, scattering petals around. gtAYrI

Yang Jingnian, who had been clamoring to see his dad in a wedding dress, was stunned for two seconds when he saw his two fathers in handsome suits. After that, he didn’t mention the wedding dress again and instead wanted to be held by Feng Zhi, reaching out to him.

Feng Zhi lifted the little one and held him in his arms. Jingnian hugged Fung Chi’s neck and kissed him first, saying, “Daddy looks handsome!” Then he turned to Yang Huaijin for another kiss, saying, “Dad looks even more handsome!”

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These two terms of address drew laughter from the entire audience because ‘daddy’ is usually a term for the mother’s father, so it’s like a reversal of gender, with the child calling the father ‘mom’ in a typical household.

Feng Zhi, this guy, is shameless when it comes to pursuing his wife. Since Yang Huaijin couldn’t reveal himself as the mother’s father and the child couldn’t be without a mother, Feng Zhi simply took on the role of ‘mom.’ What’s wrong with calling him ‘daddy’? Does calling him ‘daddy’ mean he’s not an Alpha anymore? This also won him the favor of Yang Huaijin’s family. Otherwise, the way all the Alpha family members looked at Feng Zhi when he first went home with Yang Huaijin made him almost think he would be in the news the next day: ‘Alpha brawl, one person dead’ or something. 5GgD40

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Mjcu Eel kjr rwlilcu nfgs tjqqlis lc atf jevlfcmf, ibbxlcu delaf qifjrfv klat tlwrfio. Llr qjgacfg, Pisj, tjv yffc kjamtlcu tlw atf ktbif alwf, jcv tlr asqlmjiis mbiv fzqgfrrlbc rtbkfv j nfgs reyaif rboacfrr. Ktfs tjv bcis jgglnfv sfrafgvjs jcv kfgf oislcu yjmx ab Eerrlj atf vjs joafg jaafcvlcu atf kfvvlcu. Mjcu Eel cfnfg jrxfv Pisj ab vb jcsatlcu obg tlw, rb tf kjr jigfjvs nfgs tjqqs atja Pisj mbeiv ajxf atf alwf ab jmmbwqjcs tlw ab Tjcu Lejlplc’r kfvvlcu.

Feeling Ilya’s gaze, Fang Rui reached out and accurately grabbed his partner’s hand, gently shaking it.

Ilya stared at his profile and asked softly, “Rui, do you want to get married?”

Fang Rui turned his head, still immersed in the joyous atmosphere of his brother’s wedding, his smile still on his face, but his eyes were sharp. He turned his body to the side, lifted his other hand to rest it on the back of Ilya’s neck, and without hesitation, pulled him close and kissed those cold thin lips, ignoring the gaze of the surrounding guests. While the newlyweds exchanged rings and kissed each other on stage, he kissed his own lover in the audience.


Fang Rui let go of Ilya and said, “No, it feels like being watched like a monkey.”

Ilya was amused by him but only slightly pressed his lips together, saying, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Not far behind them, Yang Zheng and the latecomer Lu Zhen stood together. Since Lu Zhen had arrived late, Yang Zheng didn’t take him to the guest seats. Both were tall, so standing further back didn’t affect their view at all.

Yang Zheng shook his head and mused, “Ah, our A-jin really looks good!” IqW6Px

“What a pity, he was tricked,” Yang Zheng said.

“He must have been tricked!” Lu Zhen added.

The brothers almost simultaneously said similar things, then looked at each other. Yang Zheng shrugged, and Lu Zhen sighed and turned away.

They were a rather special family. A-jin was the youngest Omega brother, raised as the family treasure, growing up differently from other Omegas—confident, independent, and cheerful. They all hoped A-jin could have a life unrestrained, like an Alpha or Beta. Only their father, Yang Jinzhi, had ever worried, saying, “A-jin’s personality is so good it seems to have no flaws, but that’s what makes people worry!” JmLPGw

A-jin was a perfect child, excelling in both academics and personality. However, because he was so independent, he bore everything himself and never relied on anyone else.

Later, when A-Jin was in college, an incident occurred. The downside of having a large family was that everyone assumed someone else had contacted A-jin. It wasn’t until they met up later that they realized he had been out of touch for a long time. When A-jin finally returned, everything seemed normal. A young Omega had been unlucky enough to get involved in human trafficking. Tracing the transnational organization afterward was challenging, but A-jin’s disappearance hadn’t lasted long, and his mental state seemed fine upon his return. The matter eventually passed. However, no one expected that A-jin, who had resumed his studies, would experience severe mental issues six months later.

When Yang Jinzhi brought Yang Huaijin home, his brothers could hardly believe this was their once cheerful and optimistic younger brother. He had been marked, had gotten pregnant, and even had a miscarriage because the Alpha who marked him wasn’t there.

This Alpha had long been on the family’s blacklist. No one anticipated that, years later, A-jin and this scoundrel named Feng Zhi would end up together again. This was A-jin’s choice, and as family, they could only respect it. Fortunately, in the following years, A-jin’s happiness and gradually improving health proved his decision was the right one. lv620

Lu Zhen looked up at the sky for a while and thought, getting married, perhaps it isn’t so bad.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

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